DilogR offers a myriad of Project choices: Video Projects, Webinars, Scored Quizzes (simple and advanced), Persona/Personality Quizzes (simple and advanced), Polls, Surveys, and Interactive Images. All are designed to increase engagement, traffic, leads and sales while capturing valuable data that makes you a more strategic marketer.
Regardless of which Project you choose, the beginning of each one follows the same steps. Once you log into DilogR, you will see the screen below. Choose the Project you wish to start and click on its respective icon.
Next, you will see a green button on the right top of the page with “Create” and the type of Project you are creating, in this case, a Scored Quiz. Click on that button.
You then will have the option of either creating a new Project or copying from a previous one. Clicking on Create a New… will take you into the process of designing your Project.
Clicking on Copy from Previous will bring up a dropdown menu of your previous Projects. Choose which Project to copy and then give it a new name. You will then begin the process of designing your Project.
This procedure is the same for all DilogR Projects.