Repository for Embedded Robotics 2022 by Jonas Klinker (@KlinkerJ) and Lennart Fuhrig (@lennart2810).
- Clone the repository to the
- Install the required dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build the package
catkin build emr22_project
You may have to use a different webcam-id for your webcam / robot-mounted cam. In our scripts, we are using the camera id 0. If that is not the right id, you can change it in nodes/
and nodes/
. You can also use our script to detect attached and usable cameras (scripts/
- Start our script
roslaunch emr22_project yolo_view.launch
- Navigate to Image_View in Rqt.
- Launch MoveIt and Simulation or use your own command for the real robot
roslaunch ur5_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch
- Start our script
roslaunch emr22_project yolo_move_robot.launch
Warning: You should try our control system in simulation first and adapt Kp in nodes/
Hint: You can not view the detected objects in Rqt if you called the move-Script!
Hint: Our script reacts only to the object class bottle
! You can change this as you want to one of the Yolov5-Object-Classes in nodes/
and nodes/
! The scripts can only recognize one object!