This is a guide on how to work on robotframework-androidlibrary itself, that is - if you want to use the library to test your own application, please consult README.rst
Install the Android SDK
Install calabash-android v0.2.20:
gem install --version '= 0.2.20' calabash-android
Create a debug keystore:
$ANDROID_SDK/tools/android create project -n dummy_project_to_create_debug_keystore -t 8 -p dummy_project_to_create_debug_keystore -k what.ever -a whatever cd dummy_project_to_create_debug_keystore ant debug cd -
To get started, use the following commands:
git clone cd robotframework-androidlibrary/ python --distribute bin/buildout
The library itself is tested using robotframework, to run the tests type:
export ANDROID_HOME=path/to/android/sdk bin/robotframework tests/
Optionally, the following parameters can be specified:
Highest debug level:
Show the android emulator when running tests: