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A player example app with THEOplayer Web SDK and Vue3/Vite

Japanese (日本語)

This is a repository for a player example app with THEOplayer Web SDK and Vue3/Vite.

THEOplayer is the universal video player solution created by THEO Technologies. The THEOplayer offers player SDKs for multiple platforms (such as HTML5 (Web), Apple iOS, Apple tvOS, Google Android, Google Android TV, Samsumg Tizen, LG webOS, Amazon FireTV, ROKU) which support for HLS, MPEG-DASH, advertisements, DRM and much more.

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It builds on top of standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and provides a declarative and component-based programming model.

Vue ecosystem covers most of the common features needed in frontend development. But the web is extremely diverse - the things we build on the web may vary drastically in form and scale. Vue is designed to be flexible and incrementally adoptable. Depending on your use case, Vue can be used in different ways:

  • Enhancing static HTML without a build step
  • Embedding as Web Components on any page
  • Single-Page Application (SPA)
  • Fullstack / Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Jamstack / Static Site Generation (SSG)
  • Targeting desktop, mobile, WebGL, and even the terminal

This player example is simply implemented with Vue3/Vite and Composition API on a starter template which is provided by Vue CLI tools.

Step-by-Step to integrate THEOplayer Web SDK


The following dev tools are used for this guide.

Tools Version
npm 8.19.2
yarn 1.22.5
node v16.18.0

1. Create a Vue3 app template

Run the following command to create a Vue3 application template:

yarn create vite theoplayer-web-vue-example --template vue-ts

The command output will be like as follows:

yarn create v1.22.5
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Installed "create-vite@3.1.0" with binaries:
      - create-vite
      - cva

Scaffolding project in C:\srcs\THEOplayer\theoplayer-web-vue-example...

Done. Now run:

  cd theoplayer-web-vue-example
  yarn dev

Done in 14.52s.

2. Install required components

Run the following command to install Vue framework package dependencies.

yarn install

You can ignore information messages about esbuild module in yarn command output.

3. Add THEOplayer

3.1 Add module declaration (THEOplayer.d.ts)

Run the following command to install theoplayer NPM package, which includes type definition module for THEOplayer Web SDK.

yarn add theoplayer

3.2 Add Player.vue for THEOplayer Web SDK

Add the following code to src/components folder as Player.vue. This code is based on Vue3 Composition API and works with a given source array variable from parent component.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from "vue";

const theoplayer = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const props = defineProps<{ source: Array<any> }>();

function playerInit() {
  if (theoplayer.value != null) {
    const player = new window.THEOplayer.Player(theoplayer.value, {
      fluid: true,
      libraryLocation: "//",
    player.source = {
      sources: props.source,

onMounted(() => {

    class="theoplayer-container video-js theoplayer-skin vjs-16-9 theoplayer"

<style scoped>
.theoplayer-container {
  margin: 0 auto;
  padding-top: 56.24%;
  width: 100%;

3.3 Add Player.vue component to App.vue

Add the following script code piece to <script setup> section in src/App.vue after a line for importing HelloWorld component.

import Player from "./components/Player.vue";
import { ref } from "vue";
const source = ref([
    type: "application/x-mpegurl",
    src: "//",

Add the following line to <template> section in src/App.vue just after the first <div> block.

    <Player :source="source" v-if="source" />

3.4 Add THEOplayer type declaration in main.ts

Add the following script code piece to src/main.ts before a line of createApp function call.

// Import types for THEOplayer
import theoplayer from "theoplayer";

declare global {
    interface Window {
        THEOplayer: typeof theoplayer;

3.5 Add THEOplayer JavaScript and CSS module in index.html

Add the following lines to <head> section in index.html (just before </head> line) to import THEOplayer CSS.


Add the following lines to <body> section in index.html (just before </body> line) to load THEOplayer JavaScript codes.


4. Run this sample application code and open with your browser

Run the following command to compile the codes and run a local server to host the sample application.

yarn dev

The command output will be like as follows:

yarn run v1.22.5
$ vite

  VITE v3.2.0  ready in 750 ms

  ➜  Local:
  ➜  Network: use --host to expose

You can browse the application with localhost hostname and given port to see how it works.

This application uses a public THEOplayer player code with builtin license, which allows you to enable playback functionality in THEOplayer without your explicit license, but it is allowed only in localhost as its white-listed hostname. This means that you will see an error message ("The given license is invalid!") when you will run this application except on localhost.

Please note that you cannot run the public THEOplayer player code even in, since it's not match with localhost as a string.

The screenshot is as belows:

Screenshot of THEOplayer Vue3 application example

Using your local THEOplayer Web SDK

If you want to use your own THEOplayer Web SDK, you will need to put your (customized) Web SDK under public folder of Vue3 source tree.

Then, you will need to modify the following files to point the location of THEOplayer JS/CSS and library folder appropriately.

  • index.html
  • src/components/Player.vue

For example, if you will put the SDK files into public/js/theoplayer folder, index.html and src/components/Player.vue will be as below:






    const player = new window.THEOplayer.Player(theoplayer.value, {
      fluid: true,
      libraryLocation: "/js/theoplayer/",
      license: "<license string>"


This repository gives you a sample THEOplayer component for Vue3 by using Vue3 Composition API.