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Analysis tools and dataset generator for arbitrarily shaped drums.

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Python based analysis tools and dataset generator for arbitrarily shaped drums.


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from kac_drumset.geometry import (
	# Methods
	# Classes
	# Types


def isColinear(vertices: npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> bool:
	Determines whether or not a given set of three vertices are colinear.

def largestVector(vertices: npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> tuple[float, tuple[int, int]]:
	This function tests each pair of vertices in a given set of points to find the largest vector, and returns the length
	of the vector and its indices.

def lineIntersection(A: npt.NDArray[np.float64], B: npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> tuple[
	Literal['adjacent', 'colinear', 'intersect', 'none', 'vertex'],
	This function determines whether a line has an intersection, and returns it's type as well
	as the point of intersection (if one exists).
		A, B - Line segments to compare.
		type -
			'none'		No intersection.
			'intersect' The general case where lines intersect one another.
			'vertex'	This is the special case when two lines share a vertex.
			'branch'	This is the special case when a vertex lies within another line. For
						example, B creates an intersection at point B.a when B.a lies on the
						open interval (A.a, A.b).
			'colinear'	This is the special case when the two lines overlap.
		point -
			'none'		Empty point.
			'intersect' The point of intersection ∈ (A.a, A.b) & (B.a, B.b).
			'vertex'	The shared vertex.
			'branch'	The branching vertex.
			'colinear'	The midpoint between all 4 vertices.

def weylCondition(S_1: Shape, S_2: Shape) -> bool:
	Using Weyl's asymptotic law, determine whether two polygons may be isospectral.


class Circle(Ellipse):
	A base class for a circle, instantiated with a radius.

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		r: float			# radius (randomly generated when r = 0)

	def __init__(self, r: float = 0., centroid: tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.)) -> None:

class ConvexPolygon(Polygon):
	Generate convex shapes according to Pavel Valtr's 1995 algorithm.

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		N: int				# number of vertices (randomly generated when N < 3)
		max_vertices: int	# maximum number of vertices when generating

	def __init__(self, N: int = 0, max_vertices: int = 10) -> None:

class IrregularStar(Polygon):
	This is a fast method for generating concave polygons, particularly with a large number of vertices. This approach
	generates polygons by ordering a series of random points around a centre point. As a result, not all possible simple
	polygons are generated this way.

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		N: int				# number of vertices (randomly generated when N < 3)
		max_vertices: int	# maximum number of vertices when generating

	def __init__(self, N: int = 0, max_vertices: int = 10) -> None:

class TravellingSalesmanPolygon(Polygon):
	This algorithm is based on a method of eliminating self-intersections in a polygon by using the Lin and Kerningham
	'2-opt' moves. Such a move eliminates an intersection between two edges by reversing the order of the vertices between
	the edges. Intersecting edges are detected using a simple sweep through the vertices and then one intersection is
	chosen at random to eliminate after each sweep.
	van Leeuwen, J., & Schoone, A. A. (1982). Untangling a traveling salesman tour in the plane.

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		N: int				# number of vertices (randomly generated when N < 3)
		max_vertices: int	# maximum number of vertices when generating

	def __init__(self, N: int = 0, max_vertices: int = 10) -> None:

class UnitRectangle(Polygon):
	Define a rectangle with unit area and an aspect ration epsilon.

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		epsilon: float		# aspect ratio (randomly generated when epsilon = 0)

	def __init__(self, epsilon: float = 0.) -> None:


class Ellipse(Shape):
	A base class for an ellipse, instantiated with two foci.

	major: float			# length across the x axis
	minor: float			# length across the y axis

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		major: float		# length across the x axis
		minor: float		# length across the y axis (randomly generated when minor = 0.)

	def __init__(self, major: float = 1., minor: float = 0., centroid: tuple[float, float] = (0., 0.)) -> None:

	def area(self) -> float:
		Getters and setters for area. Setting area scales the ellipse.

	def centroid(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
		Getters and setters for centroid. Setting centroid translates the ellipse about the plane.

	def draw(self, grid_size: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.int8]:
		This function creates a boolean mask of a manifold on a grid with dimensions R^(grid_size). The input shape is always
		normalised to the domain R^G before being drawn.

	def eccentricity(self) -> float:
		The ratio between the focal distance and the major axis.

	def foci(self) -> tuple[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]]:
		The foci are the two points at which the sum of the distances between any point on the surface of the ellipse is a

	def focalDistance(self) -> float:
		The distance between a focus and the centroid.

	def isPointInside(self, p: tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
		Determines if a given point p ∈ P, including boundaries.

class Polygon(Shape):
	A base class for a polygon, instantiated with an array of vertices.

