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File metadata and controls

1844 lines (1202 loc) · 54 KB


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Android & Pure Java library to shape a voice with an instrument.

Table of Contents

How to use the library

  • Insert the jar into your project dependencies :
  • Or as an android library :
  • It also works as a gradle dependency :
repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'org.toile-libre.libe:soundtransform:LATEST'
  • Make sure you have access to the FluentClient class in your project (try the autocompletion feature of your IDE if you have one)
  • Read the following documentation about the FluentClient facility
  • Have a look at the available SoundTransform classes
  • Use the lib by yourself


The FluentClient service provider interface is a simple class to give a shortcut to all the features of the lib without walking in the nested classes.

It helps you to proceed to the correct actions at each step, giving you the right programming interface during the pipeline.

To use it, it is only needed to chain the methods invocation. it will always start with a FluentClient.start(), can end with a stop method and can contain an andAfterStart call to chain two processes in the same instruction of code.

FluentClient samples

import static org.toilelibre.libe.soundtransform.actions.fluent.FluentClient.start;
import static org.toilelibre.libe.soundtransform.actions.fluent.FluentClient.setDefaultObservers;
import static org.toilelibre.libe.soundtransform.actions.fluent.FluentClientOperation.prepare;


public void method (){
  //Set the default Slf4J logger and the log threshold as "WARNING" (the only output will be the warning and error logs)
  setDefaultObservers (new Slf4jObserver (LogLevel.WARN));

  //Apply a 8-bit transform on a wav and then export it to a wav
  start ().withClasspathResource ("foo.wav").convertIntoSound ().apply (new EightBitsSoundTransform (25)).exportToClasspathResource ("bar.wav");

  //Create a var to use the CD format
  FormatInfo cdFormatInfo = new FormatInfo (2, 44100.0);

  //Shape a wav with an instrument and then export it to a wav
  start ().withAPack ("default", packInputStream).withClasspathResource ("foo.wav").convertIntoSound ().findLoudestFrequencies ().shapeIntoSound ("default", "simple_piano", cdFormatInfo).exportToClasspathResource ("bar.wav");

  //Play three times the same data, as a File, then as a sound, then as an inputStream
  start ().withClasspathResource ("foo.wav").playIt ().convertIntoSound ().playIt ().exportToStream ().playIt ();
  //Transform a sound into a an array of spectrums
  start ().withSound (sound).splitIntoSpectrums ().stopWithSpectrums ();

  //Transform a lowfi wav file into a cd format wavfile
  start ().withClasspathResource ("lowfi.wav").convertIntoSound ().changeFormat (cdFormatInfo).exportToClasspathResource ("hifi.wav");

  //Mix of two sounds using two threads for the file-to-sound conversion
  start ().inParallel (
    // operations
    prepare ().convertIntoSound ().build (),
    // timeout in seconds
    // classpath resources
    "foo.wav", "bar.wav")
                         .mixAllInOneSound ().exportToClasspathResourceWithSiblingResource ("targetResource.wav", "existingSoundInSameDirectory.wav");

Please have a look at the many different actions that you can ask to the FluentClient in this JUnit Test

Android ? Pure Java ? Same code ?

It would be a great thing but unfortunately the Android SDK is made to be incompatible with the Java SDK. Because a lot of security features and facilities were (and are being) implemented to protect the users in Android, whereas the Java SDK is using the OS kernel features.

For example, you cannot read a resource on an Android device. Because it is considered as a security breach by the Android SDK.

It is preventing anyone from opening any file to steal data without a consent (a permission).

The soundtransform lib needs to adapt to these two contexts (Pure Java lib / android lib) to be able to proceed data in the same way. Only input and output processing are different as described below.

The Pure Java sample will be shown first because it is simpler.

Pack import

With Pure Java, you do :
 FluentClient.start ().withAPack ("default", Thread.currentThread ().getContextClassLoader ().getResourceAsStream ("yourpack.json"))
With Android, you do :
 FluentClient.start ().withAPack ("default", androidContext, yourpackage.R.raw.class, yourpackage.R.raw.yourpack)

Open a sound input

With Pure Java, you do :
 FluentClient.start ().withFile (new File ("/path/to/file.wav")).convertIntoSound ()
With Android, you do (with the android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission) :
 FluentClient.start ().withFile (new File (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ().getPath () + "/file.wav")).convertIntoSound ()

Save a sound output

With Pure Java, you do :
 fluentClientWithSoundImported.exportToFile (new File ("/path/to/file.wav"));
With Android, you do (with the android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission):
 fluentClientWithSoundImported.exportToFile (new File (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory () + "/file.wav"));

