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File metadata and controls

253 lines (207 loc) · 8.63 KB

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For a newer version supporting a more recent version of UI5, see


A simple adapter to develop SAPUI5 and OpenUI5 applications using TypeScript and ES2015 modules/classes

Release Notes

0.3.2 - Handle some UI5 API errors in the Docs, when method with names like getSomething has void as return type. It is being replaced by any now.

0.3.1 - Just fixed an error in this README instructions.

0.3.0 - Create definitions for more than one version of UI5 (just 1.46 and 1.48 for now). Published in too. Be carefull, now that there is these definitions inside the package and I have plans to make these definitions better (normally replacing an any type with a more specific one), almost all new versions from now on may be a breaking change.

0.2.0 - Create my own UI5 definitions generator, because the available ones didn't fit my needs (you can still use another, just set it up in your tsconfig.json).

0.1.* - Generated exports files for all namespace sap.* objects, to make possible import these objects without creating a single <object>.d.ts for each imported object.

0.0.* - Just a draft.

How to use

It is very simple, make it work with only 4 steps:

  1. Install ui5ts, typescript and @types/jquery npm packages
  2. Add a reference to the "library" in your index.html
  3. Add the required TypeScript options in the tsconfig.json
  4. Change your <class-name>.js to a <class-name>.ts

Check this Master-Detail example app that is already working with ui5+typescript.

1) Install ui5ts, typescript and @types/jquery npm packages

npm install @types/jquery --save-dev
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install ui5ts --save

2) Add a reference to the library in your index.html

Put a reference to the ui5ts.js script in your index.html file using a script tag <script src="node_modules/ui5ts/ui5ts.js" type="text/javascript"></script> between the sap-ui-core.js script tag and the sap.ui.getCore().attachInit() call:

<!-- Bootstrapping UI5 -->
<script id="sap-ui-bootstrap" src="" ... ></script>

+ <!-- Convert typescript generated modules/classes into ui5 modules/classes -->
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/ui5ts/ui5ts.js"></script>

    sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () { ... });

3) Add the required TypeScript options in the tsconfig.json

  • compilerOptions.module = "amd"
  • compilerOptions.experimentalDecorators = true (just to avoid typescript warning/error)
  • compilerOptions.baseUrl = "./" (your project root, if you change this value, you need to change the paths too)
  • compilerOptions.paths = { ... } (your paths, relative to your baseUrl, check the example bellow)
  • files = ["node_modules/ui5ts/ui5ts.d.ts", "node_modules/ui5ts/ui5-types/1.48/sap.d.ts", "node_modules/ui5ts/ui5-types/1.48/jQuery.d.ts", ...]

Example of tsconfig.json file:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "module": "amd",
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "alwaysStrict": true,
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "strictNullChecks": true,
        "noImplicitReturns": true,
        "noImplicitThis": true,
        "sourceMap": true,
        "baseUrl": "./",
        "paths": {
            "your/app/namespace/*": [ "./src/*" ],
            "sap/*": [ "./node_modules/ui5ts/exports/sap/*" ]
    "files": [
    "include": [
    "exclude": [

4) Change your <class-name>.js to a <class-name>.ts

UI5 JavaScript way:

], function (UIComponent, models) {
    "use strict";
    return UIComponent.extend("typescript.example.ui5app.Component", {
        metadata: {
            manifest: "json"
        init: function () {
            // set the device model
            this.setModel(models.createDeviceModel(), "device");
            // call the base component's init function and create the App view
            // create the views based on the url/hash

ES2015 TypeScript way:

import UIComponent  from "sap/ui/core/UIComponent";
import models       from "typescript/example/ui5app/model/models";

export default class Component extends UIComponent
    public static metadata: any = {
        manifest : "json"

    public init(): void {
        // set the device model
        this.setModel(models.createDeviceModel(), "device");
        // call the base component's init function and create the App view
        // create the views based on the url/hash

Don't forget

  • You need to decorate your class with @UI5("your.full.namespace.ClassName"), this decorator parameter will be passed to BaseClass.extend("your.full.namespace.ClassName", { ... }); call at runtime.
  • You need to export your class as default export.
  • If your class has the ui5 metadata object, define it as static
  • The paths in the import statements must be the same as it would be if you were using sap.ui.define() function. The TypeScript compiler will generate an AMD module with a define() call with these paths, and the define() function that ui5ts overrides will call the real sap.ui.define() function. This is the way that ui5ts works.
  • If your/app/namespace/is/too/big, you don't need to have all this levels of directories in your physical project structure, you can create a virtual mapping using the tsconfig.json configuration option paths (see it in the common problems bellow).

Resolving common typescript errors and module resolution problems

Problem: Doesn't find the @UI5 decorator:

// error TS2304: Cannot find name 'UI5'.
export default class Component extends UIComponent {

Solution: Make sure you have the ui5ts.d.ts referenced in your tsconfig.json

"files": [
+   "node_modules/ui5ts/ui5ts.d.ts"

Problem: Doesn't find your own *.ts class:

// error TS2307: Cannot find module 'your/app/namespace/folder/ClassName'.
import ClassName from "your/app/namespace/folder/ClassName";

Solution: Make sure you have the path of your namespace root in the tsconfig.json and if it match with your application startup in the index.html

"compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
+       "your/app/namespace/*": [ "./src/*" ]
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
    sap.ui.require(["sap/m/Shell", "sap/ui/core/ComponentContainer"], function (Shell, ComponentContainer) {
        new Shell({
            app: new ComponentContainer({
                height : "100%",
+               name : ""

Problem: Doesn't find your own *.js class:

// error TS2307: Cannot find module 'your/app/namespace/folder/ClassName'.
import ClassName from "your/app/namespace/folder/ClassName";

Solution: Create a corresponding *.d.ts of your *.js class or forget about it. You can live with this error and the app will still work. Even if you allow the TypeScript compiler to accept *.js modules, it will not recognize it as a AMD module, since you declare it using sap.ui.define() instead of define().

Problem: Doesn't find a class in sap.* namespace:

// error TS2307: Cannot find module 'sap/ui/core/UIComponent'.
import UIComponent from "sap/ui/core/UIComponent";

Solution: Make sure you have mapped the ui5ts exports folder in your paths of the tsconfig.json:

"compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
+       "sap/*": [ "./node_modules/ui5ts/exports/sap/*" ]

If the problem still remains, please, create an issue in the github project: