This is an implementation of a streaming Base64 encoder and decoder for
JavaScript, with the actual encoding and decoding logic being handled by
and Uint8Array.prototype.toBase64()
from the
The streaming decoder supports streaming decoding and encoding. It correctly handles padding and whitespace. There is both a WHATWG TransformStream, and a sync-Iterator based API available.
You can see the implementations for the various APIs in:
WHATWG TransformStreamBase64EncoderStream
WHATWG TransformStreamdecodeBase64()
sync iteratorencodeBase64()
sync iterator
To play with it:
$ deno repl -A --eval="import { Base64DecoderStream, Base64EncoderStream, decodeBase64, encodeBase64 } from './index.ts'"
Deno 1.37.0
exit using ctrl+d, ctrl+c, or close()
To run tests, run deno test