- create RadioGroupElement
- create Widget
associated to RadioGroupElement - add RadioGroupElement in simpleDynamicForm
- create SelectChoiceElement
- create Widget associated to SelectChoiceElement
- add SelectChoiceElement in simpleDynamicForm
- add new methd
in FormController to set Field value
- add optional validator for passwordElement
- fix default validator for passwordElement
- fix passwordElement
- remove default decoration
- remove default decoration from TextElement
- apply commonDecoration for missing elements
- improve generate inputBorder
- break changes in LoginForm:
- all decorationElement and label,hint moved to new Decoration for Login
- create new decoration
- add contentPadding to all DecorationElements
- add common decoration in groupElement
- improve PhoneTextElement
- change country url images
- fix rebuild widget and set initValue again
- remove separator in credit card number text field
- add dropdown entry mode for card date expiration
- fix bug
- remove flutter_svg
- replace svg asset with png image
- fix bug
- remove unnecessary code
- improve phone text field
- recuperate calling code with phone number
- show country flag by calling code
- country calling code picker
- fix readme badge
- migration to null safety feature in dart
- create new form controller for payment form
- add submit button in payment form
- fix bugs in payment form
- remove flag package that doesn't support null safety
- add LoginFormController for LoginForm
- add possibility to show error in the field after validation
- remove loginCallback,textButton,buttonLoginDecorationElement from LoginForm
- change example ,fix Widget test
- add submitButton as custom Widget in simpleDynamicForm
- remove usage of globalKey (breaking changes)
- create FormController to get data or clear data from form
- optimisation replace function generateTextField with statelessWidget
- make CVVTextField obscure Text
- create blueprint for CVVTextField
- create new form : payment form
- create dateInputField to enter date
- create cardNumberField
- add dateInputElement and cardNumberElement as blueprint for dateInputField and cardNumberField
- fix bugs
- fix bug in element validator
- fix bug in email element generated
- update dependencies
- add password control for loginForm
- remove decorationElement from loginForm
- add decorationEmailElement and decorationPasswordElement
- add elevation and shapeButtonLogin ButtonLoginDecorationElement
- remove unnecessary code in loginForm
- add DateElement to build date field input
- update docs
- add docs
- fix bug in clearValues function
- fix bug in some inputs
- add function to clear all values in input fields
- add docs
- add id attribute of element
- recuperate values by id
- change internal behavior inside countryTextField
- add visibility property to all element
- fix import problem
- add show flag country in phoneText
- make MainAxisSize loginForm : MainAxisSize.min
- remove MainAxisSize in loginForm
- manage keyboard actions and focusNode,to navigate easy in form
- add textAreaElement for multiline field
- fix dependencies in pubspec
- add PhoneNumberElement
- fix readme:example loginForm
- add ButtonLoginDecorationElement
- change core of loginForm
- make UnderlineDecoration default decoration
- remove deprecated api
- fix version in docs
- add docs for loginForm
- add new form for login: LoginForm
- make passwordError,usernameEmailError
- fix readme file
- add decorationElement : UnderlineDecorationElement,OutlineDecorationElement,RoundedDecorationElement
- add email validation
- create specifique emailTextField
- fix error in readme file
- add validation to passwordTextField
- fix error
- remove duplicated code
- fix error
- add Country TextField
- add CountryElement
- fix error in NumberElement- change validator
- fix error
- add numberElement into readme file
- add NumberElement
- create pre-existing number textfield
- add PasswordElement
- make groupelement inside container
- customise groupelement design
- format files
- fix code errors
- generate simple form
- recuperate all values
- validate form