diff --git a/GameData/Firespitter/Firespitter.version.txt b/GameData/Firespitter/Firespitter.version.txt deleted file mode 100644 index dc4c81ea..00000000 --- a/GameData/Firespitter/Firespitter.version.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -{ - "NAME": "Firespitter", - "URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/snjo/Firespitter/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Firespitter.version", - "VERSION": { - "MAJOR": 7, - "MINOR": 9, - "PATCH": 0 - }, - "KSP_VERSION":{ - "MAJOR":1, - "MINOR":4, - "PATCH":1 - }, - "KSP_VERSION_MIN":{ - "MAJOR":1, - "MINOR":4, - "PATCH":0 - }, - "KSP_VERSION_MAX":{ - "MAJOR":1, - "MINOR":4, - "PATCH":9 - } -} diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Localization/de-de.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Localization/de-de.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1302366 --- /dev/null +++ b/GameData/SXT/Localization/de-de.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,1406 @@ +Localization +{ + de-de + { + + // ********** Part: 25mKossak + + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_description = Ein uncharakteristischer Vorstoß in Sphären der Verkehrsflugzeugsteuerungssysteme durch Probodobodyne. Das Kossak stellt eine bewährte Luftfahrtbasis für längerer Flüge für bis zu 3 Crewmitglieder dar. + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_title = M-86 Kossak + + // ********** Part: 625mBonny + + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_description = Obwohl als 'Kerlington Kerbal Killer', nur wegen weniger 'hoch fliegender' Kerbals, die nicht hoch genug fliegen konnten, bezeichnet, ist das Bonny weiterhin erste Wahl für atmosphärische Transporte. + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment bonny + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_title = Model 31 "Bonny" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex + + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_description = Die TK-M1-Radaufhängung bringt LKWs zum Rollen. Einfach Räder anbringen. + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_tags = truck achse radstand + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplexx_title = TG-T2 Radaufhängungsblock + + // ********** Part: KSCTruckAxleWideComplex + + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_description = Die TK-W1 bietet weiteren Radstand, falls die M1-Aufhängung umkippt. Einfach Räder anbringen. + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_tags = truck achse radstand + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_title = TG-W1 Radaufhängungsblock + + // ********** Part: L25mSci + + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_description = Das SC-10k mag wie ein schicker Schrank für 'Wissenschaftszeug' wirken, aber, hey, es ist billig und beschäftigt Kerbals, während du die Steuererklärung der Weltraumagentur machst. Empfohlen für Altersklassen 12-16. Die billige Verarbeitung ist nichts für besorgte Eltern. + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_tags = laderaum experiment labor material forsch + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_title = Science Sr. SC-10k + + // ********** Part: LFUELM3 + + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_description = Ein innovatives Design für verschiedene Anwendungen. Bietet die Auswahl verschiedener Treibstoffe, passend für die meisten Missionsparameter. + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete service wartung mono monotreibstoff kondensator zelle laden strom elekt pack strom volt watt + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_title = PPD-SM1600 Servicemodul + + // ********** Part: LMiniAircaftTail + + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_description = Ein kleines Heckteil mit kleinem Treibstofftank. + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_tags = aero flugzeug luftwiderstand flug stab luftwiderstand treibstoff ?lf flüssig fluessig + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_title = Heckteil (0.625m) + + // ********** Part: LMkIAircaftFus + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_description = Standardmäßiger Rumpf ohne Treibstoffvorrat. Als rein strukturelles Bauteil ist es daher leichter und aufgrund von Verstärkungen auch stabiler. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_tags = flugzeug jet strukt + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_title = MK1 Strukturrumpf + + // ********** Part: LMkIIAircaftFus + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_description = Rumpfelement ohne Treibstoffvorrat, dafür mit minimalistischen Kapazitäten für 4 Kerbals. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_tags = flugzeug contain behälter aussenposten passagier statio (lager tour + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_title = Große Passagierkabine + + // ********** Part: LMkIIAircaftFusLong + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_description = Rumpfelement ohne Treibstoffvorrat, dafür mit minimalistischen Kapazitäten für 8 Kerbals. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_tags = flugzeug contain behälter aussenposten passagier statio (lager tour + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_title = Große Passagierkabine (Lang) + + // ********** Part: LMkIIAircaftTail + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_description = Der große Bruder des Heckteil (0.625m), aber nichts im Vergleich zum Heckteil (3.75m). + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_tags = aero flugzeug luftwiderstand flug stab luftwiderstand treibstoff ?lf flüssig fluessig + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_title = Heckteil (2.5m) + + // ********** Part: LMkIIIAircaftFus + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_description = Technisch gesehen kein Unterschied zum 'Economy', aber zum doppelten Ticketpreis, um all das Gesindel fern zu halten. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_tags = flugzeug airliner kabine contain behälter (lager tour treibstoff ?lf flüssig fluessig + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_title = KC-8 "Business" Passagierkabine + + // ********** Part: LMkIIIAircaftFusLong + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_description = Je mehr, desto besser! Klar, wir mussten einige Dinge während des Baus entfernen, aber solange du nicht verunfallst, innen herumspringst oder laut hustest, ist alles in Ordnung. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_tags = flugzeug airliner kabine contain behälter (lager tour treibstoff ?lf flüssig fluessig wet + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_title = KC-8 "Economy" Passagierkabine + + // ********** Part: LprobeFoil + + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_description = Von Probodobodyne Inc geleitete Studien fanden heraus, dass die heutige Jugend Monotreibstoff-Triebwerke als 'total Main-Stream' und uncool betrachten, weil auch Opa Heinz immer wiederholt, wie ihm Monotreibstoff-Triebwerke den Hintern während der ersten Mun-Landung gerettet haben... Was soll all dieses Gefrage?! Nach minimalen Bestechungen der Teilnehmer, fand man heraus, dass xenonbetriebene Ionentriebwerke das neue Zentrum des Trends darstellen. Also, im Bestreben die Jugend zu erreichen oder viel mehr, um die Verkaufszahlen zu steigern, verfügt die JKSS nun über ins Innere gequetschte Xenontanks. Solarmodule und Ionentriebwerke sind separat erhältlich. + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_tags = cmg steuer kontrol (kern fliege gyro hex moment sonde reagieren sas satellit weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_title = Probodobodyne JKSS Sonde + + // ********** Part: LRadialAirIntake + + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_description = Ein großer radialer propellerturbinenbetriebener Einlass. Perfekt geeignet für Düsenflugzeuge, die das bisschen Extra an Luft benötigen. + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_tags = aero (luft flugzeug atme kegel flug einlass jet sauerstoff sauge überschall + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_title = XM-C200 Radialer Einlass + + // ********** Part: LSmallFuelMod + + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_description = Eine kleinere Version des SM1600. Um ehrlich zu sein, ist das SM1600 technisch gesehen dieses hier, nur dreimal übereinander montiert. + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete service wartung mono monotreibstoff kondensator zelle laden strom elekt pack volt watt + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_title = PPD-SM555 Service- & Wartungsmodul + + // ********** Part: LSmallSvcMod + + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_description = Eine kleinere Variante des SM400. + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_tags = bank treibstofftank treibstoff service wartung mono monotreibstoff kondensator zelle laden strom elekt pack volt watt + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_title = PPD-SM250 Service- & Wartungsmodul + + // ********** Part: LSVCM3 + + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_description = Batterien und Monotreibstoff sind das Tagesgericht dieses total tollen Service- & Wartungsmoduls. Hat Handgriffe auf der Oberfläche, um bei EVA-Missionen Halt zu bieten. + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_title = PPD-SM400 Service- & Wartungsmodul + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_tags = bank treibstofftank treibstoff service wartung mono monotreibstoff kondensator zelle laden strom elekt pack volt watt + + // ********** Part: MEMDescentMod + + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_description = Du solltest besser einen TR-2C oder TR-2V Miniatur-Stapel-Entkoppler auf der Oberseite anbringen. Die Aufgabe der Landestufe ist es, sicher auf die Oberfläche zu gelangen, um dort Außenaktivitäten unternehmen zu können. Nach Ende des Ausflugs, dient sie als Startplattform für die Aufstiegsstufe. Die Einheit verfügt über ein Oberflächenexperiment und bietet etwas KIS-Stauraum. + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_tags = lande orbit antrieb rakete vakuum + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_title = Munar Landestufe + + // ********** Part: MEMLanderSXT + + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_description = Diese Stufe beinhaltet die Crew-Kabine mit Fluginstrumenten und Flugkontrollen. Sie verfügt über einen eigenen Antrieb und Treibstoff, um den Orbit des Muns zu erreichen und dort ein Rendezvous mit einem Kontroll- oder Servicemodul zu vollziehen. Sie hat zudem RFS zur Annäherung an das Rendezvousobjekt an Bord. Eine frontal ausgerichtete Luke ermöglicht Zugang zur oder von der Oberfläche, während die oben anzubringende Andockluke Kontakt zum Rendezvouspartner herstellt. + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_tags = kapsel cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren rakete weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_title = Munar Exkursionsmodul Aufstiegsstufe + + // ********** Part: RCSBoonExt + + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_description = Vor langer Zeit sagte ein Kerbal “Gib mir einen Platz, um zu stehen und ich werde die Welt mit einem Hebel bewegen” - obwohl sich herausstellte, dass er verrückt war, behielt der Grundsatz seine Gültigkeit. STEADLER montierte einen RV-105 RFS-Block an einem Stab und erreichte eine bessere Rotationsübersetzung. + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_tags = verbund kontrol dock manöver reagieren rendezvous rotiere stab steuern verschiebe + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_title = Ausfahrbarer RFS-Ausleger + + // ********** Part: STXCANIOT + + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_description = Probodobodyne Inc's erster und einziger Vorstoß in die Sphäre der fliegenden Wohnmodule. Sperrig, aber nicht unkomfortabel. Zusätzlich ausgestattet mit einem handlichen Satz von Handgriffen. + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_tags = basis kabine (can aussenposten passagier statio tour tuna crew kabine + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_title = CANIOT-7 Crew-Kabine + + // ********** Part: SXT16FuelTank + + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_description = Entwickelt als direkter Konkurrent der Rockomax's X-200 Tank-Serie. Überwiegend identisch, aber schick angemalt und mit montierten Röhren, hervorragend geeignet für den anspruchsvollen Raketeningenieur. + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-16 Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXT25mMk2Adap + + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_description = Ein typisches Zwischenstück von Mk2 auf 2.5m, das allerdings zu lange getrocknet und dabei gedehnt wurde. + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_tags = treibstoff treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete tank + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_title = Mk2 auf 2.5m Adapter (Lang) + + // ********** Part: SXT25mMk2AdapSlant + + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_description = Ein typisches Zwischenstück von Mk2 auf 2.5m, das allerdings zusammengestaucht wurde. + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_tags = treibstoff treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete tank + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_title = Mk2 auf 2.5m Adapter (Schräg) + + // ********** Part: SXT25to375mKossak + + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_description = Oft bei Designs größerer Fluggeräte genutzt. + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_title = C7 Markenadapter - 3.75m auf 2.5m + + // ********** Part: SXT32FuelTank + + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_description = Entwickelt als direkter Konkurrent der Rockomax's X-200 Tank-Serie. Überwiegend identisch, aber schick angemalt und mit montierten Röhren, hervorragend geeignet für den anspruchsvollen Raketeningenieur. + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-32 Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXT375mProbe + + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_description = Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit Kerbodyne. Das SC-XL10-Projekt wurde ohne Schwierigkeiten oder Störfälle fertiggestellt. Es gab keinen Betrug, keine Explosionen und alles lief wie am Schnürchen. STEADLER möchte jeden daran erinnern, nichts anderes zu behaupten, mit dem Verweis auf den aktuellen Bau eines organischen Supercomputers durch STEADLER und den dortigen Bedarf an 'Ersatzteilen'. + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_tags = cmg steuer kontrol (kern fliege gyro moment sonde reagieren sas satellit weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_title = SC-XL10 Fernsteuerungseinheit + + // ********** Part: SXT5m5wayAdaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_description = Ähnlich dem 1600XXL, erlaubt der 500XXL die Trennung eines 5m-Radius in 5x 1.25m Verbindungspunkte mit eingebautem unterem Entkoppler. Häufig genutzt zur Montage von Triebwerken. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_tags = breche entkoppel explo kerbodyne separat teile + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_title = TVR-500XXL Stapel-Fünffachkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXT5mQuadAdaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_description = Eigentlich entstanden aus dem falschen Lesen eines Beschaffungsformulars, belegen die TVR-1600XXL-Einheiten jetzt große Teile des O.M.B. Weltraumteilelagers. Sie werden nun unter vielen Namen verkauft, etwa 'Mein erster Vierfach-Entkoppler' oder auch 'Selbstbau-Swimmingpool' um die Lagerbestände zu verringern. Ändert ein Teil mit 5m-Radius in 4 Teile mit 2.5m Radius. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_tags = ?4 adapter vier multi (quad + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_title = TVR-1600XXL Stapel-Vierfachkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXT5mTank0 + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_description = Kerbodyne's experimenteller superschwerer Treibstofftank. Klein und flach, da wir die Großen immer wieder klein klopfen. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_title = Kerbodyne S5-08000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXT5mTank0cap + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_description = Eine Raketenspitze mit Treibstofftank für Kerbodyne's superschwere Treibstofftanks. Während KDB sich über das gestohlene Design beschwert, erinnert Kerbodyne KDB daran, dass man in der Lage sei Weltraumstationen aus der Umlaufbahn abstürzen zu lassen und genau kalkulieren zu können, wo diese aufschlagen werden. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete (nase + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_title = Kerbodyne S5 Raketenspitze + + // ********** Part: SXT625mFuel4 + + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_description = Obwohl gegenüber anderen Tanks aus Kerbodyne's Sortiment ziemlich klein, eignet sich der Oscar-C sehr gut bei minimalistischen Raketendesign für gewöhnliche Satellitenstarts. + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_title = Oscar-C Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXT64FuelTank + + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_description = Entwickelt als direkter Konkurrent der Rockomax's X-200 Tank-Serie. Überwiegend identisch, aber schick angemalt und mit montierten Röhren, hervorragend geeignet für den anspruchsvollen Raketeningenieur. + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-64 Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTadapterSize3Mk3 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_description = Ein Hohlraumadapter. Wenn aus einer monströsen Rakete ein gigantisches Flugzeug wird! + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_tags = flugzeug hohl jet mk3 rohr röhre + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_title = M-Rumpf 3.75m auf Mk3 Adapter (Hohl) + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbag + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_description = Ein aus einer Fahrzeugfabrik gestohlener Airbag. Kann mittels Aktionsgruppen angesteuert und getrennt werden. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_tags = airbag polster (litho absturz dämpf + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_title = Mk10-XL Aufblasbarer Airbag + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbagSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_description = Drei aufblasbare gebrauchte Fußbälle der vergangenen Kerbin Championship League. Kann mittels Aktionsgruppen angesteuert und getrennt werden. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_tags = airbag polster (litho absturz dämpf + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_title = Mk-10 Aufblasbarer Airbag + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbrake + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_description = Bremst dich ab. Nur ein klitzekleines Bisschen. Du wirst immer noch sehr schnell unterwegs sein und du wirst möglicherweise dennoch verunfallen. Aber hiermit bekommst du zwei Extrasekunden Zeit, bis das passiert. Ziemlich toll, oder? + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_tags = (luft luftbremse flugzeug bremse sinke luftwiderstand flug landung langsam geschwindigkeit + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Panel" + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbrakeLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_description = Bremst dich ab. Vorausgesetzt, du bist in einer Atmosphäre unterwegs. Auf dem Mun wird dir das nichts nutzen; nicht wie Fallschirme, die dort natürlich funktionieren. Dient auch als handliches Surfbrett. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_tags = (luft luftbremse flugzeug bremse sinke luftwiderstand flug landung langsam geschwindigkeit + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Surf" + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbrakeLarger + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_description = Genutzt, um Flugzeuge abzubremsen. Kann praktischerweise an Steuerungsoberflächen oder Tragflächen montiert werden. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_tags = (luft luftbremse flugzeug bremse sinke luftwiderstand flug landung langsam geschwindigkeit + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Senior" + + // ********** Part: sxtairlockAnimated + + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_description = Die Luftschleuse wurde entwickelt, nachdem der Begriff 'Explosive Dekompression' geprägt wurde. Sie ermöglicht Kerbals, sich vom Inneren nach Außen zu bewegen, ohne, dass sich großartig etwas am Innendruck ändert. + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_tags = basis (luft verschluss luke eingang + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_title = SXT Luftschleuse + + // ********** Part: SXTAJ10 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_description = Oft als "winzig" und "nur nen Haufen Rohre" angeprangert. Wenn erst einmal in der Luft, stellt das Rearguard eine vernünftige Wahl für kleine Raketen dar. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_tags = steig haupt primär antrieb (rearguard rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_title = LV-10-37 "Rearguard" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTAJ10Mid + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_description = Oft als "winzig" und "nur nen Haufen Rohre" angeprangert. Wenn erst einmal in der Luft, stellt das Rearguard eine vernünftige Wahl für kleine Raketen dar. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (rearguard + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_title = LV-10-37-Mid "Rearguard 2" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTAlouetteI + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_description = Das QUBC ist das erste und letzte Projekt des Synergetischen Integrations-Kooperations-Komitees von Probodobodyne Inc. Ihm fehlen vielleicht ein SAS oder Reaktionsräder, aber es kommt mit Solarpanelen und einer Antenne. Das SIKK wurde aufgelöst, nachdem man Komitee-Gelder auf privaten Spesenkonten diverser Komitee-Schlüsselfiguren wiederfand. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_tags = steuer kontrol (kern kubus sonde sas satellit weltraum steuern luftig antenne radio signal übertrag warbler + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_title = Probodobodyne QUBC "Warbler" + + // ********** Part: SXTAn225Ramp + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_description = Vielleicht nicht so ausgeklügelt, wie die integrierte Rampe an einem Mk3-Laderaum, lässt diese hier sich allerdings an jeder Oberfläche anbringen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_tags = laderaum contain behälter transport zubehör ausrüstung fracht halt hohl lade nutzlast (lager entlade hilfsmittel + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_title = Kn-225 Laderampe + + // ********** Part: SXTAntenna + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_description = Die Kommunotronski 16 ist eine vielseitige, leichte Antenne für Mittelstreckenkommunikation, Langstrecken-Ersatzkommunikation und Lauschangriffe auf geheime Regierungsoperationen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_tags = luftig antenne radio signal übertrag + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_title = Kommunotronski 16 + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloon + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_description = Obwohl gegenüber einem X200-32 etwas fragiler, als auch mit geringerer Treibstoffkapazität ausgestattet, hat dieses Modell im Vergleich weniger Leergewicht je Tonne Treibstoff. Toll für Orbitalmissionen! Landungen werden allerdings nicht empfohlen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_title = XC-32 Aufblasbarer Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloon375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_description = Obwohl gegenüber einem X200-32 etwas fragiler, als auch mit geringerer Treibstoffkapazität ausgestattet, hat dieses Modell im Vergleich weniger Leergewicht je Tonne Treibstoff. Toll für Orbitalmissionen! Landungen werden allerdings nicht empfohlen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete xenon + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_title = OX-32 Aufblasbarer Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGold + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_description = Obwohl gegenüber einem X200-32 etwas fragiler, als auch mit geringerer Treibstoffkapazität ausgestattet, hat dieses Modell im Vergleich weniger Leergewicht je Tonne Treibstoff. Toll für Orbitalmissionen! Landungen werden allerdings nicht empfohlen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_title = XC-32 Aufblasbarer Treibstofftank (Gold) + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGold375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_description = Obwohl gegenüber einem X200-32 etwas fragiler, als auch mit geringerer Treibstoffkapazität ausgestattet, hat dieses Modell im Vergleich weniger Leergewicht je Tonne Treibstoff. Diese Variante kann mit verschiedenen Treibstoffen befüllt werden, verfügt aber nur über einen einzelnen Tank. Toll für Orbitalmissionen! Landungen werden allerdings nicht empfohlen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete xenon + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_title = OX-32-S Aufblasbarer Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGoldB + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_description = Das Fehlen einer stützenden Struktur an diesem Treibstoffballon macht ihn sehr empfindlich und verhindert das Stapeln mehrerer Ballons übereinander. Vielleicht besser nicht dagegen lehnen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_title = XC-32 Leichter Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGoldB375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_description = Das Fehlen einer stützenden Struktur an diesem Treibstoffballon macht ihn sehr empfindlich und verhindert das Stapeln mehrerer Ballons übereinander. Vielleicht besser nicht dagegen lehnen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete xenon + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_title = XX-32 Leichter Treibstofftank (Gold) + + // ********** Part: SXTBlackAdder + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_description = Piep piep, alter Junge! Leicht, billig und die Verpackung ist nicht besonders. Das Black Adder-8 ist ein Glücksgriff, wie die Burschen von KSC sagen. Perfekt für ein aufstrebendes Weltraumprogramm, wenn auch gegenüber anderen High-Tech-Triebwerken schnell veraltet. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_tags = steig haupt primär antrieb (flare rakete (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_title = BA-8 "Flare" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTBlackAdder2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_description = Aus Ersatzteilen des BA-8 gebaut. Tja, irgend etwas mussten wir machen, nachdem die Teile zu viel Platz einnahmen. Das macht das Teil billiger als ein blödes Rockomax 48-7S. Und wir haben hier zwei Düsen, schließlich ist 'mehr immer besser'. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (swivel (flick + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_title = BA-2 "Flicker" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTBuzzard + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_description = Gebaut unter einer friedfertigen Prämisse, mehr auch nicht. Verfügt über einen Rücksitz für Wissenschaftler oder Ingenieure, um den Piloten zu begleiten und hat ein riesiges Glasdach, um hübsche Bilder zu schießen. Nicht um irgend etwas mit Raketen anzuvisieren. Ehrlich. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment buzzard + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_title = Model 87 "Buzzard" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTcapsuleshield + + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_description = Ein einfacher aerodynamischer Mantel, um darunter etwas zu verstecken. + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_tags = kapsel schild abdeck + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_title = CTR-20A Kapselabdeckung + + // ********** Part: SXTCargoBay1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_description = Wollten sie schon immer größere Objekte wie Festtreibstoff-Booster oder Landegeräte im Weltall aussetzen? Genau dafür ist dieses Teil hier! + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_tags = contain behälter transport zubehör ausrüstung fracht halt hohl nutzlast (lager hilfsmittel + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_title = Laderaum LRG-01 Mk1B + + // ********** Part: SXTCastor30 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_description = Entwickelt als untere Stufe einer Rakete, um kleinere Nutzlast in den Orbit zu bringen. Für das RT-3 eine ziemlich einfache Sache, Objekte aus der Umlaufbahn zu schießen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_tags = (gnat moar (more motor rakete festtreibstoff booster + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_title = RT-3 "Gnat" Festtreibstoff-Booster + + // ********** Part: SXTClyde + + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_description = Kerlington's Begleiter zum Bonny. Mit dem Clyde lassen sich sehr einfach 6 'Creweinheiten' zwischen Einrichtungen oder Landeplätzen transportieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment clyde + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_title = Model 35 "Clyde" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTCommodore + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_description = Wenn auch nicht nicht das stärkste Triebwerk, feuert das Commodore dennoch eine ordentliche Breitseite im Kampf gegen die Schwerkraft ab. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (commo + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_title = RE-M1 "Commodore" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTCrewCabSSP10 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_description = Eine etwas beengte robuste Kabine für Stations- oder Bodenoperationen. Kommt mit tollen Handgriffen auf der Oberfläche daher. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_tags = basis kabine contain behälter (can aussenposten passagier statio tour tuna (lager + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_title = PPD-4 Crew-Kabine + + // ********** Part: SXTCrewCabSSP20 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_description = Ein gröberer und robusterer Vorfahre des PPD-10. Das Design mit stärkerer Skelettstruktur und Außenhaut entstand nach einer Serie riskanter Landungen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_tags = basis kabine (can aussenposten passagier statio tour tuna (lager contain behälter + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_title = PPD-6 Crew-Kabine + + // ********** Part: SXTDepolyRTGI + + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_description = Ein RTG an einem Stab! Entwickelt, weil herkömmliche RTGs all unsere Mikrochips gegrillt haben. Nicht gerade sehr nett von ihnen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_tags = aktiv atom laden strom elekt energ generat isotop nuklear nuke radio rtg thermo volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_title = PB-NUK-I Ausfahrbarer Radioisotopenthermoelektrikgenerator + + // ********** Part: SXTDepolyRTGII + + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_description = Nach Entdeckung des natürlichen Zerfalls von Blutonium-238 entstand dieser Stromgenerator, um sehr elegant und einfach Strom über Jahrzehnte hinweg zu erzeugen. Wird mit wasserdichtem Gehäuse geliefert. + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_tags = aktiv atom laden strom elekt energ generat isotop nuklear nuke radio rtg thermo volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_title = PB-NUK-II Ausfahrbarer Radioisotopenthermoelektrikgenerator + + // ********** Part: SXTDLK83EHabitat + + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_description = Ein Oberklasse-Wohnmodul für Langzeitmissionen. Etwa nachdem für Kolonisten mit einer Airbaglandung die ganze Situation 'permanent' wurde. Enthält Schlafkabinen, Bereiche zur Nahrungsaufbereitung, Sofas, Weltraumtoiletten und auch ein Fitnessstudio. + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_tags = basis kabine (can contain behälter passagier statio (lager tour cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot kapsel reagieren rakete weltraum stab steuern drehmoment tuna crew habitat duna + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_title = LK-S3E "Duna-Klasse" Oberklasse-Wohnmodul + + // ********** Part: SXTdockingPortVeryLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_description = Das Klemm-O-Tron X3 ist die Weiterentwicklung des Sr., konstruiert nachdem bei der Veröffentlichung des Sr. Kommentare wie 'Oh, okay, cool. Nun macht es noch größer!' fielen. Wann wird der Wahnsinn vorbei sein? + #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_tags = berth fang verbinde couple dock schnell koppel moor rockomax sockel + #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_title = Andockluke Klemm-O-Tron XL + + // ********** Part: SXTeFan + + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_description = Ein Mantelstromtriebwerk auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik. Wenn auch nicht sehr antriebsstark, benötigt dieses hier keinen Sauerstoff. Hervorragend für Sonden geeignet, die andere atmosphärische Planeten anfliegen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_tags = flugzeug (kanal gebläse antrieb rückwärts (este + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_title = IX-eFAN "Esteyne" Mantelstromtriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_description = Aus den besten Materialien in Handarbeit hergestellt. Diese Steuerfläche wird garantiert funktionieren, sobald sie an einem Fluggerät angebracht wird. Jedoch ergaben Studien, dass die Funktion beim Fehlen einer Atmosphäre *leicht* beeinträchtigt ist. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_tags = aero querruder flugzeug kontrol (heben )ruder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_title = Elevon Mk2 + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_description = Aus den besten Materialien in Handarbeit hergestellt. Diese Steuerfläche wird garantiert funktionieren, sobald sie an einem Fluggerät angebracht wird. Jedoch ergaben Studien, dass die Funktion beim Fehlen einer Atmosphäre *leicht* beeinträchtigt ist. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_tags = aero querruder flugzeug kontrol (heben )ruder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_title = Elevon 0-A + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonSmallHalf + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_description = Aus den besten Materialien in Handarbeit hergestellt. Diese Steuerfläche wird garantiert funktionieren, sobald sie an einem Fluggerät angebracht wird. Jedoch ergaben Studien, dass die Funktion beim Fehlen einer Atmosphäre *leicht* beeinträchtigt ist. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_tags = aero querruder flugzeug kontrol (heben )ruder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_title = Elevon 0-B + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonVeryLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_description = Aus den besten Materialien in Handarbeit hergestellt. Diese Steuerfläche wird garantiert funktionieren, sobald sie an einem Fluggerät angebracht wird. Jedoch ergaben Studien, dass die Funktion beim Fehlen einer Atmosphäre *leicht* beeinträchtigt ist. Rückgabe ausgeschlossen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_tags = aero querruder flugzeug kontrol (heben )ruder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_title = Elevon Mk3 + + // ********** Part: SXTengineattachment + + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_description = Eine sehr große Triebwerksaufhängung. + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_tags = strukt pylon aero verbinde stütze anbring flügel aufhängung + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_title = FAT-50 Aufhängepunkt + + // ********** Part: SXTengineattachment2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_description = Eine große Triebwerksaufhängung. + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_tags = strukt pylon aero verbinde stütze anbring flügel aufhängung + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_title = FAT-55 Aufhängepunkt + + // ********** Part: SXTEntenteCordiale + + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_description = Ein innovatives, stromlinienförmiges Design für Überschallpassagierflugzeuge. Es verfügt über eine absenkbare Nase, um während der Landung für bessere Übersicht zu sorgen. Sie sollte aber im Flug wieder nach oben ausgerichtet werden. + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment entente concorde + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_title = Mk1-2 SST "Entente" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTfloatFront + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_description = Ein abgerundeter Abschluss für das LF-01B. Lässt Schwimmkörper schwimmender aussehen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_tags = schwimmkörper flugzeug wasser pontoon landung + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_title = LF-01A Schwimmkörper Endstück + + // ********** Part: SXTfloatMid + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_description = Bringen wir es auf den Punkt. Wir alle haben schon mal versucht, ein Flugzeug auf dem Wasser aufzusetzen. Geht nicht immer gut, richtig? Das ist der Teil, wo der LF-01B ins Spiel kommt. Groß und leer; der LF-01B ist gut darin Flüssigkeiten zu verdrängen und im Wasser herum zu dümpeln. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_tags = schwimmkörper flugzeug wasser pontoon landung + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_title = LF-01B Schwimmkörper Mittelstück + + // ********** Part: SXTfloatOutboard + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_description = Zur Stabilisierung von Wasserflugzeugen konstruiert. Merkwürdigerweise reagieren Tragflächen nicht sehr gut darauf, Wasser bei 50m/s zu berühren. Wer hätte das gedacht? + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_tags = schwimmkörper flugzeug wasser pontoon landung + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_title = LF-01B Schwimmkörper Ausleger + + // ********** Part: SXTFuel625m + + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_description = Weniger 'High-Tech-Raumschiffteil', mehr 'wir haben das Geld für Kaviar verprasst und dies hier war das einzige herumliegende Teil, das wir finden konnten'. Die Entwickler haben es irgendwie geschafft, einen zweiten Tank für Oxidator zu integrieren. Auf den Bauplänen sieht man eine Plastiktüte schematisiert, auf der 'Oxidator hier rein' steht. Vielversprechend! + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_title = Mk1 Flüssigtreibstoff-Fass + + // ********** Part: SXTGoose + + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_description = Ein ungewöhnlicher Vorstoß in Passagierflugzeugkontrollsystemr durch Probodobodyne. Das Goose bietet eine bewährte Basis für die Luftfahrt und zugleich Platz für 3 Personen für längere Flugzeiten. + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment goose + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_title = M-95 "Goose" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTHECSRanger + + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_description = Erweitert durch größere Batterien für ausgeweitete Missionen, einem Satz stärkerer Reaktionsräder und einem Montagegestänge ist das HECS-Ranger eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für eher größere Sonden. + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_tags = cmg steuer kontrol (kern fliege gyro hex moment sonde reagieren sas satellit weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_title = Probodobodyne HECS-Ranger Verbesserter Satellitenkern + + // ********** Part: SXTInlineAirIntake + + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_description = Vac-Co's Antwort auf C7 Aerospace's runden Propellerturbineneinlass. Etwas weniger effizient, aber etwas leichter. + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_tags = aero flugzeug atme flug einlass jet sauerstoff unterschall sauge + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_title = XM-600 1.25m Einlass + + // ********** Part: SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_description = Entwickelt nach dem Prinzip 'Was wäre, wenn'. Kein Zweifel, extrem gefährlich für Piloten, ein Cockpit vor diesen Einlass zu montieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_tags = aero flugzeug atme flug einlass jet sauerstoff unterschall sauge + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_title = XM-800 2.5m Einlass + + // ********** Part: SXTISSHabISK30 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_description = Ein großes Wohnmodul, entwickelt für eher dauerhafte Raumstationen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_tags = basis contain behälter kabine (can tuna crew habitat passagier statio (lager tour cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot kapsel reagieren rakete weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_title = ISK-30 Gewaltiges Orbitalwohnmodul + + // ********** Part: SXTJ213 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_description = Ein, speziell für größere Flughöhen entwickeltes Triebwerk. Ihm mangelt es am Startschub eines R-2800, aber überholt dieses, sobald einmal in der Luft. + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_tags = flugzeug propeller antrieb (wolf + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_title = KO-213 "Wolf" Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTK1Base5m + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_description = Gebaut mittels Zusammenbindens von NK15-V Triebwerken, könnte man das K1V-8 als 'gefährlich instabil' und 'eine absehbare Katastrophe' bezeichnen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_title = NK15V "Mokosh" Antriebsgruppe + + // ********** Part: SXTK1BaseLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_description = Das NK15 ist ein günstiges, abgespecktes NK-15V. Während normalerweise Dinge dadurch langweiliger werden, haben wir eine Menge davon zusammengebunden; obgleich die Antriebsgruppe nun abwechselnd als 'gefährlich instabil', 'eine absehbare Katastrophe' oder 'völlig wahnsinnig' bezeichnet wird. + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_title = NK15 "Perun" Antriebsgruppe + + // ********** Part: SXTK1Decoupler + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_description = Ursprünglich für industrielle Abbauarbeiten entwickelt, hat KDB eine neue Anwendung für diese explosiven Ladungen gefunden, indem man damit Raketenteile wegsprengt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_tags = breche entkoppel separat teile stapel + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_title = TR-32K1 3.75m Stapel-Entkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTK1Decoupler2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_description = Ursprünglich für industrielle Abbauarbeiten entwickelt, hat KDB eine neue Anwendung für diese explosiven Ladungen gefunden, indem man damit riesige Raketenteile wegsprengt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_tags = breche entkoppel separat teile stapel + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_title = TR-58K1 5m Stapel-Entkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTKD170 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_description = Um nicht von Rockomax's Mainsail abgehängt zu werden, wurde bei KDB entschieden, ein noch größeres Triebwerk zu entwickeln. Nachdem herausgefunden wurde, dass das Explosions- zu Startverhältnis einer einzelnen Verbrennungskammer unbequemer Weise fast bei 1:0 lag, war man der Ansicht, ein Wechsel zu einem Verbund von 4 Verbrennungskammern und einem kaum stabilerem, aber weniger effektivem Treibstoff wäre erforderlich. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (tsar (schub + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_title = RK-170 "Tsar-Pushka" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_description = Verkauft als 'schlangengroßer' Tsar-Treibstofftank, zeigt dieser die Rückentwicklung des mächtigen Tsar-A zu langweiligeren Raketengrößen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Treibstofftank (Groß) + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_description = Eine Ableitung des 'Tsar A' Tanks; dieser Tank existiert eigentlich nur, weil jemand eine miese Handschrift auf den Konstruktionsspezifikationen nutzte, nicht aber wegen absichtlicher Entwicklungsentscheidungen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar B' Treibstofftank (Groß) + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar25to375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_description = Verkauft als 'schlangengroßer' Tsar-Treibstofftank, zeigt dieser die Rückentwicklung des mächtigen Tsar-A zu langweiligeren Raketengrößen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Treibstofftankadapter 2.5m auf 3.75m (Groß) + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar3 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_description = Der größte, jemals von KDB gebaute Tank und die ultimative Konsequenz ihrer 'Nicht einen Schritt zurück' Entwicklungsphilosophie. Später stellte sich heraus, dass der Tsar-A als Argument geplant war, zu steigenden Ausgaben für nahrungsbezogene Angewohnheiten des Büros überzugehen. Der Schaden war bereits angerichtet; gewaltige Lagerhallen blieben mit Raketenteilen, statt Snacks gefüllt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar A' Treibstofftank (Groß) + + // ********** Part: SXTke111 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_description = Das Ke-111 wird als 'Weitsicht'-Cockpit für Touristenbeförderungsfahrzeuge verkauft, jedoch stellten Beobachter den Sinn, des neben dem Co-Pilotensitz angebrachten 'schwerkraftunterstützenden Haltesystems' in Frage. + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment kondor + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_title = Ke-111 "Kondor" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTKO211Dprop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_description = Obwohl das 211 stärker als das KASRE-550 erscheint, ist es ein etwas grobschlächtigeres Biest und kann sich nicht an der Treibstoffeffizienz eines 550 messen. Verbraucht 50 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_tags = flugzeug (prop antrieb rückwärts (jumo + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_title = KASRE-211D "Jumo" Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTKO211prop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_description = Eine geringe Steigerung der Kraft und der Effizienz gegenüber dem KO-211D. Leider wird dafür ein größeres und schwereres Gehäuse benötigt. Verbraucht 60 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_tags = flugzeug (prop antrieb rückwärts (mons + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_title = KO-A601 "Monsoon" Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTKOPO4E + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_description = KDB's Anwärter für ein 2.5m Orbital-Raketentriebwerk. Wenn auch weniger stark als das Rockomax "Poodle", hat es ein flacheres Profil und ein verstärktes Gehäuse, was eine Landung auf dem Triebwerk erleichtert, wenn man mal wieder Landebeine vergessen hat. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_tags = lande orbit (pancake antrieb rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_title = Kopo-4e "Pancake" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTLANCER + + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_description = Das L.A.N.C.E.R. ist das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit zwischen C7 Aerospace und dem Rockomax Conglomerate. Entwickelt um eine Lücke auf dem Markt der Triebwerke für SSTO-Flugzeuge zu schließen, kombiniert dieses Triebwerk das Beste aus Raketen- und Luftansaugschubtechnologien. + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_tags = flugzeug steig geschlossen kreislauf dual treibstoff hybrid jet flüssig fluessig haupt primär mode antrieb lancer rakete ssto + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_title = CR-9 L.A.N.C.E.R. Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTLander + + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_description = Vergleichbar mit dem Inneren der Mk2 Landebüchse, bietet diese hier ein verstärktes Gehäuse mit höheren Wuchttoleranzen beim Aufsetzen und verfügt über handliche Handgriffe (Wortspiel beabsichtigt). Als Gewichtskompensation mussten schwächere Reaktionsräder verbaut werden. + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_tags = kapsel cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot kapsel reagieren rakete weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_title = Landebüchse PPD-8 + + // ********** Part: SXTlaunchclamp1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_description = Der Start-Stabilisierer TT06-A nutzt bahnbrechende Haltetechnologien für mehr Startvorbereitungs-Raumschiffstabilität. Während O.M.B. Demolition immer für das Nutzen 'blumiger Bezeichnungen für eine Raketenhalterung' in ihren Produktkatalogen kritisiert wurde, kann niemand behaupten die TT18-Serie würde nicht, wie beworben, steinharten Klammergriff abliefern. Die Bedienungsanleitung empfiehlt eindringlich, diese Vorrichtung an der untersten Sektion einer Rakete zu platzieren und sofort nach Triebwerksstart zu lösen, um optimale Entklammerung zu garantieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_tags = klammer halt )polster rakete stabil turm + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_title = Start-Stabilisierer TT06-A + + // ********** Part: SXTLT80 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_description = Das Gegenstück zum LV-T45 aus der 'Größer ist immer besser'-Ecke der Entwicklungsabteilung. Stärker, aber mit fehlender Kontrolloption gegenüber seinem kleineren Cousin. + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_tags = steig haupt primär antrieb (robin rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_title = LV-T80 "Robin" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTmeadowlark + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_description = Die EAS 316 ist eine leichtgewichtige Beobachtungskapsel, die wie der externe Sitz EAS-1 funktioniert. Beinhaltet den 'schlüssellosen' Startknopf, was heißt, dass Piloten erstmal zum KSC zurück gehen dürfen, um sich von der Nichtexistenz einer Startfunktion zu vergewissern. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_tags = sitz kerbal rover aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_title = EAS-316 "Meadowlark" Beobachtungskapsel + + // ********** Part: SXTMerlin66prop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_description = Großes Propellertriebwerk. Verbraucht 100 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_tags = flugzeug (prop antrieb (merl + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_title = KASRE-66 "Merlin" Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTMiniJet + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_description = Ein klitzekleines Düsentriebwerk mit genug 'Umpf' um ein leichtes Flugzeug abheben zu lassen. Nicht das kleinste, das wir jemals gebaut haben, allerdings das kleinste das wir nicht sofort in den Entwicklungslaboren verloren haben. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_tags = flugzeug jet antrieb rückwärts (swif + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_title = Einfaches Düsentriebwerk J-04 "Swift" + + // ********** Part: SXTmk210degree + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_description = Für Zeiten, wenn du eine Krümmung am Fluggerät haben möchtest, bevor es auf der Erde aufschlägt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_tags = flugzeug jet mk2 anschluss neige winkel + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_title = 10-DEG Mk2 Verbindung (Geneigt) + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2225degree + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_description = Für Zeiten, wenn du eine Krümmung am Fluggerät haben möchtest, bevor es auf der Erde aufschlägt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_tags = flugzeug jet mk2 anschluss neige winkel + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_title = 22.5-DEG Mk2 Verbindung (Geneigt) + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2adaptorIntake + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_description = Ein gewöhnlicher Mk1 auf Mk2-Adapter, der beinahe zweigeteilt wurde. Wir mussten einige Einlässe anschweißen, damit er nicht auseinander fällt. Ähm, naja, ich meine natürlich, wir wollten Einlässe für größeren Funktionsumfang anbringen. Die Stabilität hatte bei der Entscheidung kaum bis gar keinen Einfluss. