-- protect your brain from climate fiction
Just in case you have no idea how to get going here are the required commands for Ubuntu:
git clone git@github.com:lehmannro/validitychecker.git
sudo apt-get install python python-pip python-dev sqlite3
sudo pip install django
sudo pip install beautifulsoup
sudo pip install lxml
cd validitychecker/www/
python manage.py syncdb --noinput
python manage.py runserver
- It is difficult for normal people to classify the background of scientific statements and what is serious.
- Climate change is a very complex subject with a lot of misinformation circulating.
- This misinformation creates uncertainty.
- Some incorrect information is scattered by climate skeptics, with the aim to sow doubt and ultimately to prevent climate protection.
- Problem definition
- Sorting and ranking scientific papers is hard
- Scientific papers are written in technical language
- Few resources provide proper APIs
- User enters search query
- Lookup on Google Scholar
- Match the authors against ISI
- Compute a score for the authors
- Find easy-to-read resources of the author
The user experience is designed to be simple
Seamless browser integration with Greasemonkey script
Available in English and German
Adaptive Design for smaller screen sizes
- Register for the ISI Web of Knowledge API and implement the hooks
- Digestible article summaries