C:\Users\user\Desktop\librespot\target\release>librespot -n "Librespot" -b 320 -c ./cache --enable-volume-normalisation --initial-volume 75 --device-type avr --verbose [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z INFO librespot] librespot 0.5.0-dev a6065d6 (Built on 2024-04-09, Build ID: eVMYsZUg, Profile: release) [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] Command line argument(s): [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] n "Librespot" [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] b "320" [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] c "./cache" [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] enable-volume-normalisation [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] initial-volume "75" [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] device-type "avr" [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] verbose [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z TRACE librespot] Using cached credentials. [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] new Session [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_discovery::server] Zeroconf server listening on [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z INFO librespot_playback::mixer::softmixer] Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0) [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Type: Auto [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Pregain: 0.0 dB [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Threshold: -2.0 dBFS [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Method: Dynamic [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Attack: 5 ms [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Release: 100 ms [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Normalisation Knee: 5 dB [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] new Spirc[0] [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] new Player [0] [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot::component] new MercuryManager [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z INFO librespot_playback::convert] Converting with ditherer: tpdf [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot::component] new ApResolver [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z INFO librespot_playback::audio_backend::rodio] Using Rodio sink with format S16 and cpal host: WASAPI [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting https://apresolve.spotify.com/?type=accesspoint&type=dealer&type=spclient [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z INFO librespot_playback::audio_backend::rodio] Using audio device: Speakers (Razer Barracuda X) [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z WARN librespot_core::apresolve] Failed to resolve all access points, using fallbacks [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z WARN librespot_core::apresolve] Resolve access points error: Invalid state { BadDER } [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z INFO librespot_core::session] Connecting to AP "ap.spotify.com:443" [2024-04-09T09:42:19Z DEBUG librespot_playback::audio_backend::rodio] Rodio sink was created [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z INFO librespot_core::session] Authenticated as "31xosbb2c7xxm7c2a6n2cef5qdti" ! [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] canonical_username: 31xosbb2c7xxm7c2a6n2cef5qdti [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=AddEventSender [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_playback::mixer::mappings] Input volume 49151 mapped to: 17.78% [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=hm://remote/user/ [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=spotify:user:attributes:update [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=spotify:user:attributes:mutated [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::mercury] listening to uri=hm://pusher/v1/connections/ [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] Session strong=4 weak=4 [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z INFO librespot_core::session] Country: "AU" [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z TRACE librespot_core::session] Received product info: { "app-developer": "0", "ab-mobile-running-onlymanualmode": "only-manual", "sidebar-navigation-enabled": "0", "filter-explicit-content": "0", "audiobook-onboarding-dismissed": "0", "head-files": "0", "enable-autostart": "1", "player-license": "premium", "playlist-annotations-markup": "0", "prefetch-keys": "1", "video-wifi-initial-bitrate": "800000", "enable-gapless": "1", "pause-after": "0", "ad-persist-reward-time": "0", "unrestricted": "1", "explicit-content": "1", "financial-product": "pr:premium,tc:0,rt:v2_AU_default_new-family-sub-1m_0_AUD_default", "key-caching-max-count": "10000", "radio": "1", "head-file-caching": "0", "name": "Spotify