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  • 流星 : 这是一个非常简单的机制。每个玩家都会被呈现出一个范围技能,然后就会有一颗流星落下来!所以要分散开来,确保没有重叠,并且举起盾牌。流星落下后回到你原来的位置,继续攻击Boss。请注意,如果你的抗性较低或者你的生命值不是100%,即使你举起盾牌也可能被一击必杀,所以请确保在这个阶段内保持治疗和增益效果!

  • 火焰元素 : 这些可以被嘲讽、击杀或忽略。作为一个团队,你可以自己做出选择。如果你忽略它们并将注意力集中在BOSS上,你将不得不处理进入的火球和贯穿整个房间的地面AOE火焰。



  • 火焰鞭挞 : 这个boss会以火焰鞭的形式进行重击。如果它击中了dps或者治疗师,无论他们是否格挡,都会死亡。坦克应该一直保持对boss的嘲讽,以便只有坦克能够被攻击到。坦克必须格挡,否则就会被一击必杀而死亡。

  • 旋转的火焰 : 在两个流星阶段后,首领将会传送到房间中央,并在房间外部创造一个巨大的范围伤害。这意味着没有人可以在房间外绕行,而必须进入中央。在此期间,首领将创造一个三脚架式的范围伤害,会顺时针旋转。





** 驯兽者 **


  • 蜘蛛和剑喙鸟 : 它们会在战斗中一直出现,如果你不处理它们,你最终会面临大量的它们!一定要先杀掉蜘蛛,然后是剑喙鸟,最后才是首领。它们是你的主要目标,请不要让它们存活。

  • BEES 飞虫或其他昆虫 : 这个机制与云顶的西若利亚机制非常相似,事实上这是游戏中我们第二次见到类似的机制。一个人将会成为昆虫的目标,2-3个人必须与他们堆叠在虫群中,将伤害分散在团队中并保持治疗。然后时间内的伤害会在团队之间分配,一旦结束,你可以像往常一样继续进行游戏。


  • 狙击 : 首领会预备一个带有橙色光芒的狙击,通常瞄准仇恨最高的人(坦克)。无论你在战斗的哪个阶段,你都必须打断它。

  • 巨魔 : 在首领血量降至75%时,房间内会刷出一只巨魔。需要使用打断技能并小心地站位。坦克必须一直保持嘲讽,而团队成员也必须注意巨魔的横劈(前方可被试炼性AOE攻击)以免站在那里,以及他的地面砸击。如果他开始砸地,你不能站在他附近。如果被砸中,你会死亡!在继续攻打首领之前先击败巨魔。

  • 缠根 : BOSS 会偶尔对玩家施加缠根效果,使你无法移动。你必须使用闪避或净化来摆脱它,否则几秒钟后,你将被压碎并死亡。

  • Haj Mota : 当首领的生命值降至60%以下时,会出现一只Haj Mota。它们非常大,速度快,非常烦人!坦克必须将其从队伍中分开。如果你可以将它放在房间中间,这将有所帮助,这样你就不必处理太多的Netch。此外,请注意,虽然坦克需要控制仇恨,但他们仍然必须保持对首领的控制。


Haj Mota会偶尔潜入地面,意味着需要重新调整位置(注意,下一个机制通常会接踵而至)。

最后,当你扮演伤害输出或治疗角色时,请务必避免站在Haj Mota的正前方,因为他会把头埋在地里,然后迅速爬起来并释放一些快速移动的范围攻击技能。如果你避开了这些攻击,你就没问题了,否则你就会死亡。


  • 瓦马苏 : 最终,当BOSS的血量降低到35%左右时,一只瓦马苏将出现!现在,你需要把它作为你的主要目标。处理它的最安全方法是保持一定距离站开来观察它的机制,因为这些机制可能是相当随机的。如果可能的话,坦克应该将瓦马苏留在房间的中央,以防止与网奇的互动过多,而且应该先将瓦马苏击败,而不是集中攻击BOSS。











