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203 lines (133 loc) · 9.82 KB

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203 lines (133 loc) · 9.82 KB

Meteor React Semantic-UI Progressive WebApp Boilerplate is a sample Meteor 1.9 application that illustrates:

The goal of this template is to help you get quickly started doing Meteor development by providing a reasonable directory structure for development and deployment, a set of common extensions to the core framework, and boilerplate code to implement basic page display, navigation, forms, roles, and collection manipulation.


Install first the Meteor Framework, install Meteor.

Cd into the app/ directory of your local copy of the repo, and install third party libraries with:

$ meteor npm install

Running the system

Once the libraries are installed, you can run the application by invoking the "start" script in the package.json file:

$ meteor npm run start

The first time you run the app, it will create some default users and data. Here is the output:

meteor npm run start

> vm-meteor-react-boilerplate$

[[[[[ ~/github/lortschi/vm-meteor-react-boilerplate/app ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
I20180227-13:33:02.716(-10)? Creating the default user(s)
I20180227-13:33:02.742(-10)?   Creating user
I20180227-13:33:02.743(-10)?   Creating user
I20180227-13:33:02.743(-10)? Creating default data.
I20180227-13:33:02.743(-10)?   Adding: Basket (
I20180227-13:33:02.743(-10)?   Adding: Bicycle (
I20180227-13:33:02.743(-10)?   Adding: Banana (
I20180227-13:33:02.744(-10)?   Adding: Boogie Board (
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

Note regarding "bcrypt warning":

You will also get the following message when you run this application:

Note: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be
approximately three times slower than the native implementation.
In order to use the native implementation instead, run

  meteor npm install --save bcrypt

in the root directory of your application.

On some operating systems (particularly Windows), installing bcrypt is much more difficult than implied by the above message. Bcrypt is only used in Meteor for password checking, so the performance implications are negligible until your site has very high traffic. You can safely ignore this warning without any problems during initial stages of development.

Note regarding "MongoError: not master and slaveOk=false":

Intermittently, you may see the following error message in the console when the system starts up:

MongoError: not master and slaveOk=false
     at queryCallback (/Users/lortschi/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
     at /Users/lortschi/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
     at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7)
     at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:218:9)

While irritating, this message appears to be harmless and possibly related to a race condition between the development instance of Mongo and Meteor. By harmless, I mean that in most cases, the console goes on to display App running at: http://localhost:3000/ and no problems occur during run time.

Viewing the running app

If all goes well, the template application will appear at http://localhost:3000. You can login using the credentials in settings.development.json, or else register a new account.


You can verify that the code obeys our coding standards by running ESLint over the code in the imports/ directory with:

meteor npm run lint

Directory structure

The top-level directory structure is:

app/        # holds the Meteor application sources
config/     # holds configuration files, such as settings.development.json
doc/        # holds developer documentation, user guides, etc.

This structure separates documentation files (such as screenshots) and configuration files (such as the settings files) from the actual Meteor application.

The app/ directory has this structure:

  main.html      # The boilerplate HTML with a "root" div to be manipulated by React.
  main.js        # import startup files.

  api/           # Define collections
    stuff/       # The Stuff collection definition
  startup/       # Define code to run when system starts up (client-only, server-only, both)
    layouts/     # Contains top-level layout (<App> component).
    pages/       # Contains components for each page.
    components/  # Contains page elements, some of which could appear on multiple pages.

node_modules/    # managed by npm

public/          # static assets (like images) can go here.

   main.js       # import the server-side js files.

Import conventions

This system adheres to the Meteor guideline of putting all application code in the imports/ directory, and using client/main.js and server/main.js to import the code appropriate for the client and server in an appropriate order.

Application functionality

The application implements a simple CRUD application for managing "Stuff", which is a Mongo Collection consisting of a name (String), a quantity (Number), and a condition (one of 'excellent', 'good', 'fair', or 'poor').

By default, each user only sees the Stuff that they have created. However, the settings file enables you to define default accounts. If you define a user with the role "admin", then that user gets access to a special page which lists all the Stuff defined by all users.

Component UI Styles and Theming

The application uses the React implementation of Semantic UI and theming.


The style.scss allows to overwrite the default theme styles or create new ones.


For display and navigation among its four pages, the application uses React Router.

Routing is defined in imports/ui/layouts/App.jsx.


For authentication, the application uses the Meteor accounts package.

When the application is run for the first time, a settings file (such as config/settings.development.json) should be passed to Meteor. That will lead to a default account being created through the code in imports/startup/server/accounts.js.

The application allows users to register and create new accounts at any time.


Only logged in users can manipulate Stuff documents (but any registered user can manipulate any Stuff document, even if they weren't the user that created it.)


The config directory is intended to hold settings files. The repository contains one file: config/settings.development.json.

The .gitignore file prevents a file named settings.production.json from being committed to the repository. So, if you are deploying the application, you can put settings in a file named settings.production.json and it will not be committed.

Quality Assurance


The application includes a .eslintrc file to define the coding style adhered to in this application. You can invoke ESLint from the command line as follows:

[~/vm-meteor-react-boilerplate/app]-> meteor npm run lint

> vm-meteor-react-boilerplate@ lint /Users/lortschi/meteor-application-template-react/app
> eslint --quiet ./imports

ESLint should run without generating any errors.

Screencasts of the GUI

'home' 'home-lang' 'login' 'mobile'