这是游戏《Elder Scrolls Online》中的攻略,提到了专有名词:瓦尔金·斯科里亚(Valkyn Skoria)、侍灵(The Atronach)、“军团”尤拉塔(Urata the Legion)、斯科尔(Skor)、里(Ri)、灰烬之城 II(City of Ash II)、鲁克汗(Rukhan)、伊拉(Ila)和科尔(Kor)等。
攻略内容如下:对抗侍灵,然后击败斯科尔和里。接着,前往灰烬之城 II,挑战“军团”尤拉塔并击败她。最后,进入瓦尔金·斯科里亚的巢穴,与其进行一系列战斗,并最终消灭它。值得注意的是,要小心鲁克汗及其手下的攻击。
重攻击 : 这是一个相当简单的近战攻击,应该只会攻击被敌人盯住的人(即坦克),而你可以格挡。如果你是一个DPS/治疗者,也是同样的原则。必须格挡。如果你不格挡,你会受到很多的伤害和重击,可能会死亡。它的攻击力非常强大,并且具有巨大的击退效果。
炎灵 : Boss战中会刷新炎灵,它们的血量较低,可以很快被击杀。你可以先集火Boss再击杀炎灵,或者在炎灵出现时立即集火它们。这取决于你的团队输出能力。如果你的输出能力较低,则一定要尽快击杀炎灵,否则它们的数量会越来越多,战斗难度会提高。
爆裂 : Boss 会偶尔释放一个巨大的扩散范围的技能,所有 DPS 和治疗者都应该尽可能避开它。它会造成巨大的击退和伤害。坦克可以承受伤害,但会被击倒,所以最好躲避并进行翻滚,并在技能释放后重新回到 Boss 的位置。
治疗师 : 这个首领会不时进行治疗,也会传送。他的技能可以被打断,并且很容易被集火击杀。立即打败他,并且只在他移动时才移动。
弓箭手 : 这个敌人会在地面上放置一些恶性AOE火焰,一定要注意站在火焰间的空隙中。他可以像治疗者一样瞬间传送,所以要跟踪他的位置。他的技能也可以被打断以防止伤害,如果你不是坦克,要小心不要被困住。另外,不要冒险离开队伍。
Urata the Legion
火焰范围攻击 : Boss会在地上施放威力巨大的火焰圈,每个圈子会瞬间燃烧数秒钟,有时会同时施放 2-3 个。很容易看到并且很容易避免。不要在房间里乱跑,只要向侧面移动几步就可以避开它们。
召唤小怪 : 首领会定期从战斗中心召唤2只小怪物。它们会追击dps /治疗人员等来试图杀死他们,但主坦克当然应该并且必须控制它们并保持其仇恨值。小怪物必须死!如果你在大约20秒内没有杀死它们,她会重新召唤它们,它们的生命值将取决于她回收的生命值数量!
Horvantud the Fire Maw
超级杰夫! ! 这个Boss的血条非常低考虑到他的体型,但如果不加控制,可以一次性消灭整个小组,所以你必须格外留意。坦克应该抓住Boss,让他保持不动,同时始终面向小组背部。小组应该分散站在Boss后面。重叠会很危险,因为会同时受到AOE攻击。
跺脚 : 首领偶尔会跺脚,地面会在他面前震动。任何被影响到的人会被击退并造成高伤害,所以dps不应该站在首领面前。
火息 : 这是一个Deadroth非常典型的技能, 偶尔它会呼出一个大型喷火攻击并造成巨大的火焰伤害。坦克可以格挡此攻击,但是DPS/治疗者无权站在这里,请远离它。
地面震击 : 在战斗中,首领会猛击地面,使范围攻击从玩家脚下爆发。为了避免受到伤害,只需稍微向左右移动一下就可以跳出攻击范围,不要在房间里奔跑。只需要注意脚下的位置即可。
德莫拉小兵 : 在Boss的健康值达到75%,50%和25%的时候,Boss会向整个房间释放出一波德莫拉小兵,你应该尽快聚焦攻击它们,把它们集中起来并全部消灭。之后再回来攻击Boss。一共有3个阶段,如果你把Boss从一个阶段推进到下一个阶段之前,小兵还没有死光,你就会面临多次刷新而不堪重负的情况。
Ash Titan
重击 : 这是一个非常容易识别的机制。一个带有锥形范围伤害特效的高伤害重击。坦克应该阻挡这个重击,永远不要把它对着小队方向转动。如果您是输出或治疗职业,可以向后翻滚或者阻挡,取决于您是否能掌握好时机,但不要左右移动,因为它是锁定目标的!
