Base Classes for other Monitors
monitor.cpp/Class_Monitor:Class Monitor - A class from which other monitors inherit.
init Function:Monitor(ros::NodeHandle &n, std::string monitorDescription, bool autoPublishing)
alternative Init:Monitor(std::string monitorDescription, bool autoPublishing)
description:setup and publish a monitoring_msgs/MonitoringArray.h in a timer-Callback with a given frequency
init Function: MonitoringSubscriber (ros::NodeHandle& n)
description: A class that subscribes to topic /monitoring and stores incomming messages in receivedArrays_
helper: waitAndSpin(ros::Duration dur = ros::Duration(0.1), int iterations = 50): Make sure the messages are received
helper: hasReceivedKey(std::string key): check if key - value is in the stored receivedArrays_
The Errorlevel is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 it can be any float value. They are further devided in 3 groups. Ok, Warn and Error states. Ok is between 0 and 0.35. Warn is till 0.7 and Error is till 1.0.
When monitoring a Value, not all values are required to be transmitted. Therefore an aggregation Startegiy can be selected:
You can change the mode in every config file.