  • 传送门 : 此房间周围有三个传送门。如果你不小心走进去,或者是为了清理而去,传送门会在随机位置召唤出3只骷髅(有时是近战,有时是远程),它们的生命值很低,但必须要消灭掉。要迅速杀死它们,因为它们的攻击伤害很难应对。

  • Tether(连线) : 如果BOSS把某个玩家连线,那么这个玩家会免疫伤害,并且你只有极短的时间去找到一个传送门以净化它。如果你在约3-5秒钟内没有找到地上的一个入口,你就会死!所以要快点,赶紧找到一个传送门,否则你就会爆炸!

  • 重攻击 : 只应该由坦克来承受,注意不要掉它的嘲讽。你必须格挡这个重攻击,并确保它面对的是团队外,否则其他玩家会中招,因为它具有一定的范围伤害,有点像Zaan破晓者的机制。但如果这个攻击瞄准了一个dps(无论aggro是否丢失),请确保正确计时并闪避,你作为dps是不能格挡这个攻击的。

  • BATS : 首领会召唤蝙蝠,类似于VDSA中的吸血鬼首领以及吸血鬼终极技能。尽快摆脱它们,避免承受过多伤害,否则你很容易就会死亡。这种情况不会持续很久,但是它会造成很大伤害,所以你可能需要把首领移动开来。

  • 骸骨巨像 : 偶尔这个BOSS会刷出一个骸骨巨像(尤其是在血量较低并且在执行阶段)。它与BOSS通过连线相连,只有在它消失后才能伤害BOSS,所以你必须集中攻击并且优先击杀它。坦克需要尽快嘲讽它,否则它会使用重击攻击小组成员并杀死他们。此外如果你没有阻挡这个BOSS的重击攻击(作为坦克),你将会死亡。若它的重击攻击瞄准DPS/治疗,他们必须侧滚以避免被击中,因为这个攻击的伤害实在是太大了,无法阻挡。

  • 耗尽 : 这种耗尽机制会使玩家晕眩并从他们身上耗尽生命。这是一种非常快速的能力,会在整个战斗中随机针对团队成员发生。您可以从其中挣脱出来,但为了阻止她的持续施法,您必须打断她!

  • 加持者添加物 : 在血量低于35%时,她会产生一个骨魔像和1个加持者,血量低于20%时,她会产生一波添加物,其中包括2个加持者,你必须确保以所有代价打断它们。你可以杀死它们以确保安全,或者直接攻击Boss(取决于团队),但如果你在它们通道时未打断它们...它们会使房间里的所有东西, 包括Boss都变得狂暴。注意打断,并不要因恐慌而执行死亡打击。只要控制好了,可以需要多长时间就用多长时间。

Blackrose Prison翻译为黑玫瑰监狱。


** 三个BOSS!**


  • 战斗法师埃诺迪乌斯 : 来自第一轮的火焰老板出现并只有63%的生命值。所有机制都适用于上面的第一节中的这个老板,一定要仔细研究!


  • 驯兽者 : 现在房间里有两个BOSS,第一个和这个!! 杀死第一个BOSS,然后你会单独面对这个BOSS,而不是两个。


  • 米纳拉夫人 : 这个首领非常简单,在上一轮中你已经见过她了。 保持距离蝙蝠,打断她的吸取技能,如果你被束缚,要清洗净化!记得观察脚下的传送门,并在小怪出现时击杀它们。这场战斗没有任何能量注入或额外的花哨,只有如上第三竞技场中解释的她的基本机制。




Blackrose Prison翻译为黑蔷薇监狱。





  • Cleave : 老板有一个很狭窄且很宽的横劈攻击,应该由坦克承受并面对远离团队。密切关注这点,确保作为一个 dps/治疗者不会被它攻击到。如果它朝着你的方向瞄准,请躲避滚动。

