diff --git a/misc/README.md b/misc/README.md index 991f02c2..f9d52f5c 100644 --- a/misc/README.md +++ b/misc/README.md @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ minimap2 -c test/MT-human.fa test/MT-orang.fa \ | paftools.js liftover -l10000 - <(echo -e "MT_orang\t2000\t5000") # liftOver # no test data for the following examples paftools.js junceval -e anno.gtf splice.sam > out.txt # compare splice junctions to annotations -paftools.js splice2bed anno.gtf > anno.bed # convert GTF/GFF3 to BED12 +paftools.js splice2bed splice.sam > splice.bed # convert PAF/SAM to BED12 +paftools.js gff2bed anno.gtf > anno.bed # convert GTF/GFF3 to BED12 ``` ## Table of Contents