火焰飞溅 : 在战斗中,火焰飞溅/流星类的效果会向小组发射。这看起来比实际情况要痛苦得少,只需要移动脚步,小心谨慎而不必逃跑。
集火火球术 : 在战斗中,每个人都会受到锁定的AOE效果,形式为一个火球。用技能“Black”消耗掉它,不要试图逃跑,因为你无法逃脱它的攻击范围。
Slam and flame wall : 在战斗的最初阶段,BOSS会猛击地面,使所有人都被击退。一旦这个阶段结束,他会向房间内发出巨大的火焰波浪。请保持距离并左右移动以避免受到伤害以及眩晕效果。如果不这样做,它们将对你造成火焰伤害并使你受到眩晕效果。注意避让。
侍灵 : 当Boss血量降至65%时,他会移动到一个平台上召唤一个侍灵。在召唤侍灵期间,Boss只会受到10%的伤害,所以利用这5秒钟的时间进行重击积攒资源。
“军团”尤拉塔 - 当Boss血量降至35%时,他会召唤“军团”尤拉塔。这个时候需要小心处理Adds,并且Boss会经常向玩家释放AOE技能。
斯科尔 - 当“军团”尤拉塔被击败后,Boss会进入下一阶段,并召唤斯科尔。这时需要注意Boss释放的AOE技能,并在斯科尔释放AOE时躲避。
里 - 在里加入队伍后,他会提示玩家如何破解纳米拉的魔法陷阱。
灰烬之城 II - 灰烬之城II是一次需要团队配合的副本,需要和队友紧密合作才能通关。
鲁克汗 - 鲁克汗是一个难度较高的世界Boss,需要多人团队配合才能击败他。
伊拉、科尔 - 在游戏中,玩家可以通过杀死伊拉和科尔来获得丰厚的奖励。
瓦尔金·斯科里亚 - 瓦尔金·斯科里亚是一个随机生成的世界Boss,需要多人团队配合才能击败他。他会释放大量的AOE技能,所以在战斗中要时刻注意躲避。
Skor - Skor是一个难度较高的Boss,需要玩家尽可能多地利用技能对其造成伤害。
Xivilai Boltaic
重攻击 : 它们可以进行重攻击,所以确保你在它们进行重攻击时格挡住它们,无论你是坦克还是其他职业(尽管坦克应该是唯一需要承受重攻击的人)。
充能攻击 : Bosses可以释放一个正面的闪电充能攻击。如果你被击中,这会造成高额伤害,所以要注意脚下,但是你可以进行打断来避免任何伤害。非常容易避免。
闪电爆发 : Boss们会蹲下几乎不动地释放闪电伤害,这个技能可以被打断并且非常容易躲避。如果你错过了打断,只需要简单地移开即可。
侍灵 : 风暴侍灵将在战斗中生成,它们会造成讨厌的闪电范围伤害(可以被打断)。通常情况下,你可以堆叠并燃烧首领,并进行打断,但如果你的伤害较低,则专注于在侍灵进入时消灭每个侍灵,这样你就不会被压垮了,一切都会很好。
“军团”尤拉塔 - 与斯科尔的战斗是一场在塔上进行的战斗,由一个叫做“军团”尤拉塔的BOSS主导。他有几个技能,包括你需要躲避的大火圈和具有破坏力的小火圈。他还会放置传送门并召唤士兵。如果你有足够的DPS,可以忽略士兵并直接对付BOSS。
斯科尔 - 与“军团”尤拉塔战斗是一场在塔上进行的战斗,由斯科尔这个BOSS主导。他会释放一些技能,如直线冲锋和火焰圈,需要玩家躲避。同时会有小怪刷出,需要击杀后集火BOSS。
灰烬之城 II - 在这里你会与Almalexia, Dres Llaro和Rilis混战。Almalexia会释放一些技能,如召唤星辰陨落和冲锋等。Rilis会产生火球和炸弹魔法。战斗的要点是注意躲避技能并集火BOSS。
鲁克汗 - 这是一场与鲁克汗的战斗,他拥有难以处理的技能,如中心AOE伤害和向玩家冲锋。你必须注意避开他的攻击并保持良好的输出和治疗。此外,他还会释放一些火球,一定要注意躲避。
斯科 - 与斯科的战斗是一场水上BOSS战。他会释放一些技能,如突进和大范围AOE伤害。在搏杀时要注意躲避,并保持水下呼吸。如果你能成功躲避他的技能,这个战斗并不太难。
伊拉、科尔和瓦尔金·斯科里亚 - 与伊拉、科尔和瓦尔金·斯科里亚的战斗是一场大规模的战役。伊拉会释放诸如瞬移和AOE波动的技能,科尔会使用冰封攻击和追踪大范围AOE,而瓦尔金·斯科里亚则会使用大规模AOE暴击攻击。你需要保持有效的输出和治疗来平稳度过这场战斗。