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_tags = aero (luft atme flug einlass jet sauerstoff flugzeug sauge treibstoff treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete tank + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_title = Mk2 auf 1.25m "Su.27" Einlass + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2cargoadapter + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_description = Eine modifizierte Variante des CRG-04,. Die Variante B wurde von der beliebten Mk2 auf Mk1-Serie inspiriert. Kann auch hervorragend als Abdeckung für VTOL-fähige Düsentriebwerke dienen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_tags = contain behälter transport zubehör ausrüstung fracht halt hohl nutzlast (lager transport hilfsmittel + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_title = Laderaum CRG-04B Mk2 + + // ********** Part: SXTMk2LinearAerospike + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_description = Ein linearer Luftstachel bestehend aus einer konus-keilförmigen Platte , bei der Abgase an jeder Seite des 'dicken' Endes ausgestoßen werden. Vorteil der Konstruktion ist die Stapelbarkeit und die Möglichkeit des Anbringens innenliegender kleinerer Triebwerke in Reihe, um ein größeres Triebwerk entstehen zu lassen, mit der Möglichkeit individuelle Schubkontrolle zu vollziehen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_tags = (stubbs orbit antrieb rakete halt + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_title = Mk2 "Stubbs" Lineares Luftstachel-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2SAScore + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_description = Gegenüber dem MK2 Drohnenkern verfügt das Reaktionsrad-Modul Mk2 nicht über das starke Neigungsdrehmoment, dafür aber über bessere Gierungs- und Rolldrehmomente. Das fehlen einer KI macht dieses Teil 95% weniger mordlüstern. Wir untersuchen noch, was die verbleibenden 5% verursacht. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_tags = cmg steuer kontrol fliege gyro moment reagieren stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_title = Verbessertes Reaktionsrad-Modul Mk2 + + // ********** Part: SXTmk3Cockpit52 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_description = Das zuverlässige Arbeitspferd der KSC-Luftfahrtsparte; Piloten des Marble-8 transportierten viele berühmte experimentelle Fluggeräte. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren shuttle weltraum stab steuern drehmoment marble + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_title = Mk3 "Marble-8" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirder + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_description = Beinhaltet zusätzliche Versteifungen für bessere Wuchttoleranzen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_title = XC-MTV Strukturelement + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirder375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_description = Beinhaltet zusätzliche Versteifungen für bessere Wuchttoleranzen. Zusätzlich sieht es 'abgefahrener' aus. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_tags = verbinde struktur stütze sattel träger + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_title = OX-MTV Strukturelement + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderBasic + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_description = Einfaches, stützendes Strukturelement. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_title = XC-MTV Strukturelement (Vier Seiten offen) + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderBasic375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_description = Zwischenstufenstrukturelement. Geeignet um etwa 6-Wege-Verbindungspunkte daran anzubringen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_tags = verbinde struktur stütze sattel träger binde zwischenstufe + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_title = OX-MTV Strukturelement (Vier Seiten offen) + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpen + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_description = Teil eines halboffenen Strukturelements. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_title = XC-MTV Strukturelement (Hälfte) + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpen375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_description = Groß, echt groß. Nützlich, um kleinere Fluggeräte oder auch Treibstofftanks abzuwerfen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_tags = verbinde struktur stütze sattel träger offen + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_title = OX-MTV Strukturelement (Hälfte) + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_description = Kurzes Teil eines halboffenen Strukturelements. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_title = XC-MTV Strukturelement (Hälfte, kurz) + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_description = Verkürztes Strukturelement. Nützlich, um kleinere Fluggeräte oder auch Treibstofftanks abzuwerfen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_tags = verbinde struktur stütze sattel träger offen + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_title = OX-MTV Strukturelement (Hälfte, kurz) + + // ********** Part: SXTn1GridFin + + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_description = Sprich mir nach, tovarisch: 'Man macht damit keine riesigen Waffeln, das Teil ist für Raketen konstruiert worden'. Die Gitterflosse ist ein Verbund kleiner, gitterförmig angeordneter aerodynamischer Oberflächen, um das Drehmoment auf Kontrollmechaniken bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten zu reduzieren und kompakte Kontrollsysteme zu ermöglichen. Sie sind gut bei Unter- und Überschallgeschwindigkeiten, nicht aber bei schallnahen Geschwindigkeiten. + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_tags = aero flugzeug canard kontrol (heben flosse (vor auftrieb rakete )ruder stab ström heck + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_title = Kerbolyov Gitterflosse + + // ********** Part: SXTNERVA + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_description = Der originale, wenn auch etwas explosivere Prototyp des NERVA Raketenmotors. Auch wenn das Design miniaturisiert wurde und damit der populäre LV-N "Nerv" entstand, bietet der Prototyp einen minimal besseren ISP-Wert dank größerer Triebwerks-Schubdüse. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_tags = aktiv atom effizient triebwerk inter flüssig fluessig (nerv nuklear nuke orbit antrieb radio reaktor vakuum + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_title = LV-NX3 "Phoebus" Atomraketen-Motor + + // ********** Part: SXTNERVAB + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_description = Die "Fat Mun"-Serie basiert auf Dutzenden von KSC erworbenen Nuklearreaktoren. Das ist nicht jedoch auf Berichte zurück zu führen, wonach Nuklearreaktoren keine 'brauchbaren Zentralheizungen' sind. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_tags = aktiv atom effizient triebwerk inter flüssig fluessig fat mun nuklear nuke orbit antrieb radio reaktor vakuum + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_title = LV-NX4 "Fat Mun" Atomraketen-Motor + + // ********** Part: SXTNK12M + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_description = Verbraucht 100 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_tags = flugzeug prop (turbo antrieb (bear + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_title = KO-TP12M "Bear" Turbo-Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTNK21BlockV + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_description = Ein effizientes, billiges und kompaktes - wenn auch nicht besonders starkes - Dritte-Stufe-Triebwerk. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_tags = start antrieb rakete halt (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_title = NK21 "Veles" Antriebsgruppe + + // ********** Part: SXTnuclearramjet + + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_description = Das LV-NRJ ist ein atomares Staustrahltriebwerket, das angesaugte Luft mittels nicht abgeschirmtem Nuklearreaktor erhitzt. Auch wenn es selbst keinen Treibstoff benötigt, muss es erst einmal auf gewisse Geschwindigkeiten beschleunigt werden, um effektiv arbeiten zu können. Trotz der Resultate jahrelanger kostspieliger Forschung, sind wir uns der Nebeneffekte der Triebwerke nicht völlig sicher - jeder Forscher des Projektes hat eine gewisse grün schimmernde Leuchtkraft entwickelt und ist zerfallen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_tags = aktiv atom effizient triebwerk (agam nuklear nuke antrieb radio reaktor staustrahl stau jet flugzeug luftfahrt + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_title = LV-NRJ "Agamemnon" Atomares Staustrahltriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTOMS + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_description = Eine effektive RFS-Schubdüse, entwickelt, um auch die größten Raketen und Shuttles zu stabilisieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_tags = verbund kontrol dock manöver (huff reagieren rendezvous rotiere stab steuern verschiebe + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_title = Monotreibstoff-Triebwerk O-10 "Puff" + + // ********** Part: SXTOMS-A + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_description = Eine effektivere , noch stärkere RFS-Schubdüse gegenüber der O-10, entwickelt, um auch die allerallergrößten Raketen und Shuttles zu stabilisieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_tags = verbund kontrol dock manöver (puff reagieren rendezvous rotiere stab steuern verschiebe orbital sonde antrieb schubdüse + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_title = Monotreibstoff-Triebwerk O-40 "Puff" + + // ********** Part: SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_description = Als echtes Monster von einem High-End-Laderaumcockpit bietet das 225 eine frontal öffnende Laderaumluke. Eine Rampe ist separat erhältlich. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer (osaul kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment contain behälter transport zubehör ausrüstung fracht halt hohl nutzlast (lager transport + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_title = Kn-225 "Osaul Payload" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualHullLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_description = Ein spezialisiertes Laderaummodul. Manche sagen, es könnte sich selbst laden. Leider, verbieten Euklids Gesetze zur Geometrie dies. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_tags = contain behälter transport zubehör ausrüstung fracht halt hohl nutzlast (lager transport hilfsmittel + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_title = M-Rumpf 3.75m 'Osaul' Laderaum + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualRadCockpit + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_description = Eine radial anzubringende Variante des ergonomischen Osaul-Cockpits Gewöhnlich auf Mk3-Tanks montiert. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_tags = aero flugzeug cmg steuer (yavka kontrol ?eva fliege gyro ?iva moment pilot reagieren weltraum stab steuern drehmoment + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radiales Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualRadHull + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_description = Strukturelle Fortsetzung des radialen MkP-Yavka Cockpits. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_tags = flugzeug rumpf jet radial (yavka + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radialer Rumpf + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualRadHullEnd + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_description = Ein ordentlich angeschrägtes Endstück für das radiale MkP-Yavka Cockpit. Du wirst kaum feststellen, dass es da war. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_tags = flugzeug rumpf jet radial cap (yavka + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radiales Rumpf-Endstück + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualTailLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_description = Groß, schwer und mit Platz für Flüssigtreibstoff- und Oxidatortanks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_tags = aero flugzeug luftwiderstand flug stab luftwiderstand treibstoff ?lf flüssig fluessig wet + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_title = Heckteil (3.75m) + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeGLong + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_description = Eine lange Röhre innerhalb eines Gitters. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze rohr + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_title = Verbindungsröhre mit Träger (Lang) + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeHub + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_description = Ein Multipunkt, um daran 6 Röhren zu befestigen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze rohr + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_title = Verbindungsröhren-Multipoint + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeLong + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_description = Eine lange Röhre, nützlich um Dinge von A nach B zu transportieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze rohr + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_title = Verbindungsröhre (Lang) + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeShort + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_description = Eine kurze Röhre, nützlich um Dinge von A nach B zu transportieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze rohr + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_title = Verbindungsröhre (Kurz) + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeTurn + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_description = Eine kurze, gebogene Röhre, nützlich um Dinge von A nach B zu transportieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_tags = träger bauen verbinde konstrukt erweiter herstell träger struktur stütze rohr + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_title = Verbindungsröhre 90 Grad-Biegung + + // ********** Part: SXTProbeGooo + + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_description = Kein Unterschied zum radialen Schleimbehälter. Wir haben den Behälter einfach zusammengestaucht und ihn hier reingequetscht. Interessanterweise enthielten die meisten vorgenommenen Datenauswertungen Beleidigungen gegenüber unserem Kundendienst. + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_manufacturer = Society for the Subjugation of Goo + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_tags = experiment forsch wissenschaft + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_title = Behältereinheit für Mysteriösen Schleim™ (1.25m) + + // ********** Part: SXTProtonlikeNoseCone + + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_description = Ein Aufsteckkegel. Nützlich für Festtreibstoff-Booster und andere radial angebrachte Objekte. Bitte nicht dagegen lehnen, der Kegel könnte abfallen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_manufacturer = Goliath National Products + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_tags = aero flugzeug booster )kappe luftwiderstand flug rakete stab luftwiderstand heck + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_title = Winkeltreuer Raketenkegel Mk3 + + // ********** Part: SXTPWPT6 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_description = Verbraucht 45 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_tags = flugzeug prop (turbo antrieb (guth + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_title = KASRE-PT6 "Guthrie" Turbo-Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTPWR2800 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_description = Ein zuverlässiges, schweres, zweireihiges 18-Zylinder-Radialtriebwerk das in Kerbins Luftfahrtgeschichte weit verbreitet ist. Verbraucht 100 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_tags = flugzeug prop radial antrieb (horn + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_title = KO-R2800 "Hornet" Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone + + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_description = Kommt gegenüber dem XM-G50 mit einem kleinen Stauchkegel für effizientere Luftströmungssammlung bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten, daher. + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_tags = aero (luft atme flug einlass jet sauerstoff flugzeug sauge überschall + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_title = XF-104 Radialer Einlass + + // ********** Part: SXTradialFuel + + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_description = Radialer Treibstofftank mit angebautem Kühlmodul. Wir dachten, sollte sich der Treibstoff versehentlich entzünden, könnte das Kühlmodul das Feuer abkühlen und alles würde gut. Hoffentlich. + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_tags = kühl fixiert wärme moderat radiat statik temperat therm treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_title = Boconok-9 Radialer Treibstofftank mit Kühlmodul + + // ********** Part: SXTradialWindow + + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_description = Ein Fenster, um heraus zu schauen. Dennoch empfehle ich dies nicht, man könnte etwas im Fernsehen verpassen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_tags = flugzeug airliner fenster sicht + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_title = Fenster "Airliner" + + // ********** Part: SXTRCSRack + + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_description = Ein Verbund starker RFS-Schubdüsen. Die RFS-Düsen sind angewinkelt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_tags = verbund kontrol dock manöver reagieren rendezvous rotiere stab steuern verschiebe + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_title = Linearer RFS-Steuerungsdüsenblock + + // ********** Part: SXTRotatingMk2Ring + + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_description = Du kennst sicher den Moment, in dem du feststellst, dass die neue Zentrifuge nicht zentriert ist? Jepp, genau der... Überraschend, dass niemand gefeuert wurde. Als ungewöhnlicher Vorstoß in die Sphäre der Langzeit-Wohnmodule durch C7 Aerospace ist diese Zentrifuge zweifellos das Resultat jahrelanger genauster Planung und Analyse...und sicher nicht das Ergebnis einer versehentlich zu großen, bestellten Menge Mk2 Crew-Kabinen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_tags = basis contain behälter aussenposten passagier statio (lager tour schwerkraft dreh rotation + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_title = Zentrifugal-Wohnmodul 2.5m + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_description = Kerbodyne's experimenteller superschwerer Treibstofftank. Bitte keine Champagnerflasche dagegen schlagen. Das machten wir einmal bei Raketenstart; dies führte zu einer Delle und diese führte später zu einer außerplanmäßigen katastrophalen Demontage. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_title = Kerbodyne S5-64000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1-2Sep + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_description = Ein Stapel-Entkoppler für wahrlich riesige 5m-Tanks mit genügend Platz, um Triebwerke im Inneren zu platzieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_tags = breche entkoppel explo kerbodyne separat teile + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_title = TR-50B Stapel-Entkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_description = Ein flacher Stapel-Entkoppler für wahrlich riesige 5m-Tanks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_tags = breche entkoppel explo kerbodyne separat teile + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_title = TR-50A Stapel-Entkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1Base + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_description = Hervorragend geeignet, um zusätzliche Triebwerke an den größten Raketen anzubringen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_tags = befest anker mont sicher + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_title = BZ-2500 Radial-Verbindungspunkt + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_description = Kerbodyne's experimenteller superschwerer Treibstofftank. Die halbe Größe eines S5-64000; ich würde sagen, dafür doppelt so gut, aber leider ist es das nicht. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_title = Kerbodyne S5-32000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV2-3Sep + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_description = Ein Bauteil für Zwischenstufen, entweder als gerader Adapter zwischen 3.75m und 5m oder als Stapel-Entkoppler gedacht, in dessen Inneren ein Triebwerk verborgen werden kann. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_tags = breche entkoppel separat teile stapel + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_title = TR-35C Stapel-Entkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV2Engine + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_description = Eigentlich, durch das falschen Lesen eines Beschaffungsformulars entstanden, belegen die TVR-1600XXL-Einheiten jetzt große Teile des O.M.B. Weltraumteilelagers. Sie werden nun unter vielen Namen verkauft, etwa 'Mein erster Fünffach-Entkoppler' oder auch 'Selbstbau-Swimmingpool' um die Lagerbestände zu verringern. Ändert ein Teil mit 5m-Radius in 5 Teile mit 2.5m Radius. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_tags = breche entkoppel separat teile stapel + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_title = TVR-2000XXL Stapel-Fünffachkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV3 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_description = Dritte Stufe der Jool V. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_title = 3.75m Stufe 3-Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV3Enginge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_description = Triebwerk der dritten Stufe der Jool V. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_manufacturer = LL Aerospace + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_tags = antrieb rakete halt swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_title = 3.75m Stufe 3-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV3Upper + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_description = Oft genutzt, um empfindliche Raumfahrzeuge vor den Verheerungen der Atmosphäre zu schützen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_tags = blütenblatt fracht aero transport nutzlast + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_title = FL-S3 Adapter "Blütenblatt" + + // ********** Part: SXTsciencenosecone + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_description = Die neuesten Procedere in der Forschung und Entwicklung führten zur Entwicklung dieses Wunders, der Bugnase mit Sensor- und Sendeeinheit. Sie ist mit vielen Qualitätssensoren aus dem Schrott von Qualitätsluftfahrzeugen ausgestattet, um atmosphärische Daten im Flug zu registrieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_tags = aero flugzeug )kappe kegel luftwiderstand nase stab luftig antenne radio signal übertrag atmosphär experiment forsch wiederholen wiederverwenden neu machen zurücksetzen wissenschaft sensor + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_title = Bugnase mit Sensor- und Sendeeinheit + + // ********** Part: SXTshockConeIntakeSize2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_description = Ein noch 'schock'ierenderer neuer Einlass von C7 Aerospace Division! Bietet außergewöhnliche Leistung bei allen Geschwindigkeiten und hat einen eingebauten Hitzeschutz. Achtung, scharfe Kanten! Bei Gebrauch Schutzbrille tragen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_tags = aero (luft atme flug einlass jet sauerstoff flugzeug sauge überschall + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_title = Kompressor-Einlass (2.5m) + + // ********** Part: sxtshroudradialhardpoint + + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_description = Oft genutzt zur optimalen stromlinienförmigen Montage von Triebwerken. + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_tags = befest anker mont sicher + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_title = BZ-X1 Abgeschirmter radialer Verbindungspunkt + + // ********** Part: SXTsize2LFtank + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_description = Ein verstärkter Treibstofftank für größere Raumfahrzeuge. Dieser hier ist gerammelt voll mit Düsenflugzeugtreibstoff. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_tags = flugzeug treibstofftank jet treibstoff tank + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_title = 2.5m Flüssigtreibstofftank (Lang) + + // ********** Part: SXTsize2LFtankShort + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_description = Ein kurzer verstärkter Treibstofftank für größere Raumfahrzeuge. Dieser hier ist gerammelt voll mit Düsenflugzeugtreibstoff. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_tags = flugzeug treibstofftank jet treibstoff tank + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_title = 2.5m Flüssigtreibstofftank (Kurz) + + // ********** Part: SXTSize2SRB + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_description = Dieser extrem massive Booster wurde konzipiert, um nach Leerung geborgen zu werden. Nach Bergung kann er instandgesetzt und neu befüllt, für den nächsten Start verwendet werden. Besonderheit ist ein angebrachtes Kardangelenk. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_tags = (backer (line (linebacker moar (more motor rakete festtreibstoff booster + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_title = S2 SRB-KD350k "Linebacker" Festtreibstoff-Booster + + // ********** Part: SXTsize2to3Adaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_description = Eine Variante von Kerbodyne's Treibstofftankikone, die die Radien 2.5m und 3.75m miteinander verbindet. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_tags = kegel treibstoff treibstofftank ?lfo + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_title = Kerbodyne S3-S2-2430 Adapter + + // ********** Part: SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_description = Ein Triebwerk ist zuwenig? Wir haben dich erhört! + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_tags = dual treibstoff treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig multi oxidator pair treibstoff rakete teile tank twin + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_title = Mk1 Doppelkoppler + + // ********** Part: SXTSmallFuselage + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_description = Ein kleiner Behälter für Düsenflugzeugtreibstoff. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_tags = treibstofftank jet flüssig fluessig treibstoff + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_title = Mk0 Flüssigtreibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTsolarPanelhex + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_description = Probodobodyne patentierte Photovoltaikmodule sind weltweiter Standard zur Stromgewinnung, ob zuhause oder zwischen den Sternen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_tags = anordn laden entfalten strom elekt energ erweiter generat (licht photo solar sonne folge entfalt volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_title = OX-HEX Photovoltaikmodule + + // ********** Part: SXTsolarPanelLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_description = Probodobodyne patentierte Photovoltaikmodule sind weltweiter Standard zur Stromgewinnung, ob zuhause oder zwischen den Sternen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_tags = anordn laden entfalten strom elekt energ erweiter generat (licht photo solar sonne folge entfalt volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_title = OX-VL Photovoltaikverbund + + // ********** Part: SXTSPKTRCabin + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_description = Eine ungewöhnliche Form, das ist mal sicher. Aber selbst eine hässliche Ente kann hübsch aussehen, wenn du eine Andockluke drauf schnallst und es mit Streben umgibst. Warte, irgend etwas daran klingt nicht richtig... + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_tags = basis kabine (can aussenposten passagier statio tour tuna crew kabine lacuga + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_title = SPKTR-10 "Lacuga" Crew-Kabine + + // ********** Part: SXTSputnik + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_description = Der DSTPN ist etwas schwerer und hat etwas weniger starke Reaktionsräder gegenüber dem SPTN, aber bietet mehr Batteriekapazität und einen eingebauten Entkoppler. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_tags = steuer kontrol (kern sonde satellit weltraum steuern + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_title = Dontstayputnik von Probodobodyne + + // ********** Part: SXTTank1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_description = Kerbodyne's experimenteller superschwerer Treibstofftank. 16000 Einheiten lieblichen, lieblichen Treibstoffes. Es wurden nur zwei Komplexgebäude zerstört, als wir einen der Tanks fallen ließen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_tags = treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff rakete + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_title = Kerbodyne S5-16000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTTinyprop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_description = Verbraucht 7.2 Einheiten Flüssigtreibstoff pro Stunde bei maximalem Schub. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_tags = flugzeug (prop antrieb rückwärts (cont + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_title = KASRE-055 "Continental" Propellertriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXT-TMA1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_description = 1 : 4 : 9 (25 : 36 : n^2 ?) + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_manufacturer = ??? + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_tags = monoligh 2001 ?tma + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_title = Tycho Magnetic Anomaly 1 + + // ********** Part: SXTTriangleRightangle + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_description = Definitiv ein absichtlicher Designentwurf, nicht etwa eine quadratische Platte, die versehentlich in zwei Teile gesägt wurde. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_tags = gestell bauen konstrukt abdeck erweiter herstell plat struktur stütze + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_title = M-1x1 Dreieckiges Strukturplatte + + // ********** Part: SXTTriHexagon + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_description = Was ist besser als eine Platte mit vier Seiten? Eine mit sechs Seiten! Ich denke... ein Fünfeck würde sich auch gut machen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_tags = gestell bauen konstrukt abdeck erweiter herstell plat struktur stütze + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_title = M6-1x1 Hexagonale Strukturplatte + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckbox + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_description = Eine große Schachtel. Nichts Tolles. Macht, was sie soll. Ist das, was auf der Lieferdose drauf stand. Warum das Teil in einer Dose kam, steht auf einem anderen Papier. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_tags = truck hilfsmittel + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_title = LKW-Box + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckcabin + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_description = Die 'Breit'-Serie des TG-Trucks, gewöhnlich gebaut für Fahrer, die etwas zu 'enthusiastisch' mit ihren TG-T1 in die Kurven gehen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_tags = truck kabine + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_title = TG-W1 LKW-Kabine + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckcabinsmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_description = Die geschäftige Arbeitsbiene von KSC; hell, gelb und ständig schwankend bewegt die TG-Serie den ganzen Tag lang Fracht von hier nach da. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_tags = truck kabine + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_title = TG-T1 LKW-Kabine + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckfueltank + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_description = Dein Raumfahrzeug ist etwas zu weit von der Landebahn entfernt gelandet? Bringe diesen Treibstofftank an einen LKW an und fahr rüber. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_tags = truck treibstofftank ?lfo flüssig fluessig oxidator treibstoff + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_title = TG-F1 Radialer Treibstofftank + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckmiddle + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_description = Mittelstück der TG-W-Serie der elektrischen LKWs. Geliefert mit eingebauten Batterien. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_tags = truck mitte + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_title = TG-W3 LKW-Mittelstück + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckmiddleSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_description = Mittelstück der TG-T-Serie der elektrischen LKWs. Geliefert mit eingebauten Batterien. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_tags = truck elektrik mitte + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_title = TG-T3 LKW-Mittelstück + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckrear + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_description = Die hintere Stoßstange für den TG-W, ausgestattet mit einigen schönen Lichtern. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_tags = truck stoßstange hinter licht + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_title = TG-W4 Hintere LKW-Stoßstange + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckrearSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_description = Die hintere Stoßstange für den TG-T, ausgestattet mit einigen schönen Lichtern. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_tags = truck stoßstange licht + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_title = TG-T4 Hintere LKW-Stoßstange + + // ********** Part: SXTTubeAntenna + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_description = Die DTS-Roll 4 ist eine lange ausfahrbare Antenne aus einer dünnen Schicht Metall, das aus einem Gehäuse ausgerollt wird. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_tags = luftig antenne entfalten direkt erweiter radio signal übertrag + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_title = Communotron DTS-R4 + + // ********** Part: SXTVernier885 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_description = Diese kleinen Triebwerke werden versuchen sich auszurichten, damit du in die richtige Richtung zeigst. Am unteren Ende einer Rakete anzubringen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_tags = manöver orbital antrieb rakete (kdb schubdüse justier + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_title = KDB-885 Fluglagenkontrollsystem + + // ********** Part: SXTVTOLturboFan + + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_description = Das J-414 "Jaguar" ist eine innovative (völlig über Budget liegende) Ableitung des J-404, ausgestattet mit der Möglichkeit, sich um 90 Grad zu schwenken und damit VTOL-Fähigkeit zu gewähren oder um dich schlimm zum Taumeln zu bringen und dich abstürzen zu lassen. + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_tags = nach flugzeug brenner triebwerk jäger jet (jaguar antrieb vtol vert + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_title = J-414 "Jaguar" Nachbrenner-Mantelstromtriebwerk VTOL + + // ********** Part: SXTWaxWing + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_description = Die Idee eines jungen Kerbals namens Flashheart, einem großartigen, etwas ausgelassenem jungen Kerl. Er erklärte, dass ein Problem der Sonden sei, dass sie langweilig wären und voll lahm unterwegs seien. Oder 'fest genug', was immer er damit meinte. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_tags = (wax moar (more motor rakete festtreibstoff booster + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_title = BBCV-4350 "Candle Wax" Festtreibstoff-Booster + + // ********** Part: SXTWingLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_description = Dies hier war eigentlich eine 455, aber wurde fallen gelassen. Nun ist sie viel besser, füllt eine Nische aus und hat sogar synergetischen Einfluss. Die verantwortlichen Kerbals wurden natürlich dennoch gefeuert. Unserem Wissen nach, sind sie bis heute nicht gelandet. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_tags = aero flugzeug airlin flug folie treibstoff ?lf auftrieb flüssig fluessig ström wet + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_title = FAT-460 Super-Lift Flugzeug-Haupttragfläche + + // ********** Part: SXTWingSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_description = Eine kleine Tragfläche für kleine aerodynamische Flugzeuge. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_tags = aero flugzeug flug folie auftrieb + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_title = Mk0B Tragflächenverbindungsstück (Kurz) + + // ********** Part: SXTWingSmallFolding + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_description = Eine, für Sonden entwickelte, faltbare Tragfläche, die gut in einer Schutzummantelung Platz findet. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_tags = aero flugzeug flug folie auftrieb falten querruder kontrol (heben )ruder + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_title = Mk0CX Faltbare Tragfläche + + // ********** Part: SXTWingSmallHalf + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_description = Eine kleine Tragfläche für kleine aerodynamische Flugzeuge. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_tags = aero flugzeug flug folie auftrieb + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_title = Mk0 Tragflächenverbindungsstück (Lang) + + // ********** Part: SXTWingTipRound + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_description = Wir waren vielleicht etwas zu enthusiastisch, als wir herausfanden, dass unsere Fabrik runde Schnitte machen kann. Wir haben darauf hin Hunderte geordert. Sie verrammelten die Türen. Benötige Hilfe. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_tags = aero flugzeug flug folie auftrieb + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_title = Tragflächenverbindungsstück (Abgerundet) + + // ********** Part: SXTWingVeryLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_description = Für den Fall, wenn du etwas dringend abheben lassen willst. Naja, vorausgesetzt du hast genug Schub, denn das Teil ist echt schwer. Vielleicht auch leicht entflammbar, wenn mit Treibstoff gefüllt. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_tags = aero flugzeug airlin flug folie treibstoff ?lf auftrieb flüssig fluessig ström + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_title = FAT-500 Super-Lift Flugzeug-Haupttragfläche + + // ********** Part: SXTX405 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_description = Sieht vielleicht nicht sonderlich raketenmäßig aus, aber das Vanguard knallt richtig was raus für seine Größe. Wir haben sogar (wir waren gezwungen) zwei Strahlruder zur Stabilisierung angebracht, um die Eigendrehung zu kontrollieren. + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_tags = antrieb rakete (vanguard kontrol manöver reagieren rotiere stab steuern verschiebe + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_title = LV-405 "Vanguard" Flüssigtreibstoff-Triebwerk + + // ********** Part: TGWheel + + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_description = Dieses Rad ist für die kleinen gelben LKWs. Es hat eine Einrichtung zum Bremsen, minimale Lenkkontrollen und bietet genug Antrieb, um den LKW nicht all zu fest schieben zu müssen. + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_tags = truck rad + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_title = TG LKW-Rad + + // ********** Part: SXTfairingSize0 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_description = Während die Kerbals in der Missionskontrolle immer noch darüber grübeln, wie sie ihre Raketen sicher auf die Oberfläche zurück bringen können, haben die Forschungsingenieure FLOOYD schnell festgestellt, das der Schutz von Raketen beim Aufstieg genauso wichtig ist. Darauf hin wurde vorwiegend auf dem Gebiet der Schutzummantelungen geforscht. Die Schutzummantelungen haben den Nebeneffekt besserer Aerodynamik und reduzieren hoffentlich den Treibstoffverbrauch! Die AE-FF0 ist die kleinste bei FLOOYD erhältliche Größe. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_tags = aero )kappe fracht kegel contain behälter luftwiderstand verkleidung hohl inter nase nutzlast schutz rakete mantel stufe (lager transport + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_title = Aerodynamische Schutzummantelung AE-FF0 (0.625 m) + + // ********** Part: SXTfairingSize5 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_description = Während die Kerbals in der Missionskontrolle immer noch darüber grübeln, wie sie ihre Raketen sicher auf die Oberfläche zurück bringen können, haben die Forschungsingenieure FLOOYD schnell festgestellt, das der Schutz von Raketen beim Aufstieg genauso wichtig ist. Darauf hin wurde vorwiegend auf dem Gebiet der Schutzummantelungen geforscht. Die Schutzummantelungen haben den Nebeneffekt besserer Aerodynamik und reduzieren hoffentlich den Treibstoffverbrauch! Die AE-FF5 ist die größte bei FLOOYD erhältliche Variante. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_tags = aero )kappe fracht kegel contain behälter luftwiderstand verkleidung hohl inter nase nutzlast schutz rakete mantel stufe (lager transport + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_title = Aerodynamische Schutzummantelung AE-FF5 (5 m) + + // ********** Part: SXTHeatShieldSize5 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTHeatShieldSize5_description = Ein riesiges strukturelles Hitzeschild mit integrierter Abdeckung. + #LOC.SXT_SXTHeatShieldSize5_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTHeatShieldSize5_title = Hitzeschild (5 m) + + // ********** Part: SXTKe90TurboJet + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_description = Das größte jemals gebaute Mantelstromtriebwerk mit dem höchsten jemals erreichten Schub. Das Triebwerk funktioniert am besten bei niedrigen Geschwindigkeiten in geringer Höhe. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_title = J-90 "Goliath" Mantelstromtriebwerk + + // ********** Part: SXTMk2FuselageStructural + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2FuselageStructural_description = Standardmäßiger Rumpf ohne Treibstoffvorrat. Als rein strukturelles Bauteil ist es daher leichter und aufgrund von Verstärkungen auch stabiler. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2FuselageStructural_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2FuselageStructural_title = Strukturrumpf (2.5 m) + + // ********** Part: SXTmk3CargoBayRamp + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_description = A raffiniertes Bereitstellungssystem zur Beförderung von Fracht zum Boden, aufs Meer, in die Atmosphäre oder ins Vakuum des Weltalls. Wo auch immer du etwas abladen willst. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRampt_title = Mk3 Frachtrampe + } +} diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Localization/en-us.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Localization/en-us.cfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3169ccf --- /dev/null +++ b/GameData/SXT/Localization/en-us.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,1406 @@ +Localization +{ + en-us + { + + // ********** Part: 25mKossak + + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_description = An uncharacteristic foray into airliner control systems from Probodobodyne, the Kossak provides a reliable avionics base and a 3 person crew for longer range flights and extra nap time. + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_title = M-86 Kossak + + // ********** Part: 625mBonny + + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_description = Despite having being dubbed the 'Kerlington Kerbal Killer', due to a few 'high-flying' kerbals not flying quite high enough, the Bonny remains a popular choice for sub-orbital transport. + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque bonny + #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_title = Model 31 "Bonny" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex + + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_description = The TK-M1 axle makes the truck ready to roll. Just add wheels + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_tags = truck axle wheelbase + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_title = TG-T2 Wheel Block + + // ********** Part: KSCTruckAxleWideComplex + + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_description = The TK-W1 boasts a wider wheelbase since kept flipping the M1s. Just add wheels + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_tags = truck axle wheelbase + #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_title = TG-W1 Wheel-block + + // ********** Part: L25mSci + + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_description = The SC-10k may be just a fancy cupboard and some 'science' stuff but, hey, it's cheap and it'll keep your Kerbals occupied while you file the space program's tax returns. Recommended for ages 12-16. Cheap production makes it unsuitable for concerned parents. + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_tags = bay experiment lab material research + #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_title = SC-10k Science Sr. + + // ********** Part: LFUELM3 + + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_description = An innovative multi-purpose design. Allows for selection of multiple fuel types to suit most mission parameters. + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_title = PPD-SM1600 Service Module + + // ********** Part: LMiniAircaftTail + + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_description = A small tail piece with small fuel-tanks inside. + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet + #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_title = Tail Connector (0.625m) + + // ********** Part: LMkIAircaftFus + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_tags = aircraft airplane jet plane struct + #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_title = MK1 Aircraft Fuselage + + // ********** Part: LMkIIAircaftFus + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_manufacturer = LL Aerospace. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_tags = plane contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_title = Large Aircraft Fuselage + + // ********** Part: LMkIIAircaftFusLong + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer = LL Aerospace. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_tags = plane contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_title = Large Aircraft Passenger Cabin + + // ********** Part: LMkIIAircaftTail + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_description = The big-brother of Tail Connector B, but still nothing on Tail Connector 3.75m. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_title = Tail Connector (2.5m) + + // ********** Part: LMkIIIAircaftFus + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_description = Technically no different from the 'Economy', but twice a higher ticket price keeps all of the riff-raff out. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour fuel ?lf liquid wet + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_title = KC-8 "Business" Passenger Cabin + + // ********** Part: LMkIIIAircaftFusLong + + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_description = The more the merrier! Sure we had to cut a few corners during construction, but as long as you don't crash it, jump in it or cough too loudly, you'll be fine. + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour fuel ?lf liquid wet + #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_title = KC-8 "Economy" Passenger Cabin + + // ********** Part: LprobeFoil + + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_description = Studies conducted by Probodobodyne Inc have found that today's youth consider mono-propellent engines to be quote 'totally main-stream, uncool, and Grandpa Bill always talks about how Mono-propellent engines saved his butt in the first Mun landing, ugh what is with all of these questions?!'. Upon being bribed for further information, the participants revealed that xenon-powered ion engines were the current trending item. So, in an effort to reach out to the youth and more importantly increase sales, the JKSS has had a tank of xenon crammed inside of it. Solar panels and ion engine sold separately. + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_title = Probodobodyne JKSS + + // ********** Part: LRadialAirIntake + + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_description = A large radial turboprop intake, perfect for jet aircraft that just need that bit of extra air. + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic + #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_title = XM-C200 Radial Air Intake + + // ********** Part: LSmallFuelMod + + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_description = A smaller version of the SM1600. To be honest, the 1600 is basically just 3 of these stacked on top of each other. + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_title = PPD-SM555 Service Module + + // ********** Part: LSmallSvcMod + + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_description = A smaller variant of the SM400. + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_tags = bank fueltank propellant service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_title = PPD-SM250 Service Module + + // ********** Part: LSVCM3 + + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_description = Batteries and monopropellant are the order of the day for this spiffing service module. Also boasts hand-holds across the surface to assist during EVA. + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_title = PPD-SM400 Service Module + #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_tags = bank fueltank propellant service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + + // ********** Part: MEMDescentMod + + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_description = You'll want to add a TR-2C or TR-2V miniture stack decoupler to the top of this. The Descent stage's primary job is to support a powered landing and surface extravehicular activity. When the excursion is over, it serves as the launch pad for the ascent stage. It also carries a Surface Experiment Package and has some room for KIS storage. + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_tags = lander orbit propuls rocket vacuum + #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_title = Munar Descent Stage + + // ********** Part: MEMLanderSXT + + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_description = The Ascent stage houses the crew cabin with instrument panels and flight controls. It contains its own Ascent Propulsion System (APS) engine and propellant tanks for return to munar orbit and rendezvous with the Command/Service Module. It also contains a Reaction Control System (RCS) for attitude and translation control. A forward EVA hatch provides access to and from the munar surface, while an overhead docking port provides access to and from the Command Module. + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_title = Munar Excursion Module Ascent Stage + + // ********** Part: RCSBoonExt + + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_description = A long time ago a Kerbal said “Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world” - while he turned out to be frothing mad, the principle still applies. STEADLER have mounted a RV-105 RCS block on a boom to provide a larger moment for rotation. + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate + #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_title = Extendable RCS Boom + + // ********** Part: STXCANIOT + + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_description = Probodobodyne Inc's first and only foray into crew habitation modules. Bulky, but not uncomfortable. It even features a handy set of exterior handrails. + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna crew cabin + #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_title = CANIOT-7 Crew Cabin + + // ********** Part: SXT16FuelTank + + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-16 Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXT25mMk2Adap + + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_description = A generic Mk2 to 2.5m adapter that was left to dry a bit too long and stretched out. + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_title = Mk2 to 2.5m Adapter Long + + // ********** Part: SXT25mMk2AdapSlant + + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_description = A generic Mk2 to 2.5m adapter that was knocked sideways. + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank + #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_title = Mk2 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted + + // ********** Part: SXT25to375mKossak + + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_description = Often used in the design of larger aircraft. + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_title = C7 Brand Adapter - 3.75m to 2.5m + + // ********** Part: SXT32FuelTank + + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-32 Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXT375mProbe + + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_description = Developed in partnership with the Kerbodyne, the SC-XL10 project ran into no difficulties and proceeded entirely without incident. There was no fraud, no explosions and everything went fine. STEADLER would like to remind anyone that might say otherwise that STEADLER is currently working on an organic super-computer and is in need of 'spares'. + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_title = SC-XL10 Remote Guidance Unit + + // ********** Part: SXT5m5wayAdaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_description = Obtained under similar circumstances to the 1600XXL, the 500XXL allows the splitting of a 5m stack into five 1.25m attachment points with an inbuilt decoupler below. Often used as an engine mount. