diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index fe165efe1c3..2ea93d260de 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this p
 ### Added:
 - Resource links to empty state Volumes landing page #9065
 - Resource links to empty state Firewalls landing page #9078
+- Resource links to empty state StackScripts landing page #9091
 - Resource links to empty state Domains landing page #9092
 - Ability download DNS zone file #9075
diff --git a/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.styles.ts b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.styles.ts
index 44da3ac4883..7710683e9ea 100644
--- a/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.styles.ts
+++ b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.styles.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ const styles = (theme: Theme) =>
     emptyState: {
       color: theme.palette.text.primary,
-      textAlign: 'center',
     table: {
       backgroundColor: theme.bg.bgPaper,
diff --git a/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.tsx b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.tsx
index 7b21b0817ed..d775a9b4557 100644
--- a/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.tsx
+++ b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptBase.tsx
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-import { Image } from '@linode/api-v4/lib/images';
-import { StackScript } from '@linode/api-v4/lib/stackscripts';
-import { APIError, Filter, ResourcePage } from '@linode/api-v4/lib/types';
-import classNames from 'classnames';
-import { pathOr } from 'ramda';
 import * as React from 'react';
-import { RouteComponentProps, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { Waypoint } from 'react-waypoint';
-import { compose } from 'recompose';
-import StackScriptsIcon from 'src/assets/icons/entityIcons/stackscript.svg';
+import { APIError, Filter, ResourcePage } from '@linode/api-v4/lib/types';
+import {
+  AcceptedFilters,
+  generateCatchAllFilter,
+  generateSpecificFilter,
+} from '../stackScriptUtils';
 import Button from 'src/components/Button';
+import classNames from 'classnames';
 import { CircleProgress } from 'src/components/CircleProgress';
-import Typography from 'src/components/core/Typography';
+import { compose } from 'recompose';
 import { DebouncedSearchTextField } from 'src/components/DebouncedSearchTextField';
 import ErrorState from 'src/components/ErrorState';
+import { Image } from '@linode/api-v4/lib/images';
+import { pathOr } from 'ramda';
 import { Notice } from 'src/components/Notice/Notice';
 import Placeholder from 'src/components/Placeholder';
+import { RouteComponentProps, withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
+import StackScriptsIcon from 'src/assets/icons/entityIcons/stackscript.svg';
+import StackScriptTableHead from '../Partials/StackScriptTableHead';
+import { StackScript } from '@linode/api-v4/lib/stackscripts';
+import { StackScriptsEmptyLandingState } from './StackScriptsEmptyLandingPage';
+import { StackScriptsRequest } from '../types';
 import { Table } from 'src/components/Table';
-import {
-  withProfile,
-  WithProfileProps,
-} from 'src/containers/profile.container';
-import { WithQueryClientProps } from 'src/containers/withQueryClient.container';
-import { isLinodeKubeImageId } from 'src/store/image/image.helpers';
 import { getAPIErrorOrDefault } from 'src/utilities/errorUtils';
 import { getDisplayName } from 'src/utilities/getDisplayName';
-import { handleUnauthorizedErrors } from 'src/utilities/handleUnauthorizedErrors';
 import { getQueryParam } from 'src/utilities/queryParams';
-import StackScriptTableHead from '../Partials/StackScriptTableHead';
+import { handleUnauthorizedErrors } from 'src/utilities/handleUnauthorizedErrors';
+import { isLinodeKubeImageId } from 'src/store/image/image.helpers';
+import { Waypoint } from 'react-waypoint';
+import { WithQueryClientProps } from 'src/containers/withQueryClient.container';
 import {
-  AcceptedFilters,
-  generateCatchAllFilter,
-  generateSpecificFilter,
-} from '../stackScriptUtils';
-import { StackScriptsRequest } from '../types';
+  withProfile,
+  WithProfileProps,
+} from 'src/containers/profile.container';
 import withStyles, { StyleProps } from './StackScriptBase.styles';
 type CurrentFilter = 'label' | 'deploys' | 'revision';
@@ -493,44 +493,9 @@ const withStackScriptBase = (options: WithStackScriptBaseOptions) => (
                   You don’t have any StackScripts to select from.
               ) : (
-                <Placeholder
-                  icon={StackScriptsIcon}
-                  renderAsSecondary
-                  isEntity
-                  title="StackScripts"
-                  buttonProps={[
-                    {
-                      children: 'Create StackScript',
-                      onClick: () => this.goToCreateStackScript(),
-                    },
-                  ]}
-                  className={classes.stackscriptPlaceholder}
-                >
-                  <Typography variant="subtitle1">
-                    Automate Deployment with StackScripts!
