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My solution to Kaggle Quora Question Pairs competition (Top 2%, Private LB log loss 0.13497).


The solution uses a mixture of purely statistical features, classical NLP features, and deep learning. Almost 200 handcrafted features are combined with out-of-fold predictions from 4 neural networks having different architectures.

The final model is a GBM (LightGBM), trained with early stopping and a very small learning rate, using stratified K-fold cross validation.

Overall solution structure

Reproducing the Solution

Hardware Requirements

Almost all code (with the exception of some 3rd-party scripts) can efficiently utilize multi-core machines. At the same time, some of them might be memory-hungry. All code has been tested on a machine with 64 GB RAM. For all non-neural notebooks, a c4.8xlarge AWS instance should do excellent.

For neural networks, a GPU is highly recommended. On a GTX 1080 Ti, it takes about 8-9 hours to complete all 4 "neural" notebooks.

You'll need about 30 GB of free disk space to store the pre-trained word embeddings and the extracted features.

Software Requirements

  1. Python >= 3.6.
  2. LightGBM (compiled from sources).
  3. FastText (compiled from sources).
  4. Python packages from requirements.txt.
  5. (Recommended) NVIDIA CUDA and a GPU version of TensorFlow.

Environment Provisioning

You can spin up a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 AWS instance and use Ansible to make all the necessary software installation and configuration (except the GPU-related stuff).

  1. Make sure to open the ports 22 and 8888 on the target machine.
  2. Navigate to provisioning directory.
  3. Edit config.yml:
    • jupyter_plaintext_password: the password to set for the Jupyter server on the target machine.
    • kaggle_username, kaggle_password: your Kaggle credentials (required to download the competition datasets). Otherwise, download them to the data folder manually.
  4. Edit inventory.ini and specify your instance DNS and the private key file (*.pem) to access it.
  5. Run:
    $ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
    $ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini

Running the Code


Run from the repository root. Check notebooks/output for execution progress and data/submissions for the final results.


Start a Jupyter server in the notebooks directory. If you used the Ansible playbook, the server will already be running on port 8888.

Run the notebooks in the following order:

  1. Preprocessing.

    1) preproc-tokenize-spellcheck.ipynb
    2) preproc-extract-unique-questions.ipynb
    3) preproc-embeddings-fasttext.ipynb
    4) preproc-nn-sequences-fasttext.ipynb
  2. Feature extraction.

    Run all feature-*.ipynb notebooks in arbitrary order.

    Note: for faster execution, run all feature-oofp-nn-*.ipynb notebooks on a machine with a GPU and NVIDIA CUDA.

  3. Prediction.

    Run classify-lightgbm-cv-pred.ipynb. The output file will be saved as DATETIME-submission-draft-CVSCORE.csv