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split + #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_title = TVR-500XXL Stack Pent-Adapter + + // ********** Part: SXT5mQuadAdaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_description = Initially built due to a mis-read procurement form, the TVR-1600XXL units now take up a large portion of O.M.B.'s storage floor-space. It is now being sold under a variety of names, including 'My First Quad Adapter' and 'Self assembly pool', in order to clear the stock. Converts a single 5m stack into four 2.5m stacks. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_tags = ?4 adapter four multi (quad + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_title = TVR-1600XXL Stack Quad-Adapter + + // ********** Part: SXT5mTank0 + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Tiny and flat, since we kept knocking the bigger ones over. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_title = Kerbodyne S5-08000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXT5mTank0cap + + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_description = A fuelled nosecone for Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. While the KDB argues that Kerbodyne stole the design from them, Kerbodyne has reminded them that they can de-orbit space stations; and are getting very good at calculating where they land. + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket (nose + #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_title = Kerbodyne S5 Nose Cone + + // ********** Part: SXT625mFuel4 + + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_description = While small compared to other tanks in Kerbodyne's catalogue, the Oscar-C is perfect for the minimalist rockets required for routine small satellite launches. + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_title = Oscar-C Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXT64FuelTank + + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-64 Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTadapterSize3Mk3 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_description = A hollow adapter for when your craft turns from a massive rocket into a gargantuan plane! + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_tags = aircraft airplane hollow jet mk3 pipe plane tube + #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_title = M-Hull 3.75m to Mk3 Adapter Hollow + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbag + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_description = An airbag stolen from a car factory. Can be triggered using action groups and jettisoned like landing struts. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_tags = airbag cushion (litho crash bag pad + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_title = Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbagSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_description = Three inflatable re-purposed footballs from the last Kerbin Championship League. Can be triggered using action groups and jettisoned like landing struts. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_tags = airbag cushion (litho crash bag pad + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_title = Mk-10 Inflatable Airbag + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbrake + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_description = Slows you down. Like a bit, just a wee bit. You're basically still going to be travelling really fast. And will probably still crash. But you'll get about 2 extra seconds beforehand. So that's nice. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Panel" + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbrakeLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_description = Slows you down. Well, providing you're in an atmosphere. It won't help on the Mun, unlike parachutes which definitely work there. Honest guv. Also doubles as a handy surfboard. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Surf" + + // ********** Part: SXTAirbrakeLarger + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_description = Used for slowing planes down, can handily be placed next to control surfaces on wings. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil + #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Senior" + + // ********** Part: sxtairlockAnimated + + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_description = The airlock was designed shortly after the term 'Explosive Decompression' was coined. It allows Kerbals to move from the interior of the vessel to the exterior without a great change in internal pressure. + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_tags = base (air lock door enter + #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_title = Airlock + + // ********** Part: SXTAJ10 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_description = Oft criticised for being 'tiny' and 'just a bunch of pipes'. Once you're off the ground though, the Rearguard distinguishes itself as a choice engine for smaller rockets. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_tags = ascent main propuls (rearguard rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_title = LV-10-37 "Rearguard" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTAJ10Mid + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_description = Oft criticised for being 'tiny' and 'just a bunch of pipes'. Once you're off the ground though, the Rearguard distinguishes itself as a choice engine for smaller rockets + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (rearguard + #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_title = LV-10-37-Mid "Rearguard 2" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTAlouetteI + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_description = The QUBC is the first and final project of the Synergistic Integration Sub-Committee of Probodobodyne Inc. While lacking SAS and reaction wheels, it does feature integrated solar panels and antenna systems. The SISC was shutdown after key figures were found to be 'Synergising' company funds with their personal expense accounts. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_tags = command control (core cube probe sas satellite space steer aerial antenna radio signal transmi warbler + #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_title = Probodobodyne QUBC "Warbler" + + // ********** Part: SXTAn225Ramp + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_description = While not quite as sophisticated as the ramp mounted on the Mk3, it does allow for easy mounting to any surface. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_tags = bay contain convey equipment freight hold hollow load payload (stor transport unload utility + #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_title = Kn-225 Loading Ramp + + // ********** Part: SXTAntenna + + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_description = The Kommunotronski 16 is a versatile and lightweight antenna suitable for moderate-range communication, long-range backup communication, eavesdropping on secret government operations. + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_tags = aerial antenna radio signal transmi + #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_title = Kommunotronski 16 + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloon + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_title = XC-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloon375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_title = OX-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGold + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_title = XC-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank [Gold] + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGold375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. This version, while it can be configured for different fuels, only has a single tank. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_title = OX-32-S Inflatable Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGoldB + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_description = The lack of proper structural supports makes this fuel bladder extremely delicate and prevents the stacking of multiple cells on top of each other. Probably best not to even lean against it. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_title = XC-32 Light Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTBalloonGoldB375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_description = The lack of proper structural supports makes this fuel bladder extremely delicate and prevents the stacking of multiple cells on top of each other. Probably best not even lean against it. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon + #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_title = XX-32 Light Fuel Tank (Gold) + + // ********** Part: SXTBlackAdder + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_description = Pip pip, old boy! Light, cheap and packing a not inconsiderable punch, the Black Adder-8 certainly offers 'bang for buck', as the chaps over at the KSC say. Perfect for a budding space program, although quickly outclassed by more high-tech engines. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_tags = ascent main propuls (flare rocket (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_title = BA-8 "Flare" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTBlackAdder2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_description = Built with spares from the BA-8. Well, we had to do something, they really were just cluttering the place up. Does make it cheaper than pesky Rockomax's 48-7S. And we have two nozzles, more is always better. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel (flick + #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_title = BA-2 "Flicker" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTBuzzard + + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_description = Built with completely peaceful motives, nothing else. Features a rear seat to allow for a scientist or engineer to accompany the pilot and a top of the range 'hole in the floor'. That's for taking pretty pictures, not aiming anything explosive. Honest. + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque buzzard + #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_title = Model 87 "Buzzard" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTcapsuleshield + + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_description = Capsule shield + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_tags = capsule shield cover + #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_title = CTR-20A Capsule Shield + + // ********** Part: SXTCargoBay1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_description = Ever wanted to deploy slightly larger items into space such as SRBs and landers? This is just the part for you! + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility + #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_title = Mk1B Cargo Bay LRG-01 + + // ********** Part: SXTCastor30 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_description = Designed as upper stage motor to kick smaller payloads to orbital velocities, the RT-3 does have a slight habit of kicking things into escape velocities. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_tags = (gnat moar (more motor rocket srb + #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_title = RT-3 "Gnat" Solid Fuel Booster + + // ********** Part: SXTClyde + + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_description = Kerlington's companion to the Bonny. The Clyde allows for easy transport of a '3 piece' crew by a pilot, either between facilities or from landing locations. + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque clyde + #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_title = Model 35 "Clyde" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTCommodore + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_description = While not the most powerful engine, the Commodore still packs a considerable broadside in the battle against gravity. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (commo + #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_title = RE-M1 "Commodore" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTCrewCabSSP10 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_description = A slightly cramped, ruggedised cabin designed for both stations and surface operations. Features usable handle bars around the side. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_tags = base cabin contain (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna (stor + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_title = PPD-4 Crew Cabin + + // ********** Part: SXTCrewCabSSP20 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_description = A cruder but sturdier forebearer to the the PPD-10. The design specified a tougher skeleton and skin surface after a series of 'dicey' touchdowns. + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna (stor contain + #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_title = PPD-6 Crew Cabin + + // ********** Part: SXTDepolyRTGI + + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_description = It's an RTG on a stick! Built because the regular RTGs kept heating up all our microchips, not exactly very nice of them. + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_title = PB-NUK-I Deployable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator + + // ********** Part: SXTDepolyRTGII + + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_description = Through exploitation of the natural decay of Blutonium-238, this elegantly simple power generator can provide consistent, stable power for decades. Comes in a lovely waterproof container. + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_title = PB-NUK-II Deployable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator + + // ********** Part: SXTDLK83EHabitat + + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_description = A top of the line habitat meant for long-term operations. Typically after the initial 'colonists' made their situation more 'permanent' with a bit of lithobreaking. Features cabins, food preparation areas, sofas, space loos, and even a home gym. + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_tags = base cabin (can contain passenger statio (stor tour cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque tuna crew habitat duna + #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_title = LK-S3E "Duna-Class" Heavy Habitat + + // ********** Part: SXTdockingPortVeryLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_description = The Clamp-O-Tron X3. is an evolution of the Sr., designed after the initial release of the Sr was met with, 'Ah, okay cool. Now make an even bigger one!'. When will the madness stop? + #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor rockomax socket + #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_title = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port XL. + + // ********** Part: SXTeFan + + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_description = A state of the art electric ducted-fan engine. While not especially powerful, it does not require oxygen, making it perfect for use with probes on other atmospheric planets. + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_tags = aircraft (ducte fan plane propuls reverse (este + #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_title = IX-eFAN "Esteyne" Electric Ducted Fan + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_title = Elevon Mk2 + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_title = Elevon 0-A + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonSmallHalf + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_title = Elevon 0-B + + // ********** Part: SXTelevonVeryLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_title = Elevon Mk3 + + // ********** Part: SXTengineattachment + + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_description = A structural pylon for engine support. + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_tags = structu pylon aero connect support attach wing hard point + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_title = FAT-50 Structural Pylon + + // ********** Part: SXTengineattachment2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_description = A structural pylon for engine support. + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_tags = structu pylon aero connect support attach wing hard point + #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_title = FAT-55 Structural Pylon + + // ********** Part: SXTEntenteCordiale + + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_description = An innovative and streamlined design for supersonic passenger aircraft. It features a nose that can be tilted down to provide a better view during landing, but placed back into position during travel. + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque entente concorde + #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_title = Mk1-2 SST "Entente" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTfloatFront + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_description = A pointy end for the LF-01B. Makes sea-floats look more floaty. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_tags = float airplane plane water pontoon landing + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_title = LF-01A Sea-Float End + + // ********** Part: SXTfloatMid + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_description = Lets face it, we've all tried ditching a plane in the water. Doesn't always go too well, does it? That's where the LF-01B comes in. Big and empty, the LF-01B is excellent at displacing fluids and bobbing around in the water. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_tags = float water + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_title = LF-01B Sea-Float Midsection + + // ********** Part: SXTfloatOutboard + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_description = Used to stabilise seaplanes. Strangely, wings don't react well to water at 50m/s. Who'd have guessed? + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_tags = float water + #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_title = LF-01B Sea-Float Outrigger + + // ********** Part: SXTFuel625m + + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_description = Less 'high tech spaceship part', more 'we spent the budget on food and this was the only thing we could find lying around'. The designers did manage to add a smaller sub-tank for oxidiser, although the words 'plastic bag - Oxidiser goes here' can be seen on the blueprints. + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_title = Mk1 LFO Barrel + + // ********** Part: SXTGoose + + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_description = An uncharacteristic foray into airliner control systems from Probodobodyne, the Goose provides a reliable avionics base and a 3 person crew for longer range flights and extra nap time. + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque goose + #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_title = M-95 "Goose" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTHECSRanger + + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_description = Mounted with batteries for extended operations, a set of more powerful reaction wheels and some modest truss work, the HECS-Ranger is an excellent choice for the larger, more reserved probe. + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_title = Probodobodyne HECS-Ranger Advanced Probe-Core + + // ********** Part: SXTInlineAirIntake + + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_description = Vac-Co's answer to C7 Aerospace's Circular Turboprop intake. Slightly less efficient, but slightly lighter. Plus it has a spinny-round bit. + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_title = XM-600 1.25m Air Intake + + // ********** Part: SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_description = Designed on the principle of 'what if', no doubt highly dangerous for any pilot should a cockpit be mounted to the fore. + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck + #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_title = XM-800 2.5m Air Intake + + // ********** Part: SXTISSHabISK30 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_description = A large crew compartment designed for larger, more permanent space stations. + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_tags = base contain cabin (can tuna crew habitat passenger statio (stor tour cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_title = ISK-30 Heavy Orbital Habitat + + // ********** Part: SXTJ213 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_description = An engine specially designed for high altitude performance. It lacks the take-off thrust of the R-2800 but makes up for it once you're up. + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_tags = aircraft propeller plane propuls (wolf + #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_title = KO-213 "Wolf" Piston Aero-Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTK1Base5m + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_description = Built by strapping a bundle of NK15-V engines together, the K1V-8 has been described as "Dangerously unstable" and "A disaster waiting to happen". + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_title = NK15V "Mokosh" Engine Block + + // ********** Part: SXTK1BaseLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_description = The NK15 is a cheaper, down-graded of the NK-15V. While this would normally make things far more boring, we've strapped a whole load of them together; although the engine block has been varyingly described as "Dangerously unstable", "A disaster waiting to happen" and "Sheer munacy". + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_title = NK15 "Perun" Engine Block + + // ********** Part: SXTK1Decoupler + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_description = Originally designed for industrial mining operations, the KDB has re-purposed these explosive charges for separating stacks of rockets. + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_tags = break decouple separat split stag + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_title = TR-32K1 3.75m Stack Decoupler + + // ********** Part: SXTK1Decoupler2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_description = Originally designed for industrial mining operations, the KDB has re-purposed these explosive charges for separating stacks of massive rockets. + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_tags = break decouple separat split stag + #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_title = TR-58K1 5m Stack Decoupler + + // ********** Part: SXTKD170 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_description = Not to be out-done by Rockomax's Mainsail, the decision was made within the KDB to build a yet bigger engine. Finding that the explosion to launch ratio of a single combustion chamber was uncomfortably close to 1:0; a shift to a 4 combustion chamber design and a sadly more stable and less efficient liquid fuel was required. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (tsar (push + #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_title = RK-170 "Tsar-Pushka" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_description = Billed as a 'snack-size' Tsar fuel tank, this continues the devolution of the mighty Tsar-A towards more boring rocket sizes. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Large Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_description = A derivative of the the 'Tsar A' tank; this tank exists mainly due to poor handwriting on the design specification rather than any deliberate design decision. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar B' Large Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar25to375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_description = Billed as a 'snack-size' Tsar fuel tank, this continues the devolution of the mighty Tsar-A towards more boring rocket sizes. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Large Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTKDBTsar3 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_description = The largest tank ever built by the KDB, and the ultimate outcome of their 'Not One Step Smaller' design philosophy. Although this later turned out to be intended as a front to channel ever increasing funds towards the snack-related habits of the Bureau's board, the damage had already been done and vast warehouses have been left filled with rockets, rather than snacks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar A' Large Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTke111 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_description = The Ke-111 is billed as a 'high-visibility' cockpit for tourist carrying craft; some observers have, however, questioned the purpose of the 'Gravity Assisted Ordinance Delivery Scope' mounted near the co-pilot's seat. + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque kondor + #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_title = Ke-111 "Kondor" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTKO211Dprop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_description = The 211, while considerably more powerful than the KASRE-550, is a cruder beast and cannot match the 550's fuel efficiency. Requires 50 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (jumo + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_title = KASRE-211D "Jumo" Prop Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTKO211prop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_description = A slight increase in power and efficiency over the KO-211D, however, this necessitated a larger and heavier casing. Requires 60 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (mons + #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_title = KO-A601 "Monsoon" Prop Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTKOPO4E + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_description = The KDB's contender for a 2.5m orbital rocket engine. While less powerful that Rockomax's "Poodle", its lower profile and strengthened casing does make it easier to land on if you happen to forget your landing legs. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_tags = lander orbit (pancake propuls rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_title = Kopo-4e "Pancake" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTLANCER + + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_description = The L.A.N.C.E.R. is the result of the continuing joint venture between C7 Aerospace and the Rockomax Conglomerate. Designed to fill a gap in the design requirements for large, sustainable single-stage-to-orbit aircraft, this engine combines the best of rocket and air-breathing thrust technology. + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_tags = aircraft ascent closed cycle dual fuel hybrid jet liquid main mode plane propuls lancer rocket ssto + #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_title = CR-9 L.A.N.C.E.R. Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTLander + + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_description = While similar to the Mk2 Lander Can internally, it offers a ruggedised casing and better crash resistance, plus handy EVA handgrips (pun intended). However, smaller and less powerful reaction wheels had to be mounted to compensate. + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_title = PPD-8 Lander Can + + // ********** Part: SXTlaunchclamp1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_description = The TT06-A Stability Enhancer uses ground-breaking fastening technology to significantly increase the stability of spacecraft during the pre-launch phase. While OMB Demolition has been criticized in the past for using "big fancy words for a rocket holder" in their description of their device, none can say the TT18 series doesn't deliver rock-solid clamping action, as advertised. The owner's manual strongly suggests these devices be placed on the bottommost section of the spacecraft, and activated as soon as the engines are lit, for optimal de-clamping performance. + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_tags = clam hold )pad rocket stabil tower + #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_title = TT06-A Launch Stability Enhancer + + // ********** Part: SXTLT80 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_description = The counter proposal to the LV-T45 from the 'Bigger is always better' side of the R&D department. More powerful, but lacking the control authority of its smaller cousin. + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_tags = ascent main propuls (robin rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_title = LV-T80 "Robin" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTmeadowlark + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_description = The EAS 316 is a lightweight observation pod that works in the same way as the EAS-1 External Command Seat. Features a 'No key' start button, though that just means that the pilots have normally gone back to the KSC to find the non-existent keys on launch. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_tags = chair kerbal rover aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_title = EAS-316 "Meadowlark" Observation Pod + + // ********** Part: SXTMerlin66prop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_description = Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls (merl + #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_title = KASRE-66 "Merlin" Piston Aero-Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTMiniJet + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_description = A teeny tiny jet engine with enough punch to lift light planes. Not the smallest one we've ever built, but certainly the smallest we haven't immediately lost somewhere in the R&D labs. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_tags = aircraft jet plane propuls reverse (swif + #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_title = J-04 "Swift" Basic Jet Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTmk210degree + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_description = For those times when you want your spaceplanes to have a bend before they hit the ground. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_tags = aircraft airplane jet mk2 plane connector tilt angl + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_title = Mk2 10-DEG Tilted connector + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2225degree + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_description = For those times when you want your spaceplanes to have a bend before they hit the ground. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_tags = aircraft airplane jet mk2 plane connector tilt angl + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_title = 22.5-DEG Tilted connector + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2adaptorIntake + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_description = A generic Mk1 to Mk2 adapter that was almost sheared in two. We had to weld some intakes to it so it wouldn't fall apart. Erm, ahem, I mean we added intakes for extra utility and its structural integrity is second to none. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_title = Mk2 to 1.25m "Su.27" Air Intake + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2cargoadapter + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_description = A modification to the CRG-04, the B variant is inspired by the popular Mk2-Size 1 adaptor series. It also makes an excellent shroud for VTOL capable jet engines. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_title = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04B + + // ********** Part: SXTMk2LinearAerospike + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_description = A linear aerospike consists of a tapered wedge-shaped plate, with exhaust exiting on either side at the "thick" end. This design has the advantage of being stackable, allowing several smaller engines to be placed in a row to make one larger engine while allowing steering through the use of individual engine throttle control. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_tags = (stubbs orbit propuls rocket sustain + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_title = Mk2 "Stubbs" Linear Aerospike Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTmk2SAScore + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_description = While lacking the specialised pitch authority of the drone core, these wheels do provide more lateral and roll control. The lack of an AI also makes this 95% less murderous. We're still investigating what's causing that other 5%. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_tags = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_title = Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, MK2 + + // ********** Part: SXTmk3Cockpit52 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_description = The reliable workhorse of the KSC's aeronautic wing; pilots in the Marble-8 have carried aloft many famous experimental craft. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react shuttle space stab steer torque marble + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_title = Mk3 "Marble-8" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirder + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_description = Contains extra struting for a more crash resistance superstructure. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_title = XC-MTV Structural Super Structure. + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirder375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_description = Contains extra struting for a more crash resistance super-structure. Plus, makes things look really 'space-y'. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_title = OX-MTV Structural Super Structure + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderBasic + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_description = Open Girder + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_title = XC-MTV Open Four-way + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderBasic375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_description = Interstage trussing, perfect for mounting devices such as 6-way attachment nodes. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder truss interstage + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_title = OX-MTV Open Four-way + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpen + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_description = A section of saddle-mount superstructure. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_title = XC-MTV Partial Super Structure + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpen375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_description = Big - really big. Useful for carrying smaller drop-craft, or even fuel tanks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder open + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_title = OX-MTV Partial Super Structure + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_description = A short section of saddle-mount superstructure. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_title = XC-MTV Partial Super Structure (Short) + + // ********** Part: SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_description = Useful for carrying smaller drop-craft, or even fuel tanks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder open + #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_title = OX-MTV Partial Super Structure (Short) + + // ********** Part: SXTn1GridFin + + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_description = Repeat after me tovarisch, 'This is not to make giant waffles; this is for rockets'. The grid fin is an array of small aerodynamic surfaces, arranged in a lattice, reducing the torque placed on the control mechanism at high-speeds and allowing for a more compact control system. They perform well at sub- and super-sonic speeds, but poorly at the tran-sonic region + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_tags = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail + #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_title = Kerbolyov Grid Fin + + // ********** Part: SXTNERVA + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_description = The original, slightly 'explody' prototype NERVA rocket. While this design was successfully miniaturised to make the popular LV-N "Nerv", the prototype boasts a marginally higher ISP due to a larger engine nozzle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid (nerv nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_title = LV-NX3 "Phoebus" Atomic Rocket Motor + + // ********** Part: SXTNERVAB + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_description = The "Fat Mun" series is based off the dozens of spare nuclear reactors the KSC has recently acquired. This not related to a report stating that nuclear reactors are 'not a suitable alternative central heating'. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid fat mun nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum + #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_title = LV-NX4 "Fat Mun" Atomic Rocket Motor + + // ********** Part: SXTNK12M + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_description = Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_tags = aircraft prop (turbo plane propuls (bear + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_title = KO-TP12M "Bear" Turboprop + + // ********** Part: SXTNK21BlockV + + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_description = An efficient, cheap and compact - if not terribly powerful - third-stage engine. + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_title = NK21 "Veles" Engine Block + + // ********** Part: SXTnuclearramjet + + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_description = The LV-NRJ is a Nuclear Ram-Jet, utilizing an unshielded nuclear reactor to heat incoming air. While it does not require fuel, it will need boosting to a suitable velocity before becoming effective. Despite being the result of many years of very expensive research, we're not entirely certain of the side-effects of using the engine - every scientist on the project has since turned a slightly more luminescent shade of green and expired. + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_tags = active atom efficient engine (agam nuclear nuke propuls radio reactor ramjet ram jet plane aviation + #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_title = LV-NRJ "Agamemnon" Nuclear Ramjet Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTOMS + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_description = A powerful RCS thruster, designed to stabalise the largest of rockets and shuttles. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre (huff react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_title = O-10 "Puff" Orbital Manoeuvering System + + // ********** Part: SXTOMS-A + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_description = A more powerful RCS version of the Puff thruster, designed to stabalise the largest of rockets and shuttles. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre (puff react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate maneuver manoeuvre orbital probe propuls thruster + #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_title = O-40 "Puff" Orbital Manoeuvering System + + // ********** Part: SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_description = A true monster, the 225 is a high-end cargo transporter fitted with a front-opening cargo loading door. Ramp sold separately + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_tags = aero aircraft cmg command (osaul control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_title = Kn-225 "Osaul Payload" Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualHullLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_description = A specialised cargo hold. Some say it can even hold itself. Sadly, the laws of Euclidean geometry forbid this. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_title = M-Hull 3.75m 'Osaul' Cargo Bay + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualRadCockpit + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_description = A radial version of the ergonomic cockpit from the Osaul. Commonly mounted on top of Mk3 fuselages. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_tags = aero aircraft cmg command (yavka control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Cockpit + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualRadHull + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_description = Structural accompaniment for the radial MkP-Yavka cockpit. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_tags = aircraft airplane hull jet plane radial (yavka + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Hull + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualRadHullEnd + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_description = A neatly tapered end for the radial MkP-Yavka cockpit. You'd barely notice it was there. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_tags = aircraft airplane hull jet plane radial cap (yavka + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Hull End Cap + + // ********** Part: SXTOsualTailLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_description = Big, heavy, and with room for both liquid fuel and oxidiser tanks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet + #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_title = Tail Connector (3.75m) + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeGLong + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_description = A long pipe inside girders. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_title = Girder Pipe [Long] + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeHub + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_description = A hub to join 6 pipes together + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_title = 6-Way Hub + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeLong + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_description = A long pipe, useful for moving stuff from one place to another + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_title = Pipe [Long] + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeShort + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_description = A short pipe, useful for moving stuff from one place to another + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_title = Pipe [Short] + + // ********** Part: SXTPipeTurn + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_description = A pipe bend, familiar to plumbers the world over + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_title = 90' Turn + + // ********** Part: SXTProbeGooo + + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_description = No different from the radial goo container, we just squeezed the goo enough that we could fit it in. Interestingly, the data readouts mostly spell out insults to our Customer Services department. + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_manufacturer = Society for the Subjugation of Goo + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_tags = experiment research science + #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_title = Inline Mystery Goo Containment Unit + + // ********** Part: SXTProtonlikeNoseCone + + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_description = An off-set nose cone. Useful for SRB and other radially attached objects. Please avoid leaning on the nose cone as well, it likes to fall over. + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_manufacturer = Goliath National Products + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail + #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_title = Conformal Rocket Cone Mk3 + + // ********** Part: SXTPWPT6 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_description = Requires 45 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_tags = aircraft prop (turbo propuls (guth + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_title = KASRE-PT6 "Guthrie" Turbo-Prop + + // ********** Part: SXTPWR2800 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_description = A reliable, heavy-duty, twin-row, 18 cylinder radial engine that has seen widespread usage throughout Kerbin's aeronautical history. Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_tags = aircraft prop radial plane propuls (horn + #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_title = KO-R2800 "Hornet" Piston Aero-Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone + + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_description = Features a small shock-cone, allowing for better air collection than the XM-G50 at high speeds. + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic + #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_title = XF-104 Radial Air Intake + + // ********** Part: SXTradialFuel + + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_description = Radial fuel container with built in radiator panels. The way we figure it, if we accidentally set the fuel on fire, the radiators will cool it down and everything will be fine. Hopefully. + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_tags = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_title = Boconok-9 Radial Fuel Tank & Heat Radiator + + // ********** Part: SXTradialWindow + + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_description = It's a window, you can look out of it. I wouldn't recommend it though, you might miss something on the TV. + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_tags = airplane aeroplane airliner window view plane + #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_title = Airliner Window + + // ********** Part: SXTRCSRack + + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_description = An array of powerful RCS thrusters. RCS thruster point at an angle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate + #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_title = Large Linear RCS Array + + // ********** Part: SXTRotatingMk2Ring + + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_description = You know that moment when you realise the design for the new centrifuge didn't have that zero in. Yeah, that. Genuinely surprised no-one got fired. An uncharacteristic foray into long-term habitation modules from C7 Aerospace, this centrifuge is most certainly the result of years of careful planning and analysis...definitely, not the result of an accidental bulk order of Mk2 crew cabins. + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_tags = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour gravity spin rotation + #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_title = Centrifuge Habitat 2.5m + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Do not smash a champagne bottle against the side. We did that once when launching a ship; it made a dent that would later lead to a catastrophic unplanned disassembly. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_title = Kerbodyne S5-64000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1-2Sep + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_description = A stack separator for the truly massive 5m tank, allows extra space for mounting engines inside. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_title = TR-50B Stack Decoupler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_description = A low profile stack separator for the truly massive 5m tank. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_title = TR-50A Stack Decoupler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV1Base + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_description = Perfect for mounting additional engines to even the largest of rockets. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_tags = affix anchor mount secure + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_title = BZ-2500 Radial Attachment Point + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Half the size of the S5-64000, I'd say it's twice as good, but it's not. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_title = Kerbodyne S5-32000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV2-3Sep + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_description = An interesting piece, either used as a straight adaptor between 3.75m and 5m sections, or as a stack seperator capable of concealing an engine within it. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_tags = break decouple separat split stag + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_title = TR-35C Stack Decoupler + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV2Engine + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_description = Initially built due to a mis-read procurement form, the TVR-1600XXL units now take up a large portion of O.M.B.'s storage floor-space. It is now being sold under a variety of names, including 'My First Quintuple Adaptor' and 'Self Assembly Pool', in order to clear the stock. Converts a single 5m stack into four 2.5m stacks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_tags = break decouple separat split stag + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_title = TVR-2000XXL Stack Pent-Adapter + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV3 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_description = Third stage of the Jool V + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_title = 3.75m Stage 3 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV3Enginge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_description = Engine of the third stage of the Jool V + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_manufacturer = LLL + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_tags = propuls rocket sustain swivel + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_title = 3.75m Stage 3 Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTSaturnV3Upper + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_description = Often used to house more delicate orbital craft from the ravages of the atmosphere. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_tags = petal + #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_title = FL-S3 Petal Adapter + + // ********** Part: SXTsciencenosecone + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_description = The latest in research and development enabled the development of this little marvel, The Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone. It is outfitted with many "quality" sensors and a computer salvaged from the highest quality aircraft scrap, enabling it to collect atmospheric data while in flight. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_tags = aero aircraft )cap cone drag nose plane stab stream aerial antenna radio signal transmi atmospher experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor + #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_title = Sensor and Transmitter Array Nose Cone + + // ********** Part: SXTshockConeIntakeSize2 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_description = An even more shocking new intake from the C7 Aerospace Division! Offers exceptional performance at all speeds and has some heat shielding of its own. Contains sharp points. Wear goggles while in use. + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic + #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_title = Shock Cone Intake (2.5m) + + // ********** Part: sxtshroudradialhardpoint + + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_description = Often used for the streamlined mounting of engines. + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_tags = affix anchor mount secure + #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_title = BZ-X1 Shrouded Radial Attachment Point + + // ********** Part: SXTsize2LFtank + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_description = A reinforced fuselage that carries fuel for larger spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_title = 2.5m Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long + + // ********** Part: SXTsize2LFtankShort + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_description = A short reinforced fuselage that carries fuel for larger spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_title = 2.5m Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short + + // ********** Part: SXTSize2SRB + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_description = This super massive booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch. Notable for having a gimbal. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_tags = (backer (line (linebacker moar (more motor rocket srb + #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_title = S2 SRB-KD350k "Linebacker" Solid Fuel Booster + + // ********** Part: SXTsize2to3Adaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_description = A version of Kerbodyne's iconic fuel tank that merges size 2 and 3 tanks. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_tags = cone fuel fueltank ?lfo + #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_title = Kerbodyne S3-S2-2430 Adapter + + // ********** Part: SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_description = One engine is not enough? We got you covered! + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_tags = dual fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid multi oxidizer pair propellant rocket split tank twin + #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_title = Mk1 Bicoupler + + // ********** Part: SXTSmallFuselage + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_description = A small container for jet fuel. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_tags = fueltank jet liquid propellant + #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_title = Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage + + // ********** Part: SXTsolarPanelhex + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_title = OX-HEX Photovoltaic Panels + + // ********** Part: SXTsolarPanelLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt + #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_title = OX-VL Photovoltaic Array + + // ********** Part: SXTSPKTRCabin + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_description = An unusual choice of shape to be sure, but even an ugly duckling can look beautiful once you've strapped a docking port to it and covered it in struts. Wait, that doesn't sound right. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna crew cabin lacuga + #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_title = SPKTR-10 "Lacuga" Crew Cabin + + // ********** Part: SXTSputnik + + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_description = The DSTPN is slightly heavier and with smaller, less powerful gyroscopes, than the SPTN, but boasts increased electrical charge and an inbuilt decoupler. + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_tags = command control (core probe satellite space steer + #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_title = Probodobodyne Dontstayputnik + + // ********** Part: SXTTank1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. 16000 units of lovely, lovely fuel. We've only demolished two complexes so far by dropping these. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_title = Kerbodyne S5-16000 Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTTinyprop + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_description = Requires 7.2 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (cont + #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_title = KASRE-055 "Continental" Prop Engine + + // ********** Part: SXT-TMA1 + + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_description = 1 : 4 : 9 (25 : 36 : n^2 ?) + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_manufacturer = ??? + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_tags = monoligh 2001 ?tma + #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_title = Tycho Magnetic Anomaly 1 + + // ********** Part: SXTTriangleRightangle + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_description = Definitely a deliberate design decision, not a square plate that accidentally got cut in two. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_title = M-1x1 Triangular Structural Panel + + // ********** Part: SXTTriHexagon + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_description = What's better than a panel with 4 sides? One with 6! I guess a pentagon would probably be nice too, though. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support + #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_title = M6-1x1 Hexagonal Structural Panel + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckbox + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_description = It's a big box. Nothing fancy. Does what it says on the tin. Quite why these came in a tin is another matter. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_tags = truck utility + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_title = Truck Box + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckcabin + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_description = The 'Wide' series of the TG Truck, typically provided to drivers who are a little too 'enthusiastic' round the corners for the narrow wheel base of the TG-T1. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_tags = truck cabin + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_title = TG-W1 Truck Cabin + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckcabinsmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_description = The busy worker bees of the KSC; bright, yellow and constantly careening, the TG series haul freight and rocket parts to and fro all day long. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_tags = truck cabin + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_title = TG-T1 Truck Cabin + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckfueltank + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_description = Your space plane landed slightly too far away from the runway? Attach this popular fuel unit to a truck and drive on over. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_tags = truck fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_title = TG-F1 Radial Fuel Tank + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckmiddle + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_description = Middle section of the TG-W series of electric trucks. Features inbuilt battery. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_tags = truck middle + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_title = TG-W3 Truck Middle + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckmiddleSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_description = Middle section of the TG-T series of electric trucks. Features inbuilt battery. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_tags = truck electric + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_title = TG-T3 Truck Section + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckrear + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_description = A rear bumper for the TG-Ws, features a handy set of lights. Supposedly meant to reduce rear-ending, but if anything it's just painting a big bull's-eye on yourself. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_tags = truck bumper rear light + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_title = TG-W4 Rear Bumper + + // ********** Part: SXTtruckrearSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_description = A rear bumper for the TG-Ts, features a handy set of lights. Supposedly meant to reduce rear-ending, but if anything it's just painting a big bull's-eye on yourself. + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_tags = truck bumper light + #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_title = TG-T4 Truck Rear Bumper + + // ********** Part: SXTTubeAntenna + + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_description = The DTS-Roll 4 is a long retractable antenna consisting of a small sheet of thin metal that is rolled out of the central casing and warps into a long tube. + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_tags = aerial antenna deploy direct extend radio signal transmi + #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_title = Communotron DTS-R4 + + // ********** Part: SXTVernier885 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_description = These smaller engines will gimbal to try and keep you pointed the right way. Place at the rear of the rocket. + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_tags = maneuver manoeuvre orbital propuls rocket (kdb thruster vernier + #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_title = KDB-885 Attitude Control System + + // ********** Part: SXTVTOLturboFan + + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_description = The J-414 "Jaguar" is a innovative (i.e. massively over budget) derivation of the J-404; featuring the ability to pivot 90 degrees to provide either excellent VTOL capability or put the craft into a massive tumble. + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_tags = after aircraft burner engine fighter jet (jaguar plane propuls vtol vert + #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_title = J-414 "Jaguar" Afterburning Turbofan VTOL + + // ********** Part: SXTWaxWing + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_description = A young kerbal by the name of Flashheart's idea, splended young chap, bit boisterous, but he'll go far. Said that the problem with probes is that they're boring, don't go fast enough. Or 'hard enough' apparently, whatever he meant by that. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_tags = (wax moar (more motor rocket srb + #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_title = BBCV-4350 "Candle Wax" Solid Fuel Booster + + // ********** Part: SXTWingLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_description = It was initially a 455, it got dropped. Now it's better, it fulfils a niche and probably also leverages synergies. The responsible kerbals were still fired of course. To our knowledge, they haven't landed yet. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_title = FAT-460 Super-Lift Aeroplane Main Wing + + // ********** Part: SXTWingSmall + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_description = A tiny wing, for tiny aeroplanes. A spare '0' was later discovered in the design specification. It had not been carried. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_title = Mk0B Small Modular Wing + + // ********** Part: SXTWingSmallFolding + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_description = A folding wing designed for probes, perfect for keeping inside a fairing. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane fold aileron control (elev )rudder + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_title = Mk0CX Small Folding Wing + + // ********** Part: SXTWingSmallHalf + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_description = A tiny wing, for tiny aeroplanes. Two spare '0's were later discovered in the design specification. It had not been carried. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_title = Mk0 Small Modular Wing + + // ********** Part: SXTWingTipRound + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_description = We got slightly over-enthusiastic when we discovered the factory could make a circular cut. We ordered hundreds. They've even blocked the doors up. Please send help. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_title = Wing Connector Rounded Tip + + // ********** Part: SXTWingVeryLarge + + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_description = For when you absolutely must get something off the ground. Well, providing you've got enough thrust. It is pretty heavy. Flammable if fuelled up as well. + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet + #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_title = FAT-500 Super-Lift Main Aeroplane Wing + + // ********** Part: SXTX405 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_description = It might not look 'super rocket-y', but the Vanguard packs a hell of a punch for its size. We even added (were forced to add) two stabilisation thrusters to help with spin-stabilisation. + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_tags = propuls rocket (vanguard control maneuver manoeuvre react rotate stab steer translate + #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_title = LV-405 "Vanguard" Liquid Fuel Engine + + // ********** Part: TGWheel + + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_description = This wheel for the little yellow trucks; with a tiny combined power unit, retardation device and very limited vector control it gives just enough movement for you not to have to push....much [Make sure the wheel is oriented correctly. The arrows should be down and the shocks vertical.] + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_tags = truck wheel + #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_title = TG-Wheel + + // ********** Part: SXTfairingSize0 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel! The AE-FF0 is the smallest size available from FLOOYD. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_tags = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize0_title = AE-FF0 Airstream Protective Shell (0.625m) + + // ********** Part: SXTfairingSize5 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_description = While the Kerbals at Mission Control were still figuring out how to get their rockets back down to Kerbin safely, the research engineers at FLOOYD were quickly realising that protecting parts on ascent was just as important. Heavy research into two-dimensional-input driven procedural construction was then funded with the hopes of making protective shells for important payloads and interstage areas of the crafts. The protective shells also have the benefit of making the craft more aerodynamic, hopefully saving on precious rocket fuel! The AE-FF5 is the largest size available from FLOOYD. + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Labs + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_tags = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport + #LOC.SXT_SXTfairingSize5_title = AE-FF5 Airstream Protective Shell (5m) + + // ********** Part: SXTHeatShieldSize5 + + #LOC.SXT_SXTHeatShieldSize5_description = A large structural heat shield with an integrated fairing + #LOC.SXT_SXTHeatShieldSize5_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + #LOC.SXT_SXTHeatShieldSize5_title = Heat Shield (5m) + + // ********** Part: SXTKe90TurboJet + + #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_description = The largest and highest thrust jet engine ever built. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes. + #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_title = J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine + + // ********** Part: SXTMk2FuselageStructural + + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2FuselageStructural_description = A standard Mk2 fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2FuselageStructural_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2FuselageStructural_title = Structural Fuselage Mk2 + + // ********** Part: SXTmk3CargoBayRamp + + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_description = A sophisticated deployment system for cargo delivery on the ground, or on the sea, or in mid-air, or in a vacuum. Wherever you want, really. + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRampt_title = Mk3 Cargo Ramp + } +} diff --git a/GameData/SXT/OldParts/LargeJet.cfg b/GameData/SXT/OldParts/LargeJet.cfg index 173fb37a..28995b53 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/OldParts/LargeJet.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/OldParts/LargeJet.cfg @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ PART cost = 2600 category = -1 subcategory = 0 - title = J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = The largest and highest thrust jet engine ever built. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_title // #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_title = J-90 "Goliath" Turbofan Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_manufacturer // #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_description // #LOC.SXT_SXTKe90TurboJet_description = The largest and highest thrust jet engine ever built. This engine works best at low cruising speeds and altitudes. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 4.5 // heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default diff --git a/GameData/SXT/OldParts/mk3Ramp.cfg b/GameData/SXT/OldParts/mk3Ramp.cfg index 59d8c123..b7835890 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/OldParts/mk3Ramp.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/OldParts/mk3Ramp.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 3000 category = -1 subcategory = 0 - title = Mk3 Cargo Ramp - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A sophisticated deployment system for cargo delivery on the ground, or on the sea, or in mid-air, or in a vacuum. Wherever you want, really. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_title // #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_title = Mk3 Cargo Ramp + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_manufacturer // #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_description // #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3CargoBayRamp_description = A sophisticated deployment system for cargo delivery on the ground, or on the sea, or in mid-air, or in a vacuum. Wherever you want, really. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 mass = 4 dragModelType = default diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0a.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0a.cfg index a8c69dd3..2b91f407 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0a.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0a.cfg @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ PART cost = 200 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Elevon 0-A - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_title // #SXTelevonSmall_title = Elevon 0-A + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_manufacturer // #SXTelevonSmall_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_description // #SXTelevonSmall_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf explosionPotential = 0.1 - tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmall_tags // #SXTelevonSmall_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0b.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0b.cfg index b0735869..f29c5f89 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0b.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon0b.cfg @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ PART cost = 100 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Elevon 0-B - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_title // #SXTelevonSmallHalf_title = Elevon 0-B + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_manufacturer // #SXTelevonSmallHalf_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_description // #SXTelevonSmallHalf_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf explosionPotential = 0.1 - tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonSmallHalf_tags // #SXTelevonSmallHalf_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon1.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon1.cfg index 125d8098..a5065852 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon1.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon1.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 2000 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Elevon Mk2 - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_title // #SXTelevonLarge_title = Elevon Mk2 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_manufacturer // #SXTelevonLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_description // #SXTelevonLarge_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf explosionPotential = 0.1 - tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonLarge_tags // #SXTelevonLarge_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon2.cfg index 9474231f..1f475413 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/elevon2.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 2000 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Elevon Mk3 - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_title // #SXTelevonVeryLarge_title = Elevon Mk3 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_manufacturer // #SXTelevonVeryLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_description // #SXTelevonVeryLarge_description = Made from the finest materials at hand, these flight surfaces are guaranteed to operate while attached to the craft. However, studies have shown that a lack of atmosphere *may* slightly impede function. No refunds. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf explosionPotential = 0.1 - tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTelevonVeryLarge_tags // #SXTelevonVeryLarge_tags = aero aileron aircraft control (elev plane )rudder MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/part.cfg index 9b9341e2..eba0f1d2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/part.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 680 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Mk0B Small Modular Wing - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A tiny wing, for tiny aeroplanes. A spare '0' was later discovered in the design specification. It had not been carried. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_title // #SXTWingSmall_title = Mk0B Small Modular Wing + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_manufacturer // #SXTWingSmall_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_description // #SXTWingSmall_description = A tiny wing, for tiny aeroplanes. A spare '0' was later discovered in the design specification. It had not been carried. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmall_tags // #SXTWingSmall_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partFolding.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partFolding.cfg index 59ed66b7..11d6f1a0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partFolding.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partFolding.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 680 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Mk0CX Small Folding Wing - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A folding wing designed for probes, perfect for keeping inside a fairing. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_title // #SXTWingSmallFolding_title = Mk0CX Small Folding Wing + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_manufacturer // #SXTWingSmallFolding_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_description // #SXTWingSmallFolding_description = A folding wing designed for probes, perfect for keeping inside a fairing. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane fold aileron control (elev )rudder + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallFolding_tags // #SXTWingSmallFolding_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane fold aileron control (elev )rudder MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partHalf.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partHalf.cfg index e180fd17..27feea0e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partHalf.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partHalf.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 340 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Mk0 Small Modular Wing - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A tiny wing, for tiny aeroplanes. Two spare '0's were later discovered in the design specification. It had not been carried. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_title // #SXTWingSmallHalf_title = Mk0 Small Modular Wing + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_manufacturer // #SXTWingSmallHalf_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_description // #SXTWingSmallHalf_description = A tiny wing, for tiny aeroplanes. Two spare '0's were later discovered in the design specification. It had not been carried. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingSmallHalf_tags // #SXTWingSmallHalf_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarge.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarge.cfg index cfa96f55..904eeb65 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarge.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarge.cfg @@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ PART cost = 2800 // 680 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = FAT-460 Super-Lift Aeroplane Main Wing - manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium - description = It was initially a 455, it got dropped. Now it's better, it fulfils a niche and probably also leverages synergies. The responsible kerbals were still fired of course. To our knowledge, they haven't landed yet. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_title // #SXTWingLarge_title = FAT-460 Super-Lift Aeroplane Main Wing + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_manufacturer // #SXTWingLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_description // #SXTWingLarge_description = It was initially a 455, it got dropped. Now it's better, it fulfils a niche and probably also leverages synergies. The responsible kerbals were still fired of course. To our knowledge, they haven't landed yet. + // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingLarge_tags // #SXTWingLarge_tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarger.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarger.cfg index 3e64b4fb..64f3996c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarger.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partLarger.cfg @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ PART cost = 2800 // 680 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = FAT-500 Super-Lift Main Aeroplane Wing - manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium - description = For when you absolutely must get something off the ground. Well, providing you've got enough thrust. It is pretty heavy. Flammable if fuelled up as well. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_title // #SXTWingVeryLarge_title = FAT-500 Super-Lift Main Aeroplane Wing + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_manufacturer // #SXTWingVeryLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_description // #SXTWingVeryLarge_description = For when you absolutely must get something off the ground. Well, providing you've got enough thrust. It is pretty heavy. Flammable if fuelled up as well. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingVeryLarge_tags // #SXTWingVeryLarge_tags = aero aircraft airlin fligh foil fuel ?lf lift liquid swept wet MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partWingTipRound.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partWingTipRound.cfg index 91f4264b..51dd991e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partWingTipRound.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/Wing/partWingTipRound.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 100 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Wing Connector Rounded Tip - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = We got slightly over-enthusiastic when we discovered the factory could make a circular cut. We ordered hundreds. They've even blocked the doors up. Please send help. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_title // #SXTWingTipRound_title = Wing Connector Rounded Tip + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_manufacturer // #SXTWingTipRound_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_description // #SXTWingTipRound_description = We got slightly over-enthusiastic when we discovered the factory could make a circular cut. We ordered hundreds. They've even blocked the doors up. Please send help. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWingTipRound_tags // #SXTWingTipRound_tags = aero aircraft fligh foil lift plane MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1.cfg index db7bb88a..0aa9e341 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1.cfg @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ PART cost = 1000 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = XM-C200 Radial Air Intake - manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems - description = A large radial turboprop intake, perfect for jet aircraft that just need that bit of extra air. + title = #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_title // #LRadialAirIntake_title = XM-C200 Radial Air Intake + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_manufacturer // #LRadialAirIntake_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + description = #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_description // #LRadialAirIntake_description = A large radial turboprop intake, perfect for jet aircraft that just need that bit of extra air. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 // 0,1,0,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.7 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic + tags = #LOC.SXT_LRadialAirIntake_tags // #LRadialAirIntake_tags = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1b.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1b.cfg index 626b58ae..d3acda15 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1b.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part1b.cfg @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ PART cost = 1525 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = XF-104 Radial Air Intake - manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems - description = Features a small shock-cone, allowing for better air collection than the XM-G50 at high speeds. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_title // #SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_title = XF-104 Radial Air Intake + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_manufacturer // #SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_description // #SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_description = Features a small shock-cone, allowing for better air collection than the XM-G50 at high speeds. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 - tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_tags // #SXTRadialAirIntakeShockCone_tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part2.cfg index 6727d73e..441bb2cf 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part2.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART //cost = 1000 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = XM-600 1.25m Air Intake - manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems - description = Vac-Co's answer to C7 Aerospace's Circular Turboprop intake. Slightly less efficient, but slightly lighter. Plus it has a spinny-round bit. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_title // #SXTInlineAirIntake_title = XM-600 1.25m Air Intake + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_manufacturer // #SXTInlineAirIntake_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_description // #SXTInlineAirIntake_description = Vac-Co's answer to C7 Aerospace's Circular Turboprop intake. Slightly less efficient, but slightly lighter. Plus it has a spinny-round bit. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size1 fuelCrossFeed = True animationName = intake - tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntake_tags // #SXTInlineAirIntake_tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck DRAG_CUBE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part4Large.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part4Large.cfg index 6a7e5fed..09712574 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part4Large.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Aero/airIntake/part4Large.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART //cost = 1000 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = XM-800 2.5m Air Intake - manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems - description = Designed on the principle of 'what if', no doubt highly dangerous for any pilot should a cockpit be mounted to the fore. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_title // #SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_title = XM-800 2.5m Air Intake + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_manufacturer // #SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_manufacturer = Vac-Co Advanced Suction Systems + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_description // #SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_description = Designed on the principle of 'what if', no doubt highly dangerous for any pilot should a cockpit be mounted to the fore. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size1,size2 - tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_tags // #SXTInlineAirIntakeTLarge_tags = aero aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck animationName = intake diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/part.cfg index fa1f809c..013c8b4c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/part.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Model 31 "Bonny" Cockpit - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = Despite having being dubbed the 'Kerlington Kerbal Killer', due to a few 'high-flying' kerbals not flying quite high enough, the Bonny remains a popular choice for sub-orbital transport. + title = #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_title // #625mBonny_title = Model 31 "Bonny" Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_manufacturer // #625mBonny_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_description // #625mBonny_description = Despite having being dubbed the 'Kerlington Kerbal Killer', due to a few 'high-flying' kerbals not flying quite high enough, the Bonny remains a popular choice for sub-orbital transport. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque bonny + tags = #LOC.SXT_625mBonny_tags // #625mBonny_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque bonny // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partClyde.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partClyde.cfg index 10243d54..b4d47db3 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partClyde.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partClyde.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Model 35 "Clyde" Cockpit - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = Kerlington's companion to the Bonny. The Clyde allows for easy transport of a '3 piece' crew by a pilot, either between facilities or from landing locations. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_title // #SXTClyde_title = Model 35 "Clyde" Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_manufacturer // #SXTClyde_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_description // #SXTClyde_description = Kerlington's companion to the Bonny. The Clyde allows for easy transport of a '3 piece' crew by a pilot, either between facilities or from landing locations. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 // 1,1,1,1,1 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque clyde + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTClyde_tags // #SXTClyde_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque clyde // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partTail.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partTail.cfg index 3539cc58..a12be179 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partTail.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Bonny/partTail.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 380 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Tail Connector (0.625m) - manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium - description = A small tail piece with small fuel-tanks inside. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_title // #LMiniAircaftTail_title = Tail Connector (0.625m) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_manufacturer // #LMiniAircaftTail_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_description // #LMiniAircaftTail_description = A small tail piece with small fuel-tanks inside. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PART thermalMassModifier = 6.0 emissiveConstant = 0.95 - tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMiniAircaftTail_tags // #LMiniAircaftTail_tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Buzzard/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Buzzard/part.cfg index 0238b41b..aefdb6a5 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Buzzard/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Buzzard/part.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 1800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Model 87 "Buzzard" Cockpit - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = Built with completely peaceful motives, nothing else. Features a rear seat to allow for a scientist or engineer to accompany the pilot and a top of the range 'hole in the floor'. That's for taking pretty pictures, not aiming anything explosive. Honest. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_title // #SXTBuzzard_title = Model 87 "Buzzard" Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_manufacturer // #SXTBuzzard_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_description // #SXTBuzzard_description = Built with completely peaceful motives, nothing else. Features a rear seat to allow for a scientist or engineer to accompany the pilot and a top of the range 'hole in the floor'. That's for taking pretty pictures, not aiming anything explosive. Honest. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size0 //, srf - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque buzzard + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBuzzard_tags // #SXTBuzzard_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque buzzard // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Ke111/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Ke111/part.cfg index 9808d194..25bf0b29 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Ke111/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Ke111/part.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 3400 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Ke-111 "Kondor" Cockpit - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = The Ke-111 is billed as a 'high-visibility' cockpit for tourist carrying craft; some observers have, however, questioned the purpose of the 'Gravity Assisted Ordinance Delivery Scope' mounted near the co-pilot's seat. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_title + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_manufacturer + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_description //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque kondor + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTke111_tags // --- internal setup --- CrewCapacity = 2 diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/Adaptor2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/Adaptor2.cfg index c0017318..bbbf5194 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/Adaptor2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/Adaptor2.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 3400 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = C7 Brand Adapter - 3.75m to 2.5m - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Often used in the design of larger aircraft. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_title // #SXT25to375mKossak_title = C7 Brand Adapter - 3.75m to 2.5m + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_manufacturer // #SXT25to375mKossak_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_description // #SXT25to375mKossak_description = Often used in the design of larger aircraft. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size2, size3, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT25to375mKossak_tags // #SXT25to375mKossak_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/part.cfg index 4ea49d02..13afaf17 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Kossak/part.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 3400 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = M-86 Kossak - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = An uncharacteristic foray into airliner control systems from Probodobodyne, the Kossak provides a reliable avionics base and a 3 person crew for longer range flights and extra nap time. + title = #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_title // #25mKossak_title = M-86 Kossak + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_manufacturer // #25mKossak_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_description // #25mKossak_description = An uncharacteristic foray into airliner control systems from Probodobodyne, the Kossak provides a reliable avionics base and a 3 person crew for longer range flights and extra nap time. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ PART // stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD vesselType = Ship - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_25mKossak_tags // #25mKossak_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Lark/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Lark/part.cfg index 12b2e962..2ded25d7 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Lark/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Lark/part.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 3400 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = EAS-316 "Meadowlark" Observation Pod - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = The EAS 316 is a lightweight observation pod that works in the same way as the EAS-1 External Command Seat. Features a 'No key' start button, though that just means that the pilots have normally gone back to the KSC to find the non-existent keys on launch. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_title // #SXTmeadowlark_title = EAS-316 "Meadowlark" Observation Pod + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_manufacturer // #SXTmeadowlark_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_description // #SXTmeadowlark_description = The EAS 316 is a lightweight observation pod that works in the same way as the EAS-1 External Command Seat. Features a 'No key' start button, though that just means that the pilots have normally gone back to the KSC to find the non-existent keys on launch. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True vesselType = Ship - tags = chair kerbal rover aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmeadowlark_tags // #SXTmeadowlark_tags = chair kerbal rover aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2Apapt.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2Apapt.cfg index d6118055..8c41d2b5 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2Apapt.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2Apapt.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 1800 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Mk2 to 2.5m Adapter Long - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A generic Mk2 to 2.5m adapter that was left to dry a bit too long and stretched out. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_title // #SXT25mMk2Adap_title = Mk2 to 2.5m Adapter Long + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_manufacturer // #SXT25mMk2Adap_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_description // #SXT25mMk2Adap_description = A generic Mk2 to 2.5m adapter that was left to dry a bit too long and stretched out. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf, mk2 - tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2Adap_tags // #SXT25mMk2Adap_tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2ApaptShort.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2ApaptShort.cfg index 3fa191e2..fa23281a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2ApaptShort.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Mk2ApaptShort.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 800 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Mk2 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A generic Mk2 to 2.5m adapter that was knocked sideways. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_title // #SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_title = Mk2 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_manufacturer // #SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_description // #SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_description = A generic Mk2 to 2.5m adapter that was knocked sideways. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf, mk2 - tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_tags // #SXT25mMk2AdapSlant_tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageLong.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageLong.cfg index 227471c5..7b8277f0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageLong.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageLong.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 4800 // 800 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = 2.5m Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A reinforced fuselage that carries fuel for larger spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_title // #SXTsize2LFtank_title = 2.5m Liquid Fuel Fuselage Long + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_manufacturer // #SXTsize2LFtank_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_description // #SXTsize2LFtank_description = A reinforced fuselage that carries fuel for larger spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtank_tags // #SXTsize2LFtank_tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageShort.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageShort.cfg index a1becb80..7c3253ef 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageShort.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageShort.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 2400 // 800 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = 2.5m Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A short reinforced fuselage that carries fuel for larger spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_title // #SXTsize2LFtankShort_title = 2.5m Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_manufacturer // #SXTsize2LFtankShort_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_description // #SXTsize2LFtankShort_description = A short reinforced fuselage that carries fuel for larger spaceplanes. This one is chock-full of jet fuel. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2LFtankShort_tags // #SXTsize2LFtankShort_tags = aircraft airplane fueltank jet plane propellant tank RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/part.cfg index a735fdc0..7de50fe9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/part.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 3400 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Mk1-2 SST "Entente" Cockpit - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = An innovative and streamlined design for supersonic passenger aircraft. It features a nose that can be tilted down to provide a better view during landing, but placed back into position during travel. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_title // #SXTEntenteCordiale_title = Mk1-2 SST "Entente" Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_manufacturer // #SXTEntenteCordiale_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_description // #SXTEntenteCordiale_description = An innovative and streamlined design for supersonic passenger aircraft. It features a nose that can be tilted down to provide a better view during landing, but placed back into position during travel. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True vesselType = Ship - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque entente concorde + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTEntenteCordiale_tags // #SXTEntenteCordiale_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque entente concorde // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Goose.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Goose.cfg index 384320f6..375f7559 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Goose.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Goose.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 4200 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = M-95 "Goose" Cockpit - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = An uncharacteristic foray into airliner control systems from Probodobodyne, the Goose provides a reliable avionics base and a 3 person crew for longer range flights and extra nap time. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_title + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_manufacturer + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_description //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ PART !stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD vesselType = Ship - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque goose + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTGoose_tags // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Mk3Cockpit_Shuttle.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Mk3Cockpit_Shuttle.cfg index c3766c9b..c198c5a9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Mk3Cockpit_Shuttle.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk3Cockpit/Mk3Cockpit_Shuttle.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 8000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Mk3 "Marble-8" Cockpit - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = The reliable workhorse of the KSC's aeronautic wing; pilots in the Marble-8 have carried aloft many famous experimental craft. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_title // #SXTmk3Cockpit52_title = Mk3 "Marble-8" Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_manufacturer // #SXTmk3Cockpit52_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_description // #SXTmk3Cockpit52_description = The reliable workhorse of the KSC's aeronautic wing; pilots in the Marble-8 have carried aloft many famous experimental craft. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = mk3 vesselType = Ship - tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react shuttle space stab steer torque marble + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk3Cockpit52_tags // #SXTmk3Cockpit52_tags = aero aircraft cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react shuttle space stab steer torque marble // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake1.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake1.cfg index ca72c4a9..9d05da9c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake1.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake1.