- Added Endpoints from Localstack Python Client v2.7:
- AppConfigData
- Pinpoint
- EventBridge Pipes
Framework Support Updates:
- .NET 8 and .NET 4.6.2 support added.
- Deprecated support for .NET 7 and .NET 4.6.1.
- Continued support for .NET Standard 2.0 to maintain compatibility with older .NET versions.
- Upcoming Changes:
- In the next release, .NET 6 support will be removed as it reaches end-of-life in November 2024.
Functional Tests Enhancements:
- Removed tests for legacy LocalStack versions and versions v2.0 and v2.2.
- Note: LocalStack.NET no longer guarantees compatibility with these versions.
- Added functional test support for LocalStack versions:
- v2.3
- v3.4
- v3.7.1
- New Tests:
- Introduced new tests for CloudFormation.
- Removed tests for legacy LocalStack versions and versions v2.0 and v2.2.
Package Updates:
- AWSSDK.Core minimum version set to 3.7.400.30.
Testing Compatibility:
- Successfully tested against LocalStack versions:
- v1.3.1
- v2.3
- v3.4
- v3.7.1
- Successfully tested against LocalStack versions:
- Breaking Changes Postponed:
- The planned breaking changes have been postponed to the next release.
- Important: Users should anticipate some breaking changes in the next release due to the removal of legacy support and configuration updates.
- Update Packages and Multi LocalStack Support:
- New endpoints added from the official Localstack Python Client v2.3:
- EMRServerless
- Appflow
- Keyspaces
- Scheduler
- Investigation and Fixes:
- Started investigating issues #23 and #24.
- Bugs have been fixed with this PR by LocalStack.
- Fixed legacy LocalStack container wait strategy for functional tests.
- Started investigating issues #23 and #24.
- New Solution Standards:
- Introduced new solution-wide coding standards with various analyzers.
- Code Refactoring According to New Standards:
- Libraries, sandbox projects, build projects, and test projects have been refactored to adhere to the new coding standards.
- Moved remaining using directives to GlobalUsings.cs files.
- Centralized Package Management:
- Managed package versions centrally to resolve issue #28.
- Package Updates:
- Updated analyzer packages.
- Updated test packages.
- AWSSDK.Core set to 3.7.201 as the minimum version.
- Tested against LocalStack v1.3.1, v2.0, and the latest containers.
- Legacy LocalStack Versions:
- This version will be the last to support Legacy LocalStack versions.
- .NET 4.6.1 Support:
- .NET 4.6.1 support will be removed in the next release and replaced with .NET 4.6.2.
- Breaking Changes Ahead:
- Users should anticipate some breaking changes in the next release due to the removal of Legacy support and changes in configuration.
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.39 have been added.
- Fault Injection Service (FIS)
- Marketplace Metering
- Amazon Transcribe
- Amazon MQ
- .NET 7 support added
- .NET 5 ve .NET Core 3.1 runtimes removed from Nuget pack (.netstandard2.0 remains)
- Tested against LocalStack v1.3.1 container.
- AWSSDK.Core set to 3.7.103 as the minimum version.
- Warning In this version, the ServiceURL property of Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig adds a trailing
to every URL set. For example, ifhttp://localhost:1234
is set as the value, it will becomehttp://localhost:1234/
- Warning In this version, the ServiceURL property of Amazon.Runtime.ClientConfig adds a trailing
- Following depedencies updated from v3.0.0 to v3.1.32 in LocalStack.Client.Extensions for security reasons
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
- Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions
- Write a timestream record using .Net AWSSDK NuGet packages (#20)
- Session does not honor UseSsl and always sets UseHttp to true (#16)
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.35 have been added.
- Route53Resolver
- KinesisAnalyticsV2
- OpenSearch
- Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA)
- Tested against LocalStack v0.14.2 container.
- AWSSDK.Core set to 3.7.9 as the minimum version.
- AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup set to 3.7.2 as the minimum version.
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.27 have been added.
- SESv2
- EventBridge (#14)
- Tested against LocalStack v0.13.0 container.
parameter added to change client connection behavior. See useServiceUrl Parameter- Readme and SourceLink added to Nuget packages
- Session::RegionName configuration does not honor while creating AWS client (#15)
Thanks to petertownsend for his contribution
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.25 have been added.
- Config Service
- .NET 6.0 support added.
- AWSSDK.Core set to as the minimum version.
- AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup set to 3.7.1 as the minimum version.
- Tested against LocalStack v0.13.0 container.
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.22 have been added.
- EFS, Backup, LakeFormation, WAF, WAF V2 and QLDB Session
- AWSSDK.Core set to 3.7.1 as the minimum version.
- Tested against LocalStack v0.12.16 container.
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.20 have been added.
- IoTAnalytics, IoT Events, IoT Events Data, IoT Wireless, IoT Data Plane, IoT Jobs Data Plane, Support, Neptune, DocDB, ServiceDiscovery, ServerlessApplicationRepository, AppConfig, Cost Explorer, MediaConvert, Resource Groups Tagging API, Resource Groups
- AWSSDK.Core set to 3.7.0 as the minimum version.
- Obsolete methods removed.
- New alternate AddAWSServiceLocalStack method added to prevent mix up with AddAWSService (for LocalStack.Client.Extension v1.1.0).
- Tested against LocalStack v0.12.10 container.
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v1.10 have been added.
- Transfer, ACM, CodeCommit, Kinesis Analytics, Amplify, Application Auto Scaling, Kafka, Timestream Query, Timestream Write, Timestream Write, S3 Control, Elastic Load Balancing v2, Redshift Data
- .NET 5.0 support added.
- AWSSDK.Core set to 3.5.0 as the minimum version.
- Tested against LocalStack v0.12.07 container.
- New endpoints in the official Localstack Python Client v0.23 have been added.
- ElastiCache, Kms, Emr, Ecs, Eks, XRay, ElasticBeanstalk, AppSync, CloudFront, Athena, Glue, Api Gateway V2, RdsData, SageMaker, SageMakerRuntime, Ecr, Qldb
- .netcore2.2 support removed since Microsoft depracated it. .netcore3.1 support added.
- AWSSDK.Core set to as the minimum version.
- First release.