Code for ACM MM'17 paper "Learning Fashion Compatibility with Bidirectional LSTMs" [paper].
Parts of the code are from an older version of Tensorflow's im2txt repo GitHub.
The corresponding dataset can be found on GitHub or Google Drive.
Author: Xintong Han
Contact: is a popular fashion website, where user can create and upload outfit data. Here is an exmaple.
- TensorFlow 0.10.0 (instructions)
- NumPy (instructions)
- scikit-learn
Newer versions of Tensorflow prevent me from doing inference with my old code and restoring my models trained using this version. However, I have a commit that supports training using TensorFlow 1.0 or greater idd1e03e.
Download the dataset and put it in the ./data folder:
- Decompress polyvore.tar.gz into ./data/label/
- Decompress plyvore-images.tar.gz to ./data/, so all outfit image folders are in ./data/images/
- Run the following commands to generate TFRecords in ./data/tf_records/:
python data/
This model requires a pretrained Inception v3 checkpoint file to initialize the network.
This checkpoint file is provided by the TensorFlow-Slim image classification library which provides a suite of pre-trained image classification models. You can read more about the models provided by the library here.
Run the following commands to download the Inception v3 checkpoint.
# Save the Inception v3 checkpoint in model folder.
wget ""
tar -xvf "inception_v3_2016_08_28.tar.gz" -C ${INCEPTION_DIR}
rm "inception_v3_2016_08_28.tar.gz"
The models will be saved in model/bi_lstm
Download the trained models from the final_model folder on Google Drive and put it in ./model/final_model/model.ckpt-34865.
To do all three kinds of tasks mentioned in the paper. We need to first extract the features of test images:
And the image features will be in data/features/test_features.pkl.
You can also perform end-to-end inference by modifying the corresponding code. For example, input a sequence of images and output a compatibility score.
Note that we further optimized some design choices in the released model. It can achieve 73.5% accuracy, which is higher than the number reported in our paper.
Different from the training process where the loss is calculated in each mini batch, during testing, we get the loss againist the whole test set. This is pretty slow, maybe a better method could be used (e.g., using distance between LSTM predicted representation and the target image embedding).
We found that a late fusion of different single models (Bi-LSTM w/o VSE + VSE + Siamese) can achieve superior results on all tasks.
- Add multiple choice inference code.
- Add compatibility prediction inference code.
- Add image outfit generation code. Very similar to compatibility prediction, you can try to do it yourself if in a hurry.
- Release trained models.
- Release Siamese/VSE models for comparison.
- Polish the code.
If this dataset helps your research, please cite our paper:
author = {Han, Xintong and Wu, Zuxuan and Jiang, Yu-Gang and Davis, Larry S},
title = {Learning Fashion Compatibility with Bidirectional LSTMs},
booktitle = {ACM Multimedia},
year = {2017},