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost =200 // 50 // One-fifth the area of stock Airbrakes, so 1/5 cost category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Panel" - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Slows you down. Like a bit, just a wee bit. You're basically still going to be travelling really fast. And will probably still crash. But you'll get about 2 extra seconds beforehand. So that's nice. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_title // #SXTAirbrake_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Panel" + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_manufacturer // #SXTAirbrake_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_description // #SXTAirbrake_description = Slows you down. Like a bit, just a wee bit. You're basically still going to be travelling really fast. And will probably still crash. But you'll get about 2 extra seconds beforehand. So that's nice. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrake_tags // #SXTAirbrake_tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake2.cfg index 350c5f91..1fce12f2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake2.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 500 // 250 // Half the area of stock Airbrakes, so 1/2 cost category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Surf" - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Slows you down. Well, providing you're in an atmosphere. It won't help on the Mun, unlike parachutes which definitely work there. Honest guv. Also doubles as a handy surfboard. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_title // #SXTAirbrakeLarge_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Surf" + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_manufacturer // #SXTAirbrakeLarge_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_description // #SXTAirbrakeLarge_description = Slows you down. Well, providing you're in an atmosphere. It won't help on the Mun, unlike parachutes which definitely work there. Honest guv. Also doubles as a handy surfboard. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1 // 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarge_tags // #SXTAirbrakeLarge_tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake3.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake3.cfg index d351f158..c92273ea 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake3.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Control/airBrake/Airbrake3.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 1000 // 500 // Same the area of stock Airbrakes, so same cost category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Senior" - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Used for slowing planes down, can handily be placed next to control surfaces on wings. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_title // #SXTAirbrakeLarger_title = A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S "Senior" + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_manufacturer // #SXTAirbrakeLarger_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_description // #SXTAirbrakeLarger_description = Used for slowing planes down, can handily be placed next to control surfaces on wings. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbrakeLarger_tags // #SXTAirbrakeLarger_tags = (air airbrake aircraft brake dive drag fligh landing plane slow speed spoil MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/0Mk2LinearAerospike/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/0Mk2LinearAerospike/part.cfg index 1f212be2..4df3af8e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/0Mk2LinearAerospike/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/0Mk2LinearAerospike/part.cfg @@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ PART cost = 4000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = Mk2 "Stubbs" Linear Aerospike Engine - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A linear aerospike consists of a tapered wedge-shaped plate, with exhaust exiting on either side at the "thick" end. This design has the advantage of being stackable, allowing several smaller engines to be placed in a row to make one larger engine while allowing steering through the use of individual engine throttle control. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_title // #SXTMk2LinearAerospike_title = Mk2 "Stubbs" Linear Aerospike Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_manufacturer // #SXTMk2LinearAerospike_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_description // #SXTMk2LinearAerospike_description = A linear aerospike consists of a tapered wedge-shaped plate, with exhaust exiting on either side at the "thick" end. This design has the advantage of being stackable, allowing several smaller engines to be placed in a row to make one larger engine while allowing steering through the use of individual engine throttle control. bulkheadProfiles = mk2 // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 - tags = (stubbs orbit propuls rocket sustain + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMk2LinearAerospike_tags // #SXTMk2LinearAerospike_tags = (stubbs orbit propuls rocket sustain EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/TinyJet/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/TinyJet/part.cfg index 441cf719..02d56266 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/TinyJet/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/TinyJet/part.cfg @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ PART cost = 220 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = J-04 "Swift" Basic Jet Engine - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A teeny tiny jet engine with enough punch to lift light planes. Not the smallest one we've ever built, but certainly the smallest we haven't immediately lost somewhere in the R&D labs. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_title // #SXTMiniJet_title = J-04 "Swift" Basic Jet Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_manufacturer // #SXTMiniJet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_description // #SXTMiniJet_description = A teeny tiny jet engine with enough punch to lift light planes. Not the smallest one we've ever built, but certainly the smallest we haven't immediately lost somewhere in the R&D labs. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = aircraft jet plane propuls reverse (swif + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMiniJet_tags // #SXTMiniJet_tags = aircraft jet plane propuls reverse (swif MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/nuclearRamJet/NuclearRamJet.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/nuclearRamJet/NuclearRamJet.cfg index 010ead83..a72f64ca 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/nuclearRamJet/NuclearRamJet.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/nuclearRamJet/NuclearRamJet.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 20000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-NRJ "Agamemnon" Nuclear Ramjet Engine - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = The LV-NRJ is a Nuclear Ram-Jet, utilizing an unshielded nuclear reactor to heat incoming air. While it does not require fuel, it will need boosting to a suitable velocity before becoming effective. Despite being the result of many years of very expensive research, we're not entirely certain of the side-effects of using the engine - every scientist on the project has since turned a slightly more luminescent shade of green and expired. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_title // #SXTnuclearramjet_title = LV-NRJ "Agamemnon" Nuclear Ramjet Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_manufacturer // #SXTnuclearramjet_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_description // #SXTnuclearramjet_description = The LV-NRJ is a Nuclear Ram-Jet, utilizing an unshielded nuclear reactor to heat incoming air. While it does not require fuel, it will need boosting to a suitable velocity before becoming effective. Despite being the result of many years of very expensive research, we're not entirely certain of the side-effects of using the engine - every scientist on the project has since turned a slightly more luminescent shade of green and expired. // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = active atom efficient engine (agam nuclear nuke propuls radio reactor ramjet ram jet plane aviation + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTnuclearramjet_tags // #SXTnuclearramjet_tags = active atom efficient engine (agam nuclear nuke propuls radio reactor ramjet ram jet plane aviation MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211D.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211D.cfg index c1ddfdca..648fef7d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211D.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211D.cfg @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ PART entryCost = 1200 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KASRE-211D "Jumo" Prop Engine - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = The 211, while considerably more powerful than the KASRE-550, is a cruder beast and cannot match the 550's fuel efficiency. Requires 50 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_title // #SXTKO211Dprop_title = KASRE-211D "Jumo" Prop Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_manufacturer // #SXTKO211Dprop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_description // #SXTKO211Dprop_description = The 211, while considerably more powerful than the KASRE-550, is a cruder beast and cannot match the 550's fuel efficiency. Requires 50 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (jumo + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211Dprop_tags // #SXTKO211Dprop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (jumo MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211F.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211F.cfg index 1a313063..c74c1397 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211F.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/211F.cfg @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ PART entryCost = 4200 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KO-A601 "Monsoon" Prop Engine - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = A slight increase in power and efficiency over the KO-211D, however, this necessitated a larger and heavier casing. Requires 60 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_title // #SXTKO211prop_title = KO-A601 "Monsoon" Prop Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_manufacturer // #SXTKO211prop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_description // #SXTKO211prop_description = A slight increase in power and efficiency over the KO-211D, however, this necessitated a larger and heavier casing. Requires 60 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 1 breakingTorque = 15 maxTemp = 2000 // 3600 - tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (mons + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKO211prop_tags // #SXTKO211prop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (mons bulkheadProfiles = size0 MODULE diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/550.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/550.cfg index 25abd1ae..af3a4212 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/550.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/550.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 100 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KASRE-055 "Continental" Prop Engine - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = Requires 7.2 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_title // #SXTTinyprop_title = KASRE-055 "Continental" Prop Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_manufacturer // #SXTTinyprop_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_description // #SXTTinyprop_description = Requires 7.2 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 15 maxTemp = 2000 // 1200 bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (cont + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTTinyprop_tags // #SXTTinyprop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls reverse (cont MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/J213.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/J213.cfg index d2a1baf6..9bd64fef 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/J213.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/J213.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART entryCost = 1200 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KO-213 "Wolf" Piston Aero-Engine - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = An engine specially designed for high altitude performance. It lacks the take-off thrust of the R-2800 but makes up for it once you're up. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_title // #SXTJ213_title = KO-213 "Wolf" Piston Aero-Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_manufacturer // #SXTJ213_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_description // #SXTJ213_description = An engine specially designed for high altitude performance. It lacks the take-off thrust of the R-2800 but makes up for it once you're up. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.4 // 0.5 // yes, it's white. But let's claim it's an emissive white... bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = aircraft propeller plane propuls (wolf + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTJ213_tags // #SXTJ213_tags = aircraft propeller plane propuls (wolf MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerEngine.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerEngine.cfg index 1256412f..43828e58 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerEngine.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerEngine.cfg @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ PART cost = 40000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = CR-9 L.A.N.C.E.R. Engine - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate - description = The L.A.N.C.E.R. is the result of the continuing joint venture between C7 Aerospace and the Rockomax Conglomerate. Designed to fill a gap in the design requirements for large, sustainable single-stage-to-orbit aircraft, this engine combines the best of rocket and air-breathing thrust technology. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_title // #SXTLANCER_title = CR-9 L.A.N.C.E.R. Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_manufacturer // #SXTLANCER_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_description // #SXTLANCER_description = The L.A.N.C.E.R. is the result of the continuing joint venture between C7 Aerospace and the Rockomax Conglomerate. Designed to fill a gap in the design requirements for large, sustainable single-stage-to-orbit aircraft, this engine combines the best of rocket and air-breathing thrust technology. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = aircraft ascent closed cycle dual fuel hybrid jet liquid main mode plane propuls lancer rocket ssto + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTLANCER_tags // #SXTLANCER_tags = aircraft ascent closed cycle dual fuel hybrid jet liquid main mode plane propuls lancer rocket ssto EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerShockCone.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerShockCone.cfg index 4829cb64..576d2947 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerShockCone.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/LancerShockCone.cfg @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Shock Cone Intake (2.5m) - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = An even more shocking new intake from the C7 Aerospace Division! Offers exceptional performance at all speeds and has some heat shielding of its own. Contains sharp points. Wear goggles while in use. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_title // #SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_title = Shock Cone Intake (2.5m) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_manufacturer // #SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_description // #SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_description = An even more shocking new intake from the C7 Aerospace Division! Offers exceptional performance at all speeds and has some heat shielding of its own. Contains sharp points. Wear goggles while in use. attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size2 - tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_tags // #SXTshockConeIntakeSize2_tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic // MODULE // { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/Merlin66.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/Merlin66.cfg index c4fa8147..c9a782d4 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/Merlin66.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/Merlin66.cfg @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ PART entryCost = 1200 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KASRE-66 "Merlin" Piston Aero-Engine - manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering - description = Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_title // #SXTMerlin66prop_title = KASRE-66 "Merlin" Piston Aero-Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_manufacturer // #SXTMerlin66prop_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_description // #SXTMerlin66prop_description = Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2900 // 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls (merl + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMerlin66prop_tags // #SXTMerlin66prop_tags = aircraft (prop plane propuls (merl MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/NK12M.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/NK12M.cfg index 1535c589..49bd9a3a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/NK12M.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/NK12M.cfg @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ PART entryCost = 12000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KO-TP12M "Bear" Turboprop - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_title // #SXTNK12M_title = KO-TP12M "Bear" Turboprop + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_manufacturer // #SXTNK12M_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_description // #SXTNK12M_description = Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = aircraft prop (turbo plane propuls (bear + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK12M_tags // #SXTNK12M_tags = aircraft prop (turbo plane propuls (bear MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/PT6.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/PT6.cfg index 74b65b69..5da0dd72 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/PT6.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/PT6.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART entryCost = 1200 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KASRE-PT6 "Guthrie" Turbo-Prop - manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering - description = Requires 45 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_title // #SXTPWPT6_title = KASRE-PT6 "Guthrie" Turbo-Prop + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_manufacturer // #SXTPWPT6_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_description // #SXTPWPT6_description = Requires 45 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.4 // 0.5 // yes, it's white. But let's claim it's an emissive white... bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = aircraft prop (turbo propuls (guth + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWPT6_tags // #SXTPWPT6_tags = aircraft prop (turbo propuls (guth MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/R2800.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/R2800.cfg index 16eb9199..d100b8fe 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/R2800.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/R2800.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART entryCost = 1200 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = KO-R2800 "Hornet" Piston Aero-Engine - manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering - description = A reliable, heavy-duty, twin-row, 18 cylinder radial engine that has seen widespread usage throughout Kerbin's aeronautical history. Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_title // #SXTPWR2800_title = KO-R2800 "Hornet" Piston Aero-Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_manufacturer // #SXTPWR2800_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_description // #SXTPWR2800_description = A reliable, heavy-duty, twin-row, 18 cylinder radial engine that has seen widespread usage throughout Kerbin's aeronautical history. Requires 100 units Liquid Fuel per hour at maximum throttle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.4 // 0.5 // yes, it's white. But let's claim it's an emissive white... bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = aircraft prop radial plane propuls (horn + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPWR2800_tags // #SXTPWR2800_tags = aircraft prop radial plane propuls (horn MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/eFan.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/eFan.cfg index 7058d6c7..3ce719fc 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/eFan.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/eFan.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART entryCost = 4000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = IX-eFAN "Esteyne" Electric Ducted Fan - manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics - description = A state of the art electric ducted-fan engine. While not especially powerful, it does not require oxygen, making it perfect for use with probes on other atmospheric planets. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_title // #SXTeFan_title = IX-eFAN "Esteyne" Electric Ducted Fan + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_manufacturer // #SXTeFan_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_description // #SXTeFan_description = A state of the art electric ducted-fan engine. While not especially powerful, it does not require oxygen, making it perfect for use with probes on other atmospheric planets. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2900 // 3600 bulkheadProfiles = srf fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aircraft (ducte fan plane propuls reverse (este + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTeFan_tags // #SXTeFan_tags = aircraft (ducte fan plane propuls reverse (este MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/mk2CargoBay.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/mk2CargoBay.cfg index be8b2713..eb3ae731 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/mk2CargoBay.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/mk2CargoBay.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 320 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04B - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A modification to the CRG-04, the B variant is inspired by the popular Mk2-Size 1 adaptor series. It also makes an excellent shroud for VTOL capable jet engines. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_title // #SXTmk2cargoadapter_title = Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04B + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_manufacturer // #SXTmk2cargoadapter_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_description // #SXTmk2cargoadapter_description = A modification to the CRG-04, the B variant is inspired by the popular Mk2-Size 1 adaptor series. It also makes an excellent shroud for VTOL capable jet engines. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = mk2 - tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2cargoadapter_tags // #SXTmk2cargoadapter_tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility DRAG_CUBE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/radialAttach.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/radialAttach.cfg index d5847dd1..ef66f8e6 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/radialAttach.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/radialAttach.cfg @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ PART cost = 200 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = FAT-50 Structural Pylon - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A structural pylon for engine support. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_title // #SXTengineattachment_title = FAT-50 Structural Pylon + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_manufacturer // #SXTengineattachment_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_description // #SXTengineattachment_description = A structural pylon for engine support. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 // 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = structu pylon aero connect support attach wing hard point + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment_tags // #SXTengineattachment_tags = structu pylon aero connect support attach wing hard point RESOURCE { @@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ PART cost = 200 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = FAT-55 Structural Pylon - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A structural pylon for engine support. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_title // FAT-55 Structural Pylon + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_manufacturer // C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_description //A structural pylon for engine support. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 // 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = structu pylon aero connect support attach wing hard point + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTengineattachment2_tags // structu pylon aero connect support attach wing hard point RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/vtol.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/vtol.cfg index 3be7f2e8..a6bcb6b6 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/vtol.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Engine/propEngines/vtol.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 2500 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = J-414 "Jaguar" Afterburning Turbofan VTOL - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate - description = The J-414 "Jaguar" is a innovative (i.e. massively over budget) derivation of the J-404; featuring the ability to pivot 90 degrees to provide either excellent VTOL capability or put the craft into a massive tumble. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_title // #SXTVTOLturboFan_title = J-414 "Jaguar" Afterburning Turbofan VTOL + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_manufacturer // #SXTVTOLturboFan_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division and Rockomax Conglomerate + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_description // #SXTVTOLturboFan_description = The J-414 "Jaguar" is a innovative (i.e. massively over budget) derivation of the J-404; featuring the ability to pivot 90 degrees to provide either excellent VTOL capability or put the craft into a massive tumble. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = after aircraft burner engine fighter jet (jaguar plane propuls vtol vert + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTVTOLturboFan_tags // #SXTVTOLturboFan_tags = after aircraft burner engine fighter jet (jaguar plane propuls vtol vert MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Hull.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Hull.cfg index 200bb4f7..2742565a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Hull.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Hull.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 380 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = M-Hull 3.75m 'Osaul' Cargo Bay - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = A specialised cargo hold. Some say it can even hold itself. Sadly, the laws of Euclidean geometry forbid this. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_title // #SXTOsualHullLarge_title = M-Hull 3.75m 'Osaul' Cargo Bay + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_manufacturer // #SXTOsualHullLarge_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_description // #SXTOsualHullLarge_description = A specialised cargo hold. Some say it can even hold itself. Sadly, the laws of Euclidean geometry forbid this. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf emissiveConstant = 0.87 // Mk3 level -- reentry rated - tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualHullLarge_tags // #SXTOsualHullLarge_tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/NoseCockpit.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/NoseCockpit.cfg index 75ef67ff..68ccf4fb 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/NoseCockpit.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/NoseCockpit.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 3800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Kn-225 "Osaul Payload" Cockpit - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = A true monster, the 225 is a high-end cargo transporter fitted with a front-opening cargo loading door. Ramp sold separately + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_title // #SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_title = Kn-225 "Osaul Payload" Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_manufacturer // #SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_description // #SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_description = A true monster, the 225 is a high-end cargo transporter fitted with a front-opening cargo loading door. Ramp sold separately //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size3 - tags = aero aircraft cmg command (osaul control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_tags // #SXTOsaulNoseCockpitAn225_tags = aero aircraft cmg command (osaul control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialCockpit.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialCockpit.cfg index 74de7b28..4ccc7a7a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialCockpit.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialCockpit.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 3400 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Cockpit - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = A radial version of the ergonomic cockpit from the Osaul. Commonly mounted on top of Mk3 fuselages. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_title // #SXTOsualRadCockpit_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Cockpit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_manufacturer // #SXTOsualRadCockpit_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_description // #SXTOsualRadCockpit_description = A radial version of the ergonomic cockpit from the Osaul. Commonly mounted on top of Mk3 fuselages. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PART // stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD vesselType = Ship - tags = aero aircraft cmg command (yavka control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadCockpit_tags // #SXTOsualRadCockpit_tags = aero aircraft cmg command (yavka control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot plane react space stab steer torque // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHull.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHull.cfg index c508ac52..21d41913 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHull.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHull.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 250 // 50 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Hull - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = Structural accompaniment for the radial MkP-Yavka cockpit. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_title // #SXTOsualRadHull_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Hull + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_manufacturer // #SXTOsualRadHull_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_description // #SXTOsualRadHull_description = Structural accompaniment for the radial MkP-Yavka cockpit. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = srf, size3 - tags = aircraft airplane hull jet plane radial (yavka + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHull_tags // #SXTOsualRadHull_tags = aircraft airplane hull jet plane radial (yavka } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHullEnd.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHullEnd.cfg index 1ed01aef..1c677c71 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHullEnd.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/RadialHullEnd.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Hull End Cap - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = A neatly tapered end for the radial MkP-Yavka cockpit. You'd barely notice it was there. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_title // #SXTOsualRadHullEnd_title = Mk.P-Yavka Radial Hull End Cap + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_manufacturer // #SXTOsualRadHullEnd_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_description // #SXTOsualRadHullEnd_description = A neatly tapered end for the radial MkP-Yavka cockpit. You'd barely notice it was there. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = srf, size3 - tags = aircraft airplane hull jet plane radial cap (yavka + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualRadHullEnd_tags // #SXTOsualRadHullEnd_tags = aircraft airplane hull jet plane radial cap (yavka } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Size3-Mk3.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Size3-Mk3.cfg index 860c2b76..26dbf5eb 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Size3-Mk3.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/Size3-Mk3.cfg @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ PART cost = 2500 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = M-Hull 3.75m to Mk3 Adapter Hollow - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A hollow adapter for when your craft turns from a massive rocket into a gargantuan plane! + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_title // #SXTadapterSize3Mk3_title = M-Hull 3.75m to Mk3 Adapter Hollow + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_manufacturer // #SXTadapterSize3Mk3_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_description // #SXTadapterSize3Mk3_description = A hollow adapter for when your craft turns from a massive rocket into a gargantuan plane! attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ PART breakingForce = 300 breakingTorque = 300 - tags = aircraft airplane hollow jet mk3 pipe plane tube + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTadapterSize3Mk3_tags // #SXTadapterSize3Mk3_tags = aircraft airplane hollow jet mk3 pipe plane tube } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/part375mTailConnector.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/part375mTailConnector.cfg index 12e87642..dc5765f4 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/part375mTailConnector.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/part375mTailConnector.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 4050 // 380 // 6*675 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Tail Connector (3.75m) - manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium - description = Big, heavy, and with room for both liquid fuel and oxidiser tanks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_title // #SXTOsualTailLarge_title = Tail Connector (3.75m) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_manufacturer // #SXTOsualTailLarge_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_description // #SXTOsualTailLarge_description = Big, heavy, and with room for both liquid fuel and oxidiser tanks. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART thermalMassModifier = 6.0 emissiveConstant = 0.95 - tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOsualTailLarge_tags // #SXTOsualTailLarge_tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/ramp.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/ramp.cfg index 521a1df5..5d0d77c2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/ramp.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/Osaul/ramp.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = Kn-225 Loading Ramp - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = While not quite as sophisticated as the ramp mounted on the Mk3, it does allow for easy mounting to any surface. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_title // #SXTAn225Ramp_title = Kn-225 Loading Ramp + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_manufacturer // #SXTAn225Ramp_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_description // #SXTAn225Ramp_description = While not quite as sophisticated as the ramp mounted on the Mk3, it does allow for easy mounting to any surface. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = bay contain convey equipment freight hold hollow load payload (stor transport unload utility + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAn225Ramp_tags // #SXTAn225Ramp_tags = bay contain convey equipment freight hold hollow load payload (stor transport unload utility MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLarge.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLarge.cfg index af6f7adb..2457364f 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLarge.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLarge.cfg @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ PART cost = 380 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = Large Aircraft Fuselage - manufacturer = LL Aerospace. - description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_title // #LMkIIAircaftFus_title = Large Aircraft Fuselage + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_manufacturer // #LMkIIAircaftFus_manufacturer = LL Aerospace. + description = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_description // #LMkIIAircaftFus_description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -65,5 +65,5 @@ PART CrewCapacity = 4 - tags = plane contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFus_tags // #LMkIIAircaftFus_tags = plane contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLargeLong.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLargeLong.cfg index 5b1d2475..45174367 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLargeLong.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/Old/partLargeLong.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 380 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = Large Aircraft Passenger Cabin - manufacturer = LL Aerospace. - description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_title // #LMkIIAircaftFusLong_title = Large Aircraft Passenger Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer // #LMkIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer = LL Aerospace. + description = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_description // #LMkIIAircaftFusLong_description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -74,5 +74,5 @@ PART CrewCapacity = 8 - tags = plane contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftFusLong_tags // #LMkIIAircaftFusLong_tags = plane contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part.cfg index ad76bcfb..19cbc948 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 380 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = MK1 Aircraft Fuselage - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_title // #LMkIAircaftFus_title = MK1 Aircraft Fuselage + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_manufacturer // #LMkIAircaftFus_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_description // #LMkIAircaftFus_description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf - tags = aircraft airplane jet plane struct + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMkIAircaftFus_tags // #LMkIAircaftFus_tags = aircraft airplane jet plane struct } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part25mTailConnector.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part25mTailConnector.cfg index d42ef3d9..ee031a5b 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part25mTailConnector.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/part25mTailConnector.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 2025 // 380 // 675*3 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Tail Connector (2.5m) - manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium - description = The big-brother of Tail Connector B, but still nothing on Tail Connector 3.75m. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_title // #LMkIIAircaftTail_title = Tail Connector (2.5m) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_manufacturer // #LMkIIAircaftTail_manufacturer = WinterOwl Aircraft Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_description // #LMkIIAircaftTail_description = The big-brother of Tail Connector B, but still nothing on Tail Connector 3.75m. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART thermalMassModifier = 6.0 emissiveConstant = 0.95 - tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIAircaftTail_tags // #LMkIIAircaftTail_tags = aero aircraft drag fligh plane stab stream fuel ?lf liquid wet RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin0Short.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin0Short.cfg index 8803e4ec..dd6847e9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin0Short.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin0Short.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 8500 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = KC-8 "Business" Passenger Cabin - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Technically no different from the 'Economy', but twice a higher ticket price keeps all of the riff-raff out. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_title // #LMkIIIAircaftFus_title = KC-8 "Business" Passenger Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_manufacturer // #LMkIIIAircaftFus_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_description // #LMkIIIAircaftFus_description = Technically no different from the 'Economy', but twice a higher ticket price keeps all of the riff-raff out. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size2 vesselType = Ship - tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour fuel ?lf liquid wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFus_tags // #LMkIIIAircaftFus_tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour fuel ?lf liquid wet INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin1Long.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin1Long.cfg index 1a3774d8..9b5cd195 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin1Long.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partPassengerCabin1Long.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 16000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = KC-8 "Economy" Passenger Cabin - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = The more the merrier! Sure we had to cut a few corners during construction, but as long as you don't crash it, jump in it or cough too loudly, you'll be fine. + title = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_title // #LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_title = KC-8 "Economy" Passenger Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer // #LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_description // #LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_description = The more the merrier! Sure we had to cut a few corners during construction, but as long as you don't crash it, jump in it or cough too loudly, you'll be fine. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size2 vesselType = Ship - tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour fuel ?lf liquid wet + tags = #LOC.SXT_LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_tags // #LMkIIIAircaftFusLong_tags = aircraft airliner cabin contain plane (stor tour fuel ?lf liquid wet INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partSmall.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partSmall.cfg index 2b0bc594..6b75b31e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partSmall.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/partSmall.cfg @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ PART cost = 200 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A small container for jet fuel. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_title // #SXTSmallFuselage_title = Mk0 Liquid Fuel Fuselage + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_manufacturer // #SXTSmallFuselage_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_description // #SXTSmallFuselage_description = A small container for jet fuel. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf, size0 - tags = fueltank jet liquid propellant + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSmallFuselage_tags // #SXTSmallFuselage_tags = fueltank jet liquid propellant RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/radialWindow.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/radialWindow.cfg index 64be5e61..e60ed4df 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/radialWindow.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/radialWindow.cfg @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ PART cost = 200 // 400 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = Airliner Window - description = It's a window, you can look out of it. I wouldn't recommend it though, you might miss something on the TV. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_title // #SXTradialWindow_title = Airliner Window + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_description // #SXTradialWindow_description = It's a window, you can look out of it. I wouldn't recommend it though, you might miss something on the TV. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ PART // --- Eat your greens and stay in school --- - tags = airplane aeroplane airliner window view plane + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTradialWindow_tags // #SXTradialWindow_tags = airplane aeroplane airliner window view plane } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/smalladaptor.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/smalladaptor.cfg index 76770c77..af787873 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/smalladaptor.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Hull/fuselage/smalladaptor.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 300 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 - title = Mk1 Bicoupler - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = One engine is not enough? We got you covered! + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_title // #SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_title = Mk1 Bicoupler + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_manufacturer // #SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_description // #SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_description = One engine is not enough? We got you covered! // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom bulkheadProfiles = size1, size0 - tags = dual fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid multi oxidizer pair propellant rocket split tank twin + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_tags // #SXTsmallbicoupleradaptor_tags = dual fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid multi oxidizer pair propellant rocket split tank twin RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part.cfg index 2234ec47..15e522bf 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART cost = 900 // 2100 category = Control subcategory = 0 - title = Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, MK2 - manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps - description = While lacking the specialised pitch authority of the drone core, these wheels do provide more lateral and roll control. The lack of an AI also makes this 95% less murderous. We're still investigating what's causing that other 5%. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_title // #SXTmk2SAScore_title = Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, MK2 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_manufacturer // #SXTmk2SAScore_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_description // #SXTmk2SAScore_description = While lacking the specialised pitch authority of the drone core, these wheels do provide more lateral and roll control. The lack of an AI also makes this 95% less murderous. We're still investigating what's causing that other 5%. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = mk2 - tags = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2SAScore_tags // #SXTmk2SAScore_tags = cmg command control fly gyro moment react stab steer torque MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part10degree.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part10degree.cfg index 64046f75..eca593b9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part10degree.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part10degree.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART cost = 2100 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = Mk2 10-DEG Tilted connector - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = For those times when you want your spaceplanes to have a bend before they hit the ground. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_title // #SXTmk210degree_title = Mk2 10-DEG Tilted connector + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_manufacturer // #SXTmk210degree_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_description // #SXTmk210degree_description = For those times when you want your spaceplanes to have a bend before they hit the ground. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.8 bulkheadProfiles = mk2 - tags = aircraft airplane jet mk2 plane connector tilt angl + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk210degree_tags // #SXTmk210degree_tags = aircraft airplane jet mk2 plane connector tilt angl } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part225degree.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part225degree.cfg index 32fe9586..a8ad4f98 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part225degree.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/Mk2SAS/part225degree.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART cost = 2100 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = 22.5-DEG Tilted connector - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = For those times when you want your spaceplanes to have a bend before they hit the ground. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_title // #SXTmk2225degree_title = 22.5-DEG Tilted connector + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_manufacturer // #SXTmk2225degree_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_description // #SXTmk2225degree_description = For those times when you want your spaceplanes to have a bend before they hit the ground. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.8 bulkheadProfiles = mk2 - tags = aircraft airplane jet mk2 plane connector tilt angl + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2225degree_tags // #SXTmk2225degree_tags = aircraft airplane jet mk2 plane connector tilt angl } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/SU27adaptor/long.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/SU27adaptor/long.cfg index 166d5046..58d63d1e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/SU27adaptor/long.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Mk2/SU27adaptor/long.cfg @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ PART cost = 700 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 - title = Mk2 to 1.25m "Su.27" Air Intake - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = A generic Mk1 to Mk2 adapter that was almost sheared in two. We had to weld some intakes to it so it wouldn't fall apart. Erm, ahem, I mean we added intakes for extra utility and its structural integrity is second to none. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_title // #SXTmk2adaptorIntake_title = Mk2 to 1.25m "Su.27" Air Intake + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_manufacturer // #SXTmk2adaptorIntake_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_description // #SXTmk2adaptorIntake_description = A generic Mk1 to Mk2 adapter that was almost sheared in two. We had to weld some intakes to it so it wouldn't fall apart. Erm, ahem, I mean we added intakes for extra utility and its structural integrity is second to none. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = mk2, size1, srf fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTmk2adaptorIntake_tags // #SXTmk2adaptorIntake_tags = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck fuel fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket tank MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Science/AvionicsNoseCone/avionics.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Science/AvionicsNoseCone/avionics.cfg index df43df36..a868e085 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Science/AvionicsNoseCone/avionics.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Aviation/Science/AvionicsNoseCone/avionics.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART cost = 7000 // AtmoSensor = 6500; Comm16 = 300; NoseCone = 320; Total = 7120 category = Science subcategory = 0 - title = Sensor and Transmitter Array Nose Cone - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = The latest in research and development enabled the development of this little marvel, The Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone. It is outfitted with many "quality" sensors and a computer salvaged from the highest quality aircraft scrap, enabling it to collect atmospheric data while in flight. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_title // #SXTsciencenosecone_title = Sensor and Transmitter Array Nose Cone + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_manufacturer // #SXTsciencenosecone_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_description // #SXTsciencenosecone_description = The latest in research and development enabled the development of this little marvel, The Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone. It is outfitted with many "quality" sensors and a computer salvaged from the highest quality aircraft scrap, enabling it to collect atmospheric data while in flight. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft )cap cone drag nose plane stab stream aerial antenna radio signal transmi atmospher experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsciencenosecone_tags // #SXTsciencenosecone_tags = aero aircraft )cap cone drag nose plane stab stream aerial antenna radio signal transmi atmospher experiment research rerun re-run reus re-us redo re-do reset re-set science sensor // RESOURCE // { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Science/MiniGoo/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Science/MiniGoo/part.cfg index 9e552b2d..b53ee748 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Science/MiniGoo/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Science/MiniGoo/part.cfg @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ cost = 800 category = Science subcategory = 0 - title = Inline Mystery Goo Containment Unit - manufacturer = Society for the Subjugation of Goo - description = No different from the radial goo container, we just squeezed the goo enough that we could fit it in. Interestingly, the data readouts mostly spell out insults to our Customer Services department. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_title // #SXTProbeGooo_title = Inline Mystery Goo Containment Unit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_manufacturer // #SXTProbeGooo_manufacturer = Society for the Subjugation of Goo + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_description // #SXTProbeGooo_description = No different from the radial goo container, we just squeezed the goo enough that we could fit it in. Interestingly, the data readouts mostly spell out insults to our Customer Services department. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,0 (has attach node) @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ maxTemp = 1200 bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = experiment research science + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTProbeGooo_tags // #SXTProbeGooo_tags = experiment research science MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/part.cfg index 98a0d281..2037cccc 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/part.cfg @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ PART cost = 600 category = Ground subcategory = 0 - title = Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag - manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group - description = An airbag stolen from a car factory. Can be triggered using action groups and jettisoned like landing struts. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_title // #SXTAirbag_title = Mk10-XL Inflatable Airbag + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_manufacturer // #SXTAirbag_manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_description // #SXTAirbag_description = An airbag stolen from a car factory. Can be triggered using action groups and jettisoned like landing struts. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = airbag cushion (litho crash bag pad + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbag_tags // #SXTAirbag_tags = airbag cushion (litho crash bag pad MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/partSmall.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/partSmall.cfg index c2533538..51260d7a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/partSmall.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/crashPad/partSmall.cfg @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ PART cost = 300 category = Ground subcategory = 0 - title = Mk-10 Inflatable Airbag - manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group - description = Three inflatable re-purposed footballs from the last Kerbin Championship League. Can be triggered using action groups and jettisoned like landing struts. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_title // #SXTAirbagSmall_title = Mk-10 Inflatable Airbag + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_manufacturer // #SXTAirbagSmall_manufacturer = Moving Parts Experts Group + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_description // #SXTAirbagSmall_description = Three inflatable re-purposed footballs from the last Kerbin Championship League. Can be triggered using action groups and jettisoned like landing struts. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = airbag cushion (litho crash bag pad + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAirbagSmall_tags // #SXTAirbagSmall_tags = airbag cushion (litho crash bag pad MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/part.cfg index 6ea00abd..83ab5ea2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/part.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 250 // 50 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = LF-01A Sea-Float End - manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs - description = A pointy end for the LF-01B. Makes sea-floats look more floaty. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_title // #SXTfloatFront_title = LF-01A Sea-Float End + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_manufacturer // #SXTfloatFront_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_description // #SXTfloatFront_description = A pointy end for the LF-01B. Makes sea-floats look more floaty. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1 - tags = float airplane plane water pontoon landing + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatFront_tags // #SXTfloatFront_tags = float airplane plane water pontoon landing MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partMid.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partMid.cfg index 6dbf7e9d..c67df71a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partMid.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partMid.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 250 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = LF-01B Sea-Float Midsection - manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs - description = Lets face it, we've all tried ditching a plane in the water. Doesn't always go too well, does it? That's where the LF-01B comes in. Big and empty, the LF-01B is excellent at displacing fluids and bobbing around in the water. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_title // #SXTfloatMid_title = LF-01B Sea-Float Midsection + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_manufacturer // #SXTfloatMid_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_description // #SXTfloatMid_description = Lets face it, we've all tried ditching a plane in the water. Doesn't always go too well, does it? That's where the LF-01B comes in. Big and empty, the LF-01B is excellent at displacing fluids and bobbing around in the water. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf, size1 - tags = float water + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatMid_tags // #SXTfloatMid_tags = float water MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partOutboard.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partOutboard.cfg index 6cfec0ca..540f9210 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partOutboard.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/CoreTech/Utility/floats/partOutboard.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = LF-01B Sea-Float Outrigger - manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs - description = Used to stabilise seaplanes. Strangely, wings don't react well to water at 50m/s. Who'd have guessed? + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_title // #SXTfloatOutboard_title = LF-01B Sea-Float Outrigger + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_manufacturer // #SXTfloatOutboard_manufacturer = FLOOYD Dynamics Research Labs + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_description // #SXTfloatOutboard_description = Used to stabilise seaplanes. Strangely, wings don't react well to water at 50m/s. Who'd have guessed? // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = float water + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTfloatOutboard_tags // #SXTfloatOutboard_tags = float water MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/375mProbe/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/375mProbe/part.cfg index 91ae9b60..8eba1ec7 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/375mProbe/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/375mProbe/part.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 5100 // 2000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = SC-XL10 Remote Guidance Unit - manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps - description = Developed in partnership with the Kerbodyne, the SC-XL10 project ran into no difficulties and proceeded entirely without incident. There was no fraud, no explosions and everything went fine. STEADLER would like to remind anyone that might say otherwise that STEADLER is currently working on an organic super-computer and is in need of 'spares'. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_title // #SXT375mProbe_title = SC-XL10 Remote Guidance Unit + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_manufacturer // #SXT375mProbe_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_description // #SXT375mProbe_description = Developed in partnership with the Kerbodyne, the SC-XL10 project ran into no difficulties and proceeded entirely without incident. There was no fraud, no explosions and everything went fine. STEADLER would like to remind anyone that might say otherwise that STEADLER is currently working on an organic super-computer and is in need of 'spares'. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ PART vesselType = Probe CrewCapacity = 0 - tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT375mProbe_tags // #SXT375mProbe_tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partAntenna.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partAntenna.cfg index 186fce9e..961599a8 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partAntenna.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partAntenna.cfg @@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ PART cost = 150 category = Communication subcategory = 0 - title = Kommunotronski 16 - manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics - description = The Kommunotronski 16 is a versatile and lightweight antenna suitable for moderate-range communication, long-range backup communication, eavesdropping on secret government operations. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_title // #SXTAntenna_title = Kommunotronski 16 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_manufacturer // #SXTAntenna_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_description // #SXTAntenna_description = The Kommunotronski 16 is a versatile and lightweight antenna suitable for moderate-range communication, long-range backup communication, eavesdropping on secret government operations. attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1 // 0,1,0,1,0 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0 PhysicsSignificance = 1 - tags = aerial antenna radio signal transmi + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAntenna_tags // #SXTAntenna_tags = aerial antenna radio signal transmi MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partProbe.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partProbe.cfg index 2716d8fa..412596de 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partProbe.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Dontstay/partProbe.cfg @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ PART cost = 200 // 300 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Probodobodyne Dontstayputnik - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = The DSTPN is slightly heavier and with smaller, less powerful gyroscopes, than the SPTN, but boasts increased electrical charge and an inbuilt decoupler. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_title // #SXTSputnik_title = Probodobodyne Dontstayputnik + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_manufacturer // #SXTSputnik_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_description // #SXTSputnik_description = The DSTPN is slightly heavier and with smaller, less powerful gyroscopes, than the SPTN, but boasts increased electrical charge and an inbuilt decoupler. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size0 vesselType = Probe - tags = command control (core probe satellite space steer + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSputnik_tags // #SXTSputnik_tags = command control (core probe satellite space steer // MODULE // { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/HECS-Ranger/partProbe.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/HECS-Ranger/partProbe.cfg index 675621b3..2e52e785 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/HECS-Ranger/partProbe.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/HECS-Ranger/partProbe.cfg @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ PART cost = 1200 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Probodobodyne HECS-Ranger Advanced Probe-Core - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = Mounted with batteries for extended operations, a set of more powerful reaction wheels and some modest truss work, the HECS-Ranger is an excellent choice for the larger, more reserved probe. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_title // #SXTHECSRanger_title = Probodobodyne HECS-Ranger Advanced Probe-Core + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_manufacturer // #SXTHECSRanger_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_description // #SXTHECSRanger_description = Mounted with batteries for extended operations, a set of more powerful reaction wheels and some modest truss work, the HECS-Ranger is an excellent choice for the larger, more reserved probe. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size0 vesselType = Probe - tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTHECSRanger_tags // #SXTHECSRanger_tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Space2001/Monolith/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Space2001/Monolith/part.cfg index a1e3d5d3..0caa3466 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Space2001/Monolith/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/Space2001/Monolith/part.cfg @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ PART cost = 2001 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Tycho Magnetic Anomaly 1 - manufacturer = ??? - description = 1 : 4 : 9 (25 : 36 : n^2 ?) + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_title // #SXT-TMA1_title = Tycho Magnetic Anomaly 1 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_manufacturer // #SXT-TMA1_manufacturer = ??? + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_description // #SXT-TMA1_description = 1 : 4 : 9 (25 : 36 : n^2 ?) attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0 vesselType = Probe - tags = monoligh 2001 ?tma + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT-TMA1_tags // #SXT-TMA1_tags = monoligh 2001 ?tma MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/Alouette.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/Alouette.cfg index a8804164..755bd832 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/Alouette.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/Alouette.cfg @@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ PART cost = 1800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Probodobodyne QUBC "Warbler" - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = The QUBC is the first and final project of the Synergistic Integration Sub-Committee of Probodobodyne Inc. While lacking SAS and reaction wheels, it does feature integrated solar panels and antenna systems. The SISC was shutdown after key figures were found to be 'Synergising' company funds with their personal expense accounts. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_title // #SXTAlouetteI_title = Probodobodyne QUBC "Warbler" + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_manufacturer // #SXTAlouetteI_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_description // #SXTAlouetteI_description = The QUBC is the first and final project of the Synergistic Integration Sub-Committee of Probodobodyne Inc. While lacking SAS and reaction wheels, it does feature integrated solar panels and antenna systems. The SISC was shutdown after key figures were found to be 'Synergising' company funds with their personal expense accounts. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ PART vesselType = Probe bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = command control (core cube probe sas satellite space steer aerial antenna radio signal transmi warbler + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAlouetteI_tags // #SXTAlouetteI_tags = command control (core cube probe sas satellite space steer aerial antenna radio signal transmi warbler MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/AntennaTube.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/AntennaTube.cfg index c8051f36..4aabd7f0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/AntennaTube.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/AntennaTube.cfg @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ PART cost = 200 category = Communication subcategory = 0 - title = Communotron DTS-R4 - manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics - description = The DTS-Roll 4 is a long retractable antenna consisting of a small sheet of thin metal that is rolled out of the central casing and warps into a long tube. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_title // #SXTTubeAntenna_title = Communotron DTS-R4 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_manufacturer // #SXTTubeAntenna_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_description // #SXTTubeAntenna_description = The DTS-Roll 4 is a long retractable antenna consisting of a small sheet of thin metal that is rolled out of the central casing and warps into a long tube. mass = 0.01 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf PhysicsSignificance = 1 - tags = aerial antenna deploy direct extend radio signal transmi + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTTubeAntenna_tags // #SXTTubeAntenna_tags = aerial antenna deploy direct extend radio signal transmi MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/part.cfg index 6fd6bb82..e36fbcf9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Probes/Command/probe/part.cfg @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ PART cost = 1800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Probodobodyne JKSS - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = Studies conducted by Probodobodyne Inc have found that today's youth consider mono-propellent engines to be quote 'totally main-stream, uncool, and Grandpa Bill always talks about how Mono-propellent engines saved his butt in the first Mun landing, ugh what is with all of these questions?!'. Upon being bribed for further information, the participants revealed that xenon-powered ion engines were the current trending item. So, in an effort to reach out to the youth and more importantly increase sales, the JKSS has had a tank of xenon crammed inside of it. Solar panels and ion engine sold separately. + title = #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_title // #LprobeFoil_title = Probodobodyne JKSS + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_manufacturer // #LprobeFoil_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_description // #LprobeFoil_description = Studies conducted by Probodobodyne Inc have found that today's youth consider mono-propellent engines to be quote 'totally main-stream, uncool, and Grandpa Bill always talks about how Mono-propellent engines saved his butt in the first Mun landing, ugh what is with all of these questions?!'. Upon being bribed for further information, the participants revealed that xenon-powered ion engines were the current trending item. So, in an effort to reach out to the youth and more importantly increase sales, the JKSS has had a tank of xenon crammed inside of it. Solar panels and ion engine sold separately. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART vesselType = Probe bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_LprobeFoil_tags // #LprobeFoil_tags = cmg command control (core fly gyro hex moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Aero/noseCone/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Aero/noseCone/part.cfg index 77f3dbe2..1f1205b3 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Aero/noseCone/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Aero/noseCone/part.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 260 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Conformal Rocket Cone Mk3 - manufacturer = Goliath National Products - description = An off-set nose cone. Useful for SRB and other radially attached objects. Please avoid leaning on the nose cone as well, it likes to fall over. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_title // #SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_title = Conformal Rocket Cone Mk3 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_manufacturer // #SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_manufacturer = Goliath National Products + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_description // #SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_description = An off-set nose cone. Useful for SRB and other radially attached objects. Please avoid leaning on the nose cone as well, it likes to fall over. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART thermalMassModifier = 6.0 emissiveConstant = 0.95 - tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_tags // #SXTProtonlikeNoseCone_tags = aero aircraft booster )cap drag fligh plane rocket stab stream tail RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/part.cfg index c8cefcf4..8fbb0859 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/part.cfg @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ PART cost = 5000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = Munar Excursion Module Ascent Stage - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = The Ascent stage houses the crew cabin with instrument panels and flight controls. It contains its own Ascent Propulsion System (APS) engine and propellant tanks for return to munar orbit and rendezvous with the Command/Service Module. It also contains a Reaction Control System (RCS) for attitude and translation control. A forward EVA hatch provides access to and from the munar surface, while an overhead docking port provides access to and from the Command Module. + title = #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_title // #MEMLanderSXT_title = Munar Excursion Module Ascent Stage + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_manufacturer // #MEMLanderSXT_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_description // #MEMLanderSXT_description = The Ascent stage houses the crew cabin with instrument panels and flight controls. It contains its own Ascent Propulsion System (APS) engine and propellant tanks for return to munar orbit and rendezvous with the Command/Service Module. It also contains a Reaction Control System (RCS) for attitude and translation control. A forward EVA hatch provides access to and from the munar surface, while an overhead docking port provides access to and from the Command Module. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size2 vesselType = Lander - tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_MEMLanderSXT_tags // #MEMLanderSXT_tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/partDescentModule.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/partDescentModule.cfg index 8463791c..66fec8ef 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/partDescentModule.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Command/MEM/partDescentModule.cfg @@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ PART cost = 1400 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 - title = Munar Descent Stage - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = You'll want to add a TR-2C or TR-2V miniture stack decoupler to the top of this. The Descent stage's primary job is to support a powered landing and surface extravehicular activity. When the excursion is over, it serves as the launch pad for the ascent stage. It also carries a Surface Experiment Package and has some room for KIS storage. + title = #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_title // #MEMDescentMod_title = Munar Descent Stage + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_manufacturer // #MEMDescentMod_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_description // #MEMDescentMod_description = You'll want to add a TR-2C or TR-2V miniture stack decoupler to the top of this. The Descent stage's primary job is to support a powered landing and surface extravehicular activity. When the excursion is over, it serves as the launch pad for the ascent stage. It also carries a Surface Experiment Package and has some room for KIS storage. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = lander orbit propuls rocket vacuum + tags = #LOC.SXT_MEMDescentMod_tags // #MEMDescentMod_tags = lander orbit propuls rocket vacuum RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/O-40-a.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/O-40-a.cfg index df1a0ab1..3b8ffb49 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/O-40-a.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/O-40-a.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Control subcategory = 0 - title = O-40 "Puff" Orbital Manoeuvering System - manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd - description = A more powerful RCS version of the Puff thruster, designed to stabalise the largest of rockets and shuttles. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_title // #SXTOMS-A_title = O-40 "Puff" Orbital Manoeuvering System + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_manufacturer // #SXTOMS-A_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_description // #SXTOMS-A_description = A more powerful RCS version of the Puff thruster, designed to stabalise the largest of rockets and shuttles. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PART emissiveConstant = 0.8 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre (puff react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate maneuver manoeuvre orbital probe propuls thruster + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS-A_tags // #SXTOMS-A_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre (puff react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate maneuver manoeuvre orbital probe propuls thruster EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/part.cfg index 302c1e60..af4898cd 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/OMS/part.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Control subcategory = 0 - title = O-10 "Puff" Orbital Manoeuvering System - manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd - description = A powerful RCS thruster, designed to stabalise the largest of rockets and shuttles. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_title // #SXTOMS_title = O-10 "Puff" Orbital Manoeuvering System + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_manufacturer // #SXTOMS_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_description // #SXTOMS_description = A powerful RCS thruster, designed to stabalise the largest of rockets and shuttles. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre (huff react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTOMS_tags // #SXTOMS_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre (huff react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSBoon/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSBoon/part.cfg index 1353d007..34553b1a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSBoon/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSBoon/part.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ cost = 650 category = Control subcategory = 0 - title = Extendable RCS Boom - manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps - description = A long time ago a Kerbal said “Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world” - while he turned out to be frothing mad, the principle still applies. STEADLER have mounted a RV-105 RCS block on a boom to provide a larger moment for rotation. + title = #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_title // #RCSBoonExt_title = Extendable RCS Boom + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_manufacturer // #RCSBoonExt_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + description = #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_description // #RCSBoonExt_description = A long time ago a Kerbal said “Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world” - while he turned out to be frothing mad, the principle still applies. STEADLER have mounted a RV-105 RCS block on a boom to provide a larger moment for rotation. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ maxTemp = 1500 // 3600 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate + tags = #LOC.SXT_RCSBoonExt_tags // #RCSBoonExt_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSRack/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSRack/part.cfg index 2ef7e217..ea8e03ac 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSRack/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/RCSRack/part.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Control subcategory = 0 - title = Large Linear RCS Array - manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps - description = An array of powerful RCS thrusters. RCS thruster point at an angle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_title // #SXTRCSRack_title = Large Linear RCS Array + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_manufacturer // #SXTRCSRack_manufacturer = STEADLER Engineering Corps + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_description // #SXTRCSRack_description = An array of powerful RCS thrusters. RCS thruster point at an angle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART PhysicsSignificance = 1 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTRCSRack_tags // #SXTRCSRack_tags = cluster control dock maneuver manoeuvre react rendezvous rotate stab steer translate EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/Vernier/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/Vernier/part.cfg index 194d0f7f..0aada753 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/Vernier/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Control/Vernier/part.cfg @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Control subcategory = 0 - title = KDB-885 Attitude Control System - manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd - description = These smaller engines will gimbal to try and keep you pointed the right way. Place at the rear of the rocket. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_title // #SXTVernier885_title = KDB-885 Attitude Control System + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_manufacturer // #SXTVernier885_manufacturer = Reaction Systems Ltd + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_description // #SXTVernier885_description = These smaller engines will gimbal to try and keep you pointed the right way. Place at the rear of the rocket. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ PART skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 emissiveConstant = 0.8 - tags = maneuver manoeuvre orbital propuls rocket (kdb thruster vernier + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTVernier885_tags // #SXTVernier885_tags = maneuver manoeuvre orbital propuls rocket (kdb thruster vernier // tags = dock liquid manoeuvre maneuver propuls rocket control react rendezvous rotate stab steer thruster translate rcs vernier EFFECTS diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdder.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdder.cfg index 15c0690e..74350f1d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdder.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdder.cfg @@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ PART cost = 400 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = BA-8 "Flare" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering - description = Pip pip, old boy! Light, cheap and packing a not inconsiderable punch, the Black Adder-8 certainly offers 'bang for buck', as the chaps over at the KSC say. Perfect for a budding space program, although quickly outclassed by more high-tech engines. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_title // #SXTBlackAdder_title = BA-8 "Flare" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_manufacturer // #SXTBlackAdder_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_description // #SXTBlackAdder_description = Pip pip, old boy! Light, cheap and packing a not inconsiderable punch, the Black Adder-8 certainly offers 'bang for buck', as the chaps over at the KSC say. Perfect for a budding space program, although quickly outclassed by more high-tech engines. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size1 - tags = ascent main propuls (flare rocket (swivel + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder_tags // #SXTBlackAdder_tags = ascent main propuls (flare rocket (swivel RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdderGoesForth.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdderGoesForth.cfg index 39ff4dcc..78af6da4 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdderGoesForth.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/BlackAdderGoesForth.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 100 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = BA-2 "Flicker" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering - description = Built with spares from the BA-8. Well, we had to do something, they really were just cluttering the place up. Does make it cheaper than pesky Rockomax's 48-7S. And we have two nozzles, more is always better. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_title // #SXTBlackAdder2_title = BA-2 "Flicker" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_manufacturer // #SXTBlackAdder2_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_description // #SXTBlackAdder2_description = Built with spares from the BA-8. Well, we had to do something, they really were just cluttering the place up. Does make it cheaper than pesky Rockomax's 48-7S. And we have two nozzles, more is always better. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel (flick + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBlackAdder2_tags // #SXTBlackAdder2_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel (flick RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/Waxwig.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/Waxwig.cfg index 9310573e..40480b4f 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/Waxwig.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/BlackAdder/Waxwig.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 50 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = BBCV-4350 "Candle Wax" Solid Fuel Booster - manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering - description = A young kerbal by the name of Flashheart's idea, splended young chap, bit boisterous, but he'll go far. Said that the problem with probes is that they're boring, don't go fast enough. Or 'hard enough' apparently, whatever he meant by that. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_title // #SXTWaxWing_title = BBCV-4350 "Candle Wax" Solid Fuel Booster + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_manufacturer // #SXTWaxWing_manufacturer = Armstrong, Siddeley and Royce Engineering + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_description // #SXTWaxWing_description = A young kerbal by the name of Flashheart's idea, splended young chap, bit boisterous, but he'll go far. Said that the problem with probes is that they're boring, don't go fast enough. Or 'hard enough' apparently, whatever he meant by that. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size0 stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER - tags = (wax moar (more motor rocket srb + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTWaxWing_tags // #SXTWaxWing_tags = (wax moar (more motor rocket srb MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/J2Engine/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/J2Engine/part.cfg index 149553ed..17025e5b 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/J2Engine/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/J2Engine/part.cfg @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ PART cost = 1800 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-T80 "Robin" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The counter proposal to the LV-T45 from the 'Bigger is always better' side of the R&D department. More powerful, but lacking the control authority of its smaller cousin. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_title // #SXTLT80_title = LV-T80 "Robin" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_manufacturer // #SXTLT80_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_description // #SXTLT80_description = The counter proposal to the LV-T45 from the 'Bigger is always better' side of the R&D department. More powerful, but lacking the control authority of its smaller cousin. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0 @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ PART stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf - tags = ascent main propuls (robin rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTLT80_tags // #SXTLT80_tags = ascent main propuls (robin rocket MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/25mEngineMidrange.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/25mEngineMidrange.cfg index f4f23ec6..152c3f5d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/25mEngineMidrange.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/25mEngineMidrange.cfg @@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ PART category = Engine subcategory = 0 stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE - title = RE-M1 "Commodore" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate - description = While not the most powerful engine, the Commodore still packs a considerable broadside in the battle against gravity. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_title // #SXTCommodore_title = RE-M1 "Commodore" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_manufacturer // #SXTCommodore_manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_description // #SXTCommodore_description = While not the most powerful engine, the Commodore still packs a considerable broadside in the battle against gravity. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (commo + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTCommodore_tags // #SXTCommodore_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (commo EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/part.cfg index 60321eef..f2a99778 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/K170/part.cfg @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ PART category = Engine subcategory = 0 stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE - title = RK-170 "Tsar-Pushka" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Not to be out-done by Rockomax's Mainsail, the decision was made within the KDB to build a yet bigger engine. Finding that the explosion to launch ratio of a single combustion chamber was uncomfortably close to 1:0; a shift to a 4 combustion chamber design and a sadly more stable and less efficient liquid fuel was required. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_title // #SXTKD170_title = RK-170 "Tsar-Pushka" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_manufacturer // #SXTKD170_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_description // #SXTKD170_description = Not to be out-done by Rockomax's Mainsail, the decision was made within the KDB to build a yet bigger engine. Finding that the explosion to launch ratio of a single combustion chamber was uncomfortably close to 1:0; a shift to a 4 combustion chamber design and a sadly more stable and less efficient liquid fuel was required. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 // 1,0,1,1,0 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (tsar (push + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKD170_tags // #SXTKD170_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (tsar (push EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/KickMotor/PALMX30.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/KickMotor/PALMX30.cfg index aaabc687..670920e4 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/KickMotor/PALMX30.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/KickMotor/PALMX30.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 100 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = RT-3 "Gnat" Solid Fuel Booster - manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate - description = Designed as upper stage motor to kick smaller payloads to orbital velocities, the RT-3 does have a slight habit of kicking things into escape velocities. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_title // #SXTCastor30_title = RT-3 "Gnat" Solid Fuel Booster + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_manufacturer // #SXTCastor30_manufacturer = Rockomax Conglomerate + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_description // #SXTCastor30_description = Designed as upper stage motor to kick smaller payloads to orbital velocities, the RT-3 does have a slight habit of kicking things into escape velocities. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size1 stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER heatConductivity = 0.06 - tags = (gnat moar (more motor rocket srb + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTCastor30_tags // #SXTCastor30_tags = (gnat moar (more motor rocket srb // --- solid booster parameters --- 6.75 diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Kopo4e/KOPO4E.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Kopo4e/KOPO4E.cfg index b9c39713..c40a452d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Kopo4e/KOPO4E.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Kopo4e/KOPO4E.cfg @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ PART category = Engine subcategory = 0 stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE - title = Kopo-4e "Pancake" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = The KDB's contender for a 2.5m orbital rocket engine. While less powerful that Rockomax's "Poodle", its lower profile and strengthened casing does make it easier to land on if you happen to forget your landing legs. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_title // #SXTKOPO4E_title = Kopo-4e "Pancake" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_manufacturer // #SXTKOPO4E_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_description // #SXTKOPO4E_description = The KDB's contender for a 2.5m orbital rocket engine. While less powerful that Rockomax's "Poodle", its lower profile and strengthened casing does make it easier to land on if you happen to forget your landing legs. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 - tags = lander orbit (pancake propuls rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKOPO4E_tags // #SXTKOPO4E_tags = lander orbit (pancake propuls rocket MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/part.cfg index ea6e4613..a1130b1f 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/part.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 40000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-NX3 "Phoebus" Atomic Rocket Motor - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The original, slightly 'explody' prototype NERVA rocket. While this design was successfully miniaturised to make the popular LV-N "Nerv", the prototype boasts a marginally higher ISP due to a larger engine nozzle. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_title // #SXTNERVA_title = LV-NX3 "Phoebus" Atomic Rocket Motor + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_manufacturer // #SXTNERVA_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_description // #SXTNERVA_description = The original, slightly 'explody' prototype NERVA rocket. While this design was successfully miniaturised to make the popular LV-N "Nerv", the prototype boasts a marginally higher ISP due to a larger engine nozzle. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 // 1,1,1,0,0 @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ PART skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 emissiveConstant = 0.85 // engine nozzles are good at radiating, NTRs even better - tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid (nerv nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVA_tags // #SXTNERVA_tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid (nerv nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/partFatmun.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/partFatmun.cfg index 96dd2093..c7ef3854 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/partFatmun.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/NERVA/partFatmun.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 40000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-NX4 "Fat Mun" Atomic Rocket Motor - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The "Fat Mun" series is based off the dozens of spare nuclear reactors the KSC has recently acquired. This not related to a report stating that nuclear reactors are 'not a suitable alternative central heating'. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_title // #SXTNERVAB_title = LV-NX4 "Fat Mun" Atomic Rocket Motor + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_manufacturer // #SXTNERVAB_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_description // #SXTNERVAB_description = The "Fat Mun" series is based off the dozens of spare nuclear reactors the KSC has recently acquired. This not related to a report stating that nuclear reactors are 'not a suitable alternative central heating'. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 // 1,1,1,0,0 @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ PART skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 emissiveConstant = 0.85 // engine nozzles are good at radiating, NTRs even better - tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid fat mun nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTNERVAB_tags // #SXTNERVAB_tags = active atom efficient engine inter liquid fat mun nuclear nuke orbit propuls radio reactor vacuum MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10.cfg index 1e8d49df..5af7b7eb 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 150 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-10-37 "Rearguard" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Oft criticised for being 'tiny' and 'just a bunch of pipes'. Once you're off the ground though, the Rearguard distinguishes itself as a choice engine for smaller rockets. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_title // #SXTAJ10_title = LV-10-37 "Rearguard" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_manufacturer // #SXTAJ10_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_description // #SXTAJ10_description = Oft criticised for being 'tiny' and 'just a bunch of pipes'. Once you're off the ground though, the Rearguard distinguishes itself as a choice engine for smaller rockets. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ PART heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE - tags = ascent main propuls (rearguard rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10_tags // #SXTAJ10_tags = ascent main propuls (rearguard rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10LongNozzle.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10LongNozzle.cfg index 6f2f7c04..1fa0752d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10LongNozzle.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/AJ10LongNozzle.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 150 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-10-37-Mid "Rearguard 2" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Oft criticised for being 'tiny' and 'just a bunch of pipes'. Once you're off the ground though, the Rearguard distinguishes itself as a choice engine for smaller rockets + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_title // #SXTAJ10Mid_title = LV-10-37-Mid "Rearguard 2" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_manufacturer // #SXTAJ10Mid_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_description // #SXTAJ10Mid_description = Oft criticised for being 'tiny' and 'just a bunch of pipes'. Once you're off the ground though, the Rearguard distinguishes itself as a choice engine for smaller rockets // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size0 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (rearguard + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTAJ10Mid_tags // #SXTAJ10Mid_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (rearguard MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/X405.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/X405.cfg index f5f94c8c..57bb7da0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/X405.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/X405.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 400 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = LV-405 "Vanguard" Liquid Fuel Engine - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = It might not look 'super rocket-y', but the Vanguard packs a hell of a punch for its size. We even added (were forced to add) two stabilisation thrusters to help with spin-stabilisation. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_title // #SXTX405_title = LV-405 "Vanguard" Liquid Fuel Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_manufacturer // #SXTX405_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_description // #SXTX405_description = It might not look 'super rocket-y', but the Vanguard packs a hell of a punch for its size. We even added (were forced to add) two stabilisation thrusters to help with spin-stabilisation. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PART heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE - tags = propuls rocket (vanguard control maneuver manoeuvre react rotate stab steer translate + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTX405_tags // #SXTX405_tags = propuls rocket (vanguard control maneuver manoeuvre react rotate stab steer translate EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/launchClamp1.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/launchClamp1.cfg index 320f3f2c..462baf0d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/launchClamp1.