FluentClient Javadoc

Four steps can be identified when using the FluentClient SPI :

  1. static init (optional) : the observers subscribe to the future invocations of the FluentClient
  2. start of the flow : a call to start (), followed by one or more calls to a with... () method
  3. operations (optional) : several chained method calls to transform the data in a "one-lined" way
  4. method flow stops (optional) : one call to stopWith... () to get the currently stored data

1. static init

static void setDefaultObserversValue (Observer... defaultObservers)

Sets the passed observers as the default value when a FluentClient is started

It can be useful if you are going to use the FluentClient several times but you want to declare the subscribed observers only once

defaultObservers - one or more observer(s)

2. start of the flow

FluentClient.start (only way to start a FluentClient)
static FluentClientReady start ()

Startup the client

the client, ready to start

FluentClientReady.withAnObserver (before another with.. method)
FluentClientReady withAnObserver (Observer... observers)

Tells the client to add an observer that will be notified of different kind of updates from the library. It is ok to call withAnObserver several times. If the andAfterStart method is called, the subscribed observers are removed

observers - one or more observer (s)

the client, ready to start

<T extends FluentClientCommon> FluentClientWithParallelizedClients inParallel (FluentClientOperation op, int timeoutInSeconds, T... clients) throws SoundTransformException

Runs asynchronously the same operations on a varargs of started FluentClients

op - a list of operation to apply

timeoutInSeconds - a timeout value. After that, the operation will be stopped, even if it is still processing. You can choose Integer.MAX_VALUE as a value if you are convinced that it will finish.

clients - a list of started FluentClients

the client, with a list of clients inside holding a value each

SoundTransformException - can happen if there was a problem during the flow, or if the threads were interrupted

FluentClientWithParallelizedClients inParallel (FluentClientOperation op, int timeoutInSeconds, Sound... sounds) throws SoundTransformException

Alias for the inParallel method using a list of sounds

op - a list of operation to apply

timeoutInSeconds - a timeout value. After that, the operation will be stopped, even if it is still processing. You can choose Integer.MAX_VALUE as a value if you are convinced that it will finish.

sounds - a vararg of sounds

the client, with a list of clients inside holding a value each

SoundTransformException - can happen if there was a problem during the flow, or if the threads were interrupted

FluentClientWithParallelizedClients inParallel (FluentClientOperation op, int timeoutInSeconds, InputStream... inputStreams) throws SoundTransformException

Alias for the inParallel method using a list of inputStreams

op - a list of operation to apply

timeoutInSeconds - a timeout value. After that, the operation will be stopped, even if it is still processing. You can choose Integer.MAX_VALUE as a value if you are convinced that it will finish.

inputStreams - a list of inputStreams

the client, with a list of clients inside holding a value each

SoundTransformException - can happen if there was a problem during the flow, or if the threads were interrupted

FluentClientWithParallelizedClients inParallel (FluentClientOperation op, int timeoutInSeconds, File... files) throws SoundTransformException

Alias for the inParallel method using a list of files

op - a list of operation to apply

timeoutInSeconds - a timeout value. After that, the operation will be stopped, even if it is still processing. You can choose Integer.MAX_VALUE as a value if you are convinced that it will finish.

files - a list of files

the client, with a list of clients inside holding a value each

SoundTransformException - can happen if there was a problem during the flow, or if the threads were interrupted

FluentClientWithParallelizedClients inParallel (FluentClientOperation op, int timeoutInSeconds, float []... freqs) throws SoundTransformException

Alias for the inParallel method using a list of freqs

op - a list of operation to apply

timeoutInSeconds - a timeout value. After that, the operation will be stopped, even if it is still processing. You can choose Integer.MAX_VALUE as a value if you are convinced that it will finish.

freqs - loudest freqs arrays

the client, with a list of clients inside holding a value each

SoundTransformException - can happen if there was a problem during the flow, or if the threads were interrupted

FluentClientWithParallelizedClients inParallel (FluentClientOperation op, int timeoutInSeconds, String... classpathResources) throws SoundTransformException

Alias for the inParallel method using a list of classpathResources

op - a list of operation to apply

timeoutInSeconds - a timeout value. After that, the operation will be stopped, even if it is still processing. You can choose Integer.MAX_VALUE as a value if you are convinced that it will finish.

classpathResources - a list of classpathResources

the client, with a list of clients inside holding a value each

SoundTransformException - can happen if there was a problem during the flow, or if the threads were interrupted

FluentClientSoundImported whileRecordingASound (StreamInfo streamInfo, Object stop) throws SoundTransformException

FluentClientSoundImported whileRecordingASound (StreamInfo streamInfo, Object stop, AmplitudeObserver amplitudeObserver) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to open the microphone, to start recording a sound and to return in the pipeline The result will be a Segmented sound (a sound consisting of several mono sounds). The frameLength in the streamInfo will be ignored. The further actions are started just after the start of the recording.