Premium", "remote-control": "0", "incognito_mode_timeout": "21600", "shows-collection": "0", "capping-bar-threshold": "3601", "ab-mobile-social-feed": "1", "prefetch-strategy": "2", "instant-search": "0", "ab_recently_played_feature_time_filter_threshold": "com.spotify.gaia=30,driving-mode=120,spotify%3Ainternal%3Astartpage=30", "video-device-blacklisted": "0", "is_email_verified": "1", "post-open-graph-loglevel": "0", "track-cap": "0", "playlist-folders": "1", "ugc-abuse-report": "0", "type": "premium", "ads": "0", "ab-collection-union": "1", "ap-resolve-pods": "0", "fb-info-confirmation": "control", "ab-collection-hide-unavailable-albums": "0", "streaming": "1", "widevine-license-url": "https://spclient.wg.spotify.com/widevine-license/v1/video/license", "ab-sugarpills-sanity-check": "0", "payments-locked-state": "0", "offline": "1", "video-cdn-sampling": "1", "on-demand-trial": "expired", "allow-override-internal-prefs": "0", "payments-initial-campaign": "default", "ab-collection-bookmark-model": "1", "preferred-locale": "en", "send-email": "0", "india-experience": "0", "ab-browse-music-tuesday": "1", "key-caching-max-offline-seconds": "1800", "ab-android-push-notifications": "1", "ab-collection-offline-mode": "0", "ab-moments-experience": "0", "audiobook-onboarding-completed": "0", "ab-collection-followed-artists-only": "1", "ugc-abuse-report-url": "https://support.spotify.com/abuse/?uri={uri}", "local-files-import": "0", "libspotify": "1", "enable-crossfade": "1", "ab-watch-now": "0", "license-acceptance-grace-days": "30", "shuffle": "0", "use-playlist-uris": "0", "user-profile-show-invitation-codes": "0", "employee-free-opt-in": "0", "ad-formats-preroll-video": "0", "arsenal_country": "1", "buffering-strategy-parameters": "0.8:0.2:0.0:0.0:0.0:0.0:1.0:10:10:2000:10000:10485760", "is_maybe_in_social_session": "1", "lock-filter-explicit-content": "0", "mobile": "1", "catalogue": "premium", "enable-annotations-read": "0", "use-pl3": "0", "network-operator-premium-activation": "1", "audio-preview-url-template": "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/{id}", "ab-desktop-hide-follow": "0", "collection": "1", "buffering-strategy": "2", "ab-ad-player-targeting": "1", "mobile-browse": "0", "video-initial-bitrate": "200000", "ad-session-persistence": "1", "instant-search-expand-sidebar": "0", "browse-overview-enabled": "1", "storage-size-config": "10240,90,500,3", "ab-new-share-flow": "0", "ab-mobile-discover": "0", "publish-playlist": "0", "prefetch-window-max": "2", "shuffle-algorithm": "1", "nft-disabled": "1", "mobile-payment": "0", "image-url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/{file_id}", "ab-mobile-running-tempo-detection": "Control", "expiry": "1", "high-bitrate": "1", "metadata-link-lookup-modes": "0", "shows-collection-jam": "0", "ab-mobile-startpage": "0", "ab-test-group": "856", "video-manifest-url": "https://spclient.wg.spotify.com/manifests/v6/{type}/sources/{source_id}", "fb-grant-permission-local-render": "0", "on-demand": "1", "mobile-login": "1", "restrict-playlist-collaboration": "0", "ab-play-history": "0", "use-fb-publish-backend": "2", "video-keyframe-url": "http://keyframes-fa.cdn.spotify.com/keyframes/v1/sources/{source_id}/keyframe/heights/{height}/timestamps/{timestamp_ms}.jpg", "publish-activity": "1", "ad-formats-video-takeover": "0", } [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received connection ID update: "Y2U4ZDcxMDA0Zjk1OTcxNDFkNGI1OTQwYmQxYmIyZGM1MmEzNWRhZStBUCt0Y3A6Ly9nYWUyLWFjY2Vzc3BvaW50LWMtejVobS5nYWUyLnNwb3RpZnkubmV0OjUwMTQrRTFCNjA0OTI3RUFBOTA0RTNGRDFGRjcxMzVFNkNDQjk4NDQyRTUxMzA3QjYwNzU2RUYxM0JDNjM2QTAzODUyNg%3D%3D" [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111272834, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeNotify, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( true, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: Some( 1712655358205, ), error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( Some( State { context_uri: Some( "spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe", ), index: Some( 0, ), position_ms: Some( 0, ), status: Some( kPlayStatusPlay, ), position_measured_at: Some( 1712655627226, ), context_description: Some( "", ), shuffle: Some( true, ), repeat: Some( true, ), last_command_ident: None, last_command_msgid: None, playing_from_fallback: Some( true, ), row: Some( 0, ), playing_track_index: Some( 0, ), track: [ TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 18, 43, 16, 73, 79, 234, 70, 253, 135, 243, 176, 68, 190, 151, 241, 82, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 46, 225, 132, 204, 13, 140, 68, 30, 160, 45, 43, 246, 115, 159, 4, 22, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 113, 121, 198, 81, 251, 162, 77, 119, 167, 168, 208, 214, 158, 250, 87, 164, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 128, 67, 217, 168, 124, 165, 74, 150, 137, 196, 156, 210, 22, 68, 93, 203, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 246, 146, 36, 169, 217, 15, 78, 170, 141, 37, 170, 81, 88, 95, 183, 206, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 101, 159, 17, 216, 2, 101, 67, 152, 170, 30, 7, 210, 33, 169, 128, 92, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 45, 104, 119, 94, 208, 26, 72, 165, 184, 129, 207, 255, 162, 17, 234, 101, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], ad: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: Some( { 29: UnknownValues { fixed32: [], fixed64: [], varint: [ 1000, ], length_delimited: [], }, }, ), }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655739493, ), recipient: [], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:20Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusStop] [2024-04-09T09:42:25Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111277812, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeNotify, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( true, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: Some( 1712655358146, ), error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( Some( State { context_uri: Some( "spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe", ), index: Some( 0, ), position_ms: Some( 1837, ), status: Some( kPlayStatusPlay, ), position_measured_at: Some( 1712655630103, ), context_description: Some( "", ), shuffle: Some( true, ), repeat: Some( true, ), last_command_ident: None, last_command_msgid: None, playing_from_fallback: Some( true, ), row: Some( 0, ), playing_track_index: Some( 0, ), track: [ TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 