Many steps of genomic data processing have some associated quality value for their results. Here we will briefly check the first and last of those. But there is no simple way to set your quality thresholds. You have to recognize completely bad data. But after that there is a continuum. Sometimes you just need an idea of the underlying biology. Find some variants for further screening. Sometimes you're trying to pinpoint particular variant causing a disease.
Each read that comes out of the (now common) sequencing machines like Illumina or Ion Torrent has a quality score assigned with each of the bases. This is not true for the upcoming NanoPore or almost forgotten SOLiD machines, that are reading more bases a time.
The quality in Fastq files is encoded in Phred quality score, a number on a logarithmic scale, similar to decibels.
Phred quality Probability of error 20 1 in 100 40 1 in 10,000 60 1 in 1,000,000
Each Phred number is in turn encoded as a single character, so there is
straightforward mapping between the bases and the quality scores. The
most common mapping is Phred+33
!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ | | | | | 0.2......................26...31........41
FastQC is a nice tool that you run with your data and get nice graphical reports on the quality. It is not completely installed in your images, so you can try to run a tool that was just unpacked (this is how this tool is distributed, there is no install script - a daily bread of a bioinformatician;). You have to use the full path to the tool to run it:
cd ~/sw
unzip fastqc_*.zip
rm fastqc_*.zip
chmod +x FastQC/fastqc
# make a project directory for the qualities
mkdir -p projects/quality
cd projects/quality
mkdir 00-reads
</data-shared/fastq/fastq.tar.gz tar xz -C 00-reads
mkdir 01-quality
~/sw/FastQC/fastqc -o 01-quality --noextract 00-reads/HRTMUOC01.RL12.01.fastq
Now transfer the .html
files from the virtual machine to yours.
Open the files on your machine. You should see a report with plots
like this:
To understand better what is in the FastQC plots, we will try to reproduce the plots using Unix and ggplot. You should be able to understand the following pipeline, at least by taking it apart with the help of head or less. A brief description:
merges every four lines into oneawk
selects only reads longer than 50 basessed
replaces the leading '@' with an empty stringhead
takes first 1,000 sequencesawk
creates a Phred decoding table inBEGIN
section, then uses the table (quals
) to decode the values, outputs one row for each base (see 'tidy data')
mkdir 02-quality-handmade
<$IN paste - - - - |
awk 'length($2) > 50' |
sed 's/^@//' |
head -1000 |
awk 'BEGIN {
for(i = 33; i < 127; i++) quals[sprintf("%c", i)] = i - 33;
l = length($2)
for(i = 1; i <= l; i++) {
print $1, i, l - i, substr($2, i, 1), quals[substr($4, i, 1)];}
> 02-quality-handmade/quals.tsv
The first of the FastQC plots shows a summary of base qualities according to position in the read. But it does not show quality scores for all possible positions, they are grouped into classes of similar importance. The further the base in the read, the bigger the group.
Fire up R Studio by clicking the link.
Create a file where your plotting code will live, File > New file > R Script
move to the directory where you're working now (don't forget to use tab completion):
Now save it as plots.R
. (Doing setwd first offers the correct directory to save the file.)
First we will read in the data.
col_names=c("seq", "pos", "end_pos", "base", "qual")) ->
We did not include column names in the data file, but it is easy to provide
them during the load via col_names
argument. Let's look at base quality
values for first 10 sequences:
d$seq %>% unique %>% head(10) -> sel
d %>%
filter(seq %in% sel) %>%
ggplot(aes(pos, qual, colour = seq, group = seq)) +
The qualities on sequence level don't seem to be very informative. They're rather noisy. A good way to fight noise is aggregation. We will aggregate the quality values using boxplots and for different position regions. First set up the intervals:
# fastqc uses bins with varying size:
# 1-9 by one, up to 75 by 5, up to 300 by 50, rest by 100
seq(14, 50, by = 5),
seq(59, 100, by = 10),
seq(149, 300, by = 50),
seq(400, 1000, by=100)) ->
# create nice labels for the intervals
l = breaks %>% head(-1),
r = breaks %>% tail(-1)) %>%
diff = r - l,
lab = ifelse(diff > 1, paste0(l + 1, "-", r), as.character(r))) ->
Check the breaks
and labs
variables. In the FastQC plot there are vertical quality zones,
green, yellow and red. To replicate this, we need the values of the limits:
# data for quality zones
ymin = c(0, 20, 28),
ymax = c(20, 28, 40),
colour=c("red", "orange", "green")) ->
# check if the quality zones look reasonably
ggplot(quals, aes(ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, fill=colour)) +
geom_rect(alpha=0.3, xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf) +
scale_fill_identity() +
Now we can use the breaks to create position bins:
d %>%
mutate(bin=cut(pos, breaks, labels = labs$lab)) ->
# plot the qualities in the bins
ggplot(dm, aes(bin, qual)) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = NA) +
ylim(c(0, 45))
Zones and boxplots look ok, we can easily combine those two into one plot.
That's pretty easy with ggplot. We use theme
to rotate the x labels, so
they're all legible. In real world application the qualities are binned first,
and then the statistics are calculated on the fly, so it is not necessary to
load all the data at once.
ggplot(dm) +
geom_rect(aes(ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = colour),
xmin = -Inf,
xmax = Inf,
data = quals) +
scale_fill_identity() +
geom_boxplot(aes(bin, qual), outlier.colour = NA, fill = "yellow") +
geom_smooth(aes(bin, qual, group = 1), colour = "blue") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 40, hjust = 1))
Now we can do the base frequency plot. We already have the position bins, so just throw ggplot at it:
ggplot(dm, aes(bin, fill = base)) + geom_bar()
We're almost there, just need to normalize the values in each column so they sum up to 1. Ggplot can do it for us:
ggplot(dm, aes(bin, fill = base)) + geom_bar(position = "fill")
If you still want to get the line chart, you need to calculate the relative frequencies yourself:
dm %>%
group_by(bin, base) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
group_by(bin) %>%
mutate(`relative frequency` = count / sum(count)) ->
dfreq %>%
ggplot(aes(bin, `relative frequency`, colour = base, group = base)) +
geom_line(size = 1.3)
What is better about the bar chart, and what is better about the line chart?
Hands on!
Now run the FastQC quality check for all reads in 00-reads
. Write the commands on your own.
Use globbing patterns! Or try to write an alternative command with find
and parallel
When checking quality of multiple fastq files, there is MultiQC - it takes the output of multiple FastQC runs and generates a nice summary. You can try to run MultiQC as a homework:
# run the multiqc on the fastqc results multiqc -o 03-multiqc 01-quality