  • 图腾 : 在整场战斗中,会在四个角落中的其中一个生成图腾。这些图腾必须集中攻击。它们会向团队发射3-4颗石头,需要格挡,否则会被击倒并昏迷。确保有人密切关注它们的生成并在生成时喊出来,以便DPS可以优先攻击它们。

  • 幽灵 : 首领会将手举起,在所有玩家周围形成aoe。这时,一些幽灵身上会有黄色光环。现在需要注意分配的三个垫子。每个人应该捡起2-3个幽灵,将它们存放或清洁在自己的垫子上。


  • 注意如果在这个阶段之前不小心捡了普通的幽灵请不要捡超过两个否则你最多只能捡三个幽灵幽灵太多 : 炸!


  • 抵消气泡 : 在鬼幻爆炸之后,Boss会在其站立位置放置一个抵消气泡。根据位置,坦克将会被困在其中,应简单地将Boss移动直到气泡消失,然后再将其放回角落里。请注意,横劈攻击会在此之后到来。

  • 魔法炸弹 : 就像前一轮的小怪(法师)一样,首领会引导一次攻击,释放一颗炸弹到空中和地面上。这可以被中断以完全避免。

  • 代理暗影 : 在boss的生命值降至60%时(2个暗影)暗影会生成。它们的生命值很低,并复制boss的基本重击和炸弹机制。坦克应该把它们堆叠在boss身上,团队必须准备好在它们尝试引导时打断它们。


  • 龙跃 : 当boss的血量降至60%,并且阴影出现时,会进行龙跃或跳跃。发生这种情况时,他会随机选择一个目标,并且一个大圆圈将出现在他即将降落的位置。只需移出圆圈,就不会被击中。

提示:一定要时刻关注图腾,先击杀小怪再打BOSS,指定专门的区域来打幽灵,并尽可能将BOSS面朝角落以方便定位。正如视频中所解释的,这不是一个DPS竞赛,重点是优先考虑机制。除此之外,就是不断反复操作了!其中 Ghost 不需要翻译,已在专有名词中解释过。

  • 这篇攻略是关于Elder Scrolls Online这款游戏的你将会遇到许多怪物包括幽灵、虫群以及许多其他的敌人你将会使用不同的技能比如狙击和横劈等来对抗这些敌人你还会遇到一些NPC比如驯兽者Tames : the-Beast以及米纳拉夫人Lady Minara等。你需要学习如何使用不同的法术技能,例如流星和变形术,来提高你的实力。同时,你也可以尝试成为一名强大的战斗法师,像Battlemage Ennodius一样。希望你好运!



This boss can be relatively simple, but LOOKS really scary and most will tell you 'don't be a vampire! However, in the video i was clearly a stage 4 vampire and did just fine. The trick is understanding the mechanics and of course that is what i am here for!

The tank needs to taunt the boss at all times of course and try to stay still while the croup should be BEHIND the boss whenever possible to avoid complications.

Meteor - This is a very simple mechanic. Every player will be presented with an aoe and a meteor is on way! So spread out and make sure NONE overlap and hold block. Once it lands go back to where you were and continue with the boss. Note, if your resistances are low or your health is not 100% you CAN take a one shot even if blocking so be sure to keep up those heals and buffs during this phase!

Flame Atronachs - These can be taunted, killed or ignored. The choice is yours alone as a group. If you ignore them and focus the boss you WILL however have to deal with incoming fire balls and ground based aoe fire that moves across the room.

Some people like to kill the adds then the boss, some people like to move the boss around the room killing one atro and damaging the boss at the same time over and over in a clock wise rotation (very good for groups with low damage). Others like to buff up with resists and heals while watching their feet.

To play it safe, make sure the tank range taunts them so that they hit the tank and not the group, and kill a couple to take some of the pressure off.

Flame Whip - The boss will throw out heavy attacks in the form of a flame whip. IF this hits a dps/healer they are dead whether the block or not. The tank should keep a taunt on the boss at all times so this ONLY hits the tank. The tank MUST block this, or they will take a one shot and die.

