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Chunkr Kubernetes


GPU Setup [Required]

For GKE Users

No additional setup required - GKE automatically handles NVIDIA drivers and device plugins for GPU nodes.

For Other Kubernetes Distributions

If you're not using GKE, follow these steps:

  1. Install NVIDIA operator with time-slicing following the instructions at:
# Add the NVIDIA Helm repository
helm repo add nvidia \
  && helm repo update

# Install the GPU Operator
helm install --wait --generate-name \
  -n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
  nvidia/gpu-operator \

kubectl create -f time-slicing-config-all.yaml -n gpu-operator

kubectl patch clusterpolicy/cluster-policy \
  -n gpu-operator \
  --type merge \
  -p '{"spec": {"devicePlugin": {"config": {"name": "time-slicing-config-all", "default": "any"}}}}'

Ingress Setup [Required]

Choose ONE of the following ingress methods:

Option 1: Cloudflare Tunnel [Recommended]

This option uses Cloudflare Tunnels for both ingress and SSL termination. This is recommended for simpler setup and better security.

Follow the setup instructions at:

Option 2: NGINX Ingress Controller + Cloudflare SSL [In Development - Not Recommended]

This option uses NGINX for ingress and Cloudflare for SSL termination.

  1. Install NGINX Ingress Controller:
# Check if NGINX ingress controller is already installed
kubectl get pods -A | grep nginx-ingress
# or
kubectl get ingressclass

# If not installed, you can install it using Helm:
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
  1. Set up Cloudflare SSL Certificate:
    • Log in to Cloudflare Dashboard and navigate to your domain
    • Go to SSL/TLS tab > Origin Server
    • Click "Create Certificate"
    • Choose "Let Cloudflare generate a private key and CSR"
    • Add your domain and subdomains (e.g.,, *
    • Select RSA (2048) key type
    • Download the certificate files as origin.crt and origin.key
    • Create the TLS secret in Kubernetes:
    kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --cert=origin.crt --key=origin.key
    kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --cert=origin.crt --key=origin.key -n chunkr


Note: By default postgres, redis, and S3 use the filesystem. Optionally, you can use your own external providers. Click here to learn more about external providers

1. Setup Secrets

Create and configure your secrets:

# Create a secrets directory 
mkdir -p secrets/local

# Copy the example secrets
cp secrets/chunkr-secret.example.yaml secrets/local/chunkr-secret.yaml

Edit and apply your secrets:

# 1. Edit each secret file with your values
vim secrets/local/chunkr-secret.yaml  # or use your preferred editor

# 2. Create namespace and apply secrets
kubectl create namespace chunkr

# 3. Apply/update all secrets at once
kubectl apply -f secrets/local/ -n chunkr

2. Install with Helm

Choose one of the following installation methods:

Basic Installation:

helm install chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \

Custom Domain Installation with Cloudflare Tunnel:

helm install chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --create-namespace \
  --set ingress.subdomains.root=false \
  --set "services.web.ingress.subdomain=chunkr" \
  --set "services.server.ingress.subdomain=chunkr-api" \
  --set "services.keycloak.ingress.subdomain=chunkr-auth" \
  --set "services.minio.ingress.subdomain=chunkr-s3" \
  --set ingress.type=cloudflare \
  --set cloudflared.enabled=true \
  --set cloudflared.config.tunnelName=YOUR_TUNNEL_NAME

Installation with TLS (Cloudflare):

helm install chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --create-namespace \
  --set ingress.tls.enabled=true \
  --set ingress.tls.secretName=tls-secret


To update the deployment, use one of the following methods:

Basic Update:

helm upgrade chunkr ./charts/chunkr --namespace chunkr

Update with Configuration Changes:

# Example: Update domain settings
helm upgrade chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set \
  --set "services.web.ingress.subdomain=new-chunkr"


helm uninstall chunkr --namespace chunkr

External providers

Storage Classes

By default, the storage class is set to "standard" which works for GCP. For other cloud providers, you'll need to specify the appropriate storage class:

  • GCP: standard
  • AWS: gp2 or gp3
  • Azure: default or managed-premium
  • On-premise/Others: default

You can set the storage class during installation or upgrade:

# For GCP (default)
helm install chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set global.storageClass=standard

# For AWS
helm install chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set global.storageClass=gp2

# For Azure
helm install chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set global.storageClass=managed-premium

S3 provider

By default, the S3 provider is set to MinIO. You must set the credentials for the external S3 provider in the chunkr-secret.yaml file.

# Update the chunkr-secret.yaml file with the credentials for the external S3 provider

# Disable MinIO
helm upgrade chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set services.minio.enabled=false


helm upgrade chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set services.postgres.enabled=false \
  --set "common.standardEnv[4].name=PG__URL" \
  --set "common.standardEnv[4].value=postgresql://user:password@your-external-postgres:5432/dbname"


helm upgrade chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set services.redis.enabled=false \
  --set "common.standardEnv[6].name=REDIS__URL" \
  --set "common.standardEnv[6].value=redis://your-external-redis:6379"

GPU Compatibility

The embeddings service supports different GPU architectures through specific Docker images. By default, it uses the Ampere 80 architecture (A100, A30, etc) with image

For the most up-to-date information about supported GPU architectures and their corresponding image tags, please refer to Text Embeddings Inference Supported Models Documentation

Example upgrade with GPU-specific image tag:

helm upgrade chunkr ./charts/chunkr \
  --namespace chunkr \
  --set services.embeddings.image.tag=turing-1.6  # Replace with your GPU-specific tag