-                  </Typography>
-                  <Typography variant="subtitle1">
-                    <a
-                      href="https://linode.com/docs/platform/stackscripts-new-manager/"
-                      target="_blank"
-                      aria-describedby="external-site"
-                      rel="noopener noreferrer"
-                      className="h-u"
-                    >
-                      Learn more about getting started
-                    </a>
-                    &nbsp;or&nbsp;
-                    <a
-                      href="https://www.linode.com/docs/"
-                      target="_blank"
-                      aria-describedby="external-site"
-                      rel="noopener noreferrer"
-                      className="h-u"
-                    >
-                      visit our guides and tutorials.
-                    </a>
-                  </Typography>
-                </Placeholder>
+                <StackScriptsEmptyLandingState
+                  goToCreateStackScript={this.goToCreateStackScript}
+                />
           ) : (
diff --git a/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptsEmptyLandingPage.tsx b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptsEmptyLandingPage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51da185b8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptsEmptyLandingPage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import StackScriptsIcon from 'src/assets/icons/entityIcons/stackscript.svg';
+import { ResourcesSection } from 'src/components/EmptyLandingPageResources/ResourcesSection';
+import { sendEvent } from 'src/utilities/ga';
+import {
+  gettingStartedGuides,
+  headers,
+  linkGAEvent,
+  youtubeLinkData,
+} from './StackScriptsEmptyResourcesData';
+interface Props {
+  goToCreateStackScript: () => void;
+export const StackScriptsEmptyLandingState = (props: Props) => {
+  const { goToCreateStackScript } = props;
+  return (
+    <ResourcesSection
+      buttonProps={[
+        {
+          onClick: () => {
+            sendEvent({
+              category: linkGAEvent.category,
+              action: 'Click:button',
+              label: 'Create StackScript',
+            });
+            goToCreateStackScript();
+          },
+          children: 'Create StackScript',
+        },
+      ]}
+      gettingStartedGuidesData={gettingStartedGuides}
+      headers={headers}
+      icon={StackScriptsIcon}
+      linkGAEvent={linkGAEvent}
+      youtubeLinkData={youtubeLinkData}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptsEmptyResourcesData.ts b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptsEmptyResourcesData.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42e969382b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/manager/src/features/StackScripts/StackScriptBase/StackScriptsEmptyResourcesData.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import {
+  youtubeChannelLink,
+  youtubeMoreLinkText,
+} from 'src/utilities/emptyStateLandingUtils';
+import type {
+  ResourcesHeaders,
+  ResourcesLinkSection,
+  ResourcesLinks,
+} from 'src/components/EmptyLandingPageResources/ResourcesLinksTypes';
+export const headers: ResourcesHeaders = {
+  description:
+    'Run custom scripts to install and configure software when initializing Linode Compute Instances',
+  subtitle: 'Automate deployment scripts',
+  title: 'StackScripts',
+export const gettingStartedGuides: ResourcesLinkSection = {
+  links: [
+    {
+      to:
+        'https://www.linode.com/docs/products/tools/stackscripts/get-started/',
+      text: 'Getting Started with StackScripts',
+    },
+    {
+      to:
+        'https://www.linode.com/docs/products/tools/stackscripts/guides/create/',
+      text: 'Create a StackScript',
+    },
+    {
+      to:
+        'https://www.linode.com/docs/products/tools/stackscripts/guides/write-a-custom-script/',
+      text: 'Write a Custom Script for Use with StackScripts',
+    },
+  ],
+  moreInfo: {
+    to: 'https://www.linode.com/docs/products/tools/stackscripts/ ',
+    text: 'View additional Object Storage documentation',
+  },
+  title: 'Getting Started Guides',
+export const youtubeLinkData: ResourcesLinkSection = {
+  links: [
+    {
+      to: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nygChMc1hX4',
+      text: 'Automate Server Deployments Using Stackscripts',
+      external: true,
+    },
+    {
+      to: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbyA5rZwyRw',
+      text: 'Shell Scripts Explained',
+      external: true,
+    },
+    {
+      to: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM8v5i2Qjgg',
+      text: ' Linux for Programmers #7 | Environment Variables',
+      external: true,
+    },
+  ],
+  moreInfo: {
+    to: youtubeChannelLink,
+    text: youtubeMoreLinkText,
+  },
+  title: 'Video Playlist',
+export const linkGAEvent: ResourcesLinks['linkGAEvent'] = {
+  action: 'Click:link',
+  category: 'StackScripts landing page empty',