Package provides utility methods for CLOB/BLOB types. Most of them should be in DBMS_LOB in my opinion.
- Function that splits a CLOB into a set of concatenated quoted literals for including in code.
- Procedures that write BLOB/CLOB to a file in a database directory object
- Functions that return a BLOB/CLOB from a database directory file
- Function that converts a CLOB to a BLOB
FUNCTION clobtoliterals( p_clob CLOB ,p_split_on_lf VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'n' -- back up to prior LF for end of chunk ,p_quote_char_start VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT '`' ,p_quote_char_end VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT '`' ) RETURN CLOB;
- clobtoliterals returns a string consisting of one or more concatenated quoted literals. It is useful when you need to build a clob larger than 32767 bytes within a deployment file such as can be loaded via sqlplus. It is likely only used in a development environment.
- p_split_on_lf option is available because even though the database doesn't care, humans freak out if you break the literal somewhere other than on a line ending.
- Scenarios include
- You have a dynamic SQL string longer than 32767 bytes in a procedure body. (Don't laugh. Been there and would do it same way again.).
- You cannot use traditional methods for loading the clob to the database and need to assign a value to a CLOB. My use case for this is CI/Devops deployment automation that only supports SQL files run through sqlplus.
- clobtoliterals returns a string consisting of one or more concatenated quoted literals. It is useful when you need to build a clob larger than 32767 bytes within a deployment file such as can be loaded via sqlplus. It is likely only used in a development environment.
PROCEDURE blobtofile( p_blob BLOB ,p_directory VARCHAR2 ,p_filename VARCHAR2 );
FUNCTION clobtoblob( p_clob CLOB ) RETURN BLOB;
FUNCTION filetoblob( p_directory VARCHAR2 ,p_filename VARCHAR2 ) RETURN BLOB;
-- TO_CLOB(BFILENAME(dir,file_name)) works in a sql statement, but not in pl/sql directly as of 12.2. FUNCTION filetoclob( p_directory VARCHAR2 ,p_filename VARCHAR2 ) RETURN CLOB;
Example 1:
SELECT app_lob.filetoblob('TMP_DIR', '') AS zip_file FROM dual;
Then from sqldeveloper or toad you can save the resulting BLOB to a file on your client machine.
Example 2:
SELECT app_lob.clobtoliterals(doc_content)
FROM my_clob_table
WHERE id = 123;