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		''' Settings to be used when generating. '''
		vertices: list[list[float]] | npt.NDArray[np.float64]

	def __init__(self, vertices: list[list[float]] | npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> None:

	def area(self) -> float:
		An implementation of the polygon area algorithm derived using Green's Theorem.

	def centroid(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
		Getters and setters for centroid. Setting centroid translates the polygon about the plane.

	def vertices(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
		The vertices of the polygon, here exposed as a mutable property.

	def convex(self) -> bool:
		Determine whether or not the polygon is convex. The convexity of the polygon is cached when the vertices are set.
		This is to save time when computing other Class methods such as draw() and isPointInside().

	def draw(self, grid_size: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.int8]:
		This function creates a boolean mask of a manifold on a grid with dimensions R^(grid_size). The input shape is always
		normalised to the domain R^G before being drawn.

	def N(self) -> int:
		Return the number of vertices for the polygon.

	def isPointInside(self, p: tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
		Determines if a given point p ∈ P, including boundaries.

	def simple(self) -> bool:
		Determine whether or not the polygon is simple by checking for intersections.

class Shape(ABC):
	An abstract base class for a two dimensional manifold in Euclidean geometry.

	def __init__(self) -> None:

	class Settings(ShapeSettings, total=False):
		Settings to be used when generating.

	def __getLabels__(self) -> dict[str, list[float | int]]:
		This method should be used to return the metadata about the current shape.

	def area(self) -> float:
		Calculate the area of a 2D manifold. This property should be used to scale the shape whenever it is set.

	def centroid(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
		This algorithm is used to calculate the geometric centroid of a 2D manifold. This property should be used move the
		shape about the plane whenever it is set.

	def draw(self, grid_size: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.int8]:
		This function creates a boolean mask of a manifold on a grid with dimensions R^(grid_size). The input shape is always
		normalised to the domain R^G before being drawn.

	def isPointInside(self, p: tuple[float, float]) -> bool:
		Determines if a given point p ∈ P, including boundaries.

class ShapeSettings(TypedDict, total=False):
	''' Placeholder for custom ShapeSettings. '''


from kac_drumset.physics import (
	# methods
	# classes


def besselJ(n: float, m: float) -> float:
	Calculate the bessel function of the first kind. This method is a clone of boost::math::cyl_bessel_j.

def besselJZero(n: float, m: int) -> float:
	Calculate the mth zero crossing of the nth bessel function of the first kind. This method is a clone of

def circularAmplitudes(r: float, theta: float, S: npt.NDArray[np.float64]) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate the amplitudes of the circular eigenmodes relative to a polar strike location.
		( r, θ ) = polar strike location
		S = { z_nm | s ∈ ℝ, J_n(z_nm) = 0, 0 <= n < N, 0 < m <= M }
		A = {
			J_n(z_nm * r) * (2 ** 0.5) * sin(nθπ/4)
			| a ∈ ℝ, J_n(z_nm) = 0, 0 <= n < N, 0 < m <= M

def circularChladniPattern(n: float, m: float, H: int, tolerance: float = 0.1) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Produce the 2D chladni pattern for a circular plate.
		n = nth modal index
		m = mth modal index
		H = length of the X and Y axis
		tolerance = the standard deviation between the calculation and the final pattern
		M = {
			J_n(z_nm * r) * (cos(nθ) + sin(nθ)) ≈ 0

def circularSeries(N: int, M: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate the eigenmodes of a circle.
		N = number of modal orders
		M = number of modes per order
		S = { z_nm | s ∈ ℝ, J_n(z_nm) = 0, n < N, 0 < m <= M }