18, 43, 16, 73, 79, 234, 70, 253, 135, 243, 176, 68, 190, 151, 241, 82, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 46, 225, 132, 204, 13, 140, 68, 30, 160, 45, 43, 246, 115, 159, 4, 22, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 113, 121, 198, 81, 251, 162, 77, 119, 167, 168, 208, 214, 158, 250, 87, 164, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 128, 67, 217, 168, 124, 165, 74, 150, 137, 196, 156, 210, 22, 68, 93, 203, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 246, 146, 36, 169, 217, 15, 78, 170, 141, 37, 170, 81, 88, 95, 183, 206, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 101, 159, 17, 216, 2, 101, 67, 152, 170, 30, 7, 210, 33, 169, 128, 92, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 45, 104, 119, 94, 208, 26, 72, 165, 184, 129, 207, 255, 162, 17, 234, 101, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], ad: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: Some( { 29: UnknownValues { fixed32: [], fixed64: [], varint: [ 1000, ], length_delimited: [], }, }, ), }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655744471, ), recipient: [], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:25Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusStop] [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111279158, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeLoad, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( true, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: Some( 1712655358146, ), error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( Some( State { context_uri: Some( "spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe", ), index: Some( 0, ), position_ms: Some( 115879, ), status: Some( kPlayStatusPlay, ), position_measured_at: Some( 1712655745862, ), context_description: Some( "", ), shuffle: Some( true, ), repeat: Some( true, ), last_command_ident: None, last_command_msgid: None, playing_from_fallback: Some( true, ), row: Some( 0, ), playing_track_index: Some( 0, ), track: [ TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 18, 43, 16, 73, 79, 234, 70, 253, 135, 243, 176, 68, 190, 151, 241, 82, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 46, 225, 132, 204, 13, 140, 68, 30, 160, 45, 43, 246, 115, 159, 4, 22, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 113, 121, 198, 81, 251, 162, 77, 119, 167, 168, 208, 214, 158, 250, 87, 164, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 128, 67, 217, 168, 124, 165, 74, 150, 137, 196, 156, 210, 22, 68, 93, 203, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 246, 146, 36, 169, 217, 15, 78, 170, 141, 37, 170, 81, 88, 95, 183, 206, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 101, 159, 17, 216, 2, 101, 67, 152, 170, 30, 7, 210, 33, 169, 128, 92, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 45, 104, 119, 94, 208, 26, 72, 165, 184, 129, 207, 255, 162, 17, 234, 101, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], ad: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: Some( { 29: UnknownValues { fixed32: [], fixed64: [], varint: [ 0, ], length_delimited: [], }, }, ), }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655744690, ), recipient: [ "ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", ], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitSessionConnectedEvent("Y2U4ZDcxMDA0Zjk1OTcxNDFkNGI1OTQwYmQxYmIyZGM1MmEzNWRhZStBUCt0Y3A6Ly9nYWUyLWFjY2Vzc3BvaW50LWMtejVobS5nYWUyLnNwb3RpZnkubmV0OjUwMTQrRTFCNjA0OTI3RUFBOTA0RTNGRDFGRjcxMzVFNkNDQjk4NDQyRTUxMzA3QjYwNzU2RUYxM0JDNjM2QTAzODUyNg%3D%3D", "31xosbb2c7xxm7c2a6n2cef5qdti") [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] State: State { context_uri: Some( "spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe", ), index: Some( 0, ), position_ms: Some( 115879, ), status: Some( kPlayStatusPlay, ), position_measured_at: Some( 1712655745862, ), context_description: Some( "", ), shuffle: Some( true, ), repeat: Some( true, ), last_command_ident: None, last_command_msgid: None, playing_from_fallback: Some( true, ), row: Some( 0, ), playing_track_index: Some( 0, ), track: [ TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 18, 43, 16, 73, 79, 234, 70, 253, 135, 243, 176, 68, 190, 151, 241, 82, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 46, 225, 132, 204, 13, 140, 68, 30, 160, 45, 43, 246, 115, 159, 4, 22, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 113, 121, 198, 81, 251, 162, 77, 119, 167, 168, 208, 214, 158, 250, 87, 164, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 128, 67, 217, 168, 124, 165, 74, 150, 137, 196, 156, 210, 22, 68, 93, 203, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 246, 146, 36, 169, 217, 15, 78, 170, 141, 37, 170, 81, 88, 95, 183, 206, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 101, 159, 17, 216, 2, 101, 67, 152, 170, 30, 7, 210, 33, 169, 128, 92, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, TrackRef { gid: Some( [ 45, 104, 119, 94, 208, 26, 72, 165, 184, 129, 207, 255, 162, 17, 234, 101, ], ), uri: None, queued: None, context: None, special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], ad: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: Some( { 29: UnknownValues { fixed32: [], fixed64: [], varint: [ 0, ], length_delimited: [], }, }, ), }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitSessionClientChangedEvent("65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", "spotify", "PC desktop") [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Frame has 7 tracks [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitVolumeChangedEvent(49151) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitAutoPlayChangedEvent(false) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot::component] new