Spinning fire!!! - After two meteor phases the boss will teleport into the middle and create a massive aoe around the outside of the room. So no one can go around the room and must come in to the middle. During this the boss will create a tripod type aoe that will spin in a clock wise rotation.

What you MUST do is find a safe spot and follow it around in a circle much like Molag Kena's spinning lightning. Once it is over carry on as normal.

Watch your feet because other mechanics from Atronachs etc will still persist. If you can do rotations while moving in a circle then that is perfect, if not, just survive until it is over!



This boss is very simple but can be a complete mess. The boss will move around a LOT so this is a fairly mobile fight and there are adds coming in all of the time. Be sure to ALWAYS have the boss taunted and try to manipulate his position so that he is in the middle of the room as much as possible so you don't have to keep upsetting the netches. Regardless of what happens in the fight ALWAYS maintain a taunt.

Spiders and Hackwings - The spawn through out the fight and if you do not deal with them you will end with loads of them! Be sure to kill the spiders FIRST, then the hackwings and THEN the boss. These are your PRIMARY targets, do NOT let them live.

BEES! (flies bugs whatever) - This mechanic is very similar to Siroria's mechanic in Cloudrest, in fact the second time we saw anything like this in the game. One person will be targeted with a swam of insects and 2-3 people must stack with them inside the swarm to spread the damage out between the group while keeping up the heals. The damage over time will then be split between the group and once it is over you can carry on as normal.

Be warned, this can happen at some VERY uncomfortable times so be aware of surrounding mechanics and aoes, and if you have to move as a group, coordinate as such while staying in the circle. The circle is attached to ONE player.

Snipe - The boss will wind up a snipe with an orange glow usually aimed at whoever has agro(the tank). No matter what phase you are on in the fight you MUST interrupt this.

Troll - At 75% health the boss will spawn a troll in the room. It will require interrupts and also careful foot placement. The tank must keep this taunted at all times but also the group must be aware of his frontal cleave(triable aoe in front) so don't stand there, and also his ground slam. If he starts to slam the ground you must NOT stand near him. If you get caught by it, you will die! Kill the troll before proceeding with the boss.

Roots - The boss will occasionally cast a root on players where you will be unable to move. You must dodge roll or cleanse to get out of these else after a couple of seconds or so, they will crush you and you will die.

Haj Mota - At 60% health and under, a Haj Mota will spawn. These are HUGE, fast and annoying! The tank MUST turn this away from the group. It will help if you can keep this in the middle of the room so that you don't have to deal with too many Netchs. Also note that while the tank holds taunt they MUST still maintain a taunt on the boss.

The group should focus on killing the Haj Mota before then turning damage onto the boss again.

The Haj Mota will occasionally dive across the floor meaning repositioning is going to need to happen (careful here the next mechanic normally happens).

Finally stay OUT of the frontal 180 field of view of the Haj Mota as dps and/or healers because he will duck his head in the ground and then come up rapidly with some fast moving aoes. If you avoid these you are fine, if not you are dead.

ALWAYS stay behind the target and as a tank NEVER spin this on the group.

Wamasu - Finally at around 35% a wamasu will spawn! THIS is now your primary focus. The safest way to deal with this is to actually stay spread out at range so you can SEE what the mechanics are as they can be quite random. The tank should hold it in the middle of the room if possible to prevent too much interaction with the Netchs and this should be killed rather than focusing on the boss.

The Wamasu must be turned away from the group and the groups hold always stay behind it or to it's side.

It has 3 basic mechanics. Firstly it will charge up a lightning breath at the tank in a coneal aoe, which needs to be blocked. Secondly it will turn and aim at random at a random player and fire a lightning ball directly at them (this is why you stay spread out so you can clearly see who the target is). If YOU are the target, simply dodge roll and you will 100% avoid it. Failing that block it but you will need heals.

