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灰烬之城 I


Infernal Guardian



  • 双倍猛击 : 这是一种非常简单的近战攻击,只应该攻击目标(即坦克),可以格挡,不应该造成太多问题。

  • 荆棘反手 : 这是一个反手攻击动作,会给目标造成流血效果,因此希望只能打到坦克身上,这样其他人就不会受到此伤害。

  • 炽热爆炸 : 老板会剧烈晃动,向周围投掷火球,落在地面上产生范围溅射效果,您作为dps/治疗者,需要尽可能避免这些。一两次打击就能杀死任何不是坦克的东西,所以要注意脚下。不要像疯子一样在房间里奔跑,只需留意自己的位置,并在需要时稍微移动一下。此阶段,老板也会从自己所在的位置对周围造成近战范围火焰伤害,所以要稍微后退一点。

  • 地道根须 : 当他跺地时,他会让根须在地面上流动,任何被夹在里面的人都会被固定在原地(定身),当你看到它来临时,简单地向左或向右移动来避免被困住,或者如果你被困住了,就躲开它。它会造成相当不错的物理伤害,所以如果你不是坦克,小心不要被困住。


Golor The Banekin Handler


这个Boss非常容易击杀,但如果没有控制会造成高伤害。请确保你的坦克固定住它,不要在房间里乱跑,并且如果你的小组火力不足,请控制好小怪。其中Golor the Banekin Handler是指灾星操控者格罗尔。

  • 致命打击 : 除了基本的轻攻击外,这个首领偶尔会发动重击,如果你没有格挡,你将被击倒,如果魔王兽们仍然活着,你可能会遭受过多的伤害,因此务必要格挡。如果出了问题,坦克可以承受重击,但如果聚怪物的仇恨的是DPS或治疗者,他们必须格挡,否则他们很可能会死亡。

  • 劈砍 : 她会将剑舞动在头部周围,任何被卷入其中的人将会持续受到物理伤害。这很明显,很容易看到,只需远离它即可保持安全。

  • 召唤灾星恶魔 : 在整个战斗过程中,他会召唤三个灾星(当您开始战斗时,他也会从三个灾星开始)。



Warden Of The Shrine



  • 重击 : 团长偶尔会使用带有极大击退效果的恶劣双持重击,你作为坦克一定要格挡,否则战斗将会很快变得混乱!如果一个输出或治疗有被攻击到,他们也一定要格挡,否则他们很可能会死亡,但最重要的是,你的坦克需要确保这个攻击袭击的是坦克,而不是队伍中脆弱的成员。保持Boss静止,格挡重击,不要惊慌失措。



  • 传送打击 : 如果有人决定从首领那里逃跑,他会惩罚你。别慌,保持接近并关注他的机制。如果你离首领最远,他会像夜刃技能一样对你进行传送打击。如果你看到这种情况发生,你必须格挡。同时也要意识到你是离首领最远的人。重新调整你的位置并停止逃跑。


Dark Ember




  • 熔岩间歇泉 : 这是一个非常容易被发现的机制。地面上有小范围的扩散范围,它们会像熔岩喷泉一样喷发!坦克可以通过格挡来承受这种攻击,但是这个技能主要会对没有仇恨的玩家施放。这是一个非常简单的机制,避免它只需要简单地走出它的范围等待它喷发然后再回到原位。不要在房间里四处奔跑,也不要留在它的范围内,因为如果你的 cps/resists 较低的话,这个技能可以一击必杀一个 dps 或治疗。

  • 燃烧 : 别太快庆祝了!一旦她死了,人们会有一个习惯(包括我自己)跑到那个BOSS那里并捡起那个闪闪发光的战利品!等等!等她倒下并退后几秒钟。当她死后,她的身体周围会发出一个小型AOE然后爆炸。这个可以轻松摧毁一个DPS或治疗者。这也可能对一个坦克构成威胁。

