This page shows which Manim features are currently implemented. Links go to the ManimCE documentation.
Warning: Manim functions are under_scored
, whereas we always use camelCase
🟩 Implemented 🟨 Partially implemented 🟥 Not implemented ⬛ Won't implement
- 🟥 Animations
- 🟥 animation
- 🟥 composition
- 🟥 creation
- 🟥 fading
- 🟥 growing
- 🟥 indication
- 🟥 movement
- 🟥 numbers
- 🟥 rotation
- 🟥 specialized
- 🟥 transform
- 🟥 ApplyComplexFunction
- 🟥 ApplyFunction
- 🟥 ApplyMatrix
- 🟥 ApplyMethod
- 🟥 ApplyPointwiseFunction
- 🟥 ApplyPointwiseFunctionToCenter
- 🟥 ClockwiseTransform
- 🟥 CounterclockwiseTransform
- 🟥 CyclicReplace
- 🟥 FadeToColor
- 🟥 FadeTransform
- 🟥 FadeTransformPieces
- 🟥 MoveToTarget
- 🟥 ReplacementTransform
- 🟥 Restore
- 🟥 ScaleInPlace
- 🟥 ShrinkToCenter
- 🟥 Swap
- 🟥 Transform
- 🟥 TransformAnimations
- 🟥 TransformFromCopy
- 🟥 transform_matching_parts
- 🟥 update
- 🟥 Cameras
- ⬛ Configuration
- ⬛ Module Index
- ⬛ _config
- ⬛ utils
- ⬛ logger_utils
- ⬛ Module Index
- 🟨 Mobjects
- 🟥 boolean_ops
- 🟥 Difference
- 🟥 Exclusion
- 🟥 Intersection
- 🟥 Union
- 🟥 changing
- 🟥 coordinate_systems
- 🟥 Axes
- 🟥 ComplexPlane
- 🟥 CoordinateSystem
- 🟥 NumberPlane
- 🟥 PolarPlane
- 🟥 ThreeDAxes
- 🟥 frame
- 🟥 functions
- 🟨 geometry
- 🟥 Angle
- 🟥 AnnotationDot
- 🟥 AnnularSector
- 🟥 Annulus
- 🟨 Arc
- 🟥 ArcBetweenPoints
- 🟥 ArcPolygon
- 🟥 ArcPolygonFromArcs
- 🟥 Arrow
- 🟥 ArrowCircleFilledTip
- 🟥 ArrowCircleTip
- 🟥 ArrowSquareFilledTip
- 🟥 ArrowSquareTip
- 🟥 ArrowTip
- 🟥 ArrowTriangleFilledTip
- 🟥 ArrowTriangleTip
- 🟨 Circle
- 🟥 CubicBezier
- 🟥 CurvedArrow
- 🟥 CurvedDoubleArrow
- 🟥 Cutout
- 🟥 DashedLine
- 🟨 Dot
- 🟥 DoubleArrow
- 🟥 Elbow
- 🟥 Ellipse
- 🟥 LabeledDot
- 🟨 Line
- 🟨 Polygon
- 🟨 Polygram
- 🟨 Rectangle
- 🟨 RegularPolygon
- 🟨 RegularPolygram
- 🟥 RightAngle
- 🟥 RoundedRectangle
- 🟥 Sector
- 🟨 Square
- 🟥 Star
- 🟥 TangentLine
- 🟥 TipableVMobject
- 🟨 Triangle
- 🟥 Vector
- 🟥 graph
- 🟥 Graph
- 🟥 logo
- 🟥 matrix
- 🟥 mobject
- 🟥 mobject_update_utils
- 🟥 number_line
- 🟥 numbers
- 🟥 DecimalNumber
- 🟥 Integer
- 🟥 Variable
- 🟥 polyhedra
- 🟥 Dodecahedron
- 🟥 Icosahedron
- 🟥 Octahedron
- 🟥 Polyhedron
- 🟥 Tetrahedron
- 🟥 probability
- 🟥 BarChart
- 🟥 SampleSpace
- 🟥 shape_matchers
- 🟥 table
- 🟥 DecimalTable
- 🟥 IntegerTable
- 🟥 MathTable
- 🟥 MobjectTable
- 🟥 Table
- 🟥 three_d_utils
- 🟥 three_dimensions
- 🟥 value_tracker
- 🟥 vector_field
- 🟨 brace
- 🟥 ArcBrace
- 🟨 Brace
- 🟥 BraceBetweenPoints
- 🟥 BraceLabel
- 🟥 BraceText
- 🟥 code_mobject
- 🟥 Code
- 🟥 style_utils
- 🟥 svg_path
- 🟥 svg_mobject
- 🟨 tex_mobject
- 🟥 BulletedList
- 🟨 MathTex
- 🟥 SingleStringMathTex
- 🟥 Tex
- 🟥 TexSymbol
- 🟥 Title
- 🟥 text_mobject
- 🟥 MarkupText
- 🟥 Paragraph
- 🟥 Text
- 🟥 image_mobject
- 🟥 point_cloud_mobject
- 🟥 vectorized_mobject
- 🟥 CurvesAsSubmobjects
- 🟥 DashedVMobject
- 🟥 VDict
- 🟥 VGroup
- 🟥 VMobject
- 🟥 VectorizedPoint
- 🟥 boolean_ops
- 🟨 Scenes
- 🟨 Utilities and other modules
- 🟨 Module Index
- 🟨 constants
- 🟥 bezier
- 🟨 color
- 🟥 commands
- 🟥 config_ops
- ⬛ deprecation
- 🟥 hashing
- ⬛ ipython_magic
- 🟥 images
- 🟥 iterables
- 🟥 paths
- 🟥 rate_functions
- 🟥 scale
- 🟥 simple_functions
- 🟥 sounds
- 🟥 space_ops
- 🟥 tex
- 🟥 tex_templates
- 🟥 tex_file_writing
- 🟨 Module Index