And his most dangerous mechanic is of course his burst mechanic. He will squat down wiggling and then burst with multiple aoes flying across the floor in all directions. THIS is why you stay ranged. Close range you wont see them and die instantly. Long range you can see them and find a gap to stand in so you don't get hit. This is a one shot for any dps and/or healer, so pay attention!

NOTE: This boss is much easier to control if you put full focus on the adds NOT the boss and take your time. Once the wamasu is dead the only thing left is the boss excluding the spider and hack wing spawns.

Always focus the adds before the boss. Execute is very simple with no wamasu/troll/haj mota to deal with so is much more relaxed than most executes. Once the wamasu is down, relax and take your time!



This boss you can hold for the MOST part in the middle of the room depending on the mechanic she is going through but the tank of course MUST maintain a taunt at all times and the group should NEVER stand in her face. So be sure she is always turned away!

There are portals on the floor around the room which move, avoid these UNTIL you need them (explained below)

Portals - There are 3 portals surrounding the room. If you take them by accident OR to cleanse they will spawn 3x skeletons at random (sometimes melee sometimes ranged) these have low health but should be dealt with. Kill them quickly because their damage can be hard to deal with.

Tether - If the boss tethers a player she will be immune and you have a VERY short period of time to find a portal to stand in to cleanse it. If you don't get to a portal on the floor within around 3-5 seconds you will die! So be quick and get to one before you explode!

Heavy Attack - This should only be on the tank so be careful not to drop taunt. You must block this heavy attack and be sure it is faced AWAY from the group else it will hit other players because it does have a small aoe, kind of like the Dawnbreaker like mechanic from Zaan. If this is on a dps however (aggro lost whatever) be sure to time it and dodge roll it, you won't block this as a dps.

BATS - The boss will spawn bats, pretty much like the vampire boss in VDSA and like the vampire ultimate. Get out of this as soon as possible to stop taking too much damage or else of course you will die. This doesn't last long but it hurts so you may want to move the boss.

Bone Colossus - Occasionally the boss will spawn a BONE colossus (this especially happens at low health also during execute). This is tethered to her and she will be immune while it is active. You MUST focus this target and kill it before you can hit her again. The tank needs to taunt this asap else it will heavy attack members of the group and kill them. Also note if you don't block this as a tank (the heavy attack) you will die. DPS/healers must dodge roll the heavy attack if it is on them because it hits WAY too hard for them to be able to block it.

Drain - This drain mechanic will stun the player and drain life from them. It is a very fast played ability that happens throughout the fight to random members of the group. You can break free from it but to stop her channeling you MUST interrupt her!

Infusers/adds - Under 35% she will spawn a bone collossus and 1x infuser and under 20% health she will spawn a wave of adds including 2x infusers, you MUST make sure these are interrupted at all costs. You can kill them and play it safe or go for the kill of the boss (depends on the group) but if you do NOT interrupt them when they channel...they will enrage everything in the room including the boss. Pay attention to interrupts and don't get execute panic. You can take as long as you need on this phase so long as it is controlled.


** 3X BOSSES! **

This is tricky!! The tank has a LOT to deal with in this round especially from the first add pull but of course priority targets are key. Deal with interrupts and adds as soon as possible and THEN deal with the boss. The tank should start by positioning in the middle of the room and be sure to never drop taunt from a single boss! All mechanics have been seen before by the group at this point so they should be familiar, however NOW you have to do multiple boss mechanics at once!

Battlemage Ennodius - The flame boss from round one appears and comes in with only 63% health. All mechanics apply for this boss from the FIRST section up above, be sure that you study these!

At 35% health the SECOND boss will spawn in the room!

Tames-The_Beast - You now have two bosses in the room, the first one and this one !! Kill the first boss and then you will be left with this one along rather than both.

