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File metadata and controls

210 lines (146 loc) · 7.37 KB


Palette related tools including:

  • ldpalette: palette class.
  • ldpe: palette editor
  • ldpp: palette picker + editor

Palette Definition

In ldPalettePicker, a palette is defined in following format:

  name: "Palette Name",
  tag: ["tag", "list", ...],
  # either one of below
  colors: [ldColor, ldColor, ...]                 # type agnoistic color. we should internally use this
  colors: [{hex: "#999", tag: [...]}, ...]        # hex. color follows ldColor format.
  colors: ["#999", ...]                           # compact but losing color tags
  # deprecated and we should use ldColor directly instead of  a indirect object with value member.
  colors: [{value: ldColor,...}, {value: ldColor, ...}]
  key: "somekey"                                  # optional key for identifying this palette


ldpalette - defined in ldp.js - is expected to be a JS object for palette, but currently it only provide 2 class methods:

  • convert(pal, type): convert given pal into specific type
    • return promise which resolves an object with following fields:
      • blob: blob for the specified format.
      • url: object url of the above blob.
      • filename: file named after the palette.
    • pal: palette defined as in the palette definition.
    • type: either json, svg, png or scss. default png.
  • download(pal, type): convert given palette into specific type, and trigger download of the result file.
    • return: promise resolved when download triggered.
    • pal, type: the same with convert.

Sample usage:

ldpalette.convert({colors:["#f00","#0f0"]},"svg").then(function(blob) { ... })

Object methods are left to implement in the future.


ldpe - defined in ldpe.js - provides palette editing functionality. usage:

editor = new ldpe({ ... });

where constructor options:

  • root: root node of a ldpe widget. use ldpe mixin in ldpp.pug for a default widget DOM.


  • syncUi: update slider in ui when out of sync ( need review )
  • getPal: get current palette
  • init(opt): (re)init editor with given option, including:
    • pal: palette object for initing this editor.
  • undo: undo last action
  • clearLog: clear undo history


ldpp - defined in ldpp.js - provides a simple way to pick / customize palettes. Usage:

picker = new ldpp({ ... });

HTML counterpart: ( in Pug )

include ldpp.pug
div(id="...",class="...", ...)

or, when using along with ldCover:

include ldpp.pug
.ldcv(id="...",class="...", ...): .base: .inner

where constructor options:

  • palettes: default palette.
  • i18n: object for i18n. if provided, should at least support following API:
    • addResourceBundles(resObj): add resource bundles for multiple languages in resObj.
    • t(text): translate text
  • itemPerLine: how many palette per line in editor. default 2
  • root: root node of a ldpp widget. use ldpp mixin in ldpp.pug for a default widget DOM.
  • className: additional class names ( in space separated string ) to add in root. default ''
  • useClusterizejs: enable clusterize.js if true and Clusterize is available.
    • default false
    • Can enormously reduce dom element counts.
    • require dual licensed clusterize.js library
  • useVscroll: enable @loadingio/vscroll if true and vscroll is available.
    • default false
    • Can enormously reduce dom element counts.
    • based on @loadingio/vscroll, MIT Licensed.
  • ldcv: default false. if provided and ldCover is available, a ldcv object will be created automatically with this object as constructor options.
  • random: if provided, serve as random palette. (TBD)
  • mypal: optional ldPage object for loading customized palette on scrolling.
  • save: optional function for saving a palette.
    • return a promise which resolves to the saved palette.
    • accepting object with following options:
      • thumb: thumbnail of the given palette.
      • key: key of the given palette, if applicable.
      • data:
        • name: palette name.
        • type: "palette"
        • payload: a palette object.


  • on(name, cb): listen to name event with cb callback function.
  • fire(name, ...params): fire an event named name with parameters params.
  • get(): prompt ( or simply wait ) users to pick a palette. return a promise resolving a palette picked.
  • tab(n): switch to the tab named n.
  • edit(pal, toggle): edit palette pal.
    • pal: palette to edit.
    • toggle: default true. if true, toggle the edit panel.
  • random(): a function or palette list that decide a subset of palette to return when user calling ldpp.random();

Class Method

ldPaletePicker also provided following helper functions:

  • register(name, palettes): register provided palette list with the specified name.
  • get(name): get palette list with the given name.
  • init(opt): init all palette picker by querying [ldpp] selector.
    • return a list of ldpp object.
    • pals: optional. Array of palettes. when provided, all pickers will be initialized with palettes given here.
      • when omitted, pickers will be inited with the palette list named default ( builtin palettes ).

After ldpp.js loaded, you can optional load following palette list with given name:

  • all - defined in all.palettes.js
  • brandcolors - defined in brandcolors.palettes.js
  • colorbrewer - defined in colorbrewer.palettes.js
  • loadingio - defined in loadingio.palettes.js

Sample Usage

Use get to prompt user for a picked palette:

    .then (pal) ->
    .catch ->

Custom Palettes


ldpp.register("default2", palettes);
var pals = ldpp.get("default2");

ldPalettePicker ships with following prebuilt palette sets, which you can find under dist folder:

  • brandcolors
    • src: brandcolors.palettes.js
    • palettes from brandcolors.
  • colorbrewer
    • src: colorbrewer.palettes.js
    • palettes from colorbrewer.
    • license: Apache license Version 2.0
  • cartocolors
    • cartocolors.palettes.js
    • palettes from CARTOColors
    • license: CC-BY 3.0 License.
  • loadingio
    • loadingio.palettes.js
    • palettes used in
  • all
    • all.palettes.js
    • palettes from brandcolors + colorbrewer + loadingio.

License Consideration

For better performance with large amount of palettes, you can enable Clusterize.js by setting useClusterizejs to true:

ldpp.init({useClusterizejs: true});

( To make it work you also have to include js and css files of Clusterize.js. )

Yet Clusterize.js is released under dual license - free for personal use and charge for commercial license. So it's up to your discretion to whether use it or not - and you should acquire necessary license when you use it.

When enabling, Clusterize.js requires another option "itemPerLine", which controls how many palettes are in a line in the list view. Its default value is 2.

Alternatively you can use @loadingio/vscroll which is released under MIT license.


  • better ordering for default palettes; make it more eye-pleasuring.


MIT License.