  • /!\ : It is your responsibility to call stop.notifyAll () in another thread, else the recording will not finish
  • /!\ : This method should only be used if the next operation costs more time than the recording itself. In any other case, use the withRecordedInputStream method.

streamInfo - the future input stream info

stop - the method notifyAll must be called to stop the recording

amplitudeObserver - (optional) the update method will be called frequently to let the client code know what is the peak in DB. To be used for a VUmeter

the client, with an imported sound (segmented)

SoundTransformException - the mic could not be read, the recorder could not start, or the buffer did not record anything

FluentClientSoundImported withAMixedSound (Sound... sounds) throws SoundTransformException;

Tells the client to use the sounds passed in parameter by mixing them all into one

sounds - a var-arg value of sounds

the client, with an imported sound

SoundTransformException - the sound files are invalid

FluentClientReady.withAPack (Json InputStream) (before another with.. method)
FluentClientReady withAPack (String packName, InputStream jsonStream) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to work with a pack. Reads the whole inputStream. A pattern must be followed in the jsonStream to enable the import.

packName - the name of the pack

jsonStream - the input stream

the client, ready to start

SoundTransformException - the input stream cannot be read, or the json format is not correct, or some sound files are missing

FluentClientReady.withAPack (Android only) (before another with.. method)
FluentClientReady withAPack  (String packName, Object context, Class<?> rClass, int packJsonId) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to work with a pack. Uses the context object to find the resource from the R object passed in parameter

packName - the name of the pack

context - the Android context (should be an instance of android.content.Context, but left as Object so the FluentClient can be used in a non-android project)

rClass - R.raw.getClass () (either from soundtransform or from your pack) should be passed in parameter

packJsonId - the id value of your json pack file (should be a field inside R.raw)

the client, ready to start

SoundTransformException - the input stream cannot be read, or the json format is not correct, or some sound files are missing

FluentClientReady.withAPack (Json String) (before another with.. method)
FluentClientReady withAPack (String packName, String jsonContent) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to work with a pack. Reads the whole string content. A pattern must be followed in the jsonContent to enable the import.

Here is the format allowed in the file

  "instrumentName" :
    {"name" : "unknownDetailsFile"},
    {"name" : "knownDetailsFile.wav",
     "frequency": 192.0,
     "attack": 0,
     "decay": 300,
     "sustain": 500,
     "release": 14732},

If a note (one of the records inside the instrumentName structure) does not own any detail, it will be obtained by digging in the file samples, and can take a really long time. It is advisable to fill in the details in each note.

packName - the name of the pack

jsonContent - a string containing the definition of the pack

the client, ready to start

SoundTransformException - the json content is invalid, the json format is not correct, or some sound files are missing

FluentClientWithInputStream withAudioInputStream (InputStream ais)

Tells the client to work first with an InputStream. It will not be read yet The passed inputStream must own a format metadata object. Therefore it must be an AudioInputStream

ais - the input stream

the client, with an input stream

FluentClientWithFile withClasspathResource (String resource) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to work first with a classpath resource. It will be converted in a File

resource - a classpath resource that must exist

the client, with a file

SoundTransformException - the classpath resource was not found

FluentClientWithFile withFile (File file)

Tells the client to work first with a file. It will not be read yet

file - source file

the client, with a file

FluentClientWithFreqs withFreqs (float [] freqs)

Tells the client to work first with a loudest frequencies integer array. It will not be used yet

freqs - the loudest frequencies float array

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientWithInputStream withLimitedTimeRecordedInputStream (StreamInfo streamInfo) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to open the microphone and to record a sound The result will be of an InputStream type. The recording time will be the one passed in the streamInfo

streamInfo - the stream info

the client, with an input stream

SoundTransformException - the mic could not be read, the recorder could not start, or the buffer did not record anything

FluentClientWithInputStream withRawInputStream (InputStream is, StreamInfo isInfo) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to work first with a byte array InputStream or any readable DataInputStream. It will be read and transformed into an AudioInputStream The passed inputStream must not contain any metadata piece of information.

is - the input stream

isInfo - the stream info

the client, with an input stream

SoundTransformException - the input stream cannot be read, or the conversion did not work

FluentClientWithInputStream withRecordedInputStream (StreamInfo streamInfo, Object stop) throws SoundTransformException

Tells the client to open the microphone and to record a sound The result will be of an InputStream type. The frameLength in the streamInfo will be ignored

/!\ : blocking method, the stop.notifyAll () method must be called in another thread.

streamInfo - the future input stream info

stop - the method notifyAll must be called to stop the recording

the client, with an input stream

SoundTransformException - the mic could not be read, the recorder could not start, or the buffer did not record anything

FluentClientSoundImported withSound (Sound sound)

Tells the client to work first with a sound object

sound - the sound object

the client, with an imported sound

FluentClientWithSpectrums withSpectrums (List<Spectrum<Serializable> []> spectrums)

Tells the client to work first with a spectrum formatted sound. The spectrums inside must be in a list (each item must correspond to a channel) The spectrums are ordered in an array in chronological order

spectrums - the spectrums

the client, with the spectrums

3. operations

FluentClientWithFreqs adjust ()

Adjusts the loudest freqs array to match exactly the piano notes frequencies

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientReady andAfterStart ()

Start over the client : reset the state and the value objects nested in the client

the client, ready to start

FluentClientSoundImported append (Sound sound) throws SoundTransformException

Appends the sound passed in parameter to the current sound stored in the client

sound - the sound to append the current sound to

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the sound is null or if there is a problem with the appending please ensure that both sounds have the same number of channels

FluentClientSoundImported apply (SoundTransform<Channel, Channel> st) throws SoundTransformException

Applies one transform and continues with the result sound. The SoundTransform should have Channel as input and Channel as output. To apply another transform, use applyAndStop.

st - the SoundTransform to apply

the client with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the transform does not work

FluentClientSoundImported changeFormat (FormatInfo formatInfo) throws SoundTransformException

Changes the current imported sound to fit the expected format

formatInfo - the new expected format

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the transform does not work

FluentClientWithFreqs compress (float factor)

Compresses the loudest freq array (speedup or slowdown). When shaped into a sound, the result will have a different tempo than the original sound but will keep the same pitch

factor - the factor parameter quantifies how much the stretch or shrink will be. (i.e if factor = 0.5, then the result will be twice as long than the original)

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientSoundImported convertIntoSound () throws SoundTransformException

Shortcut for importToStream ().importToSound () : Conversion from a File to a Sound

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if one of the two import fails

FluentClientSoundImported cutSubSound (int start, int end) throws SoundTransformException

Splices a part of the sound between the sample #start and the sample #end

start - the first sample to cut

end - the last sample to cut

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the indexes are out of bound

FluentClientWithFile exportToClasspathResource (String resource) throws SoundTransformException

Shortcut for exportToStream ().writeToClasspathResource (resource) : Conversion from a Sound to a File

resource - a resource that can be found in the classpath

the client, with a file written

SoundTransformException - if one of the two operations fails

FluentClientWithFile exportToClasspathResourceWithSiblingResource (String resource, String siblingResource) throws SoundTransformException

Shortcut for exportToStream ().writeToClasspathResourceWithSiblingResource (resource, siblingResource)

resource - a resource that may or may not exist in the classpath

siblingResource - a resource that can be found in the classpath.

the client, with a file written

SoundTransformException - if one of the two operations fails

FluentClientWithFile exportToFile (File file)   throws SoundTransformException

Shortcut for exportToStream ().writeToFile (file)

file - the destination file

the client, with a file written

SoundTransformException - if one of the two operations fails

FluentClientWithInputStream exportToStream () throws SoundTransformException

Uses the current imported sound and converts it into an InputStream, ready to be written to a file (or to be read again)

the client, with an inputStream

SoundTransformException - if the metadata format object is invalid, or if the sound cannot be converted

FluentClientSoundImported extractSound () throws SoundTransformException

Uses the current available spectrums objects to convert them into a sound (with one or more channels)

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the spectrums are in an invalid format, or if the transform to sound does not work

FluentClientSoundImported extractSubSound (int start, int end) throws SoundTransformException

Extracts a part of the sound between the sample #start and the sample #end

start - the first sample to extract

end - the last sample to extract

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the indexes are out of bound

FluentClientWithFreqs filterRange (float low, float high)

Removes the values between low and high in the loudest freqs array (replace them by 0)

low - low frequency (first one to avoid)

high - high frequency (last one to avoid)

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

SoundTransformException - can occur if low is greater than or equal to high

FluentClientWithFreqs findLoudestFrequencies () throws SoundTransformException

FluentClientWithFreqs findLoudestFrequencies (PeakFindSoundTransform<?, ?> peakFindSoundTransform) throws SoundTransformException

Parameter: (Optional) peakFindSoundTransform - a sound transform whose role is to find the loudest freqs array

