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119 lines (90 loc) · 3.56 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (90 loc) · 3.56 KB

Network config

Update in truffle-config.js the exported networks variable with the right network. Only one network should be exported to avoid spamming the provider.

Make sure you have the corresponding network file in ~/.ethereum/NETWORK_NAME.json with the following content:

  "address": "0xC02b01eeB9a05ecB73f0cde0FB4a287c2aF7d457",
  "key": "", // private key or mnemonic (the path must be m/44'/60'/0'/0/0)
  "url": "", // provider url
  "network_id": 56 // binance
  // "gasPrice": 6 // optional: in wei. make sure to put a good value even on testnet, not too low and not too high!

You can find the addresses and mnemonics on 1Password with names like "Liteflow CHAIN Deployer". If you create a new address, make sure to save it on 1Password with a name like "Liteflow CHAIN Deployer".

Etherscan config

Create a file in ~/.ethereum/etherscan.json with the following content:

  "etherscan": "XXX",
  "polygonscan": "XXX",
  "bscscan": "XXX",
  "arbiscan": "XXX",
  "basescan": "XXX"

Deploy exchange, transfer proxies and factories

Update deploy/migrations/config.js and truffle-config.js to add the network if not already present.

cd deploy
npm run truffle -- migrate --network XXX

If you got errors, restart the last command.

If you got the same error and the same place after restarting the command many times, you need to restart the deployment from the beginning. To do so, remove the following folders and files and start again:

rm -fr build && rm -f .openzeppelin/CHAIN.json

Once deployed, copy ALL the outputs logs in a new file at the root named:

Then extract the following info for the backend config:

  • copy smart contract from deployed exchangeV2 at
  • copy smart contract from deployed transferProxy at (ERC721 & ERC1155)
  • copy smart contract from deployed erc20TransferProxy at
  • copy smart contract from deployed factory721 minimal at
  • copy smart contract from deployed factory1155 at

Commit the files and deploy/.openzeppelin/CHAIN.json.

Verify contracts

npm run truffle -- run verify \
  ExchangeV2 \
  ERC20TransferProxy \
  TransferProxy \
  ERC721RaribleFactoryC2 \
  ERC1155RaribleFactoryC2 \
  ERC1155Rarible \
  ERC721RaribleMinimal \
  RoyaltiesRegistry \
  --verifiers=etherscan \
  --network XXX

You can also manually set the contract address if they are not found locally:

npm run truffle -- run verify \
  ExchangeV2@0x332a1cae13ffd298d4a477e8d910d67a854feb9d \
  ERC20TransferProxy@0xbb71e9498617ba0026601f87876e59be96fc3314 \
  TransferProxy@0x917a509ac87b17aafd241d9c0cd030f89c44ae85 \
  ERC721RaribleFactoryC2@0x363cef6ab850371800cd2cffcaef9f27104db976 \
  ERC1155RaribleFactoryC2@0x499ab47958aa4ec14402dd49f1f15135211142b2 \
  ERC1155Rarible@0x127f03c14c08130dDAc83B8698F0FF2b4f41AE87 \
  ERC721RaribleMinimal@0xC74A89214fe516F10d59989CbACa838EA6DAfcA8 \
  RoyaltiesRegistry@0x4083e25a0f32418d32Ce699B257f566b56Ec7D16 \
  --verifiers=etherscan \
  --network mainnet

Deploy erc721 token

cd deploy
npm run truffle -- exec ./scripts/deploy-erc721.js --network XXX --name "XXX" --symbol "XXX" --baseURI ipfs:/ --factoryAddress XXX

Deploy erc1155 token

cd deploy
npm run truffle -- exec ./scripts/deploy-erc1155.js --network XXX --name "XXX" --symbol "XXX" --baseURI ipfs:/ --factoryAddress XXX

Deploy tokens erc20

cd erc20
npm run truffle -- deploy --network XXX
  • copy smart contract address of ERC20Test