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Populating a table using jQuery and AJAX

miohtama edited this page May 20, 2012 · 5 revisions

Here is an example which

  • Populates a <table> dynamically using jQuery, JSON and AJAX

  • Have three states: loading, error and success. We correctly identify AJAX call errors and instead of displaying the table we display an error message

  • Display AJAX spinner until we received data from the server

  • Display error messgae if the data fetch fails

  • Otherwise populate the <table> with a data from the server


    <div class="translator-master-loader">

        <div class="loading" style="display: none">
                Loading content
                <img src="http://localhost:9944/Plone/spinner.gif" />

        <div class="failure" style="display: none">
            <dl class="portalMessage error">
                <dt>Error loading content data</dt>
                <dd data-bind="failureMessage"></dd>

        <table class="listing translator-master-content" style="display:none">

            <tbody class="items">

                <!-- Generate an empty template row which can be applied on -->
                <tr class="listing-entry">
                        <a data-bind="link"></a>                       