Will invoke a soundtransform to find the loudest frequencies of the sound, chronologically Caution : the original sound will be lost, and it will be impossible to revert this conversion. When shaped into a sound, the new sound will only sound like the instrument you shaped the freqs with

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

SoundTransformException - if the convert fails

FluentClientSoundImported importToSound () throws SoundTransformException

Uses the current input stream object to convert it into a sound

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - the inputStream is invalid, or the convert did not work

FluentClientWithInputStream importToStream () throws SoundTransformException

Opens the current file and converts it into an InputStream, ready to be read (or to be written to a file)

the client, with an inputStream

SoundTransformException - the current file is not valid, or the conversion did not work

FluentClientWithFreqs insertPart (float [] subFreqs, int start)

Adds some new values in the loudest freqs array from the "start" index (add the values of subfreqs)

subFreqs - loudest freqs array to insert

start - index where to start the insert

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientSoundImported loop (int length) throws SoundTransformException

Extracts a part of the sound between the sample #start and the sample #end

length - the number of samples of the result sound

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the length is not positive

FluentClientSoundImported mergeChannels () throws SoundTransformException

Converts a stereo sound into a mono sound with the channels mixed

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the sound is null or if the sound is already mono

FluentClientSoundImported mixWith (Sound sound) throws SoundTransformException

Combines the current sound with another sound. The operation is not reversible

sound - the sound to mix the current sound with

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the sound is null or if there is a problem with the mix

FluentClientSoundImported mixAllInOneSound () throws SoundTransformException

Uses the sounds inside the nested clients to mix them all and to produce a single sound

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - if the nested clients are not in the Sound imported state

FluentClientWithFreqs octaveDown ()

Changes the loudest frequencies array to become one octave lower

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientWithFreqs octaveUp ()

Changes the loudest frequencies array to become one octave upper

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientSoundImported.playIt or FluentClientWithFile.playIt or FluentClientWithInputStream.playIt or FluentClientWithSpectrums.playIt
<T> T playIt () throws SoundTransformException

<T> T playIt (Object stopMonitor) throws SoundTransformException

<T> T playIt (Object stopMonitor, int skipMilliseconds) throws SoundTransformException

Parameters: (optional)
stopMonitor - calling notifyAll stops the player

skipMilliSeconds - starts playing at 'skipMilliSeconds' ms from the begining of the sound

Plays the current audio data

the client, with the current data

SoundTransformException - could not play the current audio data

FluentClientWithFreqs replacePart (float [] subFreqs, int start)

Replaces some of the values of the loudest freqs array from the "start" index (replaces them by the values of subfreqs)

subFreqs - replacement loudest freqs array

start - index where to start the replacement

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

FluentClientSoundImported shapeIntoSound (String packName, String instrumentName, FormatInfo formatInfo) throws SoundTransformException

Shapes these loudest frequencies array into a sound and set the converted sound in the pipeline

packName - reference to an existing imported pack (must be invoked before the shapeIntoSound method by using withAPack)

instrumentName - the name of the instrument that will map the freqs object

formatInfo - the wanted format for the future sound

the client, with a sound imported

SoundTransformException - could not call the soundtransform to shape the freqs

FluentClientWithSpectrums splitIntoSpectrums () throws SoundTransformException

Uses the current sound to pick its spectrums and set that as the current data in the pipeline

the client, with the spectrums

SoundTransformException - could not convert the sound into some spectrums

FluentClientWithFreqs surroundInRange (float low, float high)

Changes the loudest frequencies so every value is between low and high

low - lowest frequency of the range

high - highest frequency of the range

the client, with a loudest frequencies float array

SoundTransformException - can occur if low is greater than or equal to high

FluentClientWithFile writeToClasspathResource (String resource) throws SoundTransformException

Writes the current InputStream in a classpath resource in the same folder as a previously imported classpath resource. Caution : if no classpath resource was imported before, this operation will not work. Use writeToClasspathResourceWithSiblingResource instead

resource - a classpath resource.

the client, with a file

SoundTransformException - there is no predefined classpathresource directory, or the file could not be written

FluentClientWithFile writeToClasspathResourceWithSiblingResource (String resource, String siblingResource) throws SoundTransformException

Writes the current InputStream in a classpath resource in the same folder as a the sibling resource.

resource - a classpath resource that may or may not exist yet

siblingResource - a classpath resource that must exist

the client, with a file

SoundTransformException - no such sibling resource, or the file could not be written

