#A simple rails application that uses backbone to render content from a RESTful api built in RoR.
###Technologies used... ######Ruby ######Ruby on Rails ######ActiveRecord ######PostgreSQL ######jQuery ######Backbone/Underscore ######Bootstrap
###To use locally: -Use terminal to get to the root of the app.
-replace username: app-user in the development environment in the database.yml file to your username(Don't know your username? Open psql and type SELECT * FROM pg_user;)
-Run rake commands db:create, db:migrate, db:seed.
-Open rails console and type ApiKey.create to create a key to use locally.
-Copy that new key and throw it in a .env file in your root directory under the variable APIKEY.
-Rails server and you should be up on your machine.
###To use with heroku:
-So far I managed to upload the rails app and the initial root view shows up with no problems.
-A simple Github link to the repository is enough to run smoothly.
-Backbone cannot access the api because it doesnt have a production key.
-install Heroku toolbelt.
-login to use heroku account using 'heroku login' in terminal.
- in terminal 'heroku rails console --app myapp'
-in IRB type 'ApiKey.create' Copy api token.
-On your heroku site, go to settings and make a new config variable called API_KEY and paste token value in there.
-Deploy and run!