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How to write a client application

This guide will show you how to write a client application which connects to a service.

To illustrate this, we will write an application which connects to the service ALVideoDevice and request an image from a camera. It is based on the video example.


We need a running instance of the NAOqi SDK. It can either be on a real robot (Pepper or NAO) or a virtual robot running on your desktop (ex: using Choregraphe).


Install the qiloop command line interface with

$ go get -u
$ qiloop --version
Version: 0.8


On NAO, the service directory URL is tcp://<ROBOT_IP>:9559 (replace <ROBOT_IP> with the robot IP address).

On Pepper, the connection to the service directory is encrypted and authenticated. The service directory URL is tcps://<ROBOT_IP>:9503. The user login is nao and the password is the password of the UNIX account nao on the robot. Create a file called ~/.qiloop-auth.conf with the two lines (replace <YOUR_PASSWORD> with your password):


Test the connection to the service ALVideoDevice on the robot:


$ qiloop --qi-url tcp://<ROBOT_IP>:9559 info --service ALVideoDevice

On Pepper:

$ qiloop --qi-url tcps://<ROBOT_IP>:9503 info --service ALVideoDevice

Generate the proxy

Let's write this application!

First we will scan the service ALVideoDevice to extract its interface in an IDL file. This is done using the qiloop scan command:

qiloop scan --qi-url tcp:// --idl video_device.qi.idl --service ALVideoDevice

This produced a file called video_device.qi.idl with the list of methods, signals and properties of ALVideoDevice.

Add one line at the top of the IDL file video_device.idl to specify a package name: 'package main`

Using this file, we will generate the Go code to access to the service. The command qiloop proxy will read the IDL file and generate a specialized proxy object for ALVideoDevice.

qiloop proxy --idl video_device.qi.idl --output video_proxy.go

Proxy usage

Finally, the main program which uses the proxy of ALVideoDevice to obtain a image from a camera:

package main

import (


const (
	topCam = 0
	vga    = 1
	rgb    = 13
	fps    = 30

func main() {
	// A Session object is used to connect the service directory.
	sess, err := app.SessionFromFlag()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to connect: %s", err)

	// Using this session, let's instanciate our service
	// constructor.
	services := Services(sess)

	// Using the constructor, we request a proxy to ALVideoDevice
	videoDevice, err := services.ALVideoDevice()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create video device: %s", err)

	// Configure the camera
	id, err := videoDevice.SubscribeCamera("me", topCam, vga, rgb, fps)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to initialize camera: %s", err)

	// Request an image
	img, err := videoDevice.GetImageRemote(id)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to retrieve image: %s", err)

	// GetImageRemote returns an value, let's cast it into a list
	// of values:
	values, ok := img.(value.ListValue)
	if !ok {
		log.Fatalf("invalid return type")
	// Let's extract the image data.
	width := values[0].(value.IntValue).Value()
	heigh := values[1].(value.IntValue).Value()
	pixels := values[6].(value.RawValue).Value()

	log.Printf("camera resolution: %dx%d\n", width, heigh)
	file, err := os.Create("image.rgb")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cannot create image: %s", err)
	defer file.Close()

You can convert the generate image into PNG format with:

ffmpeg -s 320x240 -pix_fmt rgb24 -i image.rgb image.png

Since a lot of code is generated, use go doc to browse the documentation of ALVideoDevice:

go doc .