A generator to start quickly using the Serverless Framework with TypeScript source code. This generator provides the following:
- DevOps
and many other useful devop scripts- All devop scipts written in TS; doesn't depend on any 3rd party build tools like Gulp, Grunt, etc.
- Testing:
- Mocha test runner with chai assertion library
- Configuration setup for using Wallaby real-time testing in your editor
- Serverless Enhancements
- Larger projects based on the Serverless framework tend to lead to a quite cluttered
file; with this generator the build process will allow you to decompose the configuration in a sensible way. - The
addon provides easy access AWS's Step functions - Typings provided for all serverless configuration allows your configuration to be checked within your editor before you try and deploy it as well as providing a better way of exploring the API surface allowed in configuration (with intellisence autocomplete and comments)
- Larger projects based on the Serverless framework tend to lead to a quite cluttered
npm i -g yo@latest
npm i -g generator-typescript-microservice
yo typescript-microservice
During the installation you'll be asked about the following considerations:
- Project Type: a "Serverless Project" or just a "Typescript Library"
- Linting: eslint or tslint?
- Documentation: do you want to use Vuepress for documenting your repo? If so we'll add to the "docs" folder and add the appropriate yarn build commands
- Code Coverage: what system do you want to use? We will drop in a starting config file for that solution.
We will assume:
- the use of a Webpack build system in all cases.
- use of yarn as your package manager (although npm will probably work fine)