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/Vanguard/launchClamp1.cfg @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ PART cost = 100 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = TT06-A Launch Stability Enhancer - manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises - description = The TT06-A Stability Enhancer uses ground-breaking fastening technology to significantly increase the stability of spacecraft during the pre-launch phase. While OMB Demolition has been criticized in the past for using "big fancy words for a rocket holder" in their description of their device, none can say the TT18 series doesn't deliver rock-solid clamping action, as advertised. The owner's manual strongly suggests these devices be placed on the bottommost section of the spacecraft, and activated as soon as the engines are lit, for optimal de-clamping performance. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_title // #SXTlaunchclamp1_title = TT06-A Launch Stability Enhancer + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_manufacturer // #SXTlaunchclamp1_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_description // #SXTlaunchclamp1_description = The TT06-A Stability Enhancer uses ground-breaking fastening technology to significantly increase the stability of spacecraft during the pre-launch phase. While OMB Demolition has been criticized in the past for using "big fancy words for a rocket holder" in their description of their device, none can say the TT18 series doesn't deliver rock-solid clamping action, as advertised. The owner's manual strongly suggests these devices be placed on the bottommost section of the spacecraft, and activated as soon as the engines are lit, for optimal de-clamping performance. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ PART childStageOffset = 0 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = clam hold )pad rocket stabil tower + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTlaunchclamp1_tags // #SXTlaunchclamp1_tags = clam hold )pad rocket stabil tower MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/size2SRB/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/size2SRB/part.cfg index b66921a3..9141d15a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/size2SRB/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/size2SRB/part.cfg @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ PART cost = 15000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = S2 SRB-KD350k "Linebacker" Solid Fuel Booster - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = This super massive booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch. Notable for having a gimbal. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_title // #SXTSize2SRB_title = S2 SRB-KD350k "Linebacker" Solid Fuel Booster + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_manufacturer // #SXTSize2SRB_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_description // #SXTSize2SRB_description = This super massive booster is designed to be recovered after jettisoning. Once recovered, it is refurbished and refueled for another launch. Notable for having a gimbal. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ PART stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf - tags = (backer (line (linebacker moar (more motor rocket srb + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSize2SRB_tags // #SXTSize2SRB_tags = (backer (line (linebacker moar (more motor rocket srb EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Barrel/fuelTank.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Barrel/fuelTank.cfg index ee436603..1c4df26c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Barrel/fuelTank.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Barrel/fuelTank.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 175 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Mk1 LFO Barrel - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = Less 'high tech spaceship part', more 'we spent the budget on food and this was the only thing we could find lying around'. The designers did manage to add a smaller sub-tank for oxidiser, although the words 'plastic bag - Oxidiser goes here' can be seen on the blueprints. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_title // #SXTFuel625m_title = Mk1 LFO Barrel + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_manufacturer // #SXTFuel625m_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_description // #SXTFuel625m_description = Less 'high tech spaceship part', more 'we spent the budget on food and this was the only thing we could find lying around'. The designers did manage to add a smaller sub-tank for oxidiser, although the words 'plastic bag - Oxidiser goes here' can be seen on the blueprints. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTFuel625m_tags // #SXTFuel625m_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/CargoBay1/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/CargoBay1/part.cfg index d75288b1..d6991696 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/CargoBay1/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/CargoBay1/part.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 520 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = Mk1B Cargo Bay LRG-01 - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Ever wanted to deploy slightly larger items into space such as SRBs and landers? This is just the part for you! + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_title // #SXTCargoBay1_title = Mk1B Cargo Bay LRG-01 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_manufacturer // #SXTCargoBay1_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_description // #SXTCargoBay1_description = Ever wanted to deploy slightly larger items into space such as SRBs and landers? This is just the part for you! // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size2 // size1 - tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTCargoBay1_tags // #SXTCargoBay1_tags = contain convey equipment freight hold hollow payload (stor transport utility MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/16.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/16.cfg index 93cbd845..89e349b0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/16.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/16.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 1550 // 3200 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne KX200-16 Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_title // #SXT16FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-16 Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_manufacturer // #SXT16FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_description // #SXT16FuelTank_description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 2900 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT16FuelTank_tags // #SXT16FuelTank_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/32.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/32.cfg index 312a110a..27212e96 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/32.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/32.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 3000 // 6400 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne KX200-32 Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_title // #SXT32FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-32 Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_manufacturer // #SXT32FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_description // #SXT32FuelTank_description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 2900 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT32FuelTank_tags // #SXT32FuelTank_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/64.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/64.cfg index 61b265e3..abdf62a2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/64.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/NASA25m/64.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 5750 // 12800 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne KX200-64 Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_title // #SXT64FuelTank_title = Kerbodyne KX200-64 Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_manufacturer // #SXT64FuelTank_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_description // #SXT64FuelTank_description = Developed as a direct competitor to Rockomax's X-200 series of tank. Largely identical, this has been covered in fancy paint and tubes to appeal to the more discerning engineer. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 2900 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT64FuelTank_tags // #SXT64FuelTank_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/RadialFuel/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/RadialFuel/part.cfg index 3a37893c..6382e9d3 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/RadialFuel/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/RadialFuel/part.cfg @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ PART cost = 400 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Boconok-9 Radial Fuel Tank & Heat Radiator - description = Radial fuel container with built in radiator panels. The way we figure it, if we accidentally set the fuel on fire, the radiators will cool it down and everything will be fine. Hopefully. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_title // #SXTradialFuel_title = Boconok-9 Radial Fuel Tank & Heat Radiator + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_description // #SXTradialFuel_description = Radial fuel container with built in radiator panels. The way we figure it, if we accidentally set the fuel on fire, the radiators will cool it down and everything will be fine. Hopefully. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART thermalMassModifier = 5 radiatorHeadroom = 0.75 // 0.5 - tags = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTradialFuel_tags // #SXTradialFuel_tags = cool fixed heat moderat radiat static temperat therm fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Vanguard/fuelTank.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Vanguard/fuelTank.cfg index 99ef2be7..23c3b8eb 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Vanguard/fuelTank.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/Vanguard/fuelTank.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 500 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Oscar-C Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = While small compared to other tanks in Kerbodyne's catalogue, the Oscar-C is perfect for the minimalist rockets required for routine small satellite launches. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_title // #SXT625mFuel4_title = Oscar-C Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_manufacturer // #SXT625mFuel4_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_description // #SXT625mFuel4_description = While small compared to other tanks in Kerbodyne's catalogue, the Oscar-C is perfect for the minimalist rockets required for routine small satellite launches. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT625mFuel4_tags // #SXT625mFuel4_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/part.cfg index 12dc0f6d..4da51576 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/part.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = XC-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank - manufacturer = LLL - description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_title // #SXTBalloon_title = XC-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_manufacturer // #SXTBalloon_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_description // #SXTBalloon_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon_tags // #SXTBalloon_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partGold.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partGold.cfg index f85cb9c8..edf8d284 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partGold.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partGold.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = XC-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank [Gold] - manufacturer = LLL - description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_title // #SXTBalloonGold_title = XC-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank [Gold] + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_manufacturer // #SXTBalloonGold_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_description // #SXTBalloonGold_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold_tags // #SXTBalloonGold_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStandalone.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStandalone.cfg index 960fe465..b645ad1c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStandalone.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStandalone.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = XC-32 Light Fuel Tank - manufacturer = LLL - description = The lack of proper structural supports makes this fuel bladder extremely delicate and prevents the stacking of multiple cells on top of each other. Probably best not to even lean against it. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_title // #SXTBalloonGoldB_title = XC-32 Light Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_manufacturer // #SXTBalloonGoldB_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_description // #SXTBalloonGoldB_description = The lack of proper structural supports makes this fuel bladder extremely delicate and prevents the stacking of multiple cells on top of each other. Probably best not to even lean against it. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 10 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB_tags // #SXTBalloonGoldB_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructural.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructural.cfg index e1cec80f..27cc840b 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructural.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructural.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = XC-MTV Structural Super Structure. - manufacturer = LLL - description = Contains extra struting for a more crash resistance superstructure. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_title // #SXTMTVGirder_title = XC-MTV Structural Super Structure. + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirder_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_description // #SXTMTVGirder_description = Contains extra struting for a more crash resistance superstructure. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 explosionPotential = 0 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder_tags // #SXTMTVGirder_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralBasic.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralBasic.cfg index 0e042eb6..031baa69 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralBasic.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralBasic.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = XC-MTV Open Four-way - manufacturer = LLL - description = Open Girder + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_title // #SXTMTVGirderBasic_title = XC-MTV Open Four-way + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirderBasic_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_description // #SXTMTVGirderBasic_description = Open Girder // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 explosionPotential = 0 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic_tags // #SXTMTVGirderBasic_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpen.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpen.cfg index 05c185a4..af7df612 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpen.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpen.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = XC-MTV Partial Super Structure - manufacturer = LLL - description = A section of saddle-mount superstructure. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_title // #SXTMTVGirderOpen_title = XC-MTV Partial Super Structure + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirderOpen_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_description // #SXTMTVGirderOpen_description = A section of saddle-mount superstructure. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 3400 explosionPotential = 0 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen_tags // #SXTMTVGirderOpen_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg index 4ed46a43..14c30a37 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/2-5m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = XC-MTV Partial Super Structure (Short) - manufacturer = LLL - description = A short section of saddle-mount superstructure. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_title // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_title = XC-MTV Partial Super Structure (Short) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_description // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_description = A short section of saddle-mount superstructure. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 explosionPotential = 0 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_tags // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/part.cfg index 9f48d855..87b71775 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/part.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = OX-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_title // #SXTBalloon375_title = OX-32 Inflatable Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_manufacturer // #SXTBalloon375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_description // #SXTBalloon375_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloon375_tags // #SXTBalloon375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partGold.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partGold.cfg index 369add93..b360d0f7 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partGold.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partGold.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 4500 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = OX-32-S Inflatable Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. This version, while it can be configured for different fuels, only has a single tank. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_title // #SXTBalloonGold375_title = OX-32-S Inflatable Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_manufacturer // #SXTBalloonGold375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_description // #SXTBalloonGold375_description = Although far more delicate and with slightly less fuel capacity for its size than the X200-32, it does boast a lower dry mass per fuel tonne. This version, while it can be configured for different fuels, only has a single tank. Perfect for orbital missions. Not recommended for landings. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGold375_tags // #SXTBalloonGold375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStandalone.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStandalone.cfg index 2d3a5230..36f6daad 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStandalone.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStandalone.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = XX-32 Light Fuel Tank (Gold) - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = The lack of proper structural supports makes this fuel bladder extremely delicate and prevents the stacking of multiple cells on top of each other. Probably best not even lean against it. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_title // #SXTBalloonGoldB375_title = XX-32 Light Fuel Tank (Gold) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_manufacturer // #SXTBalloonGoldB375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_description // #SXTBalloonGoldB375_description = The lack of proper structural supports makes this fuel bladder extremely delicate and prevents the stacking of multiple cells on top of each other. Probably best not even lean against it. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 20 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTBalloonGoldB375_tags // #SXTBalloonGoldB375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket xenon RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructural.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructural.cfg index e873be81..039a6694 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructural.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructural.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = OX-MTV Structural Super Structure - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = Contains extra struting for a more crash resistance super-structure. Plus, makes things look really 'space-y'. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_title // #SXTMTVGirder375_title = OX-MTV Structural Super Structure + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirder375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_description // #SXTMTVGirder375_description = Contains extra struting for a more crash resistance super-structure. Plus, makes things look really 'space-y'. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 explosionPotential = 0 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = connect structur support saddle girder + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirder375_tags // #SXTMTVGirder375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralBasic.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralBasic.cfg index f84aa603..df983405 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralBasic.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralBasic.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = OX-MTV Open Four-way - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = Interstage trussing, perfect for mounting devices such as 6-way attachment nodes. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_title // #SXTMTVGirderBasic375_title = OX-MTV Open Four-way + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirderBasic375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_description // #SXTMTVGirderBasic375_description = Interstage trussing, perfect for mounting devices such as 6-way attachment nodes. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,5 +56,5 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0 bulkheadProfiles = size3 - tags = connect structur support saddle girder truss interstage + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderBasic375_tags // #SXTMTVGirderBasic375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder truss interstage } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpen.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpen.cfg index 273b8e0a..8504413c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpen.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpen.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = OX-MTV Partial Super Structure - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = Big - really big. Useful for carrying smaller drop-craft, or even fuel tanks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_title // #SXTMTVGirderOpen375_title = OX-MTV Partial Super Structure + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirderOpen375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_description // #SXTMTVGirderOpen375_description = Big - really big. Useful for carrying smaller drop-craft, or even fuel tanks. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = connect structur support saddle girder open + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpen375_tags // #SXTMTVGirderOpen375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder open } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg index 3414a7cf..c24b9e4e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Hull/inflatableTank/3-75m/partStructuralOpenSmall.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = OX-MTV Partial Super Structure (Short) - manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys - description = Useful for carrying smaller drop-craft, or even fuel tanks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_title // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_title = OX-MTV Partial Super Structure (Short) + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_manufacturer // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_manufacturer = Maxo Construction Toys + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_description // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_description = Useful for carrying smaller drop-craft, or even fuel tanks. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,6 +56,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 explosionPotential = 0 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = connect structur support saddle girder open - // tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_tags // #SXTMTVGirderOpenSmall375_tags = connect structur support saddle girder open } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Utility/RadialAttachShroud/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Utility/RadialAttachShroud/part.cfg index 50c9f091..7870e597 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Utility/RadialAttachShroud/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Utility/RadialAttachShroud/part.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 1275 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = BZ-X1 Shrouded Radial Attachment Point - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = Often used for the streamlined mounting of engines. + title = #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_title // #sxtshroudradialhardpoint_title = BZ-X1 Shrouded Radial Attachment Point + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_manufacturer // #sxtshroudradialhardpoint_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_description // #sxtshroudradialhardpoint_description = Often used for the streamlined mounting of engines. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True PhysicsSignificance = 1 bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf - tags = affix anchor mount secure + tags = #LOC.SXT_sxtshroudradialhardpoint_tags // #sxtshroudradialhardpoint_tags = affix anchor mount secure } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/part.cfg index 66d13f94..b524b8e2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/part.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 3300 category = Electrical subcategory = 0 - title = PB-NUK-II Deployable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator - manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics - description = Through exploitation of the natural decay of Blutonium-238, this elegantly simple power generator can provide consistent, stable power for decades. Comes in a lovely waterproof container. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_title // #SXTDepolyRTGII_title = PB-NUK-II Deployable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_manufacturer // #SXTDepolyRTGII_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_description // #SXTDepolyRTGII_description = Through exploitation of the natural decay of Blutonium-238, this elegantly simple power generator can provide consistent, stable power for decades. Comes in a lovely waterproof container. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 // 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf radiatorMax = 1.5 - tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGII_tags // #SXTDepolyRTGII_tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/partBasic.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/partBasic.cfg index 41dbc109..0957a0ed 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/partBasic.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/RTG/partBasic.cfg @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ PART cost = 3300 category = Electrical subcategory = 0 - title = PB-NUK-I Deployable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator - manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics - description = It's an RTG on a stick! Built because the regular RTGs kept heating up all our microchips, not exactly very nice of them. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_title // #SXTDepolyRTGI_title = PB-NUK-I Deployable Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_manufacturer // #SXTDepolyRTGI_manufacturer = Ionic Symphonic Protonic Electronics + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_description // #SXTDepolyRTGI_description = It's an RTG on a stick! Built because the regular RTGs kept heating up all our microchips, not exactly very nice of them. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 // 0,1,0,1,1 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = srf radiatorMax = 1.5 - tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTDepolyRTGI_tags // #SXTDepolyRTGI_tags = active atom charge e/c elect energ generat isotope nuclear nuke power radio rtg thermo volt watt MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/part.cfg index 750a6c32..f7ed2be0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/part.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 400 category = Electrical subcategory = 0 - title = OX-HEX Photovoltaic Panels - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. - description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_title // #SXTsolarPanelhex_title = OX-HEX Photovoltaic Panels + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_manufacturer // #SXTsolarPanelhex_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_description // #SXTsolarPanelhex_description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 1200 // 3200 PhysicsSignificance = 1 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelhex_tags // #SXTsolarPanelhex_tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/partLarge.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/partLarge.cfg index 1881e400..220a6337 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/partLarge.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Electrical/solarHex/partLarge.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Electrical subcategory = 0 - title = OX-VL Photovoltaic Array - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. - description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_title // #SXTsolarPanelLarge_title = OX-VL Photovoltaic Array + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_manufacturer // #SXTsolarPanelLarge_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc. + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_description // #SXTsolarPanelLarge_description = Probodobodyne branded Photovoltaic Panels are the world standard for power generation, from your own home to the stars. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART heatConductivity = 0.04 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsolarPanelLarge_tags // #SXTsolarPanelLarge_tags = array charge deploy e/c elect energ extend generat (light photo power solar sun track unfold volt watt // MODULE // { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/CANIOT/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/CANIOT/part.cfg index 773789ba..1e334873 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/CANIOT/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/CANIOT/part.cfg @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 // 4000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = CANIOT-7 Crew Cabin - manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc - description = Probodobodyne Inc's first and only foray into crew habitation modules. Bulky, but not uncomfortable. It even features a handy set of exterior handrails. + title = #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_title // #STXCANIOT_title = CANIOT-7 Crew Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_manufacturer // #STXCANIOT_manufacturer = Probodobodyne Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_description // #STXCANIOT_description = Probodobodyne Inc's first and only foray into crew habitation modules. Bulky, but not uncomfortable. It even features a handy set of exterior handrails. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART CrewCapacity = 6 bulkheadProfiles = size3 - tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna crew cabin + tags = #LOC.SXT_STXCANIOT_tags // #STXCANIOT_tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna crew cabin INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/SPKTR/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/SPKTR/part.cfg index 74102fa2..f7188edb 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/SPKTR/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/SPKTR/part.cfg @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ PART cost = 2400 // 4000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = SPKTR-10 "Lacuga" Crew Cabin - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = An unusual choice of shape to be sure, but even an ugly duckling can look beautiful once you've strapped a docking port to it and covered it in struts. Wait, that doesn't sound right. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_title // #SXTSPKTRCabin_title = SPKTR-10 "Lacuga" Crew Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_manufacturer // #SXTSPKTRCabin_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_description // #SXTSPKTRCabin_description = An unusual choice of shape to be sure, but even an ugly duckling can look beautiful once you've strapped a docking port to it and covered it in struts. Wait, that doesn't sound right. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART skinMaxTemp = 1400 vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size2 - tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna crew cabin lacuga + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSPKTRCabin_tags // #SXTSPKTRCabin_tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna crew cabin lacuga INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/DLK-S3EHabitat.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/DLK-S3EHabitat.cfg index 9a7b3c2e..96251d9b 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/DLK-S3EHabitat.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/DLK-S3EHabitat.cfg @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ PART cost = 16000 // 4000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = LK-S3E "Duna-Class" Heavy Habitat - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A top of the line habitat meant for long-term operations. Typically after the initial 'colonists' made their situation more 'permanent' with a bit of lithobreaking. Features cabins, food preparation areas, sofas, space loos, and even a home gym. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_title // #SXTDLK83EHabitat_title = LK-S3E "Duna-Class" Heavy Habitat + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_manufacturer // #SXTDLK83EHabitat_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_description // #SXTDLK83EHabitat_description = A top of the line habitat meant for long-term operations. Typically after the initial 'colonists' made their situation more 'permanent' with a bit of lithobreaking. Features cabins, food preparation areas, sofas, space loos, and even a home gym. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // 1,0,1,1,1 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ PART vesselType = Base // Lander CrewCapacity = 8 bulkheadProfiles = size4 - tags = base cabin (can contain passenger statio (stor tour cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque tuna crew habitat duna + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTDLK83EHabitat_tags // #SXTDLK83EHabitat_tags = base cabin (can contain passenger statio (stor tour cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque tuna crew habitat duna INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/ISK-30CrewCabin.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/ISK-30CrewCabin.cfg index 766e0ff1..1125bf92 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/ISK-30CrewCabin.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/ISK-30CrewCabin.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 8000 // 4000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = ISK-30 Heavy Orbital Habitat - manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc - description = A large crew compartment designed for larger, more permanent space stations. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_title // #SXTISSHabISK30_title = ISK-30 Heavy Orbital Habitat + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_manufacturer // #SXTISSHabISK30_manufacturer = Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_description // #SXTISSHabISK30_description = A large crew compartment designed for larger, more permanent space stations. attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART CrewCapacity = 8 bulkheadProfiles = size3 - tags = base contain cabin (can tuna crew habitat passenger statio (stor tour cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTISSHabISK30_tags // #SXTISSHabISK30_tags = base contain cabin (can tuna crew habitat passenger statio (stor tour cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/LanderModule.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/LanderModule.cfg index 221646d0..2fcdc080 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/LanderModule.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/LanderModule.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 3000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-8 Lander Can - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = While similar to the Mk2 Lander Can internally, it offers a ruggedised casing and better crash resistance, plus handy EVA handgrips (pun intended). However, smaller and less powerful reaction wheels had to be mounted to compensate. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_title // #SXTLander_title = PPD-8 Lander Can + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_manufacturer // #SXTLander_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_description // #SXTLander_description = While similar to the Mk2 Lander Can internally, it offers a ruggedised casing and better crash resistance, plus handy EVA handgrips (pun intended). However, smaller and less powerful reaction wheels had to be mounted to compensate. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ PART vesselType = Lander bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTLander_tags // #SXTLander_tags = capsule cmg command control ?eva fly gyro ?iva moment pilot pod react rocket space stab steer torque // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-10CrewCabin.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-10CrewCabin.cfg index 43b377b4..5df8c967 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-10CrewCabin.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-10CrewCabin.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 2000 // 4000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-4 Crew Cabin - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A slightly cramped, ruggedised cabin designed for both stations and surface operations. Features usable handle bars around the side. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_title // #SXTCrewCabSSP10_title = PPD-4 Crew Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_manufacturer // #SXTCrewCabSSP10_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_description // #SXTCrewCabSSP10_description = A slightly cramped, ruggedised cabin designed for both stations and surface operations. Features usable handle bars around the side. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = base cabin contain (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna (stor + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP10_tags // #SXTCrewCabSSP10_tags = base cabin contain (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna (stor INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-20CrewCabin.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-20CrewCabin.cfg index b54d6148..566bceb9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-20CrewCabin.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/SSP-20CrewCabin.cfg @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ PART cost = 5000 // 4000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-6 Crew Cabin - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A cruder but sturdier forebearer to the the PPD-10. The design specified a tougher skeleton and skin surface after a series of 'dicey' touchdowns. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_title // #SXTCrewCabSSP20_title = PPD-6 Crew Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_manufacturer // #SXTCrewCabSSP20_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_description // #SXTCrewCabSSP20_description = A cruder but sturdier forebearer to the the PPD-10. The design specified a tougher skeleton and skin surface after a series of 'dicey' touchdowns. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ PART vesselType = Ship bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna (stor contain + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTCrewCabSSP20_tags // #SXTCrewCabSSP20_tags = base cabin (can outpost passenger statio tour tuna (stor contain INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/fuelTank.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/fuelTank.cfg index 0932410a..29e37771 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/fuelTank.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/fuelTank.cfg @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ PART cost = 1550 // 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-SM1600 Service Module - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = An innovative multi-purpose design. Allows for selection of multiple fuel types to suit most mission parameters. + title = #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_title // #LFUELM3_title = PPD-SM1600 Service Module + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_manufacturer // #LFUELM3_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_description // #LFUELM3_description = An innovative multi-purpose design. Allows for selection of multiple fuel types to suit most mission parameters. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ PART skinMaxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_LFUELM3_tags // #LFUELM3_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/serviceModule.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/serviceModule.cfg index e394930a..52b49d7c 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/serviceModule.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/serviceModule.cfg @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ PART cost = 5200 // 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-SM400 Service Module - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = Batteries and monopropellant are the order of the day for this spiffing service module. Also boasts hand-holds across the surface to assist during EVA. + title = #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_title // PPD-SM400 Service Module + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_manufacturer // Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_description // Batteries and monopropellant are the order of the day for this spiffing service module. Also boasts hand-holds across the surface to assist during EVA. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ PART skinMaxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - %tags = bank fueltank propellant service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_LSVCM3_tags // bank fueltank propellant service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallFuelTank.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallFuelTank.cfg index e672f546..e9dcde2a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallFuelTank.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallFuelTank.cfg @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ PART cost = 516 // 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-SM555 Service Module - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A smaller version of the SM1600. To be honest, the 1600 is basically just 3 of these stacked on top of each other. + title = #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_title // PPD-SM555 Service Module + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_manufacturer // Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_description // A smaller version of the SM1600. To be honest, the 1600 is basically just 3 of these stacked on top of each other. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PART skinMaxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_LSmallFuelMod_tags // fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallScience.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallScience.cfg index 52ad267d..5b233760 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallScience.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallScience.cfg @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ PART cost = 800 category = Science subcategory = 0 - title = SC-10k Science Sr. - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The SC-10k may be just a fancy cupboard and some 'science' stuff but, hey, it's cheap and it'll keep your Kerbals occupied while you file the space program's tax returns. Recommended for ages 12-16. Cheap production makes it unsuitable for concerned parents. + title = #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_title // #L25mSci_title = SC-10k Science Sr. + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_manufacturer // #L25mSci_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_description // #L25mSci_description = The SC-10k may be just a fancy cupboard and some 'science' stuff but, hey, it's cheap and it'll keep your Kerbals occupied while you file the space program's tax returns. Recommended for ages 12-16. Cheap production makes it unsuitable for concerned parents. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ PART childStageOffset = 1 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf - tags = bay experiment lab material research + tags = #LOC.SXT_L25mSci_tags // #L25mSci_tags = bay experiment lab material research MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallServiceModule.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallServiceModule.cfg index 64fabbd8..6adf874a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallServiceModule.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Hull/ServiceMod1/smallServiceModule.cfg @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ PART cost = 3250 // 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = PPD-SM250 Service Module - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A smaller variant of the SM400. + title = #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_title // #LSmallSvcMod_title = PPD-SM250 Service Module + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_manufacturer // #LSmallSvcMod_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_description // #LSmallSvcMod_description = A smaller variant of the SM400. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 1000 // 1200 // 3400 skinMaxTemp = 2000 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf // check profile - tags = bank fueltank propellant service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt + tags = #LOC.SXT_LSmallSvcMod_tags // #LSmallSvcMod_tags = bank fueltank propellant service mono monopropellant capacitor cell charge e/c elect pack power volt watt RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/RotatingMk2Ring/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/RotatingMk2Ring/part.cfg index 9c05f230..49610660 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/RotatingMk2Ring/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/RotatingMk2Ring/part.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 12600 // 1200 // still cheap category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = Centrifuge Habitat Mk2 - manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division - description = You know that moment when you realise the design for the new centrifuge didn't have that zero in. Yeah, that. Genuinely surprised no-one got fired. An uncharacteristic foray into long-term habitation modules from C7 Aerospace, this centrifuge is most certainly the result of years of careful planning and analysis...definitely, not the result of an accidental bulk order of Mk2 crew cabins. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_title // #SXTRotatingMk2Ring_title = Centrifuge Habitat Mk2 + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_manufacturer // #SXTRotatingMk2Ring_manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_description // #SXTRotatingMk2Ring_description = You know that moment when you realise the design for the new centrifuge didn't have that zero in. Yeah, that. Genuinely surprised no-one got fired. An uncharacteristic foray into long-term habitation modules from C7 Aerospace, this centrifuge is most certainly the result of years of careful planning and analysis...definitely, not the result of an accidental bulk order of Mk2 crew cabins. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART vesselType = Station CrewCapacity = 12 bulkheadProfiles = size2, srf // mk2 - tags = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour gravity spin rotation + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTRotatingMk2Ring_tags // #SXTRotatingMk2Ring_tags = base contain outpost passenger statio (stor tour gravity spin rotation MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/Airlock/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/Airlock/part.cfg index 8dd89375..6106134e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/Airlock/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/Airlock/part.cfg @@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ PART cost = 1275 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = Airlock - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The airlock was designed shortly after the term 'Explosive Decompression' was coined. It allows Kerbals to move from the interior of the vessel to the exterior without a great change in internal pressure. + title = #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_title // #sxtairlockAnimated_title = Airlock + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_manufacturer // #sxtairlockAnimated_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_description // #sxtairlockAnimated_description = The airlock was designed shortly after the term 'Explosive Decompression' was coined. It allows Kerbals to move from the interior of the vessel to the exterior without a great change in internal pressure. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PART CrewCapacity = 1 bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf - tags = base (air lock door enter + tags = #LOC.SXT_sxtairlockAnimated_tags // #sxtairlockAnimated_tags = base (air lock door enter INTERNAL { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/capsuleHat/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/capsuleHat/part.cfg index 8d7ab91b..1392dfcd 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/capsuleHat/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/capsuleHat/part.cfg @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ PART cost = 600 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = CTR-20A Capsule Shield - manufacturer = LLL - description = Capsule shield + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_title // #SXTcapsuleshield_title = CTR-20A Capsule Shield + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_manufacturer // #SXTcapsuleshield_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_description // #SXTcapsuleshield_description = Capsule shield // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = capsule shield cover + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTcapsuleshield_tags // #SXTcapsuleshield_tags = capsule shield cover MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/dockingPort375/dockingPortSr.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/dockingPort375/dockingPortSr.cfg index 28b71210..500e96e5 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/dockingPort375/dockingPortSr.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/dockingPort375/dockingPortSr.cfg @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ PART cost = 1400 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 - title = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port XL. - description = The Clamp-O-Tron X3. is an evolution of the Sr., designed after the initial release of the Sr was met with, 'Ah, okay cool. Now make an even bigger one!'