Xivilai Fulminator
重攻击 : 它们可以进行重攻击,所以无论你是不是坦克,当它们发动重攻击时,一定要进行防御(尽管坦克应该是唯一一个受到重攻击的人)。
充能攻击 : Bosses可以进行正面闪电充能攻击,如果被击中会造成较高的伤害,因此请注意躲避位置,并可以通过打断来完全避免受到伤害。非常容易躲避。
闪电爆发 : 首领将处于近乎蹲下的通道状态,并释放闪电伤害。这可以被打断,很容易避免。如果你错过了打断,只需简单地躲开它即可。
侍灵 : 圣灵侍者将在整个战斗中刷新,他们会造成可怕的闪电范围伤害(可以被打断)。通常你可以集中火力烧掉首领并进行打断,但如果你的伤害不高,应专注于每个刷新的圣灵侍者,以免被压倒,这样你就能成功完成任务。
Urata the Legion - The boss himself at the beginning can be quite tough, as his big attack will create a field that deals damage until it is destroyed. The faster you destroy it, the better. Adds will spawn but tend to die as they get close to Urata. Avoiding the field itself is key here and spread out to the sides - if the field moves, move with it.
“军团”尤拉塔- 一开始的首领本身可能相当棘手,因为他的大招会制造一个对全部成员造成伤害的区域,直到它被摧毁。你摧毁得越快,效果越好。小怪会不断出现,并 tend 近尤拉塔 时死亡。避免靠近区域是关键,分散到两侧,如果区域移动,需要跟着移动。
City of Ash II - Avoid the fire fields as usual, the final boss has a lot of health so it's important to have some damage on board to beat it in time. As with every boss fight there are different things to focus on, this one is mostly mechnanically relevant. Move when necessary and be mindful of the fire, which can creep up on you when you least expect it.
“灰烬之城II”- 像往常一样避免火焰区域,最后的首领拥有大量生命值,因此有足够的伤害来及时击败他非常重要。与每个首领战斗一样,有不同的重点,这个重点大多是机械系统。必要时移动,并注意火焰,当你最不希望它出现时可能会出现。
Valkyn Skoria - The final boss himself has a few abilities that need to be interrupted so make sure you pay attention. The ground will be alight with flames and avoiding them is key, as well as staying out of the way of the meteors that will crack the ground. Finally, when summoned, the tornados will also deal significant damage, so avoid them!
瓦尔金·斯科里亚- 最后的首领本身有几种需要打断的能力,所以一定要注意。地面将被火焰点燃,避免火焰是关键,同时避开将破裂地面的陨石。最后,召唤的龙卷风也会造成重大伤害,所以要避开它们!
