- Implemented view sensor status of piGarden from 0.6.4
- Implemented max record in log table with .env parameter PIGARDEN_MAX_RECORD_LOG
- Implemented roles and user permissions to manage piGardenWeb
- Implemented api and interface to manage pigarden log
- Update laravel libraries
- Fix bug when setting on true the APP_FORCE_HTTPS parameter in .app configuration file
- Added piGarden host date and time to topbar
- Added button for enable all scheduling to topbar
- Add more irrigation time in delayed startup zones
- Add fallback to REGISTRATION_OPEN on when missing BACKPACK_REGISTRATION_OPEN in .env.local
- Add more irrigation time in delayed startup zones
- Add missing lines in .env.example
- Update Laravel vendor libreries
- Update to Laravel 5.8 and Backpack 3.6
- Added ability to customize zone icons
- Added release version to bottom of page
- Added odd and aven days of month in schedule
- Added parameter PIGARDEN_TIMEOUT_DASHBOARD_STATUS in .env for customize time of polling refresh ajax dashboard and zone
- Fix to call ajax refresh display when piGardenWeb is placed in a subdirectory of document route
- Added configuration file for nginx with php7
- Added instruction for instal on raspbian 9 stretch (nginx + php7)
- Fix favicon 76x76 url
- Add .env parameter APP_HTTPS_FORCE for automaticaly force all assets url to https
- Added tool bar in dashboard with buttons for stop all zones, disable all scheduling, reboot and shutdown system
- Optimize on dashboards and home viewing zones with delayed startup
- Required piGarden 0.5.x to work
- Added city view in weather conditions
- Add more irrigation time in delayed startup zones (1, 3, 5, 7 minutes)
- Add more irrigation time in delayed startup zones (10, 15, 20 minutes)
0.3.0 - 14/06/2017 - Security server socket connection and ability to disabled or enabled scheduled item
- Added support for server socket credentials: define PIGARDEN_SOCKET_CLIENT_USER and PIGARDEN_SOCKET_CLIENT_PWD in your .env. Required piGarden v 4.0.0 or greeter.
- Added the ability to disabled or enabled an exists open/close chedule
- Added support for delayed startup of zones
- Fix problem lowercase namespace "app" in edit.blade.php
First release to piGardenWeb
Include the following features:
- Dashboard for control solenoid and weather conditions
- Scheduling open/close solenoid
- Automate crontab configuration for:
- piGarden initialization at boot of the system,
- start the socket server for communication between piGarden and piGardenWeb,
- management the rain control from the sensor and on-line service