- Player choosing
- First player gets sign X, second get O
- Ask for first player type: "Human" or "Computer"
- If the player is "Human", asks for name (defaults to the sign)
- Final names will be:
- Human: "$name ($sign) [H]" - sign is shown only if different from name
- Computer: "$sign [AI]"
- Repeat steps above for second player
- Computer player
- Make dummy bot - chooses the first non empty cell
- Show board after it moves
- Make smart bot
- Move choosing
- Show board
- Take input from user
- Place sign on board
- Status
- At the start of the round: "It is $Player's turn"
- After move: "$Player has chosen $coords"
- At game end:
- Win: "$Player has won"
- Tie: "The game is a tie"
- Play again: "Would you like to start again?"