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245 lines (185 loc) · 8.73 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (185 loc) · 8.73 KB


v2.0.0 - 2018-07-12 (not released yet)

⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • renamed reply_id to reply_msg and reply_to to reply_chat and

  • method signature change: switched order to reply_chat, reply_msg (chat now first).

  • removed: premade mixin-mixes TeleflaskCommands, TeleflaskMessages, TeleflaskUpdates and TeleflaskStartup. They were never used anyway. Either recreate them on your own, or use the Teleflask class. This will also make using the new TBlueprints more straightforward.

  • removed FileIDMessage. This was a custom DocumentMessage, before they could do file_id. Use DocumentMessage(file_id="...") instead.

  • changed url path of the debug routes to be prefixed by /teleflask_debug


This affects:
  • parameters of bot.send_message, bot.send_messages.
  • returned values from bot.msg_get_reply_params.
  • usage of FileIDMessage.
  • usage of TeleflaskCommands, TeleflaskMessages, TeleflaskUpdates and TeleflaskStartup.

Other changes

  • Removed deprecated TeleflaskComplete class which is just the old name for the Teleflask class. Use Teleflask instead.
  • Added inline_query peer support to automatic replying.
  • Improved automatic replying to work on updates with callback_query.
  • Added new AudioMessage, GameMessage and MediaGroupMessage as automatic reply type.
  • Now requires pytgbot >= 4.0.
  • Class constructor parameter disable_setting_webhook to disable_setting_webhook_telegram or disable_setting_webhook_route.
  • Fixed disable_setting_webhook_route class constructor parameter
  • Added disable_setting_webhook_telegram class constructor parameter
  • Setting disable_setting_webhook_telegram or disable_setting_webhook_route to something else then None will override any DISABLE_SETTING_WEBHOOK_TELEGRAM or DISABLE_SETTING_WEBHOOK_ROUTE app config values.

Added blueprint mechanics:

So in any file you can now write

from teleflask import TBlueprint

part = TBlueprint('some name')

def foobar(update, msg):
    return "A message like ususal."
# end def

In your main file where you have your Teleflask instance you just have to register them.

from teleflask import Teleflask
from somefile import part

bot = Teleflask(API_KEY, app)

# alternatively:

bot = Teleflask(API_KEY, app)

Stop processing

Raise AbortProcessingPlease to stop processing the current Update. That means that it will not execute the rest of the registered functions matching the current update.

Works with the following decorators:

  • @bot.on_update
  • @bot.on_message
  • @bot.on_command
from teleflask.exceptions import AbortProcessingPlease

def cmd_test(update):
    raise AbortProcessingPlease(return_value="Test succesfull.")
# end if

You can also use the @abort_processing decorator, it will does that automatically for you.

from teleflask import abort_processing

def cmd_test(update):
    return "Test succesfull."
# end if
from teleflask.exceptions import AbortProcessingPlease
from teleflask import abort_processing

@abort_processing  # Show help, don't execute other stuff
def cmd_text(update, text):
    return "Here would be help for you"
# end if

def cmd_text(update, text):
    # we expect a parameter
    if text:
        name = text
        raise AbortProcessingPlease(return_value='Thanks, ' + name)
    # continue normal listener execution, which will call
    # the `fallback(...)` function below.
# end if

def fallback(update):
    return "You send me a command I didn't understood..."
# end if


Added proxy script to test webhooks in local environments without exposing your computer to the internet.

After launch it continuously polls the telegram API for updates. As soon as there are any, it sends those to your webhook.

CLI proxy:
usage: python -m teleflask.proxy [-h|--help] [--https] [--hookpath hookpath] API_KEY HOST PORT

Pulls updates from telegram and shoves them into your app.

positional arguments:
  API_KEY              api key for the telegram API to use.
  HOST                 turn on https on the url
  PORT                 the port number

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --https              turn on https on the url
  --hookpath hookpath  the path for the webhook (default: '/income/{API_KEY}')
python -m teleflask.proxy '123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11' localhost 8080
In Project:

Note, this just launches the aforementioned script, in a background process directly. Please don't use it. It is not tested if it works. Use the CLI script.

from teleflask.server.extras import PollingTeleflask

app = Flask(__name__)
bot = PollingTeleflask(API_KEY, https=False, hostname="localhost:8080", debug_routes=True)
bot.init_app(app)"localhost", 8080, debug=True)

Small changes

  • added /teleflask_debug/routes to inspect the registered routes.

v1.0.1 - 2018-07-04

(In this examples bot being a Teleflask instance, not pytgbot's bot. That would be

  • renamed bot.send_message(...) to bot.send_message(...), and yield the results.
    • this means you need to iterate over it, to send all the messages.
    • To keep backwards compatibility, there is still bot.send_message keeping the old behaviour, looping through the new function, and discarding the results.
  • Now bot.process_result(...) will return the results of bot.send_messages(...) (of the Message.send(...)s) as list, so you can call the process_result(...) function directly with any Message and use the telegram responses right away.
  • Fixed automatic replying to work on updates with callback_query.

v1.0.0 - 2017-11-17

  • Not any longer subclasses flask.Flask. This was ugly, and bad. Now you initialize it like this:

    bot = Teleflask(API_KEY, app)


    bot = Teleflask(API_KEY)
    • renamed TeleflaskComplete to just Teleflask

    • Make it loadable via .init_app(app)

    • You can now import Teleflask from the root of the module directly.

      from teleflask import Teleflask
    • Actual setting of the webhook can be disabled via DISABLE_SETTING_TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK=True in the flask config. This is probably only usefull for tests.

  • Mixin overhaul

    • all

      • any list/dict used for storage is now defined in the __init__ method, so that it won't be global part of the class any longer.
      • decorators where you can specify required params can now be used multible times to allow different fields to trigger the same function.
      • all listeners which depend on incomming updates will now always have the update as first parameter.
    • StartupMixin

      • Added __init__ method to StartupMixin, else the lists were static.
      • Added unit testing of StartupMixin.
    • UpdatesMixin overhaul

      • Added __init__ method to UpdatesMixin, else the dict were static.
      • Changed dict to be OrderedDict, to preverse order on pre 3.6 systems.
      • Fixed @on_update did not return the (new) function.
      • Changed add_update_listener to merge keywords.
        • this is relevant for @on_update, too.
      • Added unit tests for UpdatesMixin.
    • MessagesMixin

      • Fixed @on_message did not return the (new) function.
      • @on_message will now really provide the update as fist argument. This is now conform to all other listeners, and a part of already existing documentation.
  • Fixes in messages:

    • Let MessageWithReplies also return the results.
    • Allow TypingMessage to use the TypingMessage.CANCEL.
    • Fixed DocumentMessage to respect the set file_mime, and in case of given file_content, use the filename part from either the file_path or the file_url.
    • Also unknown PhotoMessages will now have a *.unknown-file-type.png suffix.
    • Fixed teleflask.server.base.TeleflaskBase.process_result, now also setting reply_to and reply_id for edits and in channels.
  • specified minimum versions for some dependencies

    • pytgbot>=2.3.3 (for the new webhooks)
    • luckydonald-utils>=0.52 (needed cut_paragraphs in
    • backoff>=1.4.1 (for the example using the flask development server, see backoff#30)