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Berg CMS

Berg Content Management System is a web based CMS for publishing a regular printed news letter, e.g. a bimonthly parish newsletter. It is suitable for small editorial committees.

The focus of the system is the next issue to publish. An issue consists of several articles. These articles are preprocessed and then composed by LaTeX. The outcome is a PDF file that can be downloaded and then sent directly to the print shop.

Installing from ZIP Archives

There are three supported systems:

Just unpack the ZIP-Archives, set up where to upload in a file named remoteconfig.cfg and the use one of the deployment scripts, e.g. using FTP commands and using SSH based commands.

Building from Source

Build Status Greenkeeper badge

The most up-to-date documentation will be the Continuous Integration build on Travis CI. The file .travis.yml performs the build of the C++ based modules, runs C++ and Perl based unit tests, installs everything on a local Apache web server and will perform some GUI tests.

Summary to prepare the development system - Example is executed with Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt install gcc g++ clang gdb python perl libtool autoconf automake make \
    patch curl ca-certificates file less git bzip2 xz-utils libc6-dev \
    zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libssl-dev libicu-dev wget
sudo apt install firefox-locale-de firefox chromium-browser kate okular
sudo apt install libboost1.65-all-dev cmake npm
sudo npm install mocha-cli typescript -g

git clone
cd bergcms/
npm install

Summary to prepare the production system - command is executed on Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt install apache2 apache2-suexec-custom texlive-base texlive-binaries texlive-extra-utils texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-lang-german texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra

Configure the system to point with http://bergcms.local to a running webserver. Add bergcms.local to /etc/hosts, e.g. change the line from localhost to localhost bergcms.local. An outline of the Apache configuration is shown in doc/etc_apache2. The configuration used for Travis is stored in the build directory. Enable the required apache modules: sudo a2enmod suexec cgid rewrite

These are the steps to perform a build itself:

  • Clone or download the repository.
  • Execute the script to initialize, update and build the submodules.
  • Install the Boost C++ library. Download the Boost C++ Library from (start with version 1.65, when unsure). Then extract and build boost library. Execute the following commands in the extracted source: ./ --with-libraries=atomic,chrono,date_time,exception,filesystem,iostreams,log,program_options,regex,signals,system,test,thread sudo ./b2 -j 4 link=shared runtime-link=shared install -d0 --prefix=/usr/local
  • To test the build environment: Launch CMake GUI and point the source code the src directory and build the project. Alternatively the build can done using these commands: rm -rf build-local mkdir build-local && pushd build-local && cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../src make popd
  • Run the script This will build all applications and put all the required files in a single ZIP file.
  • Install the content of the ZIP file on the Web Server. Use the script to perform this step together with some tweaks with regard the file permissions. The used install path can be adapted to local differences by overriding shell variables in a file named install_locally.cfg.

Building with Visual Studio 2015

Build Boost C++ Library

Build Boost from source Just follow the "Getting Started" and follow section 5.1 "Simplified Build From Source". Execute the following commands in the unpacked source directory: bootstrap.bat .\b2 --with-atomic --with-chrono --with-date_time --with-exception --with-filesystem --with-iostreams --with-log --with-program_options --with-regex --with-signals --with-system --with-test --with-thread link=shared

When using the prebuilt binaries from it is required to add a symbolic link. Create a symbolic link from lib to lib32-msvc-14.0 in the unpacked directory. Start a command window as Administrator, go to directory and enter MKLINK /D lib lib32-msvc-14.0.

Install CMake

Install CMake 3.5.0 or newer and launch the CMake GUI. Enter the Berg CMS source directory bergcms\src. Add an entry BOOST_ROOT pointing to the above installed directory. Click on Configure and Generate.

Build and execute the unit tests

Open the generated Solution with Visual Studio and build it. The unit tests (bergunittests) are running successfully on Windows, too.

Adaptation to a windows web server would be the next step to make it run on Windows. Feel free to send pull requests...


The installation means copying the content of the archive to the web server executing the web applications. This can be accomplished in different ways depending on the requirements of the web server. The archive is build during the build process as described above.

Part of the archive content is a deployment script. The script copies the surrounding files to a web server using ncftpput. So the version deployed to web server depends on the path where the script is executed.

The servers are configured in a file named remotehosts.cfg. The supported parameters should be copied from the beginning of the script. Here are some examples calling the script.

Showing the available options and components: ./ -h

The script supports the deployment to two different servers. One is called test and the other one is the production server. Deploying the static HTML files to the test server can be done using this command: ./ -t test -c html

Copying everything to the production server: ./ -t prod -c all

GUI Tests and Unit Tests

The test suite for the user interface is based on the Selenium IDE. Get the Firefox plug-in Selenium IDE from Installation is described at

The test suites and test cases are located in the folder testsuite. Put the file www/cgi-bin/brg/ only on testing instances. The CGI script will copy a database according the selected test case. This will destroy the existing database. The existence of the file allows the test cases to modify the database content.

Additional to the GUI test the different parts of the system are tested with different types of unit tests. You will find unit tests written in C++ and Perl. New unit tests should be written in C++ when feasible.

The unit tests for the C++-Code are located in src/test. Execute the project named test to execute the C++ test cases. These test cases are based on boost unit test.

The Perl related unit tests are located in www/cgi-bin/brg/t. Use the script www/cgi-bin/brg/t/ to execute all the Perl based tests.

History and License

The system was originally written by Heiko Decker using Perl. Work started in 2006 and is used for production of a bimonthly parish newsletter since 2009. Since 2011 the actual maintainer is Christian Leutloff. New modules are written in C++.

License is AGPL for C++ Code and Artistic/GPL for the Perl Code. LaTeX related files are licensed using the LaTeX Project Public License. Javascript Code can be used under the terms of the MIT License.

Each file will state explicitly the license it belongs to. If this is not the case this is considered a bug. Copies of the Licenses are found in the LICENSES folder.

Support and Feedback

Feedback is welcome. Patches and pull requests are even more welcome.

There is public group for all sorts of discussions like new ideas, questions and so on: Berg CMS Discussion

Only members can write, but anyone interested is invited to apply and will become a member. This is only to protect the group against spam.