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liebke edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 30 revisions


clj is a Clojure REPL and package management system.

Usage: clj command [arguments]

Available commands:

  • repl: Starts a Clojure swingrepl.
  • run filename: Runs the given Clojure file.
  • list: Prints a list of installed packages.
  • search term: Prints a list of packages on with names that contain the given search term.
  • install package-name [package-version]: Installs the given package from, defaulting to the inferred latest version.
  • describe package-name [package-version]: Prints the description of the given package as found in the description field of its pom file.
  • versions package-name: Prints a list of the versions of the given package available on
  • remove package-name: Removes given package from the clj-repo dependency list, then reinstalls all packages.

Packages are installed in $HOME/.clj/lib, and can be used by applications other than clj
by including the jars in the directory on the classpath. For instance, to start a command line
REPL with jline, run the following command:

java -cp ~/.clj/lib/'*' jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main


Download the clj jar file (or follow the instructions below to build from source):


and either double-click on the jar file to run self-install, or run the self-install command from the command line:

java -jar clj-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar self-install

self-install will:

  • create a $HOME/.clj directory
  • initialize a local reposistory for Clojure packages in $HOME/.clj/lib
  • create the shell and Windows batch scripts,
    • $HOME/.clj/bin/clj
    • $HOME/.clj/bin/clj.bat

You should either add $HOME/.clj/bin to your path,

export PATH=~/.clj/bin:$PATH

or move the clj scripts to a directory on your path.

Build instructions

lein deps
lein uberjar
java -jar clj-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar self-install

Copyright © 2010 David Edgar Liebke

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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