def equilateralTriangleAmplitudes(u: float, v: float, w: float, N: int, M: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate the amplitudes of the equilateral triangle eigenmodes relative to a
	trilinear strike location according to Lamé's formula.
	Seth (1940) Transverse Vibrations of Triangular Membranes.
		( u, v, w ) = trilinear coordinate
		N = number of modal orders
		M = number of modes per order
		A = {
			abs(sin(nuπ) sin(nvπ) sin(nwπ))
			| a ∈ ℝ, 0 < n <= N, 0 < m <= M

def equilateralTriangleSeries(N: int, M: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate the eigenmodes of an equilateral triangle according to Lamé's formula.
	Seth (1940) Transverse Vibrations of Triangular Membranes.
		N = number of modal orders
		M = number of modes per order
		S = {
			(m ** 2 + n ** 2 + mn) ** 0.5
			| s ∈ ℝ, 0 < n <= N, 0 < m <= M

def rectangularAmplitudes(p: tuple[float, float], N: int, M: int, epsilon: float) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate the amplitudes of the rectangular eigenmodes relative to a cartesian strike location.
		( x , y ) = cartesian product
		N = number of modal orders
		M = number of modes per order
		epsilon = aspect ratio of the rectangle
		A = {
			sin(mxπ / (Є ** 0.5)) sin(nyπ * (Є ** 0.5))
			| a ∈ ℝ, 0 < n <= N, 0 < m <= M

def rectangularChladniPattern(n: float, m: float, X: int, Y: int, tolerance: float = 0.1) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Produce the 2D chladni pattern for a rectangular plate.
		n = nth modal index
		m = mth modal index
		X = length of the X axis
		Y = length of the Y axis
		tolerance = the standard deviation between the calculation and the final pattern
		M = {
			cos(nπx/X) cos(mπy/Y) - cos(mπx/X) cos(nπy/Y) ≈ 0

def rectangularSeries(N: int, M: int, epsilon: float) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate the eigenmodes of a rectangle.
		N = number of modal orders
		M = number of modes per order
		epsilon = aspect ratio of the rectangle
		S = {
			((m ** 2 / Є) + (Єn ** 2)) ** 0.5
			| s ∈ ℝ, 0 < n <= N, 0 < m <= M

def FDTDWaveform2D(
	u_0: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
	u_1: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
	B: npt.NDArray[np.int8],
	c_0: float,
	c_1: float,
	c_2: float,
	T: int,
	w: tuple[float, float],
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Generates a waveform using a 2 dimensional FDTD scheme.
		u_0 = initial fdtd grid at t = 0.
		u_1 = initial fdtd grid at t = 1.
		B = boundary conditions.
		c_0 = first fdtd coefficient related to the decay term and the courant number.
		c_1 = second fdtd coefficient related to the decay term and the courant number.
		c_2 = third fdtd coefficient related to the decay term.
		T = length of simulation in samples.
		w = the coordinate at which the waveform is sampled ∈ ℝ^2, [0. 1.].
		waveform = W[n] ∈
			c_0 * (
				u_n_x+1_y + u_n_x-1_y + u_n_x_y+1 + u_n_x_y-1
			) + c_1 * u_n_x_y - c_2 * (u_n-1_x_y) ∀ u ∈ R^2

def raisedCosine(
	matrix_size: tuple[int, ...],
	mu: tuple[float] | tuple[float, float],
	sigma: float = 0.5,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Creates a raised cosine distribution centred at mu. Only 1D and 2D distributions are supported.
		matrix_size = A tuple representing the size of the output matrix.
		μ = The coordinate used to represent the centre of the cosine distribution.
		σ = The radius of the distribution.