Valkyn Skoria
** 瓦尔金·斯科里亚 **
困难模式会去掉2个平台,因此你需要在3个平台上杀死它,而不是5个。困难模式可以与DPS较低的团队进行,但这需要你集中注意力,并尽量避免错误。注意你的脚下,小心并集中注意力!坦克应该嘲讽Boss并试图将其保持在任何平台的中心位置! 整个团队应该呈半圆形站在Boss的后面,并且每个人都要有足够的空间,以便在Boss转向团队的每个成员时,大家都能看到(是的,它会这样做)。 如果你们都堆在一起,而Boss转向时你们不知道谁是目标,那就会很棘手。 让大家形成队形并放松…
重击 : 这是一个巨大的打击,会造成巨大的击倒效果(通常是掉进熔岩中),你必须格挡。这应该只由坦克负责,因为坦克应该在嘲讽BOSS,但如果你是输出或治疗,在你被攻击时,一定要格挡!
火球** : 在战斗中(这就是为什么你需要自己的空间),BOSS会瞄准小组中的一个随机成员并累积火球。如果他瞄准你,请确保翻滚避开火球,否则你会被击退(通常足够远以至于你会落入熔岩中)。
石化 : 首领会瞄准团队中随机一个队员,并像火球一样向该成员投掷一个抛射物。如果你速度够快,可以使用闪避来躲避,否则他将把你变成石头,并且你必须挣脱出来。
火焰之轮** : 我之前已经使用过这个描述了,但基本上从俯视角度看,这种效果看起来像是一个货车轮子(辐条)。Boss将火焰投射到地面上,直线的火焰会一次又一次地从中心向外传播,直到消失。不要惊慌!稍微保持一点距离,紧盯这个效果,在能够站在中间的空隙时就站在那里。如果它打到你了几次你就会死亡,但这完全可以避免。
砸平台 : 每个平台定期会被boss刺中中心并砸成碎片。 快点离开并移动到他降落的下一个平台。
侍灵与伤害护盾 : 当boss跳至新平台时,他会举起剑。在此阶段,一群火焰侍灵将在他周围生成。可以使用范围攻击将它们连锁并消灭。当他举剑引导时,他会不断用火球攻击团队,并拥有小型伤害护盾。你必须消除他的伤害护盾才能阻止他这样做。然后战斗将重复上述所有步骤。
尽可能快地杀死他对于难度模式来说是最好的,但要记得放松,遵循机制,不要惊慌。清晰的机制遵循将使这变得轻松,错误将会搞乱一切。至于那些对于吸血鬼持否定态度的人?视频中的所有4名成员都是4级吸血鬼。如果你能避免,火焰就不会击杀你 ;)
This boss is pretty simple but you can get overwhelmed if you don't control the boss. There are actually 3 bosses and no right or wrong order to complete this but i generally kill the melee first because he seems to hit the hardest AND has adds. So. The tank should run straight to the Melee and plant his feet. Turn the boss away from the group and let the group stand behind the boss, spread out.
Heavy Attack - This is a pretty simple melee attack that should only hit the person with agro (ie the tank hopefully) and can be blocked. If you are a dps/healer and this is on your for some reason, same applies. BLOCK. If you do not block you will get plenty of air and probably die. It hits VERY hard and has a massive knock back.
Flame Atronachs - The boss will spawn Atronachs during the fight, these can be killed quite fast as they have low health. You can either burn the boss and kill them afterwards OR focus these as they come in. This depends on how much damage you have in your group. If you have low damage, be sure to kill the Atronachs asap else you will get too many and it will get difficult.
Burst - The boss will occasionally channel a huge spreading aoe, all dps and healers should avoid this at all costs. It has a huge knock back and massive damage. The tank can take the damage but will get knocked down so makes sense to dodge roll out of it and then just position back at the bosses feet after it has gone.
Healer - This boss heals and teleports from time to time. His abilities can be interrupted and he is pretty much stack and burn. Kill him on the spot and only move when he moves.
Archer - This one fires some nasty aoe flames on the ground, be sure to stay in the gaps when this happens. He can teleport like the healer so follow him when he does. His ability can also be interrupted to prevent careful not to get caught out if you are not the tank.
Urata the Legion
This boss is extremely easy to kill however has some high damage which you must avoid and a straight forward mechanic which if not followed, will make the fight last WAY too long. So pay attention. The tank should of course taunt the boss and hold her still, this is a very static fight so long as people don't run around like crazy.
Fire AOE - The boss will cast nasty flame circles on the ground which burn on the spot for a few seconds each, sometimes 2-3 at a time. These are very obvious to see and easy to avoid. Do NOT run around the room, just move a couple of feet to step out of them.