FluentClientWithFile writeToFile (File file) throws SoundTransformException

Writes the current InputStream in a file

file - the destination file

the client, with a file

SoundTransformException - The file could not be written

4. method flow stops

<T> T [] applyAndStop (SoundTransform<Channel, T> transform) throws SoundTransformException;

Applies one transform and stops immediately after with a result

transform - the SoundTransform to apply

a result in the expected kind

SoundTransformException - if the transform does not work

Pack stopWithAPack (String title)

Stops the client pipeline and returns the pack whose title is in parameter

title - the title of the pack

a pack object

File stopWithFile ()

Stops the client pipeline and returns the obtained file

a file

float [] stopWithFreqs ()

Stops the client pipeline and returns the obtained loudest frequencies

loudest frequencies array

InputStream stopWithInputStream ()

Stops the client pipeline and returns the obtained input stream

an input stream

Observer [] stopWithObservers ();

Stops the client pipeline and returns the currently subscribed observers

the observers

<T> T [] stopWithResults (Class<T> resultClass)

Stops the client pipeline and get all the values inside each nested client

resultClass - You have to specify what type of result you expect. the value can be one of this list : (Sound.class, InputStream.class, File.class, String.class, List.class)

an array of results

Sound stopWithSound ()

Stops the client pipeline and returns the obtained sound

a sound value object

List<Spectrum<Serializable> []> stopWithSpectrums ()

Stops the client pipeline and returns the obtained spectrums

a list of spectrums for each channel

StreamInfo stopWithStreamInfo () throws SoundTransformException

Stops the client pipeline and returns the obtained stream info object

a streamInfo object

SoundTransformException - could not read the StreamInfo from the current inputstream

SoundTransform classes

The SoundTransform classes are a family of classes whose role is to process something on an object of an certain 'I' kind and to return another object of a certain 'O' kind (at least one of 'I' or 'O' must be 'Channel')

The signature will contain this transform method for every class :

public O transform (I input) throws SoundTransformException;

The simplest way to process a transform is to use the FluentClientSoundImported.apply method.

Calling directly the transform method can do the trick, but don't forget to call it on each channel with exactly the same parameters, and to pass the list of your observers.

Some of these classes only iterate over the samples once, changing some samples with a formula (for example EightBightSoundTransform). Some others convert first the sound in the frequency domain before processing it (it uses a spectrum as input), like EqualizerSoundTransform.

Time domain transforms


public class CutSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Removes a part of a sound

The result of the method contains the rest of the sound, and the removed interval is not available from here.

  • Constructor:
public CutSoundTransform (int start, int end)

Default Constructor

  • Parameters:
    • start — start of the interval
    • end — end of the interval


public class EightBitsSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Leaves only one sample out of [step] ones, the others are set to 0. The effect is to produce a sound that sounds like a video game console. (a good step value for a CD format is 25)

  • Constructor:
public EightBitsSoundTransform (int step)

Default constructor

  • Parameter: step — iteration step value


public class FadeSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Fade in / Fade out operation of a sound. Ability to change the first part of a sound as an intro or the last part as an outro (the sound volume gradually increases in the intro and gradually descreases in the outro)

  • Constructor:
public FadeSoundTransform (int length, boolean fadeIn) throws SoundTransformException

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • length — length of the fade
    • fadeIn — true for fadeIn, false for fadeOut
  • Exception: SoundTransformException — The fade length is longer than the sound itself


public class InsertPartSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Inserts a sound into another

  • Constructor:
public InsertPartSoundTransform (Sound subsound, int start)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • subsound — the sound to insert (only one sound is allowed, each element is a sound channel)
    • start — start index where to insert the sound


public class LinearRegressionSoundTransform implements SoundTransform

Smoothes a sound graph. The effect is to remove the treble frequencies without any time-to-frequency domain transform

  • Constructor:
public LinearRegressionSoundTransform (int step)

Default constructor

  • Parameter: step — iteration step value


public class LoopSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Repeats a sound as another sound

  • Constructor:
public LoopSoundTransform (int length)

Default constructor

  • Parameter: length — length (in samples) of the repetition(s)


public class MaximumLikelihoodSoundTransform extends AbstractLogAware<MaximumLikelihoodSoundTransform> implements PeakFindSoundTransform<Serializable, AbstractLogAware<MaximumLikelihoodSoundTransform>>

Peak find algorithm using the Maximum Likelihood method : sums k values each t step. When the k values are at their max, then t is near t0. Finally, f0 is 1 / t0

Useful to get the f0 values of a sound (loudest freqs array).

As this Peak find algorithm is processed in the time domain rather than the frequency domain, the getDetectedNoteVolume will return an arbitrary, not reliable value.

This is a PeakFindSoundTransform, therefore it is a SoundTransform<Channel, float []>.