SpClient [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitFilterExplicitContentChangedEvent(false) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitShuffleChangedEvent(false) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=EmitRepeatChangedEvent(false) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting https://apresolve.spotify.com/?type=accesspoint&type=dealer&type=spclient [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=SetAutoNormaliseAsAlbum(true) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Load(SpotifyId("spotify:track:0yhxBvedRdGxsPZHJNI4VA"), true, 115879) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_core::http_client] Requesting https://apresolve.spotify.com/?type=accesspoint&type=dealer&type=spclient [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z WARN librespot_core::apresolve] Failed to resolve all access points, using fallbacks [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z WARN librespot_core::apresolve] Resolve access points error: Invalid state { BadDER } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z INFO librespot_core::spclient] Resolved "spclient.wg.spotify.com:443" as spclient access point [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot::component] new TokenProvider [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z WARN librespot_core::apresolve] Failed to resolve all access points, using fallbacks [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z WARN librespot_core::apresolve] Resolve access points error: Invalid state { BadDER } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z INFO librespot_core::spclient] Resolved "spclient.wg.spotify.com:443" as spclient access point [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_connect::spirc] ContextError: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] ==> kPlayStatusPlay [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Skipping to next track, unable to load track : () [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] Marked at 0 as NonPlayable [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Preload(SpotifyId("spotify:track:1qsHYUd2c1wFGcn7e63QmG")) [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Preloading track [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:27Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Unable to preload SpotifyId("spotify:track:1qsHYUd2c1wFGcn7e63QmG") [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111282618, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeNext, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( false, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: None, error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( None, ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655746674, ), recipient: [ "ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", ], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] At track 2 of 7 <"spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe"> update [false] [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Load(SpotifyId("spotify:track:1qsHYUd2c1wFGcn7e63QmG"), true, 0) [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] ==> kPlayStatusPlay [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Skipping to next track, unable to load track : () [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] Marked at 1 as NonPlayable [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Preload(SpotifyId("spotify:track:3s7MCdXyWmwjdcWh7GWXas")) [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Preloading track [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Unable to preload SpotifyId("spotify:track:3s7MCdXyWmwjdcWh7GWXas") [2024-04-09T09:42:30Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111284895, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeNext, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( false, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: None, error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( None, ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655749468, ), recipient: [ "ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", ], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] At track 3 of 7 <"spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe"> update [false] [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Load(SpotifyId("spotify:track:3s7MCdXyWmwjdcWh7GWXas"), true, 0) [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] ==> kPlayStatusPlay [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Skipping to next track, unable to load track : () [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] Marked at 2 as NonPlayable [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Preload(SpotifyId("spotify:track:3U21A07gAloCc4P7J8rxcn")) [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Preloading track [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:32Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Unable to preload SpotifyId("spotify:track:3U21A07gAloCc4P7J8rxcn") [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111287044, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeNext, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( false, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: None, error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( None, ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655751754, ), recipient: [ "ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", ], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] At track 4 of 7 <"spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe"> update [false] [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Load(SpotifyId("spotify:track:3U21A07gAloCc4P7J8rxcn"), true, 