inifile reads entries from a INI file.
Blank lines are ignores, and comments starting with a semi-colon are supported. Both keys and values are trimmed to remove surrounding spaces. Values are always returned as strings, no conversion is done.
inifile is a pure Lua module.
Iterates over the entries of the INI file. Any object that implements a read function with the same semantics as the Lua io library can be used.
local inifile = require 'inifile'
-- Prints all <key, value> pairs in config.ini along with their section names and line numbers.
-- Errors are thrown with the error function.
local ini = assert('config.ini'))
for section, key, value, line in inifile.iterate(ini) do
print(section, key, value, line)
Loads an INI file and returns all entries in a table. The table has section names as the keys with their values being the <key, value>
pairs for the section.
local inifile = require 'inifile'
-- Loads all entries of config.ini and return them in a table
local ini = assert(inifile.load('config.ini'))
for section, data in pairs(ini) do
for key, value in pairs(data) do
print(section, key, value)
- 1.0.1
- Correctly trim out spaces from values
- 1.0.0
- First public release
MIT, enjoy.