When this boss reaches 60% health (which is very early on since he comes in at 65%) he will spawn a wamasu! Be careful here remember how to kill it before, watch your feet (explained in the second boss section). Then at 50% he will spawn the LAST boss from round 3 (the vampire). Also note that at 35% he will spawn the Haj Mota so be very careful and keep this away turned away from the group (also explained above).

Lady Minara - This boss is very simple you know her from the last round. Stay out of bats, interrupt the drain and cleanse if you get tethered! Remember to watch your feet with the portals and kill the adds when they spawn. This fight doesn't have any infusers or extra jazz, just her basic mechanics as explained in arena 3 above.

TIP!: Kill the flame boss first of course. Low health will spawn the archer but keep a taunt on him and ignore him until the flame boss is dead (that releases you of those mechanics).

DO NOT push the archer, instead get the health to 50% (after the wamasu is dead) and the KILL the vampire. Killing the vampire leaves just YOU and the archer in the room. A Haj mota will spawn when he is low health but everything else is dead so it helps clear the room and now you have two choices, kill the haj mota then the boss. Or take the haj mota to the corner ignoring it turned away from the group while the boss gets killed on his own.

THIS way around the vampire doesn't spawn when the haj mota is in the room and it makes things a LOT less confusing!



This is actually a VERY straight forward fight! The should be taunted at all times of course and can be held in any corner of the room (that's right not every fight has to be done in the MIDDLE). Doing so will make it easier for the tank to avoid the ghosts and hold the boss in a much better position without over confusing the issue.

The dps and healer should look at the 3 pads in the room and decide who is assigned to WHICH pad, and stick to that when it is important (explained below).

Cleave - The boss has a very thin and wide cleave attack which should be blocked by the tank and faced away from the group. Pay close attention to this and make sure as a dps/healer you don't get caught by it.If you end up having it aimed in your direction, dodge roll.

Totem - Through out the fight there will be totems spawning in the room i one of the 4 corners. These MUST be focused. They fire off 3-4x rocks at the group which need to be blocked else you will be knocked down and stunned. Make sure someone is keeping an eye out for these and calling them out when they spwn so the dps can prioritize them.

Ghosts - The boss will put his hand in the air and put an aoe around all players. This is when some of the ghosts will have a yellow aura around them. The 3 pads that were assigned now need to be paid attention to. Each person should pick up 2-3 ghosts and deposit them or cleanse them in their own pad.

So go to YOUR side of the room, and do your part. If each player (not the tank) grabs two each and cleanses, the boss will create an explosion and all remaining ghosts will determine how much damage you will all take. If you dont get enough ghosts you will all die.

NOTE: If you accidentally pick up normal ghosts before this phase don't pick up anymore than two. If not you can pick up 3. Too many ghosts - BOOM!

If successful you will all live and carry on fighting as normal.

Negate bubble - After the explosion of the ghost phase the boss will put a negate bubble where he stands.The tank will be the one caught in this based on the position, and should simple move the boss until the bubble is gone and then place him back in the corner again. Note the cleave will come shortly after this.

Magic Bomb - Just like the adds in the previous round (mages) the boss will channel an attack which will release a bomb into the air and onto the floor. This can be interrupted to be completely avoided.

Proxy shadows - The shadows will spawn at 60% health (2x shadows). They have low health and duplicate the boss's basic heavy attack and bomb mechanic. The tank should stack these on the boss and the group must be ready to interrupt them whenever they try to channel.

Focus these adds at ALL times, unless you are killing a totem. This is not a dps race, but these must be focused no matter what so that it is much safer on the main boss.

Dragon Leap - The boss after 60% and when the shadows are in will do a Dragonleap or jump, into the air. When this happens he will choose a target at random and a big circle will appear where he is going to land. Simply move out of the circle and it wont get you.

TIPS: Be sure to focus the totems at all times, focus the adds before the boss, assign dedicated pads and ghost areas and keep the boss faced in the corner for ease of positioning as much as possible. As explained in the video this is NOT a dps race, just prioritize mechanics. Apart from that , it is rinse repeat!