. When will the madness stop? + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_title // #SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_title = Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port XL. + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_description // #SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_description = The Clamp-O-Tron X3. is an evolution of the Sr., designed after the initial release of the Sr was met with, 'Ah, okay cool. Now make an even bigger one!'. When will the madness stop? attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ PART bulkheadProfiles = size3 stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT - tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor rockomax socket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_tags // #SXTdockingPortVeryLarge_tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor rockomax socket MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/6way.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/6way.cfg index b54b52a1..691c7484 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/6way.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/6way.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = 6-Way Hub - manufacturer = LLL - description = A hub to join 6 pipes together + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_title // #SXTPipeHub_title = 6-Way Hub + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_manufacturer // #SXTPipeHub_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_description // #SXTPipeHub_description = A hub to join 6 pipes together // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeHub_tags // #SXTPipeHub_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/GirderSet/long.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/GirderSet/long.cfg index 1504a1ba..501b36d2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/GirderSet/long.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/GirderSet/long.cfg @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ PART cost = 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = Girder Pipe [Long] - manufacturer = LLL - description = A long pipe inside girders. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_title // #SXTPipeGLong_title = Girder Pipe [Long] + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_manufacturer // #SXTPipeGLong_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_description // #SXTPipeGLong_description = A long pipe inside girders. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -59,5 +59,5 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeGLong_tags // #SXTPipeGLong_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/long.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/long.cfg index 0f6b83aa..bb63a7f9 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/long.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/long.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = Pipe [Long] - manufacturer = LLL - description = A long pipe, useful for moving stuff from one place to another + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_title // #SXTPipeLong_title = Pipe [Long] + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_manufacturer // #SXTPipeLong_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_description // #SXTPipeLong_description = A long pipe, useful for moving stuff from one place to another // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeLong_tags // #SXTPipeLong_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/short.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/short.cfg index 05c419fe..529644da 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/short.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/short.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = Pipe [Short] - manufacturer = LLL - description = A short pipe, useful for moving stuff from one place to another + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_title // #SXTPipeShort_title = Pipe [Short] + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_manufacturer // #SXTPipeShort_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_description // #SXTPipeShort_description = A short pipe, useful for moving stuff from one place to another // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeShort_tags // #SXTPipeShort_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/turn.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/turn.cfg index 2d12bbf0..a139fb19 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/turn.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/smallPipes/turn.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = 90' Turn - manufacturer = LLL - description = A pipe bend, familiar to plumbers the world over + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_title // #SXTPipeTurn_title = 90' Turn + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_manufacturer // #SXTPipeTurn_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_description // #SXTPipeTurn_description = A pipe bend, familiar to plumbers the world over // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,5 +54,5 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTPipeTurn_tags // #SXTPipeTurn_tags = beam build connect construct extend fabricate girder structur support pipe } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/part.cfg index 37e30d5d..94c40a3a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/part.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 15 // 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = M-1x1 Triangular Structural Panel - manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium - description = Definitely a deliberate design decision, not a square plate that accidentally got cut in two. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_title // #SXTTriangleRightangle_title = M-1x1 Triangular Structural Panel + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_manufacturer // #SXTTriangleRightangle_manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_description // #SXTTriangleRightangle_description = Definitely a deliberate design decision, not a square plate that accidentally got cut in two. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = False bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf - tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriangleRightangle_tags // #SXTTriangleRightangle_tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/partHexagon.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/partHexagon.cfg index a0de9e67..73869301 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/partHexagon.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/StationsBases/Utility/structuralPanel/partHexagon.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 45 // 850 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = M6-1x1 Hexagonal Structural Panel - manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium - description = What's better than a panel with 4 sides? One with 6! I guess a pentagon would probably be nice too, though. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_title // #SXTTriHexagon_title = M6-1x1 Hexagonal Structural Panel + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_manufacturer // #SXTTriHexagon_manufacturer = Dinkelstein Kerman's Construction Emporium + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_description // #SXTTriHexagon_description = What's better than a panel with 4 sides? One with 6! I guess a pentagon would probably be nice too, though. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3200 fuelCrossFeed = False bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf - tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTTriHexagon_tags // #SXTTriHexagon_tags = body build construct cover extend fabricate plat structur support } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partLarge.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partLarge.cfg index 7cdc1766..3152189d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partLarge.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partLarge.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 22050 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = NK15 "Perun" Engine Block - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = The NK15 is a cheaper, down-graded of the NK-15V. While this would normally make things far more boring, we've strapped a whole load of them together; although the engine block has been varyingly described as "Dangerously unstable", "A disaster waiting to happen" and "Sheer munacy". + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_title // #SXTK1BaseLarge_title = NK15 "Perun" Engine Block + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_manufacturer // #SXTK1BaseLarge_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_description // #SXTK1BaseLarge_description = The NK15 is a cheaper, down-graded of the NK-15V. While this would normally make things far more boring, we've strapped a whole load of them together; although the engine block has been varyingly described as "Dangerously unstable", "A disaster waiting to happen" and "Sheer munacy". // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size5 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1BaseLarge_tags // #SXTK1BaseLarge_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partMedium.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partMedium.cfg index 249030c8..b75b9a96 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partMedium.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partMedium.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 2850 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = NK15V "Mokosh" Engine Block - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Built by strapping a bundle of NK15-V engines together, the K1V-8 has been described as "Dangerously unstable" and "A disaster waiting to happen". + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_title // #SXTK1Base5m_title = NK15V "Mokosh" Engine Block + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_manufacturer // #SXTK1Base5m_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_description // #SXTK1Base5m_description = Built by strapping a bundle of NK15-V engines together, the K1V-8 has been described as "Dangerously unstable" and "A disaster waiting to happen". // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size4 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Base5m_tags // #SXTK1Base5m_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel EFFECTS { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partzNK21.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partzNK21.cfg index f5435b38..1c6a647a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partzNK21.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/partzNK21.cfg @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ PART cost = 2850 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = NK21 "Veles" Engine Block - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = An efficient, cheap and compact - if not terribly powerful - third-stage engine. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_title // #SXTNK21BlockV_title = NK21 "Veles" Engine Block + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_manufacturer // #SXTNK21BlockV_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_description // #SXTNK21BlockV_description = An efficient, cheap and compact - if not terribly powerful - third-stage engine. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 bulkheadProfiles = size3 - tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTNK21BlockV_tags // #SXTNK21BlockV_tags = launch propuls rocket sustain (swivel MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator.cfg index 68167c92..5632d86f 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator.cfg @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ PART cost = 600 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 - title = TR-32K1 3.75m Stack Decoupler - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Originally designed for industrial mining operations, the KDB has re-purposed these explosive charges for separating stacks of rockets. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_title // #SXTK1Decoupler_title = TR-32K1 3.75m Stack Decoupler + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_manufacturer // #SXTK1Decoupler_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_description // #SXTK1Decoupler_description = Originally designed for industrial mining operations, the KDB has re-purposed these explosive charges for separating stacks of rockets. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple separat split stag + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler_tags // #SXTK1Decoupler_tags = break decouple separat split stag MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator2.cfg index 86cd2f91..d1ad0b21 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Engine/K15/stackSeperator2.cfg @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ PART cost = 600 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 - title = TR-58K1 5m Stack Decoupler - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Originally designed for industrial mining operations, the KDB has re-purposed these explosive charges for separating stacks of massive rockets. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_title // #SXTK1Decoupler2_title = TR-58K1 5m Stack Decoupler + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_manufacturer // #SXTK1Decoupler2_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_description // #SXTK1Decoupler2_description = Originally designed for industrial mining operations, the KDB has re-purposed these explosive charges for separating stacks of massive rockets. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple separat split stag + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTK1Decoupler2_tags // #SXTK1Decoupler2_tags = break decouple separat split stag MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/part.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/part.cfg index 44521283..92b49b13 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/part.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/part.cfg @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ PART cost = 1200 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = TVR-1600XXL Stack Quad-Adapter - manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises - description = Initially built due to a mis-read procurement form, the TVR-1600XXL units now take up a large portion of O.M.B.'s storage floor-space. It is now being sold under a variety of names, including 'My First Quad Adapter' and 'Self assembly pool', in order to clear the stock. Converts a single 5m stack into four 2.5m stacks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_title // TVR-1600XXL Stack Quad-Adapter + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_manufacturer // O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_description // Initially built due to a mis-read procurement form, the TVR-1600XXL units now take up a large portion of O.M.B.'s storage floor-space. It is now being sold under a variety of names, including 'My First Quad Adapter' and 'Self assembly pool', in order to clear the stock. Converts a single 5m stack into four 2.5m stacks. allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 @@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True NoCrossFeedNodeKey = bottom - tags = ?4 adapter four multi (quad + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mQuadAdaptor_tags // ?4 adapter four multi (quad } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/size23adapt.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/size23adapt.cfg index 847d1d5c..6ef701fd 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/size23adapt.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/size23adapt.cfg @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ PART cost = 3850 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne S3-S2-2430 Adapter - manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises - description = A version of Kerbodyne's iconic fuel tank that merges size 2 and 3 tanks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_title // Kerbodyne S3-S2-2430 Adapter + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_manufacturer // O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_description // A version of Kerbodyne's iconic fuel tank that merges size 2 and 3 tanks. allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ PART fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = cone fuel fueltank ?lfo + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTsize2to3Adaptor_tags // cone fuel fueltank ?lfo RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0.cfg index 5d16238a..e1ab3ec7 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne S5-08000 Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Tiny and flat, since we kept knocking the bigger ones over. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_title // #SXT5mTank0_title = Kerbodyne S5-08000 Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_manufacturer // #SXT5mTank0_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_description // #SXT5mTank0_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Tiny and flat, since we kept knocking the bigger ones over. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0_tags // #SXT5mTank0_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0NoseCap.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0NoseCap.cfg index 394d466c..4e5e98c2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0NoseCap.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank0NoseCap.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne S5 Nose Cone - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = A fuelled nosecone for Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. While the KDB argues that Kerbodyne stole the design from them, Kerbodyne has reminded them that they can de-orbit space stations; and are getting very good at calculating where they land. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_title // #SXT5mTank0cap_title = Kerbodyne S5 Nose Cone + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_manufacturer // #SXT5mTank0cap_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_description // #SXT5mTank0cap_description = A fuelled nosecone for Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. While the KDB argues that Kerbodyne stole the design from them, Kerbodyne has reminded them that they can de-orbit space stations; and are getting very good at calculating where they land. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size4 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket (nose + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT5mTank0cap_tags // #SXT5mTank0cap_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket (nose RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank1.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank1.cfg index 1e67af79..d30e577e 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank1.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank1.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne S5-16000 Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. 16000 units of lovely, lovely fuel. We've only demolished two complexes so far by dropping these. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_title // #SXTTank1_title = Kerbodyne S5-16000 Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_manufacturer // #SXTTank1_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_description // #SXTTank1_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. 16000 units of lovely, lovely fuel. We've only demolished two complexes so far by dropping these. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTTank1_tags // #SXTTank1_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank2.cfg index 12010bcd..1d776b12 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank2.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne S5-32000 Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Half the size of the S5-64000, I'd say it's twice as good, but it's not. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_title // #SXTSaturnV2_title = Kerbodyne S5-32000 Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV2_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_description // #SXTSaturnV2_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Half the size of the S5-64000, I'd say it's twice as good, but it's not. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2200 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2_tags // #SXTSaturnV2_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank3.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank3.cfg index cece8c53..4a779b13 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank3.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/5mTank3.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbodyne S5-64000 Tank - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Do not smash a champagne bottle against the side. We did that once when launching a ship; it made a dent that would later lead to a catastrophic unplanned disassembly. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_title // #SXTSaturnV1_title = Kerbodyne S5-64000 Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV1_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_description // #SXTSaturnV1_description = Kerbodyne's experimental ultra-heavy fuel tank. Do not smash a champagne bottle against the side. We did that once when launching a ship; it made a dent that would later lead to a catastrophic unplanned disassembly. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size4, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1_tags // #SXTSaturnV1_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2.cfg index 18b82283..66eac19b 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2.cfg @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ PART cost = 1000 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 - title = TR-50B Stack Decoupler - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = A stack separator for the truly massive 5m tank, allows extra space for mounting engines inside. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_title // #SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_title = TR-50B Stack Decoupler + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_description // #SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_description = A stack separator for the truly massive 5m tank, allows extra space for mounting engines inside. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_tags // #SXTSaturnV1-2Sep_tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2Small.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2Small.cfg index 300b79bc..f2b373a8 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2Small.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1-2Small.cfg @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ PART cost = 1000 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 - title = TR-50A Stack Decoupler - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = A low profile stack separator for the truly massive 5m tank. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_title // #SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_title = TR-50A Stack Decoupler + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_description // #SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_description = A low profile stack separator for the truly massive 5m tank. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_tags // #SXTSaturnV1-2SepSmall_tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1Base.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1Base.cfg index c47cddbd..877236a7 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1Base.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage1Base.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART cost = 200 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = BZ-2500 Radial Attachment Point - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Perfect for mounting additional engines to even the largest of rockets. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_title // #SXTSaturnV1Base_title = BZ-2500 Radial Attachment Point + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV1Base_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_description // #SXTSaturnV1Base_description = Perfect for mounting additional engines to even the largest of rockets. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = srf - tags = affix anchor mount secure + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV1Base_tags // #SXTSaturnV1Base_tags = affix anchor mount secure } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Adapt.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Adapt.cfg index bb6d10ab..a4a9c9fa 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Adapt.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Adapt.cfg @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ PART cost = 1000 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 - title = TR-35C Stack Decoupler - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = An interesting piece, either used as a straight adaptor between 3.75m and 5m sections, or as a stack seperator capable of concealing an engine within it. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_title // #SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_title = TR-35C Stack Decoupler + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_description // #SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_description = An interesting piece, either used as a straight adaptor between 3.75m and 5m sections, or as a stack seperator capable of concealing an engine within it. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple separat split stag + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_tags // #SXTSaturnV2-3Sep_tags = break decouple separat split stag MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Engine.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Engine.cfg index a96ea25c..26b7020a 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Engine.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage2Engine.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 1200 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = TVR-2000XXL Stack Pent-Adapter - manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises - description = Initially built due to a mis-read procurement form, the TVR-1600XXL units now take up a large portion of O.M.B.'s storage floor-space. It is now being sold under a variety of names, including 'My First Quad Adaptor' and 'Self Assembly Pool', in order to clear the stock. Converts a single 5m stack into four 2.5m stacks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_title // TVR-2000XXL Stack Pent-Adapter + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_manufacturer // O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_description // Initially built due to a mis-read procurement form, the TVR-1600XXL units now take up a large portion of O.M.B.'s storage floor-space. It is now being sold under a variety of names, including 'My First Quad Adaptor' and 'Self Assembly Pool', in order to clear the stock. Converts a single 5m stack into four 2.5m stacks. allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple separat split stag + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV2Engine_tags // break decouple separat split stag MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3.cfg index fac02a2f..893449e0 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3.cfg @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = -1 subcategory = 0 - title = 3.75m Stage 3 Tank - manufacturer = LLL - description = Third stage of the Jool V + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_title // #SXTSaturnV3_title = 3.75m Stage 3 Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV3_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_description // #SXTSaturnV3_description = Third stage of the Jool V // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3_tags // #SXTSaturnV3_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Engine.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Engine.cfg index 03c82ec4..34e34e0b 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Engine.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Engine.cfg @@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ PART cost = 6000 category = Engine subcategory = 0 - title = 3.75m Stage 3 Engine - manufacturer = LLL - description = Engine of the third stage of the Jool V + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_title // #SXTSaturnV3Enginge_title = 3.75m Stage 3 Engine + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV3Enginge_manufacturer = LLL + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_description // #SXTSaturnV3Enginge_description = Engine of the third stage of the Jool V // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ PART maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf - tags = propuls rocket sustain swivel + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Enginge_tags // #SXTSaturnV3Enginge_tags = propuls rocket sustain swivel MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Upper.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Upper.cfg index 21ebfebb..1fea6df2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Upper.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/Stage3Upper.cfg @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ PART cost = 1000 category = Payload subcategory = 0 - title = FL-S3 Petal Adapter - manufacturer = Kerbodyne - description = Often used to house more delicate orbital craft from the ravages of the atmosphere. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_title // #SXTSaturnV3Upper_title = FL-S3 Petal Adapter + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_manufacturer // #SXTSaturnV3Upper_manufacturer = Kerbodyne + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_description // #SXTSaturnV3Upper_description = Often used to house more delicate orbital craft from the ravages of the atmosphere. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = petal + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTSaturnV3Upper_tags // #SXTSaturnV3Upper_tags = petal MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/size5multiengine.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/size5multiengine.cfg index 43ff5d44..4b9d8e1d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/size5multiengine.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/SaturnV/size5multiengine.cfg @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ PART cost = 1200 category = Structural subcategory = 0 - title = TVR-500XXL Stack Pent-Adapter - manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises - description = Obtained under similar circumstances to the 1600XXL, the 500XXL allows the splitting of a 5m stack into five 1.25m attachment points with an inbuilt decoupler below. Often used as an engine mount. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_title // #SXT5m5wayAdaptor_title = TVR-500XXL Stack Pent-Adapter + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_manufacturer // #SXT5m5wayAdaptor_manufacturer = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises + description = #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_description // #SXT5m5wayAdaptor_description = Obtained under similar circumstances to the 1600XXL, the 500XXL allows the splitting of a 5m stack into five 1.25m attachment points with an inbuilt decoupler below. Often used as an engine mount. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PART stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 - tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXT5m5wayAdaptor_tags // #SXT5m5wayAdaptor_tags = break decouple explo kerbodyne separat split MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/2-5-3-75.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/2-5-3-75.cfg index 92ac4b27..de3cebbe 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/2-5-3-75.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/2-5-3-75.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 6500 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Large Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Billed as a 'snack-size' Tsar fuel tank, this continues the devolution of the mighty Tsar-A towards more boring rocket sizes. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_title // #SXTKDBTsar25to375_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Large Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_manufacturer // #SXTKDBTsar25to375_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_description // #SXTKDBTsar25to375_description = Billed as a 'snack-size' Tsar fuel tank, this continues the devolution of the mighty Tsar-A towards more boring rocket sizes. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 2000 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar25to375_tags // #SXTKDBTsar25to375_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-0.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-0.cfg index 4aa13f31..bfa288e1 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-0.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-0.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 650 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Large Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = [SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/Tsar/3-75-0.cfg] + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_title // #SXTKDBTsar1_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar V' Large Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_manufacturer // #SXTKDBTsar1_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_description // #SXTKDBTsar1_description = [SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/Tsar/3-75-0.cfg] // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 2000 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar1_tags // #SXTKDBTsar1_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-5.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-5.cfg index 58d37ce5..7d7edde2 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-5.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/3-75-5.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 13000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar B' Large Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = A derivative of the the 'Tsar A' tank; this tank exists mainly due to poor handwriting on the design specification rather than any deliberate design decision. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_title // #SXTKDBTsar2_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar B' Large Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_manufacturer // #SXTKDBTsar2_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_description // #SXTKDBTsar2_description = A derivative of the the 'Tsar A' tank; this tank exists mainly due to poor handwriting on the design specification rather than any deliberate design decision. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 2000 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar2_tags // #SXTKDBTsar2_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/5-to-7-25.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/5-to-7-25.cfg index cb2ea7d3..f1687704 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/5-to-7-25.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/5-to-7-25.cfg @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ PART cost = 13000 category = FuelTank subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar A' Large Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = The largest tank ever built by the KDB, and the ultimate outcome of their 'Not One Step Smaller' design philosophy. Although this later turned out to be intended as a front to channel ever increasing funds towards the snack-related habits of the Bureau's board, the damage had already been done and vast warehouses have been left filled with rockets, rather than snacks. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_title // #SXTKDBTsar3_title = Kerbolyov 'Tsar A' Large Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_manufacturer // #SXTKDBTsar3_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_description // #SXTKDBTsar3_description = The largest tank ever built by the KDB, and the ultimate outcome of their 'Not One Step Smaller' design philosophy. Although this later turned out to be intended as a front to channel ever increasing funds towards the snack-related habits of the Bureau's board, the damage had already been done and vast warehouses have been left filled with rockets, rather than snacks. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 2000 maxTemp = 2000 // 3400 - tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTKDBTsar3_tags // #SXTKDBTsar3_tags = fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant rocket RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/gridfin.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/gridfin.cfg index 2ecf645f..636d7c1d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/gridfin.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Tsar/gridfin.cfg @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ PART cost = 640 category = Aero subcategory = 0 - title = Kerbolyov Grid Fin - manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau - description = Repeat after me tovarisch, 'This is not to make giant waffles; this is for rockets'. The grid fin is an array of small aerodynamic surfaces, arranged in a lattice, reducing the torque placed on the control mechanism at high-speeds and allowing for a more compact control system. They perform well at sub- and super-sonic speeds, but poorly at the tran-sonic region + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_title // #SXTn1GridFin_title = Kerbolyov Grid Fin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_manufacturer // #SXTn1GridFin_manufacturer = Kerbolyov Design Bureau + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_description // #SXTn1GridFin_description = Repeat after me tovarisch, 'This is not to make giant waffles; this is for rockets'. The grid fin is an array of small aerodynamic surfaces, arranged in a lattice, reducing the torque placed on the control mechanism at high-speeds and allowing for a more compact control system. They perform well at sub- and super-sonic speeds, but poorly at the tran-sonic region // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ PART explosionPotential = 0.1 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTn1GridFin_tags // #SXTn1GridFin_tags = aero aircraft canard control (elev fin (fore lift plane rocket )rudder stab swept tail MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow1cabin.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow1cabin.cfg index cf767cfd..a0f7560d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow1cabin.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow1cabin.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 800 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = TG-T1 Truck Cabin - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The busy worker bees of the KSC; bright, yellow and constantly careening, the TG series haul freight and rocket parts to and fro all day long. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_title // #SXTtruckcabinsmall_title = TG-T1 Truck Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_manufacturer // #SXTtruckcabinsmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_description // #SXTtruckcabinsmall_description = The busy worker bees of the KSC; bright, yellow and constantly careening, the TG series haul freight and rocket parts to and fro all day long. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 vesselType = Ship - tags = truck cabin + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabinsmall_tags // #SXTtruckcabinsmall_tags = truck cabin // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow2middle.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow2middle.cfg index be598a68..83b5d4b5 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow2middle.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow2middle.cfg @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = TG-T3 Truck Section - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = Middle section of the TG-T series of electric trucks. Features inbuilt battery. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_title // #SXTtruckmiddleSmall_title = TG-T3 Truck Section + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_manufacturer // #SXTtruckmiddleSmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_description // #SXTtruckmiddleSmall_description = Middle section of the TG-T series of electric trucks. Features inbuilt battery. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 - tags = truck electric + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddleSmall_tags // #SXTtruckmiddleSmall_tags = truck electric RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow3rear.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow3rear.cfg index 1049b90f..d713e1f1 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow3rear.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Narrow3rear.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = TG-T4 Truck Rear Bumper - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A rear bumper for the TG-Ts, features a handy set of lights. Supposedly meant to reduce rear-ending, but if anything it's just painting a big bull's-eye on yourself. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_title // #SXTtruckrearSmall_title = TG-T4 Truck Rear Bumper + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_manufacturer // #SXTtruckrearSmall_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_description // #SXTtruckrearSmall_description = A rear bumper for the TG-Ts, features a handy set of lights. Supposedly meant to reduce rear-ending, but if anything it's just painting a big bull's-eye on yourself. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 - tags = truck bumper light + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrearSmall_tags // #SXTtruckrearSmall_tags = truck bumper light MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wheel/LLLtruckWheel.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wheel/LLLtruckWheel.cfg index 56a1dbc0..d7a3fd46 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wheel/LLLtruckWheel.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wheel/LLLtruckWheel.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART cost = 580 category = Ground subcategory = 0 - title = TG-Wheel - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co // SM Solutions - description = This wheel for the little yellow trucks; with a tiny combined power unit, retardation device and very limited vector control it gives just enough movement for you not to have to push....much [Make sure the wheel is oriented correctly. The arrows should be down and the shocks vertical.] + title = #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_title // #TGWheel_title = TG-Wheel + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_manufacturer // #TGWheel_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_description // #TGWheel_description = This wheel for the little yellow trucks; with a tiny combined power unit, retardation device and very limited vector control it gives just enough movement for you not to have to push....much [Make sure the wheel is oriented correctly. The arrows should be down and the shocks vertical.] mass = 0.05 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.3 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 800 breakingTorque = 800 - tags = truck wheel + tags = #LOC.SXT_TGWheel_tags // #TGWheel_tags = truck wheel MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex.cfg index 8fba4a3b..75f756c7 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex.cfg @@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ PART//By SMSolutions, not for distribution, re-distribution, cloning, copying or cost = 100 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = TG-T2 Wheel Block - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co //SM Solutions - description = The TK-M1 axle makes the truck ready to roll. Just add wheels + title = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_title // #KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_title = TG-T2 Wheel Block + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_manufacturer // #KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_description // #KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_description = The TK-M1 axle makes the truck ready to roll. Just add wheels // --- standard part parameters --- @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ PART//By SMSolutions, not for distribution, re-distribution, cloning, copying or breakingTorque = 2000 maxTemp = 800 // 3200 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = truck axle wheelbase + tags = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_tags // #KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex_tags = truck axle wheelbase RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleWideComplex.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleWideComplex.cfg index ed50ab29..b1deff90 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleWideComplex.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/WheelBoxes/KSCTruckAxleWideComplex.cfg @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ PART//By SMSolutions, not for distribution, re-distribution, cloning, copying or cost = 100 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = TG-W1 Wheel-block - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co // SM Solutions - description = The TK-W1 boasts a wider wheelbase since kept flipping the M1s. Just add wheels + title = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_title // #KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_title = TG-W1 Wheel-block + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_manufacturer // #KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_description // #KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_description = The TK-W1 boasts a wider wheelbase since kept flipping the M1s. Just add wheels // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PART//By SMSolutions, not for distribution, re-distribution, cloning, copying or maxTemp = 800 // 3200 fuelCrossFeed = True - tags = truck axle wheelbase + tags = #LOC.SXT_KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_tags // #KSCTruckAxleWideComplex_tags = truck axle wheelbase RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide1cabin.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide1cabin.cfg index befc663f..165b8067 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide1cabin.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide1cabin.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 900 category = Pods subcategory = 0 - title = TG-W1 Truck Cabin - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = The 'Wide' series of the TG Truck, typically provided to drivers who are a little too 'enthusiastic' round the corners for the narrow wheel base of the TG-T1. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_title // #SXTtruckcabin_title = TG-W1 Truck Cabin + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_manufacturer // #SXTtruckcabin_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_description // #SXTtruckcabin_description = The 'Wide' series of the TG Truck, typically provided to drivers who are a little too 'enthusiastic' round the corners for the narrow wheel base of the TG-T1. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PART breakingTorque = 200 vesselType = Ship - tags = truck cabin + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckcabin_tags // #SXTtruckcabin_tags = truck cabin // --- internal setup --- diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide2middle.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide2middle.cfg index b82d0910..e87307a6 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide2middle.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide2middle.cfg @@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = TG-W3 Truck Middle - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = Middle section of the TG-W series of electric trucks. Features inbuilt battery. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_title // #SXTtruckmiddle_title = TG-W3 Truck Middle + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_manufacturer // #SXTtruckmiddle_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_description // #SXTtruckmiddle_description = Middle section of the TG-W series of electric trucks. Features inbuilt battery. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 - tags = truck middle + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckmiddle_tags // #SXTtruckmiddle_tags = truck middle RESOURCE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide3rear.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide3rear.cfg index 6c3dcd7e..44728735 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide3rear.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/Wide3rear.cfg @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = TG-W4 Rear Bumper - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = A rear bumper for the TG-Ws, features a handy set of lights. Supposedly meant to reduce rear-ending, but if anything it's just painting a big bull's-eye on yourself. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_title // #SXTtruckrear_title = TG-W4 Rear Bumper + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_manufacturer // #SXTtruckrear_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_description // #SXTtruckrear_description = A rear bumper for the TG-Ws, features a handy set of lights. Supposedly meant to reduce rear-ending, but if anything it's just painting a big bull's-eye on yourself. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 - tags = truck bumper rear light + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckrear_tags // #SXTtruckrear_tags = truck bumper rear light MODULE { diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/box.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/box.cfg index b0b7beb6..15bcb000 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/box.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/box.cfg @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Utility subcategory = 0 - title = Truck Box - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = It's a big box. Nothing fancy. Does what it says on the tin. Quite why these came in a tin is another matter. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_title // #SXTtruckbox_title = Truck Box + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_manufacturer // #SXTtruckbox_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_description // #SXTtruckbox_description = It's a big box. Nothing fancy. Does what it says on the tin. Quite why these came in a tin is another matter. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ PART crashTolerance = 12 maxTemp = 800 - tags = truck utility + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckbox_tags // #SXTtruckbox_tags = truck utility } diff --git a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/fuel.cfg b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/fuel.cfg index 7a3e57c6..d364c98d 100644 --- a/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/fuel.cfg +++ b/GameData/SXT/Parts/Trucks/Utility/truck/fuel.cfg @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ PART cost = 1600 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 - title = TG-F1 Radial Fuel Tank - manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co - description = Your space plane landed slightly too far away from the runway? Attach this popular fuel unit to a truck and drive on over. + title = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_title // #SXTtruckfueltank_title = TG-F1 Radial Fuel Tank + manufacturer = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_manufacturer // #SXTtruckfueltank_manufacturer = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co + description = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_description // #SXTtruckfueltank_description = Your space plane landed slightly too far away from the runway? Attach this popular fuel unit to a truck and drive on over. //attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ PART breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 - tags = truck fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant + tags = #LOC.SXT_SXTtruckfueltank_tags // #SXTtruckfueltank_tags = truck fueltank ?lfo liquid oxidizer propellant RESOURCE {