- Jasmine compatibility; important fixes (Thanks to logeen)
- Matcher toBe must check also type otherwise expect(True).toBe(1) passes.
- Matcher toEqual must be implemented differently than toBe.
- Matchers toBeTruthy and toBeFalsy must perform "soft" checking otherwise expect(1).toBeTruthy() and expect(0).toBeFalsy() don't pass.
- Matcher toRaise should be able to check advanced exception objects otherwise you can check only exception message but not for example exception code attribute.
- Spy callThrough must work with functions that take arguments.
- Spy callFake should work with fake functions that take arguments.
- Tracking spy call orders and added toHaveBeenCalledBefore matcher
- Chaining mocks
- Explicit spy configuration
- Spy methods
- Spy objects
- expect matchers
- Custom matchers
- Cleaning up spies