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Sergey Bronnikov edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 23 revisions

Static Analysis

  • GenMC - is a stateless model checker for C programs that works on the level of LLVM Intermediate Representation.
  • CBMC - bounded model-checker for C programs, user-defined assertions, standard assertions, several coverage metric analyses
  • clang-tidy - clang static analyser
  • CMetrics - Measures size and complexity for C files
  • CodeSonar from GrammaTech ©️ - Advanced, whole program, deep path, static analysis of C and C++ with easy-to-understand explanations and code and path visualization.
  • Corrode - Semi-automatic translation from C to Rust. Could reveal bugs in the original implementation by showing Rust compiler warnings and errors.
  • cppcheck - static analysis of C/C++ code
  • CppDepend ©️ - Measure, query and visualize your code and avoid unexpected issues, technical debt and complexity.
  • cpplint - automated C++ checker that follows Google's style guide
  • cqmetrics - quality metrics for C code
  • CScout - complexity and quality metrics for for C and C preprocessor code
  • flawfinder - finds possible security weaknesses
  • flint++ - cross-platform, zero-dependency port of flint, a lint program for C++ developed and used at Facebook.
  • Frama-C - a sound and extensible static analyzer for C code
  • IKOS - a sound static analyzer for C/C++ code based on LLVM
  • oclint - static analysis of C/C++ code
  • Polyspace Bug Finder ©️ - identifies run-time errors, concurrency issues, security vulnerabilities, and other defects in C and C++ embedded software.
  • Polyspace Code Prover ©️ - provide code verification that proves the absence of overflow, divide-by-zero, out-of-bounds array access, and certain other run-time errors in C and C++ source code.
  • scan-build - Analyzes C/C++ code using LLVM at compile-time
  • splint - Annotation-assisted static program checker
  • vera++ - Vera++ is a programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code.

Dynamic Analysis

Если сделать обёртку для вызовов malloc() и free(), то можно собирать статистику о потреблении памяти и выявлять утечки памяти. Можете написать свою обёртку, а можете взять libtcmalloc.

Благодаря LD_PRELOAD работает множество бибилиотек для fault injection: libfaketime - изменение скорости течения времени, libeatmydata - выключить вызов fsync() для нашей программы, fakeroot - запуск программы в Linux с привилегиями суперпользователя для выполнения любых файловых операций, libshape - ограничение пропускной способности при работе с сетью и другие.

И что немаловажно - такой подход не требует изменения исходного кода программы, то есть у вас не возникнет ситуации, когда для тестирования собирают одну версию исходного кода, а для релиза другую.

Mutation Testing

Table: Reduced-set mutation operators (adapted from Yu-Seung Ma, Jeff Offutt, and Yong-Rae Kwon. MuJava.)

Operator Description
AOR Arithmetic Operator Replacement
AOD Arithmetic Operator Deletion
AOI Arithmetic Operator Insertion
ROR Relational Operator Replacement
COR Conditional Operator Replacement
COD Conditional Operator Deletion
COI Conditional Operator Insertion
SOR Shift Operator Replacement
LOR Logical Operator Replacement
LOD Logical Operator Deletion
LOI Logical Operator Insertion
ASR Assignment Operator Replacement

Test Results

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