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Review & Collaboration System

Anthony Fu edited this page May 5, 2020 · 7 revisions

Available from v2.0

Reviewing is a common feature you could found on many online translation management services. But instead of syncing your code with the services every time, i18n Ally now offers an alternative way to do that -- Reviewing translations inside VS Code and Collaborating with the source control!


Reviewing is accessible in the Editor UI, Gutters and the side panel. You could use the reviewing system to leave comments and give suggestions.


The review comments will be stored in .vscode/i18n-ally-reviews.yml. We suggest you commit this file into git in order to collaborate with others. In this way, the reviews state is always matched to the translations you have!

By default, your name and email are read from your local git setting. You can change them by

// default: git config
"": "Your Name",

// default: git config
"": "",

Avatars are requested from Gravatar with your email, which is widely used by many websites/softwares. Set one now if you haven't!

Translation Candidates

By default, machine translating will directly write the translation to the locale files. But if you would like to have one more layer of controlling machine-translated content, you can enable the Translation Candidates System by

"i18n-ally.translate.saveAsCandidates": true,

With the translation candidates, you can review and edit the translation before being wroten to your locale files.