Summon Adds - The boss will periodically summon 2 adds from the center of the fight. These will chase the dps/healers etc to try to kill them but the tank can of course and SHOULD control them and keep them agroed. The adds MUST die! If you do not kill the adds within around 20seconds she will summon them back and the amount of health they have will depend on how much she gets back!
If the adds don't die she will heal so much the fight will go on forever. So your priority on this boss is to kill those adds at all costs!
Horvantud the Fire Maw
The Mega Jeff!! This boss has very low health considering his size but if not controlled can wipe groups out so you must pay attention. The tank should grab the boss and hold him still while always facing him away from the group. The group should spread out close to the back of the boss. Stacking will be dangerous because of stacking aoes.
Stomp - The boss occasionally will stomp the ground and the ground will shake in front of him. Anyone caught in the effects will knock them back and do high damage, so dps should NOT stand in front of the boss.
Breath - This is very typical of a Deadroth, occasionally he will breath fire with a massive cone affect causing HUGE fire damage. The tank can block this but dps/healers have NO business standing in this, stay away from it.
Ground pound - During the fight the boss will punch the ground, aoes will pop up from the ground under players feet. To avoid this simply move left and right a little to get out of them and you will be fine, do NOT sprint around the room. Simply watch your feet.
Dremora Adds - At 75% 50% and 25% health the boss will fill the room with a wave of Dremora, you should FOCUS these down as fast as possible, bring them in close and kill them all. THEN after they are dead you can go back to the boss. There are 3 phases of these and if you push the boss from one phase to the next before they are all dead, you WILL get overwhelmed with multiple spawns.
Ash Titan
This boss is huge, scary and pretty rough in the damage department, BUT it can be made simple. Get the tank to grab the boss and turn it AWAY from the group, facing the back of the room or the lava if possible. Note: even when doing 'other stuff' in this fight, the tank MUST maintain a taunt on the titan.
Heavy Attack - This is an extremely easy to spot mechanic. A high damage heavy attack with a cone aoe telegraph. The tank should block this and NEVER spin it on the group. If you are a dps or healer, you can dodge roll backwards or block it depending on if you can time it or not but do not go side to side, it is locked on!
Fire splashes - During the fight fire splashes/meteor type effects will fire at the group. This is less painful than it looks, simply move your feet and be careful without running away per say.
Lock on Fire shot - During the fight everyone will get their own locked on aoe effect in the form of a fireball. Black this, don't try to run, you cannot run away from it.
Slam and flame wall - In the first stages of the fight the boss will slam the ground and knock everyone back. Once this is over he will emit huge waves of flame across the room. Get some distance and move side to side to avoid these. If you do not, they will hit you for fire damage and stun you.
Air Atronachs - At 65% the boss will move to one platform to summon an Air Atronach. While summoning the Atronach the boss will only take 10% damage so use this 5second period to build up resources with heavy attacks.
Once the add is fully spawned/summoned it will spin violently at the group and the boss is attack-able again.
This is where the tank has to work like hell. The tank needs to hold a taunt on the boss (at range if must) while kiting (keeping at bay) the add (also must be taunted and has a massive damage shield so not worth trying to kill it).
During this phase you can fight the boss as normal and when he hits 35% he will repeat his 65% phase on the right side and wake up ANOTHER Atronach. The tank needs to grab this Atronach too!
So now the tank has 2 adds, AND the boss. So long as you hold a taunt on all 3 you are free to move around at the back of the room AWAY from the group to keep the adds off them and hold the agro. If you sit and hold block you will most likely die, so keep them on you but don't let them kill you and don't drop the taunts. This is where the rest of the group will be finishing off the boss while you as the tank are distracting the boss and the adds
Xivilai Boltaic
These two bosses are very similar, there are 2 paths before the last boss, one boss on one side one boss on the other. The areas and spawns are almost mirrored. The bosses have slightly different damage types(one ranged one melee) but they can be fought almost the same.
Heavy attack - They can heavy attack so be sure you block these when they happen whether you are a tank or not(although the tank should be the only one getting heavy attacked).
