In this guide, we'll see how coroutines can be leveraged to build immutable, lazy, possibly infinite sequences defined by imperative processes. This technique is available in various languages as syntactic constructs known as generator
s. The idea is to allow the process to suspend its execution to allow the value to be consumed, an operation known as yield
(require '[cloroutine.core :refer [cr]])
First, let's define a dynamic var to hold the thread-local context keeping track of the generator being evaluated. Each time we run the generator, we bound this var to the tail of the currently generated sequence.
(def ^:dynamic *tail*)
(defn gen-seq [gen]
(lazy-seq (binding [*tail* (gen-seq gen)] (gen))))
We can now define the yield
function in charge of the construction of the sequence from a provided value. Because this is a suspending function, we need to define its associated resume function. As we don't need any useful information to process generation further, the resume function will be a no-op
(defn yield [x]
(cons x *tail*))
(defn no-op [])
We can now define the generator
macro, which just calls gen-seq
with a fresh coroutine wrapping the body, suspending on yield
and resuming on nop
. The body is appended with a nil
to ensure the sequence is over when the generator terminates.
(defmacro generator [& body]
`(gen-seq (cr {yield no-op} ~@body nil)))
The generator machinery is done now, let's define some sequences :
(yield :a)
(yield :b)
(yield :c)) ;; returns (:a :b :c)
(defn my-repeat [x]
(loop []
(yield x)
(take 3 (my-repeat 'ho)) ;; returns (ho ho ho)
(defn my-iterate [f x]
(loop [x x]
(yield x)
(recur (f x)))))
(take 10 (my-iterate (partial * 2) 1)) ;; returns (1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512)
(def fibonacci
(loop [prev 0 curr 1]
(yield curr)
(recur curr (+ prev curr)))))
(take 10 fibonacci) ;; returns (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)