  • 这篇攻略是针对上古卷轴Online(Elder Scrolls Online)的以下是一些专有名词的翻译 : Ferna -> 弗娜

  • Ember -> 恩贝尔
  • Teleport Strike -> 传送打击
  • Initiate -> 新人
  • En -> 恩
  • Body -> 尸体
  • City of Ash I -> 灰烬之城 I
  • Azo -> 阿左
  • Ri -> 里
  • Clever -> 聪慧者
  • Golor the Banekin Handler -> 灾星操控者格罗尔
  • Arie -> 阿瑞
  • Ardia -> 艾尔迪亚
  • Warden -> 典狱长
  • Thariel -> 萨丽艾尔
  • Guard -> 守卫

下面是翻译的攻略内容,注意不翻译html标签之间的内容: 攻略开始



第二步:攻破灰烬之城 I

接下来,你需要攻破灰烬之城 I。这个城市充满了危险,里面有阿左等许多守卫。你需要小心操控,注意躲避敌人的攻击和陷阱。一旦你顺利地攻下城市,你就可以得到很多有用的战利品。






灰烬之城 I

Rothariel Flameheart

RoThariel Flameheart (罗萨艾尔·炎心)


  • 重击 : 她有一个十分危险的重击,可以将你击飞并造成大量伤害,特别是在她之后跟上一个轻击之后。这只会攻击威胁目标的人。如果被嘲讽了,只会攻击坦克。

  • 狂战士狂暴 : 她会挥舞着她的剑围绕着自己的头部旋转,任何被卷入其中的人都会持续承受物理伤害。这非常明显而容易辨认,只需远离它,你就能安全无恙。

  • 燃烧领域 : 她会在地面上召唤火池,你必须避开它们,因为它们在地面上会形成巨大的火焰爆炸,非常容易看到。虽然伤害不太高,但你也不想在里面待太久。



Razor Master Erthas

** 剃刀大师埃莎斯 **


  • 火焰爆裂 : 偶尔,首领会向空中发射一个抛射物,当它着陆时,会爆裂并导致沿着地面延伸的四个方向(从中心点出发的四个不同方向)的火焰交叉影响。这不会一击你死,但会造成很大伤害,因此尽可能避免。

  • 小兵 : 每当他说“起身吧,小兵”,他就会召唤一个火焰元素。它们与你已经在地牢中遇到的元素完全相同,具有恶毒的远程火焰攻击,并在它们死亡时爆炸。你的坦克应该远程嘲讽它们,以保持队伍免受伤害,而 DPS 尝试迅速消灭它们。如果不杀死它们,最终可能会导致拥有太多的小兵。

  • 攻略如下 传送打击 : 在整个战斗中,雷索尔会随机传送到一个位置。您只需奔向他所在的位置,并像往常一样继续战斗,等他重复他的攻击方式。这是您释放终极技能的机会。等到他移动时再释放终极技能,并在他到达后放下它们(当然在战斗开始时您也可以使用它们)。原因是如果您在他进行攻击时放下终极技能,他可能会传送出去并使您的总伤害减少。

  • Flame Shot : 你的团队应该站在某种形式的阵型中。你需要拥有你自己的空间。这是因为他会定期瞄准团队中的某个成员,并向他们发射一种重型攻击类型的投射物。该能力可以被封锁和/或闪避,但如果它实际上击中了你,debuff仍会留在你身上。火焰debuff持续时间很长,是火焰伤害,非常伤人。然而,这里有一个聪明的机制。如果你确定是你被攻击了,跳进水里......你将会听到一个嘶嘶声,就像有人往火上扔了水,它会灭掉debuff。

  • Enrage(激怒) : 在25%的最终阶段,他将不再生成1个元素护卫,实际上会生成3个!现在是时候了!让你的坦克用嘲讽技能引导Boss,并且先击败所有的元素护卫再集中攻击Boss,或者直接攻击Boss,祈求好运。视情况而定,祝好运!

Infernal Guardian


This boss is quite simple to control, the tank should basically hold it still, as central to the room as possible and facing away from the group. He can however still hurt the group with various affects which if not paid attention to can one shot a squishy and/or wipe a group. so watch your feet!

