- Files Description
- Classes
- Classes Documentation
|__ index.html
|__ Course.js
|__ CourseObject.js
|__ BlockObject.js
|__ MonsterObject.js
|__ SmmCourseViewer.js
|__ main.js
|__ test.js
- /index.html: a display example of the
. - /lib/Course.js: course structure.
- /lib/CourseObject.js: course object structure.
- /lib/BlockObject.js: block object structure.
- /lib/MonsterObject.js: monster object structure.
- /lib/SmmCourseViewer.js: interpret the course data from a .cdt file. (JavaScript)
- /lib/main.js: interpret the course data from a .cdt file. (NodeJS)
- /test/test.js: NodeJS script of testing.
- Course: course structure.
- CourseObject: course object structure.
- BlockObject: block object structure.
- MonsterObject: monster object structure.
- _SmmCourseViewer: course interpreter. (JavaScript)
- SmmCourseViewer: course interpreter. (NodeJS)
This class is a struct for course data.
@var {Integer} version SMM version
@var {Integer} checksum File (.cdt) checksum
@var {String} year Creation time (year)
@var {String} month Creation time (month)
@var {String} day Creation time (day)
@var {String} hour Creation time (hour)
@var {String} minute Creation time (minute)
@var {String} name Name
@var {String} mode Mode: 'M1', 'M3', 'MW', 'WU'
@var {Integer} theme Theme: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
@var {String} themeName Theme: 'overworld', 'underground', 'castle', 'airship', 'water', 'ghostHouse'
@var {Integer} timeLimit Time limit
@var {Integer} scroll Scroll: 0, 1, 2, 3
@var {Integer} scrollName Scroll: 'none', 'slow', 'medium', 'fast'
@var {Integer} flags Unknown -
@var {Integer} width Width size
@var {Integer} widthBlock Width Blocks count
@var {Integer} heightBlock Height Blocks count
@var {Integer} objectCount Object count
@method Course::getHtml()
// Return a HTML with course information.
@access public
@return {String}
This class is a struct for course objects.
@var {Integer} x Axis-x position
@var {Integer} z Axis-x position
@var {Integer} y Axis-x position
@var {Integer} width Width
@var {Integer} height Height
@var {Integer} flags Define sub-type
@var {Integer} childFlags Unknow -
@var {Integer} extendedData Define direction
@var {Integer} type Type
@var {Integer} childType Child type
@var {Integer} linkId to Pipes and Rails
@var {Integer} effect Effect
@var {Integer} transform Tranformation
@var {Integer} childTransform Child tranformation
@method CourseObject::getType()
// Return the object class name.
@access public
@return {String}
@method CourseObject::isBlock(_type)
// Check if is a block.
@arg {Integer} _type Game type
@access public
@return {Boolean}
This class represents the block objects.
@extends CourseObject
@var {Object} name Object name
@var {Object} names Objects name
@var {Object} codes Objects code
@method BlockObject::isBlock(_type)
// Check if is a block
@arg {Integer} _type Game type
@access public
@return {Boolean}
This class represents the monster objects.
@extends CourseObject
@var {Object} name Monster name
@var {Object} names Monsters name
@var {Object} codes Monsters code
@var {Integer} subType Subtype
@var {Boolean} wing Does it have wings?
@var {Integer} size Sizes: 1 'normal', 2 'big ~ mushroom'
@var {Integer} direction Unknown -
@method MonsterObject::isBlock(_type)
// Check if is a block
@arg {Integer} _type Game type
@access public
@return {Boolean}
@method MonsterObject::_extAttributes(_objectData)
// Extends the attributes class
@arg {Object} _objectData Object data
@access private
@return {Object}
This class can read and interpret a course (.cdt) of Super Mario Maker game. (Vanilla JS)
@var {Object} course Course data
@var {Array[Object]} objects Course objects
@method _SmmCourseViewer::read(_file, _callback)
// Read a file to extract course data
@arg {File} _file .cdt file
@arg {Function} _callback Callback function
@access public
@return {this}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_readBinaryFile(_file, _callback)
// Read the binary file
@arg {File} _file .cdt File
@arg {Function} _callback Callback function
@access private
@return {null}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_raw2hex(_raw)
// Convert raw blob to hexadecimal array
@arg {String} _raw Raw .cdt file
@access private
@return {Array[String]}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_rawHex2hex(_rawHex, _pos, _size)
// Convert hexadecimal array to hexadecimal string
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Integer} _pos Index of the vector
@arg {Integer} _size Length of the vector
@access private
@return {String}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_rawHex2sint(_rawHex, _pos, _size)
// Convert hexadecimal array to signed integer
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Integer} _pos Index of the vector
@arg {Integer} _size Length of the vector
@access private
@return {Integer}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_rawHex2uint(_rawHex, _pos, _size)
// Convert hexadecimal array to unsigned integer
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Integer} _pos Index of the vector
@arg {Integer} _size Length of the vector
@access private
@return {Integer}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_rawHex2string(_rawHex, _pos, _size)
// Convert hexadecimal array to string
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Integer} _pos Index of the vector
@arg {Integer} _size Length of the vector
@access private
@return {String}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_interpreterBinaryFile(_rawHex, _callback)
// Interpreter the binary file
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Function} _callback Callback function
@access private
@return {null}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_courseInterpreter(_rawHex, _callback)
// Interpreter of course data
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Function} _callback Callback function
@access private
@return {null}
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_objectInterpreter(_rawHex, _pos)
// Interpreter of object data
@arg {Array[String]} _rawHex Raw hexadecimal array
@arg {Integer} _pos Index of the object
@access private
@return {Object}
This class can read and interpret a course (.cdt) of Super Mario Maker game. (NodeJS)
@extends _SmmCourseViewer
@method _SmmCourseViewer::_readBinaryFile(_file, _callback)
// Read the binary file (~ NodeJS version)
@arg {File} _file .cdt File
@arg {Function} _callback Callback function
@access private
@return {null}
- Create by Leonardo Mauro ~ leomaurodesenv
- GitHub: smm-course-viewer