FunKiiU is a Python tool, compatible with Python 2.7 and 3, to download Wii U content from N's CDN.
- It supports games, dlc, updates, virtual console, demos, any content.
- By default DLC will be patched to unlock all pieces of DLC.
- By default demos will be patched to remove any play count limits. (does Wii U have this?)
FunKiiU will accept keys and generate tickets, but you do not have to enter a key.
- You can choose to get the key automatically from -thekeysite-.
- Or, you can choose to get a legit ticket from -thekeysite- instead.
- ¡¡On first use, you will need to provide the url of -thekeysite-!!
Using keys will generate a ticket that is not legit, the Wii U needs signature patches to accept it. (This is possible now, but a bit tricky to set up.)
Using tickets will download a ticket that is legit, and once installed, the content will work without any hacks at all. This is ideal, yet there are not and will not be tickets for all content that exists.
To download Pikmin 3 EUR, by entering the Title ID and key:
$ python -title 000500001012be00 -key 32characterstitlekeyforpikmineur
To download Pikmin 3 EUR, by entering the Title ID and getting the key from -thekeysite-:
$ python -title 000500001012be00 -onlinekeys
To download Pikmin 3 EUR, by entering the Title ID and getting the ticket from -thekeysite-:
$ python -title 000500001012be00 -onlinetickets
Download multiple things, one after another - (can use with -onlinekeys or -onlinetickets):
$ python -title TITLEID1 TITLEID2 TITLEID3 -key KEY1 KEY2 KEY3
Downloads all content of a specific region (e.g. EUR) from -thekeysite-, games, updates and dlc:
$ python -region EUR
Downloads all content of a specific region (e.g. USA,JPN) from -thekeysite-, games, updates and dlc:
$ python -region USA,JPN
Simulates to do stuff, without actually downloading something:
$ python <options from above> -simulate
Content will be output to a folder with the Title ID, name (if using -onlinekeys or -onlinetickets), and type (DLC or update), within the 'install' directory.
The downloaded output can then be installed using wupinstaller, or any similar tool. I recommend this wupinstaller mod -