Double Slam - This is a pretty simple melee attack that should only hit the person with agro (ie the tank hopefully) and can be blocked, it shouldn't cause much of a problem

Thorny Backhand - This is a backhand animation and adds a bleed to the target so this should hopefully ONLY be hitting the tank meaning others don't receive this damage

Fiery Explosion - The boss will shake violently throwing fireballs all around landing on the ground making aoe splash effects, you need to avoid these as dps/healer as much as possible. one or two hits can kill anything that is not a tank so watch your feet. Do not sprint around the room like a loon, just watch where you stand and move a little bit as and when you need too. Also during this phase he does close aoe fire damage from his location so stand back a bit.

Tunneling Roots - When he stomps the ground he will make roots stream across the floor and whoever is caught in this will be immobilized on the spot (rooted) simple avoid this by moving left or right when you see it coming, OR dodge roll out of it if you get caught. it does a decent amount of physical damage so be careful not to get caught out if you are not the tank.

Golor The Banekin Handler


This boss is extremely easy to kill however has some high damage if not controlled. make sure your tank holds him STILL, do NOT run around the room and keep the banekins controlled if your group doesn't have much damage.

Crushing Blow - Apart from his basic light attacks, the boss occasionally he will fire off a heavy attack, if you do not block this you will be knocked down and if the baneklins are still alive you can get overwhelmed with damage so make sure you BLOCK this. A tank can stand up to it if something goes wrong but a dps or healer (if agro is on them) MUST block of they will most likely die.

Cleave - he will spin her sword around her head, anyone caught in it will take physical damage over time. This is very obvious and easy to see, simply stay out of it and you will be fine.

Summon Banekin/daedra - Throughout the fight He will summon 3 banekins (he starts with 3 also when you initiate the fight).

These banekin do the same as all other banekins, they have lightning damage and can explode so you must get rid of them quick of the combined damage can be a problem. If you have high damage in your group then just basic aoe damage will kill them in no time at all, however if not...then you are going to have to follow mechanics more. Get your tank to pull them together and hold them in place while the dps do aoe damage to gradually kill them. Most case you don't need to taunt them because they die fast but in this sort of scenario, your tank should be on point and grab them fast! Do NOT run around the room panicking because minions have spawned, relax, control and kill.

Warden Of The Shrine


This boss is actually can be a problem for a lot of groups, you are in a confined space on top of a cliff of sorts and one false move will wipe your group. Your tank should try to keep him on his starting platform as much as possible and turn him AWAY from the group. Do not run around the place you do not have room, simply watch your feet!

Heavy Attack - The boss occasionally will fire off a nasty dual wield heavy attack with a MASSIVE knock back. You as the tank MUST block this or the fight is going to get messy fast! If a dps or healer has it they MUST also block it or they will most likely die, but above all your tank needs to be sure that this attack is ON the tank and not the squishies. Hold him still, block the heavy, don't panic.

Blazing Fire - The boss (usually after the heavy attack) will spin (same visual as steel tornado) and put a ring of small fire aoes around him on the ground. Sometimes it will be clustered up, in which case stay away from it. Other times it can have a gap in the middle which you can stand in and take no damage. Keep an eye on which one it is and position yourself accordingly. do NOT stand in the fire, it does damage over time and it REALLY hurts. You especially don't want this on your head after failing a heavy attack block.

Teleport strike - IF someone decides to run away from the boss, he WILL punish you. Stay close don't panic and pay attention to his mechanics. IF you are the furthest away, he will teleport strike you in the back (just like the nightblade skill). If you see this coming, you must block. And also realize that YOU are the furthest away. Reposition yourself and stop running away.

Dark Ember


This boss is pretty much a glorified flame atronach. She has all the same base effects as the enemies throughout the dungeon but she is a LOT stronger. She spawns with a few adds once the gate is clear and the tank should grab these right away, stack them on top of her and turn her away from the group.

Her basic fireball attacks can be blocked and should only hit whoever has agro (hopefully the tank) and are easy to manage.

