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Godin - An opinionated toolkit for go-kit microservices

Work in progress, be careful.

After starting your journey into the realm of microservices with Go, you sooner or later start to get lazy and copy&paste stuff. Things get horrbile to maintain and all the joy of programming escapes.

Godin to the rescue! It helps you to create, update and maintain microservices using go-kit as foundation.

A quick summary of what Godin can do:

  • initialize a new microservice project including Makefile, Dockerfile and Kubernetes deployment/service manifests
  • generate a running go-kit microservice application based on a single service-interface.
  • update all necessary files with one command godin update and all new functions in the service interface are prepared
  • remove tedious copy&paste work when writing request/response de-/encoders
  • add new bundles to quickly up the game (mysql, mongodb, pub/sub, ...)
  • pre-generate tests

Built With

Getting Started



Head over to the Releases page and download the appropriate archive. Simply unpack, put the binary in your $PATH and you're ready to roll.


Examples are now hosted in a separate repository: godin-examples


Available commands

init initialize a new godin project in the current directory
update update the project in the current directory and regenerate necessary stuff
add add bundles to an existing project
version print godin version
help Help about any command

godin init

Calling godin init will generate the following project structure in the CWD. First you need to answer a few prompts to configure the project. You only have to do this once, after that the configuration is stored in godin.json

├── cmd
│   └── greeter
├── Dockerfile
├── godin.json
├── go.mod
├── internal
│   ├── grpc
│   └── service
│       ├── endpoint
│       ├── greeter
│       ├── middleware
│       │   └── middleware.go
│       └── service.go
└── pkg
    └── grpc

godin update

After writing out the service interface in internal/service/service.go, calling godin update will generate everything required to serve a gRPC server. Middleware will automatically be added based on the project configuration in godin.json.

This is the structure godin update currently creates

├── cmd
│   └── user
│       └── main.go
├── Dockerfile
├── godin.json
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   ├── grpc
│   │   ├── encode_decode.go
│   │   ├── request_response.go
│   │   └── server.go
│   └── service
│       ├── endpoint
│       │   ├── endpoints.go
│       │   ├── request_response.go
│       │   └── set.go
│       ├── middleware
│       │   ├── logging.go
│       │   └── middleware.go
│       ├── service.go
│       └── user
│           └── implementation.go
└── pkg
    └── grpc

Not all files will be generated fully every time update is executed. Below is a table to see which files you'd better not edit 😅.

File Mode
internal/service/middleware/middleware.go full
internal/service/middleware/logging.go update
internal/service/endpoint/endpoints.go update
internal/service/endpoint/request_response.go full
internal/service/endpoint/set.go full
internal/service/<serviceName>/implementation.go update
internal/grpc/request_response.go full
internal/grpc/server.go full
internal/grpc/encode_decode.go update


After godin init is called, everything is based off your service definition plus the godin.json. An example of such a config file is listed below.

  "godin": {
    "version": "0.3.0"
  "project": {
    "created": "Sun, 23 Jun 2019 10:15:02 CEST",
    "updated": "Sun, 23 Jun 2019 12:14:26 CEST"
  "protobuf": {
    "package": "",
    "service": "UserService"
  "service": {
    "endpoints": {
      "create": {
        "protobuf": {
          "request": "CreateRequest",
          "response": "CreateResponse"
      "delete": {
        "protobuf": {
          "request": "DeleteRequest",
          "response": "DeleteResponse"
      "get": {
        "protobuf": {
          "request": "GetRequest",
          "response": "GetResponse"
      "list": {
        "protobuf": {
          "request": "ListRequest",
          "response": "ListResponse"
    "middleware": {
      "authorization": false,
      "caching": false,
      "logging": true,
      "recovery": true
    "module": "",
    "name": "user",
    "namespace": "godin"
  "transport": {
    "grpc": {
      "enabled": true


There are three middleware levels: service, endpoint and transport

Service middleware

It's implementation specific and allows to define a middleware on domain-level. Here you have full access to request and response data of the business logic (implementation.go). By default, Godin will generate and maintain a logging middleware which logs the request and response data, errors and the execution time of your business logic.

Other use-cases of service middlewares are:

  • caching
  • authentication
  • monitoring of business metrics (users_logged_in, queue_size, ...)

Endpoint middleware

It's only provided by godin and is applicable to every endpoint. The middleware does only have interface{} access to the request and response data. This makes the endpoint middleware a great place to put all the annoying stuff which most of the developers should not have to deal with, like:

  • Endpoint instrumentation (prometheus)
  • Circuit breaking
  • Distributed tracing
  • Rate limiting
  • General logging (endpoint request duration)

Currently, Godin does not provide all of those middlewares. The following are implemented:

  • Prometheus endpoint instrumentation (exposed via
    • endpoint_request_duration_ms
    • endpoint_requests_current
    • endpoint_requests_total
  • General logging to capture endpoint request duration
  • Circuit breaking
  • Rate limiting
  • Distributed tracing

Transport middleware

It's (obviously) transport specific. Godin is currently only providing a gRPC server as that's it's main use-case. In the future, HTTP might follow.

Godin automatically registers the go-grpc-prometheus interceptors. Thus these metrics are also registered and available via /metrics.

Tips and tricks

Rename protobuf request/responses

By default, Godin will construct Protobuf requests and responses like this: <EndpointName>Request and <EndpointName>Response. This might not always be correct as Godin does not parse the protobuf definition. If you need to change the name of a request/response, proceed as follows:

  • call godin update to generate the default names and also to ensure that the endpoint exists in godin.json
  • refactor the app (search and replace) to use the new request for example. Search for: *pb.<Endpoint>Request and replace with your actual name. Then also replace the name in godin.json
  • calling godin update will now work as expected again, but using your custom type name


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.