0) [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] ==> kPlayStatusPlay [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Skipping to next track, unable to load track : () [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] Marked at 3 as NonPlayable [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Preload(SpotifyId("spotify:track:7vgTNTaEz3CsBZ1N4YQalM")) [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Preloading track [2024-04-09T09:42:34Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:35Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:35Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:35Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:35Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Unable to preload SpotifyId("spotify:track:7vgTNTaEz3CsBZ1N4YQalM") [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Received update frame: Frame { version: Some( 1, ), ident: Some( "d3afac6d580ab1206b72ecc0882c92f235272f54", ), protocol_version: Some( "2.0.0", ), seq_nr: Some( 1111289974, ), typ: Some( kMessageTypeNext, ), device_state: MessageField( Some( DeviceState { sw_version: Some( "", ), is_active: Some( false, ), can_play: Some( true, ), volume: Some( 28187, ), name: Some( "DESKTOP-IH5H8PP", ), error_code: None, became_active_at: None, error_message: None, capabilities: [ Capability { typ: Some( kCanBePlayer, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kRestrictToLocal, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kGaiaEqConnectId, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsLogout, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kIsObservable, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kCommandAcks, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsRename, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kHidden, ), intValue: [ 0, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kDeviceType, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kVolumeSteps, ), intValue: [ 64, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsPlaylistV2, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportsExternalEpisodes, ), intValue: [ 1, ], stringValue: [], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Capability { typ: Some( kSupportedTypes, ), intValue: [], stringValue: [ "audio/ad", "audio/episode", "audio/episode+track", "audio/interruption", "audio/local", "audio/track", "video/ad", "video/episode", ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], context_player_error: None, metadata: [ Metadata { type_: Some( "device_address_mask", ), metadata: Some( "", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "tier1_port", ), metadata: Some( "0", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "debug_level", ), metadata: Some( "1", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "client_id", ), metadata: Some( "65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "brand_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "spotify", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, Metadata { type_: Some( "model_display_name", ), metadata: Some( "PC desktop", ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ], special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, }, ), ), goodbye: MessageField( None, ), state: MessageField( None, ), position: None, volume: None, state_update_id: Some( 1712655753893, ), recipient: [ "ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", ], context_player_state: None, new_name: None, metadata: MessageField( None, ), special_fields: SpecialFields { unknown_fields: UnknownFields { fields: None, }, cached_size: CachedSize { size: 0, }, }, } [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] At track 5 of 7 <"spotify:album:2Ek1q2haOnxVqhvVKqMvJe"> update [false] [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Load(SpotifyId("spotify:track:7vgTNTaEz3CsBZ1N4YQalM"), true, 0) [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] ==> kPlayStatusPlay [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z TRACE librespot_connect::spirc] Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay] [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Skipping to next track, unable to load track : () [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_connect::spirc] Marked at 4 as NonPlayable [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] command=Preload(SpotifyId("spotify:track:35KV2Nuib6jPMVN00O8iba")) [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Preloading track [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z TRACE librespot_core::token] Requested token in scopes "playlist-read" unavailable or expired, requesting new token. [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z ERROR librespot_core::mercury] error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load audio item: Error { kind: Unavailable, error: Response(MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] }) } [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_core::session] could not dispatch command: Service unavailable { error handling Mercury response: MercuryResponse { uri: "hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?scope=playlist-read&client_id=65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd&device_id=ce8d71004f9597141d4b5940bd1bb2dc52a35dae", status_code: 403, payload: [[123, 34, 99, 111, 100, 101, 34, 58, 52, 44, 34, 101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 105, 111, 110, 34, 58, 34, 73, 110, 118, 97, 108, 105, 100, 32, 114, 101, 113, 117, 101, 115, 116, 34, 125]] } } [2024-04-09T09:42:37Z DEBUG librespot_playback::player] Unable to preload SpotifyId("spotify:track:35KV2Nuib6jPMVN00O8iba")