This tester shows the performance of your push_swap program.
This tester DOES NOT check that your checker works correctly.
Push_swap_tester is a little tester that shows you how your push_swap performs. It displays the number of instructions performed by your push_swap in color, here is what the colors mean:
# white means amazing!
@@ blue means good @@
+ green means ok
! orange means really bad
- red means eliminatory
git clone
bash push_swap_tester/ [path-to-push-swap-dir] [stack-size 0R range] [nb_of_tests]
the following command will perform 100 testss with a stack of 100 integers
bash push_swap_tester/ ../push_swap 100 100
the following command will perform 100 tests with a stack of 100 integers, then 100 tests with a stack of 101 integers and then 100 tests with a stack of 102 integers
bash push_swap_tester/ ../push_swap 100-102 100
./ [directory-to-push_swap] [stacksize 0R range] [nb_of_test] {options}
--show-arg Display arguments after the number of instructions.
--quiet Don't display arguments if the tester catch an error.
--retry Retry with same arguments during the last run or the specified run with --retry=[NUM].
--score Show the score of the current entries, useful to compare output of two differents push_swap algo.
--bench Use with --score, save the score in push_swap_benchmark.log, if is a new record or a new entries.
Use --rewrite-bench to erase saved score by the current score.
--show-index Display sorted index of each arguments, the index is the offset position when the list is sorted.
--help/-h Show this message.
If you noticed something wrong with the code or if you'd like to see a new feature, you can submit an issue. If you'd like to contribute please submit a pull request :)