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Liam's Windows Dotfiles

Get a new Windows machine up and running in no time at all with all of the programs and tools you would need as a developer.


Make sure you are able to run scripts by running this command in a PowerShell admin prompt

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope CurrentUser

5 Step Plan for Success:

  1. Go to the Windows Store and get the 'App Installer' app from Microsoft. Once installed open up a shell and run winget --version to make sure it installed correctly and is on your PATH

  2. Clone this repo into your user folder (even if you normally clone repos into a different folder like ~\Repositories). You can do this without needing GIT installed by running these PowerShell command in an admin window:

$url = ""
$tempfile = "c:\"
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.DownloadFile($url, $tempfile)
expand-archive -LiteralPath $tempfile -DestinationPath "C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\"
rename-item -Path "C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\dotfiles-windows-main" -NewName ".dotfiles-windows"
remove-Item -Path $tempfile -Force
  1. Open a Powershell window as Administrator. Make sure the current working directory is the same as the repo you just cloned. You can do that by running:
cd C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\.dotfiles-windows
  1. Run the install.ps1 script making sure to pass in parameters that make sense for you.
.\install.ps1 -ComputerName "liam-vm" -ComputerType "Virtual" -WSLDistributions "Ubuntu -InstallPackages"
  1. RELAX!

Next Steps:

I have another repo at which you can also use to configure your Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) installation(s).


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