Make boolean reflection work. Make CoqHammer usable with MathComp: this will probably require much more than just making boolean reflection work, probably including most of the points below.
Omit (some) type arguments (inductive type parameters? implicit type arguments?) to polymorphic functions/constructors (e.g. cons). Is it possible to determine which arguments are implicit at the Coq kernel level? Yes:
.The easy thing to do first is to just omit the arguments declared as implicit. Then try inductive type parameters? Think about other possibilities.
Omit (some) type guards when the type may be inferred. For example,
- forall x : nat, Even(x) -> phi
probably may be translated to
- forall x, Even(x) -> phi',
because Even(x) implies nat(x).
A non-trivial problem is to precisely formulate a general criterion, and prove it correct for a reasonable subset of CIC.
(partly done) For reconstruction: look at the inversion (also discrimination, injection -- less useful?) axioms used in the ATP proofs and add them to the context before invoking a reconstruction tactic. Or use the inversion axioms to specify the "inverting" option of the reconstruction tactics. Make some intelligent use of other information contained in the atp_info data structure (src/plugin/provers.mli). Also look at the axioms for matches, which may sometimes be used by the ATPs to do inversion (see point 7).
Try to use even more information from ATP runs. Dig deeper into ATP proofs.
Heuristic monomorphisation (instantiation of polymorphic definitions with types). It is important to do this on the translation level and not leave it to the ATPs, because then the translation output may be further optimised. For example,
- forall (A : Type) (x : A), phi
is translated to
- forall A, T(A, Type) -> forall x, T(x, A) -> phi',
but in an instantiated version the type guards may be optimised, e.g. for instantiation with nat to:
- forall x, nat(x) -> phi'.
The monomorphisation is especially important for higher-order statements, whose translations are now not very usable by the ATPs. See e.g. the inversion axiom for List.Forall (Hammer_transl "List.Forall").
Optimise type guards for parameterised types. For instance, forall x : list nat, phi is translated to
- forall x, T(x, list nat) -> phi',
but should be to
- forall x, list_nat(x) -> phi'.
This will work well in combination with heuristic monomorphisation.
The above example of list with nat parameter is simple, but types in Coq can be complicated. Can we do something when some of the type parameters contain occurrences of variables bound externally? For example:
- forall x y, T(x, A) -> T(y, list (Q x)) -> phi.
We can, e.g., have an optimised type guard list(Q x, y) or list_Q(x,y). What are other possibilities? What if T(y, list (Q nat)), maybe then list_Q_nat(y)? This problem probably involves much experimentation trying to figure out the right way of doing this.
Try breaking up the axiom for matches into one axiom for each constructor. E.g. instead of translating
- match x with 0 => t1 | S y => t2 end
- forall x, nat(x) -> (x = 0 /\ F x = t1') \/ (exists y, nat(y) /\ x = S y /\ F x = t2')
use two axioms:
- F 0 = t1'[0/x]
- forall y, nat(y) -> F (S(y)) = t2'[S(y)/x]
Note that in point 2 the guard nat(y) should be omitted if
is true (this is analogous to omitting type guards for free variables of lambda-lifted expressions).This is related to program extraction. See Pierre Letouzey’s Ph.D. thesis.
Try giving symbol ordering hints to ATPs. There is a natural order on constants: c1 > c2 if transitive-closure(c2 occurs in the definition of c1). This ordering, lifted to lexicographic path order, seems to work well in the reconstruction tactics. See src/lib/lpo.ml and the implementation of rewriting actions in src/tactics/sauto.ml. Extend this idea, try different orderings.
Properly handle functions which use dependent types in a non-trivial way. Properly handle case analysis for small propositional inductive types. Properly handle sig, sigT, etc., and prod, sum, etc. with propositional arguments. For example, given
Definition h (x y z : nat) (p : x = y /\ y = z) : {u : nat | x = u} := match p with | conj p1 p2 => exist (fun u => x = u) z (eq_trans p1 p2) end.
the function
has typeforall x y z : nat, x = y /\ y = z -> {u : nat | x = u}
It should be translated to a definition of a function
- forall x y z, h(x, y, z) = z
and a specification axiom derived from the type
- forall x y z, x = y /\ y = z -> x = h(x, y, z)
Currently, no function definition for h is generated. Neither is the specification axiom. Only an unusable typing axiom for h is generated.
A similar problem is considered in Pierre Letouzey’s Ph.D. thesis, but there the goal is only code extraction, so there is no need to generate the specification axioms derived from types. In addition to program extraction, we need to do specification extraction.
Explicitly state the types of non-trivial terms. E.g. if f:nat->nat and 0:nat and (f 0) occurs (in the goal or hypothesis?) then state (f 0):nat as an axiom. More general: consider non-trivial terms as possible premises. This ties in with monomorphisation. What types to choose for instantiating e.g. list? Do machine-learning premise selection with (list nat), (list Z), etc. among premises.
Improvements in premise selection: better features, other algorithms? Special status for head constants?
Translation to HOL. Factor the translation, including a HOL intermediate stage: Coq -> CIC_0 -> HOL -> applicative FOL -> FOL. Try using higher-order ATPs.
Write a custom version of the
tactic which does unification modulo "simple" (equational?) reasoning. See the smart matching of Matita. -
Optional use of classical logic.
- Remove dependence on "grep".
- Make the plugin work on Windows.