Charged Attack - The bosses can cast a frontal lightning charge. If you get hit this can cause high damage so watch your feet but this CAN be interrupted to avoid any damage being done at all. Very easy to avoid.
Lightning Burst - The bosses will channel while almost crouching and burst with lightning damage. This can be interrupted and is very easy to avoid. If you miss the interrupt, simple move out of it.
Atronachs - Storm Atronachs will spawn throughout the fight, they do nasty lightning aoe damage(which can be interrupted). Generally you can stack and burn the boss while throwing out interrupts but if you have low damage, focus each Atronach as they come in so you do not get overwhelmed and you will be just fine.
Xivilai Fulminator
These two bosses are very similar, there are 2 paths before the last boss, one boss on one side one boss on the other. The areas and spawns are almost mirrored. The bosses have slightly different damage types(one ranged one melee) but they can be fought almost the same.
Heavy attack - They can heavy attack so be sure you block these when they happen whether you are a tank or not(although the tank should be the only one getting heavy attacked).
Charged Attack - The bosses can cast a frontal lightning charge. If you get hit this can cause high damage so watch your feet but this CAN be interrupted to avoid any damage being done at all. Very easy to avoid.
Lightning Burst - The bosses will channel while almost crouching and burst with lightning damage. This can be interrupted and is very easy to avoid. If you miss the interrupt, simple move out of it.
Atronachs - Storm Atronachs will spawn throughout the fight, they do nasty lightning aoe damage(which can be interrupted). Generally you can stack and burn the boss while throwing out interrupts but if you have low damage, focus each Atronach as they come in so you do not get overwhelmed and you will be just fine.
Valkyn Skoria
The final boss in City Of Ash II is the PUG killer himself. This boss although reduced in difficulty is still to date considered one of the hardest base game bosses for dungeons. There are 5 platforms on the floor, during the fight these platforms are where you will fight the boss and when each one is destroyed you should move to the next (before it explodes). If you run out of platforms, our prayers are with you!
Hard mode removes 2 platforms so you have to kill him in 3 instead of 5. Hard mode can be done with low dps groups but this will require you to focus and have MINIMAL mistakes to pull it off. Watch your feet, be careful and focus! The tank should taunt the boss and try to hold him in the middle of whatever platform he is on at ALL times! The group should be in a semi circle behind the boss with a clear area of space each so that you can all see as and when he turns on EACH member of the group (yes he will do this). If you are stacked and he turns and you are all bunched up, no one knows who the target is. Get in formation and relax...
Heavy attack - This is a HUGE hit and will cause a massive knock down(usually into lava) you MUST block this. This should only be on the tank since the tank should be taunting but if you are a dps or healer and you know he is on you, block it!
Fireball - During the fight (this is why you have your own space) the boss will aim at one random member of the group and charge up a fireball. If you are the one he is aiming at be sure to dodge roll the fireball or you will be knocked backwards (usually far enough to land in the lava).
Fossilize - The boss will aim at a random member of the group and like the fireball will throw a projectile at the member. If you are FAST this can be dodge rolled, if not he will turn you into stone of which you MUST break free.
Flame wheel - I have used this description before but basically from an above view this effect looks like a wagon wheel (spokes). The boss will cast flame onto the ground and straight lines of flame will travel outwards from the center over and over until it is gone. DO NOT PANIC! Get a tiny bit of distance, keep your eyes on it and just stand in the gaps when you can. If it hits you for a couple of ticks you are dead but this can be completely avoided.
Smash platform - Periodically per platform the boss will stab the center of the platform smashing it to bits. Get off FAST! and move to the next platform that he lands on.
Atronachs & Damage Shield - When the boss jumps to a new platform, he will raise his sword in the air. During this phase a group of flame Atronachs will spawn around him. These can be chained in and killed with aoe. While he is channeling with his sword up he constantly hits the group with fireballs and has a small damage shield. You must get rid of his damage shield in order for him to stop doing this. Then the fight is rinse repeat of all of the above.
The faster you can kill him the better for hard mode of course but remember to relax, follow the mechanics and don't panic. Clear mechanic following will make this a breeze, mistakes will mess it all up. And to the nay sayers about vampire? all 4 members in the video are stage four vampire. Fire wont nuke you if you can avoid it ;)
Good luck!