description |
LikeCoin Faucet |
Use this faucet to get a small amount of LIKE and start playing around the LikeCoin ecosystem. Each wallet and user can only claim once.
Go to the LikeCoin chain Faucet and log in with your wallet.
Log in with your wallet
Your LikeCoin wallet address is displayed.
LikeCoin wallet address is displayed
Or refer to the following to get your LikeCoin wallet address:
{% content-ref url="wallet/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
Go to LikeCoin Discord #faucet-mainnet channel. If you cannot see the channel please go to the #verify channel and get started.
Type /faucet and choose "Receive 10 LIKE on likecoin-mainnet-2".
Type /faucet and choose "Receive 2.5 LIKE on likecoin-mainnet-2"
Enter the wallet address after /faucet.
Enter the wallet address after /faucet
Receive a reply notification that the LikeCoin transfer has been completed and the txhash for review.
Receive notification that the LikeCoin has been sent
{% content-ref url="community/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}