def raisedTriangle(
	matrix_size: tuple[int, ...],
	mu: tuple[float] | tuple[float, float],
	x_ab: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
	y_ab: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate a one or two dimensional triangular distribution.
		size = the size of the matrix.
		μ = a cartesian point representing the maxima of the triangle.
		x_ab = minimum and maximum x value for the distribution.
		y_ab = minimum and maximum y value for the distribution.
		Λ(x, y) = Λ(x) * Λ(y)
		Λ(x) = {
			0,								x < a
			(x - a) / (μ - a),				a ≤ x ≤ μ
			1. - (x - μ) / (b - μ),			μ < x ≤ b
			0,								x > a

def WaveEquationWaveform2D(
	F: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
	A: npt.NDArray[np.float64],
	d: float,
	k: float,
	T: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
	Calculate a closed form solution to the 2D wave equation.
		F = frequencies (hertz)
		A = amplitudes ∈ [0, 1]
		d = decay
		k = sample length
		T = length of simulation
		waveform = W[t] ∈ A * e^dt * sin(ωt) / max(A) * NM


class FDTD_2D():
	Class implementation of a two dimensional FDTD equation. This method is designed to be used as an iterator:
	for u in FDTD(*args):
		u_0 = initial fdtd grid at t = 0.
		u_1 = initial fdtd grid at t = 1.
		B = boundary condition.
		c_0 = first fdtd coefficient related to the decay term and the courant number.
		c_1 = second fdtd coefficient related to the decay term and the courant number.
		c_2 = third fdtd coefficient related to the decay term.
		T = length of simulation.
		u[n] = c_0 * (
			u_x+1_y + u_0_x-1_y + u_0_x_y+1 + u_0_x_y-1
		) + c_1 * u_0_x_y - c_2 * (u_1_x_y)

	def __init__(
		u_0: list[list[float]],
		u_1: list[list[float]],
		B: list[list[int]],
		c_0: float,
		c_1: float,
		c_2: float,
		T: int,
	) -> None:
		''' Initialise FDTD iterator. '''
	def __iter__(self) -> 'FDTD_2D':
		''' Return the iterator. '''

	def __next__(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
		''' Compute the FDTD update equation at every iteration. '''


from kac_drumset import (


class BesselModel(AudioSampler):
	A linear model of a circular membrane using bessel equations of the first kind.

	class Settings(SamplerSettings, total=False):
		M: int						# number of mth modes
		N: int						# number of nth modes
		amplitude: float			# maximum amplitude of the simulation ∈ [0, 1]
		decay_time: float			# how long will the simulation take to decay? (seconds)
		material_density: float		# material density of the simulated drum membrane (kg/m^2)
		tension: float				# tension at rest (N/m)

class FDTDModel(AudioSampler):
	This class creates a 2D simulation of an arbitrarily shaped drum, calculated using a FDTD scheme.

	class Settings(SamplerSettings, total=False):
		amplitude: float				# maximum amplitude of the simulation ∈ [0, 1]
		arbitrary_shape: type[Shape]	# what shape should the drum be in?
		decay_time: float				# how long will the simulation take to decay? (seconds)
		drum_size: float				# size of the drum, spanning both the horizontal and vertical axes (m)
		material_density: float			# material density of the simulated drum membrane (kg/m^2)
		shape_settings: ShapeSettings	# the class generator settings for a given drum shape
		strike_width: float				# width of the drum strike (m)
		tension: float					# tension at rest (N/m)

class LaméModel(AudioSampler):
	A linear model of an equilateral triangle membrane using Lamé equations.

	class Settings(SamplerSettings, total=False):
		M: int						# number of mth modes
		N: int						# number of nth modes
		amplitude: float			# maximum amplitude of the simulation ∈ [0, 1]
		decay_time: float			# how long will the simulation take to decay? (seconds)
		material_density: float		# material density of the simulated drum membrane (kg/m^2)
		tension: float				# tension at rest (N/m)

class PoissonModel(AudioSampler):
	A linear model of a unit area rectangle with aspect ratio Є, using poisson equations of the first kind.

	class Settings(SamplerSettings, total=False):
		M: int						# number of mth modes
		N: int						# number of nth modes
		amplitude: float			# maximum amplitude of the simulation ∈ [0, 1]
		decay_time: float			# how long will the simulation take to decay? (seconds)
		material_density: float		# material density of the simulated drum membrane (kg/m^2)
		tension: float				# tension at rest (N/m)




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Analysis tools and dataset generator for arbitrarily shaped drums.