Lava Geyser - This is an extremely easy to spot mechanic. Small spreading aoes on the ground which erupt like a geyser of lava! The tank can with stand this if blocking but this is primarily cast on people that do NOT have agro. This is a very simple mechanic to avoid and all you need to do is simply, step out of it, wait for it to blow up, and then get back in position again. Do NOT run around the room and do not stay inside of it, this can one shot a dps or healer if you are of lower cps/resists.

Combustion - Don't celebrate just yet! As soon as she is dead people have a habit (myself included) of running to that boss and grabbing that shiny loot! Hang fire! Wait for her to hit the ground and stand back a few seconds. When she dies she emits a Small aoe around her body and then it will explode. This will one shot a dps or healer with NO problem at all. This can also give a tank a run for it's money.

Rothariel Flameheart


This boss is quite fun, fairly fast due to her low health but things can go horribly wrong if not controlled especially during her clone phase. your tank should position her in the center and the dps should focus her down while preparing for each phase without running away! The area you fight in is small and if you run down the stairs she will don't do it.

Heavy attack - She has a nasty heavy attack that will knock you flying and do a nasty amount of damage especially if she follows up with a light attack afterwards. This will ONLY hit the person who has agro. so if taunted, this will be on the tank.

Berserker Frenzy - She will spin her sword around her head, anyone caught in it will take physical damage over time. This is very obvious and easy to see, simply stay out of it and you will be fine.

Burning Field - She will summon pools of fire on the ground which you must stay out of, these are VERY easy to see as they are big burst of fire on the ground. The damage isn't too high but you don't want to be in there for long.

Summon Clones - Straight after the above mechanic she will spawn 3 clones of her self. These are very similar to the reflections in Helra citadel in that they take MASSIVE damage in comparison to her. This is how your spot which one is which. They deal the same damage as her so should be killed fast. They do not take long to kill BUT if you have any weapons that deal splash damage (lightning staff, 2hander lights and heavies) and you hit a clone, the splash damage will scale off the of the HUGE damage you did to the clone and hit her for a HIGH amount. So tactical play here...Splash damage the clones to hit her harder! The tank at this point should grab all of them and hold them together. It is rare that this gets out of hand but it CAN do so be careful and do not run around the room.

Razor Master Erthas


The final boss in City Of Ash I is a lot of fun, lots of moving around and some rather fun, not seen before mechanics (one at least). This boss is a ranged attacker but there is Lots of fire and there are LOTS of additional minions coming to play, so your tank will need a close ranged and long ranged taunt for this. Hold the boss as still as possible, he moves enough without making things even more difficult.

Fire burst - Occasionally the boss will fire a projectile in the air and when it lands it will burst causing a 4 way cross affect of fire trailing along the floor (4 different directions from the center). This won't one shot you but this will do a LOT of damage so avoid it as much as possible.

Minions - Whenever he says 'rise minion' he will summon a flame atronach. These are identical to what you have already encountered in the dungeon, deal nasty flame attacks from range and explode when they die. Your tank should range taunt these to keep the damage off the group while the dps try to dispatch them quickly. Not killing them will result in having way too many of them towards the end of the fight.

Teleport - Throughout the fight Razor will teleport to a random location. You can simply run to where he is and continue as your were while he repeats his rotation. THIS is your opportunity to throw down ultimates. save ultimates until he moves and drop them on him when he gets there (apart from the start of the fight you can use them, there too of course. The reason for this is if you throw them down mid rotation he COULD teleport out of it and you loose overall dps.

Flame Shot - Your group should be standing in somewhat of a formation. You all need your own space. This is because periodically he will aim at a chosen member of the group and fire a heavy attack type shot at them. The ability can be blocked and/or dodged BUT if it physically hits you the dot will still stay with you. The fire dot is of a LONG duration, is flame damage and hurts like HELL. HOWEVER there is a clever mechanic to this. If you know for sure it is YOU that was shot. Jump in the water...You will hear a fizz sound like someone threw water on a fire, and it will extinguish the dot.

Enrage - The final phase under 25% he instead of spawning 1 atronach, will in fact spawn 3! This is go time! Get your tank on point with the taunts and either kill all of the atronachs before focusing the boss, or go for the burn and pray. Your call, depends on your group. Good luck!