  • Constructor:
public MaximumLikelihoodSoundTransform (final int window, final int step, final int minFreq, final int maxFreq)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • window — the samples window length picked at each iteration. This param can be equal to the sample rate
    • step — the iteration step (increasing the value will speed the transform but will be less precise)
    • minFreq — the detection will start with this value as the lowest possible detected frequency. It is advised not to choose 0 to avoid detecting bad freqs in a noisy sound
    • maxFreq — the detection will start with this value as the highest possible detected frequency


public class MixSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Mixes several sounds into a new sound The sound channels will be re-sampled (up sampled or down sampled) to match the first sound format info. The sounds samples will be summed. Therefore, if the first sound is the opposite of the second one (sample1 [i] = -sample2 [i]), the sum will be 0. (there will be nothing to hear)

  • Constructor:
public MixSoundTransform (List<Sound> otherSounds)

Default constructor the transform expects to receive all the channels of each sound, even if it will not use them all for the mix. (the channelNum of the first sound will be used to match the other sounds channels before the mix operation takes place)

  • Parameter: otherSounds — sounds to mix with the first one (passed in the transform)


public class NormalizeSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Raises the sound volume to match a certain percentage of the maximum possible level

  • Constructor:
public NormalizeSoundTransform (float coefficient) throws SoundTransformException

Default constructor

  • Parameter: coefficient — coefficient of the max level (0 <= coefficient <= 1)
  • Exception: SoundTransformException — The coefficient of the normalizer is above one or below zero


public class PitchSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Removes or adds some samples in the input sound according to the passed percent parameter. This will change the pitch of the sound (the frequencies will be shifted)

  • Constructor:
public PitchSoundTransform (float percent)

Default constructor

  • Parameter: percent — if < 100, the sound will contains more samples, therefore the sound will be pitched down, and the frequencies will be lowered, if = 100, nothing happens, if > 100, the sound will contains less samples, therefore the sound will be pitched up, and the frequencies will be higher


public class ReplacePartSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Replaces a part of a sound with another sound The target sound must have the same number of channels as the replacement, and the insert index must not be out of bounds

  • Constructor:
public ReplacePartSoundTransform (Sound replacement, int start)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • replacement — replacement sound
    • start — start index


public class SubSoundExtractSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Cuts a part of a sound and returns it. The rest of the sound will not be available.

  • Constructor:
public SubSoundExtractSoundTransform (int start, int end)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • start — start index
    • end — end index

Frequency domain transforms


public class CepstrumSoundTransform<T extends Serializable> extends AbstractLogAware<CepstrumSoundTransform<T>> implements PeakFindSoundTransform<T, AbstractLogAware<CepstrumSoundTransform<T>>>

Transforms a sound into a list of cepstrums (log modulus of the spectrums). Useful to get the f0 values of a sound (loudest freqs array).

The obtained Spectrum are not really spectrums. They consist of a graph a quefrencies (and not frequencies).

The peak can represent the f0 (if the FormatInfo of the input sound is adequate), but it is not faithful everytime. This method can detect wrong values.

This is a PeakFindSoundTransform, therefore it is a SoundTransform<Channel, float []>.

  • Parameters: <T> — The kind of object held inside a spectrum.

  • Constructor:

public CepstrumSoundTransform (double step, boolean note)

Default Constructor

  • Parameters:
    • step — the iteration step (increasing the value will speed the transform but will be less precise)
    • note — if true, the loudest freqs array will contain a single element and the cepstrum will be made once, using the whole sound
public class EqualizerSoundTransform extends SimpleFrequencySoundTransform<Complex []>

Change the volume of each frequencies range at each step of the sound

  • Constructor:
public EqualizerSoundTransform (double [] ranges, double [] amplification)

Default constructor. A mathematical representation of a curve amplification/freqs is asked in the parameters

  • Parameters:
    • ranges — the frequencies, in abscissa [0..20000]
    • amplification — the amplification, in ordinate [0..1]
public class GaussianEqualizerSoundTransform extends SimpleFrequencySoundTransform<Complex []>

Equalizer which cuts the treble and the bass frequencies of a sound

  • Constructor:
public GaussianEqualizerSoundTransform ()

Default constructor

public class HarmonicProductSpectrumSoundTransform<T extends Serializable> extends AbstractLogAware<HarmonicProductSpectrumSoundTransform<T>> implements PeakFindSoundTransform<T, AbstractLogAware<HarmonicProductSpectrumSoundTransform<T>>> 

Finds the loudest frequencies array using the Harmonic Product Spectrum algorithm. This is a PeakFindSoundTransform, therefore it is a SoundTransform<Channel, float []>.

