The basic security nugget is an array which defines which user is granted an action we're trying to execute.
It has two sections: any and all, and looks like this:
permission: Ling.Light_Kit_Admin.admin
micro_permission: store.lud_user.read
all: []
In the above example, I didn't use the all section. In fact, I could have dropped it entirely, but I wanted to show you that it was there just in case.
Each section is composed of directives.
For the any section: if any directive passes, then the action is granted, otherwise it's denied. For the all section: all directive must pass in order for the action to be granted.
As for now, the behaviour is not defined if you defined both sections at the same time, as this is a theoretical case, not backed up by any concrete needs so far.
The available directives are:
- permission: string, the permission that the user must have
- micro_permission: string, the micro-permission that the user must have