  • Parameter: <T> — The kind of object held inside a spectrum.

  • Constructors:

public HarmonicProductSpectrumSoundTransform (boolean note, boolean useRawData)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • note — if true, the whole sound will be transformed at once to know the loudest freq, therefore the array will be of size 1.
    • useRawData— use double array of arrays instead of spectrums (fasten the transform)
public HarmonicProductSpectrumSoundTransform (double step, boolean useRawData)

Constructor not using the whole sound as a musical note

  • Parameters:
    • step — the iteration step value
    • useRawData— use double array of arrays instead of spectrums (fasten the transform)
public HarmonicProductSpectrumSoundTransform (boolean note, double step, int windowLength, boolean useRawData)

Full constructor with every parameter specified

  • Parameters:
    • note — if true, the whole sound will be transformed at once to know the loudest freq.
    • step — the iteration step value
    • windowLength — length of the spectrum used during each iteration (the highest the slowest)
    • useRawData— use double array of arrays instead of spectrums (fasten the transform)
public class ReduceNoiseSoundTransform extends SimpleFrequencySoundTransform<Complex []>

Set a frequency volume to 0 if the volume is below a threshold

  • Constructor:
public ReduceNoiseSoundTransform (float percentOfMaxVolumeThreshold)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:

    • percentOfMaxVolumeThreshold — percent of max volume threshold
  • Exception: SoundTransformException — if the percentOfMaxVolumeThreshold param is not between 0 and 100%

public class ShapeSoundTransform extends AbstractLogAware<ShapeSoundTransform> implements SoundTransform<float [], Channel>

Create a sound with notes matching the input sound loudest frequencies. It shapes a sound consisting of the notes heard in the freqs array.

  • Constructor:
public ShapeSoundTransform (String packName, String instrument, float [] freqs, FormatInfo formatInfo)

Default Constructor

  • Parameters:
    • packName — Pack name, should be already imported
    • instrument — instrument of the pack which will be used to shape the sound
    • formatInfo — the format info
public class SimpleFrequencySoundTransform<T extends Serializable> extends AbstractFrequencySoundTransform<T>

Simple proxy to avoid useless parameters in the overriden method. It is made to be subclassed by your own soundtransform class

  • Constructor:
public SimpleFrequencySoundTransform ()

Default constructor

public class SlowdownSoundTransform extends SimpleFrequencySoundTransform<Complex []>

Builds a new sound, longer than the input, without shifting the frequencies

  • Constructor:
public SlowdownSoundTransform (int step, float factor, int windowLength) throws SoundTransformException

Default constructor WARN : can fail for various reasons

  • Parameters:
    • step — must be > that the f0 of the sound. Else it will not fail but will produce a bad sound
    • factor — the slowdown factor
    • windowLength — must be a power of 2 and must be >= 2 * step
  • Exception: SoundTransformException — if the constraint about the windowLength is not met
public class SpeedUpSoundTransform<T extends Serializable> extends SimpleFrequencySoundTransform<T>

Builds a new sound, shorter than the input, without shifting the frequencies

  • Parameter: <T> — The kind of object held inside a spectrum.

  • Constructor:

public SpeedUpSoundTransform (int step, float factor)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • step — iteration step value
    • factor — factor of compression (e.g. 2 means : twice as short)
public class UseWindowFunctionSoundTransform implements SoundTransform<Channel, Channel>

Proxy transform to pass a Window Transform and apply on a whole Channel

  • Constructor:
public UseWindowFunctionSoundTransform (AbstractWindowSoundTransform windowFunction)

Default constructor

  • Parameters:
    • windowFunction — nested window transform

Window transforms

A window transform is used to improve a frequency domain transform (on a musical note) so the transform is not impacted by a varying signal over time. Each of these transform extends the class AbstractWindowSoundTransform


public final class BlackmanHarrisWindowSoundTransform extends AbstractWindowSoundTransform 

Blackman Harris window : 0.35875 - 0.48829 cos (2πx) + 0.14128 cos (4πx) - 0.01168 cos (6πx)

  • Constructor:
public BlackmanHarrisWindowSoundTransform ()

Default Constructor


public final class HammingWindowSoundTransform extends AbstractWindowSoundTransform 

Hamming window : 0.54 - 0.46 cos (2πx)

  • Constructor:
public HammingWindowSoundTransform ()

Default Constructor


public final class HanningWindowSoundTransform extends AbstractWindowSoundTransform 

Hanning window : 0.5 ( 1 - cos (2πx))

  • Constructor:
public HanningWindowSoundTransform ()

Default Constructor